Epilogue: May time Come Undone

A girl, not even 3, ran up the stone steps her beautiful dark auburn hair, flying behind her. "Mum, Da!" She called into the mass of people at the celebration.

A man with bright red hair, picked her up from no where, "And what do you need, my Istar?" The girl pointed to where a boy, with thin brown hair and bright silver eyes stood, smirking.

"Drake was being mean to me." She said, her eyes wide and sad, her bottom lip protruding just a little. Ron smiled slightly, trying not to laugh.

"Well, then you can stay with me and do boring adult things, how about that?" Ron said decisively.

The girl nodded and leaned on her fathers shoulder as he held her.

"Decimus core!" a voice shouted from behind him and he turned to a woman, her short blonde hair back in a tie.

She smiled at him, her glasses making her eyes look less friendly then they really were. "Good even, Dora." He greeted.

"good even to you too Ron, how's Ray these days?" The female smiled, sipping her drink.

"She's fine, her line of clothing is about to release their winter wardrobe, so she's stressed out beyond belief, I had to practically drag her here tonight." He explained.

Dora smirked, "I see, well, she does run the most popular clothing line in both the muggle and wizarding worlds. That is a lot of responsibility."

"How's work at the embassy going?" Ron asked, a playful smile on his lips.

"Muggles are quiet inclined to believe there is no such thing as magic even though there is an embassy sitting right in the middle of town, how do you think my work is going? Not to mention until I'm Ambassador, nothing will get done, the muggles at least trust me, nothing against Alicia of course, but she's Magical born and raised, she knows nothing of the muggle world."

"You just happen to a muggle that the magical community adopted." Ron tweaked her nose.

"Yes, that would be the case." Dora glared.

"Now come on, your cousin Alicia isn't all that bad, she was a great chaser if I remember."

"Perhaps she should have joined a Quidditch Team then, she has no right in politics!" Dora explained. "She loses track of the currency exchange everyday, she doesn't even know what a treaty is!"

"There, there Dora." A calm voice sounded hugging her from behind, "At least we have you in there, or it would be a complete disaster."

"Ray, your just lucky you got famous."

"Lucky, my friend?" She smiled and went to hug and kiss her husband and child, "This is what makes me feel lucky."

A glass chimed, and everyone's attention went to the front of the room where the Prime Minister of Magical Britain stood.

Her hair was brown and curly, her eyes soft yet stern. "Good even, my fellows and welcome to yet another ministry Christmas Ball." She smiled and set down her glass. "I'm not so great at speeches as Dumbledore. But then again, who was? Its been four years since the downfall of a great evil, four years since we all lost a mentor, a friend, perhaps one as close as family." Heads fell in the memory of Harry and Albus's deaths. "Its been six years since I myself graduated from Hogwarts. Next year, the time I spent there will have seemed entirely too short. Since my graduation our world has seen a great many changes among it, from sorrow to joy.

We lost some closest to us, Hanna Abbott," she paused, "Tom Draconis" She paused again, "Pansy Parkinson," She looked up, "Those who were most closest to me, and my friends, we will miss you, and of Course, Harry Potter, who lived, to die to live on forever. The Great Albus Dumbledore, May the world be blessed to see another man such as himself. Severus Snape, who showed his loyalty just when we needed it the most.

The world has changed too, in positive ways. No longer are we separate from the muggle world, our own gradually dying ahs been revived. Muggles and Wizards alike are talking, making peace. Two muggles, who are also two of my oldest, dearest friends are here tonight. Doreen Spinet and Rachel Weasley." Both were applauded. Our new Embassy to Muggle Britain has been working diligently towards making it so our world isn't entered by non magical beings, but is still existent to the muggles. St. Mungo's is open treating muggles of illnesses we have long since cured with magic." Once again there was applause. "Once, six years ago, I was able to see the world around me in its truest form," Things quieted. "Since that time I have lost my gift, but I still see the world now, as on its way to a new dawn of existence. My Husband, bless his heart, could not be here today. He is working, you see." People around her smiled. "My husband, for those who don't know, is currently in America, founding a much needed school of magic there, however, one of his Co-founders is here tonight, Mr. Ronald Weasley?" Once again their was applause. "Time marches us all foreword. On this night of magic, Christmas eve, children will go to bed, and tomorrow their eyes will brighten as they race to open their presents. Time, is a very precious thing. Even if the world is about to be destroyed, it will faithfully pull us onward. It will get us through the tough, into the good. Time heals most wounds, only those of the heart are unaffected. They say Time deals with the heart, where it is not present, time is, and where time isn't, the heart is.

"This evening, may time come undone, and let our hearts be filled with joy, for our losses and our gains have seen us all here this day, smiling and well as can be hoped for." She raised her glass one more time and drank it down fully. The rest of the guests did the same.

She walked down the steps into the sea of people chatting, and patting her on the back, walking until she reached her friends. She hugged Ron tight.

"Good speech Mione." He congratulated.

"Good speech," Her friends echoed.

"Auntie Mione?" a small voice spoke and the lady looked at the girl half asleep in her fathers arms.

"What is it Istar?" She asked sweetly, combing the child's hair with her hands.

"Tell cousin Drake to leave me alone, he's so mean."

Hermione smiled, "Of course dear, I'll tell him, but I don't think he'll stop."

"Why is that auntie Mione?"

"Because he sees you as his little sister, and he loves you." She kissed her fore head and looked to her friends, "I had better find Drake, Good night all of you, I should go. Draco will be expecting us home before midnight."

They all nodded. Ron put Istar down for a moment as all three dropped to their knees in a sign of respect.

"Go well, Our queen."

Hermione smiled, and curtsied, and left.

Once she was out of sight they all stood.

"Da, why did you just kneel before auntie Mione?" Istar asked confused.

"Because, once a while back, Auntie Mione was the queen of hearts." Her mother answered, brushing her hair out of her daughters face, "She could change the world as she saw it, and she made sure that her power made everyone smile. She was a good queen."

What Ray, Dora and Ron did not mention was that Hermione was a queen, crowned by the magical creatures of Britain three years ago, and that they, were her own guard.

It all was because less than six years ago, Hermione was half of a Faerie, and her other Half died to Voldemort, saving the world from the faeries magic.

However, four years back, right as Voldemort died, Hermione felt her soul become strong again. Kat had been hiding in Voldemort, weakening him, all that time.

When Kat rejoined Hermione, she was not herself a full faerie, as she had already died, so when Hermione became a faerie from their joining, her powers were not chaotic like a faeries power should be.

Hermione hid this from all of the Witches, Wizards, and Muggles, but she was crowned Queen, as Faeries were once crowned before they were banished.

The world had, since the crowning, seen miracles, which no one could logically explain. If any of the elder witches or wizards knew what had caused the miracles to return to the earth, they knew better than to speak about it.

Charlie Weasley however, knew something had happened that night Hermione was wed to Draco.

All of the dragons in his region, had took to the skies circling, connected, and that night, time had stopped.

That night, Istar was born.


Yes, its over, that's why its called "Epilogue".

No you will not see a story about Istar, though if you go back and read this one, I'm sure you'll figure out what is so special about her.

No its not obvious, but if you are curious I beg you to try.

I will not allow anyone to write a sequel, nor will I write one.

If this chapter seemed rushed I'm sorry, but there was no other way to end it.

Review for one last time.