Hi Guys! Had this sudden need to write this fanfic!

I know its quite short but it's just a start. I promise the chapters will get longer

Hope you like it!



"She said she had important business to see to. I suppose it can't be helped. She is a spy after all."

"Come on Cammie. She's had important business to see to for the past bloody month. Spy or not she must have time to fit in a visit to see her daughter." My best friend Bex said to me over the phone as I sat eating my breakfast.

"But Bex, she been acting really strange recently. So has Joe. My Mom has been calling me almost every day saying that she was just checking up on me. And Joe has been coming round my place every day too. Come on I'm a spy for god's sake. I think I can look after myself alright!" I explained.

"Strange. Your mom has been her office constantly. Patricia is always the one who makes the announcements too. Actually thinking about it I haven't seen your mom in days. I'll get Liz to look into it for you. Don't worry Cam, I'm sure it's nothing, bearing in mind that the whole world thinks your dead!"

"Very true, well nice talking to you Bex but gotta go. Don't want to be late for school now do I?"

"Haha no alright see ya." And with that I put the phone down.

Sorry I suppose I should really have introduced myself. My name is Isabella 'Izzy' Cameron, I am 17 years old and attend Roseville High...Ok if you hadn't guessed it already my name isn't really Isabella, that's just a cover. My real name is Cameron 'Cammie' Morgan and I'm a spy. My codename is 'Chameleon' and I am ranked one of the best junior spies out there. Obviously only every few know that I am the chameleon. In fact most people think me dead. After my father went MIA I became an international terrorist target, therefore my mom and Joe thought it be best to fake m death so that I could be safe. That also meant I had to leave the Gallagher Academy and change my name to Isabella Cameron. I live in a small apartment on my own in Roseville and I attend school there. No one knows who and what I really am. Only my mom, Joe and my three best friends know I'm even alive.

I made my way through the corridor making my way to my locker, and I was greeted by smiles from almost everyone. No way was I the most popular girl in the school but I did know almost everyone in School and they all like me. I open my locker to get out my books for first lesson when one of my best friends Rose can running up to me.

"Oh my God, Izzy never guess what happened! Eric just asked me out!" Rose squealed in excitement.

"Oh my Gosh I'm so happy for you!" I hugged my friend tight. Rose was tall and had long blonde hair. She had an amazing figure as she danced and swam.

"He asked me on a date tonight too so you'll have to come round after school to help me pick and outfit!" Rose continued to hug me tight.

"Yeah sure thing Bud." She let go of me and her mouth went into a massive grin.

"Eeee there he is! Gotta go Izzy see ya." And with that she ran off to go with Eric. I grabbed my books and made my way to first lesson. English with Mr Mirian. My initial clock told me it was 8:58. Therefore I only had 2minutes to get to my lesson and the English block was at the other end of the school. I shut my locker and started to run to my lesson. As I turned the corner I ran into something hard. Or should I say someone.

"I am so sorry." Said a boy who I didn't recognise. He bent down to help pick up my books. He was tall with dark brown hair and gorgeous emerald green eyes. You could tell he was quite muscly meaning that he must work out quite a bit. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Do you need the school nurse?"

"No I'm quite alright thank you but I really will be late for my lesson if I don't get going." I started to walk away "Thanks anyway" I continued my run to my lesson wondering who on earth that boy was.

"So Isabella, would you care to explain why you are late to the rest of the class?" Mr Mirian asked. Just as I was conjuring up some perfectly reasonable excuse about how there had been a mix up with my timetable and another girls and how I had to go to the office and the bell went when it was busy being sorted out, I was interrupted by someone.

"Izzy was just showing me to my lesson, Sir. I got lost and we have the same timetable so she said she would show me to this lesson." The boy who I had ran into in the corridor said, as he appeared from behind me, smirking.

"Ah you must be the new student, Zachary. As you and Isabella have the same timetable she can be your guide for the rest of the week." Mr Mirian said as I mentally died. I had enough to deal with at the moment than to also have to show the new boy around. "The pair of you can take the two empty seats at the back of the class." I made my way to my seat, quietly cursing in Farsi under my breath. When I sat down Zachary leaned over to me and whispered "There some bad words you're saying there Izzy." I was just about to ask how he knew what had been saying (as after all it was in Farsi) when I realized that he had just talked to me in Swahili. My mouth dropped as he sat there smirking.

"Who do you think you are Zachary?" I said in Farsi. He paused a while to think before replying.

"Someone who knows who you are." He said in Swahili, "Cammie." This was the point where I started completely freaking out.

Why I was freaking out

A list by Cameron Morgan

A new boy has just appeared out of nowhere and seems to know more about me than I would like anyone to know.

This new boy could speak both Farsi and Swahili (both of which aren't everyday languages that teenage boys can speak fluently).

He called me Cammie

Hope you liked it!

Please review!

If I get more than 5 reviews I'll update tomorrow
