Author notes: This is my first attempt at writing fan fiction so kindly please bear with me. As I'm on vacations I thought of doing something with my spare time. I'm writing this on request and encouragement of my friends to put down my thoughts into writing. As I've mentioned in my bio ambrollins is my favorite slash couple/otp. I just love them and have really immersed my self into them so I guess it's like joyride writing about them. Hope you people like it as much as I like writing them.

Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

Robert frost

Those lines describe the fire and ice nature and mainly are just words to explain the enticing nature of two individual so similar yet so different named Dean and Seth. Both have destructive force and violent streak but when seen closely they need each other when things go out of control.

Dean Ambrose can be described as the fire in all this. They say if you play with fire you get burned and if you piss off someone like him that would get you blown up as such was his fiery nature. In his own words he was young, angry, poor, dangerous and somewhat eccentric to say the least. Dean was never the type to make friends or mingle in society and saying he was a strange dude would not do justice enough. He liked brutality, aggressiveness and was never intimidated by anyone. But for some odd reason both guys and girls desired him maybe they loved his carefree nature or the fact that he would kill you as much as he would like to fuck you nature kept them coming. Born on the streets of Cincinnati he always dreamt to be a top wwe superstar and would go to any extent for it. Achieving such a dream was not easy and he had made many sacrifices not only physically but emotionally as well but success was incidental.

Seth Rollins was as cool as ice could be. Lovable, responsible, charming, soft spoken was his few characteristics to say the least. One of the few people in this word has power to turn everything around in just a wave and Seth would be one of them. He was every girl's dream and was usually the one who didn't had to try to hard to get anything because guess what he was just a sweetheart. Nobody ever hated him nor did he. He was what could be considered a well grown urban city boy raised in Davenport IOWA among his loved ones. His dream too was to become a top wwe superstar. And to say he achieved it would be an understatement considering the support and respect he got from his colleagues in very short amount of time.

'Man I'm getting nervous' Dean said to his partners as they were about to do this shield angle while they stood there watching punk vs. ryback vs. cena match waiting for their time to intervene in the match. He was not just nervous but was psyched to an extent that he felt like he could blow up in million pieces as it was his wwe debut the one he had waited for his entire life. To say he was confused and doubted that this was a great way to begin his career would not be justifiable. 'Calm down' said Seth who was standing right next to him at the entrance of the arena. Roman agreed and just gave a slight nod. Dean was getting agitated so he told them that he was going to get water or something to cool down since there was still some time left for them to break through as they were told by the wwe official near to them.

Just as dean was about to walk his eyes met Seth's and both in a rare unspoken eye language said something which only they could understand and no one in entire world. 'I'm coming to' declared Seth to both of them and roman didn't mind as he stood alone for them to leave. Dean was waking a little faster than Seth and he almost had to run to try to catch up with him. But just as dean moved a little more faster Seth called him from behind but to no avail as dean kept rushing and suddenly stopped when he saw an empty locker room before he got in and without any hesitation Seth went in too and locked them safely inside. He could feel dean all tensed up and gasping deep breaths. He couldn't hear clearly but he realized dean was murmuring to himself something. He watched Dean face the wall with his forehead covering under his right arm. Seth was scared to say the least but this isn't 2011 that they were just getting to know each other or something.

Dean and Seth were just friends would be inapplicable as in these one and half years they had become an integral part of each others life as to speak. It seemed like where ever Dean went Seth was there. Call it attraction, likeness, fondness or simply love. They were inseparable and everyone around wwe knew if you mess with one of them the other one is always coming after you. They knew there friendship was difficult as they were polar opposites but the love they had for this business and more than that the trust they shared with each other was more than any assurance they needed to be together. Seth gave a small chuckle when he recollected that this was exactly the way or almost same scenario when they first spoke whole heartedly to each other when Seth was nervous for his match with Dean but only this times its reverse. Dean turned around slowly when he heard the chuckle and almost harshly blurted out 'something funny or this situation amuses you to see me here all messed up huh?' his cold blue piercing eyes were on Seth now and it looked as the fire which lurked within him had just come out. 'no my Deany I'm just…well I'm ..' Seth paused and had to contain himself from bursting out in laughter by the look on Dean's face as he realized it wouldn't be wise at all to infuriate him. 'Deany don't you remember the first time we spoke it was I who was tensed and with your pep talk I felt relaxed I just feel it is amusing to see the other way round'. 'Huh' dean said with annoyance in his voice 'where is your pep talk all you are doing is chuckling to yourself'.

He just in a flash came close to dean so close that he could feel him breathing and he looked deep in his eyes and said 'you don't need any pep talk. You are the stronger one in here and the one with magical powers of spinning every thing around. I trust you and i know that this is the day that everybody's gonna remember forever because we are going to leave a mark on this company.. you and me together just like we wanted'. Hearing this Dean couldn't contain himself and hugged him tightly as Seth too closed his arms around him tightening the grip. He was stroking dean's hair with his hand and then dean whispered in the nape of his neck 'god…what would I do without you sethie...i could have never made it if it wasn't for you to support me entire year when I kept losing my shit. Will you always be there for me?' Seth lifted his head to look in Dean's eyes and gave a small smile before he spoke 'you and me forever...Ok'. They both stared at each other and Seth kissed dean's forehead before they let go off each other and walked back to arena's entrance.

Now was the time and when they came, conquered and left. The entire world was buzzing with anticipation. Some with amusement, some with excitement and others with question as to why, what and where these three came from and did what they did. They left a mark alright and as the night turned into morning entire pro wresting world was going gaga about the great future ahead of them. They finally did it and did it in an unnerving fashion that it left everyone with million questions. Dean was sleeping peacefully in his bed when he felt his unruly hair being pushed back from his face and he slowly opened his eyes to see Seth sitting on the corner of the bed and leaning over him. He quickly remembered that last night after survivor series the three of them got drunk so badly but at least Seth was somehow able to carry dean to their double bed room. 'Morning deany ...did you sleep well? 'And before he could say something else dean pulled himself up and put his arms around Seth and inhaled 'as a matter of fact I did sethie. Has there been any word around about what people are thinking of our debut'. Seth looked up in dean's eyes 'they all loved it and are curious to know what we will do next'.

Dean smiled and kissed Seth's forehead before he got up to take shower. When dean left the room, Seth felt a stream of tear roll down from his eye due to the memory of last night realizing how hard they worked to get to where they were now and maybe dean would never know this but Seth always had these feelings for dean he never understood. In the shower while water was strolling down dean's body he could feel stream of water flowing from his eyes but was it that exactly or a tear. God he knew he wanted Seth but could the fire within him finally be allowed to lash out to the frozen ice blocks. To be a true friend is one thing but real love is another and will this ever work the fiery flames of Dean entangled with Seth's icy flakes?

Just the beginning of something beautiful in ambrollins world. please review and let me know what you guys think..