I know there are some grammar errors. If you find some errors, please let me know. I would be happy to change that. Also, I know there is a wrong year date. I wrote back in 2012.
Please no rude comments. Thank you. Hope you enjoy reading it. :)
December 2, 1879
It was a cold and terrible winter. A monster blizzard stormed outside. A strong wind blew hard, almost like if the hurricane was coming. A vision sight was poor like a foggy. Heavy snows poured down hard. Load of snow packed up quickly, even they hardly see roads. Snows pounded hard against a window.
While she was sitting on the chair, the young intelligent seventeen year old girl, Estella Ibbs glanced out a window, pondering hard. She didn't know how long it had been last. She was busy thinking about what she should do. A million of thoughts flew out to her mind in many different directions out of nowhere, almost driving her brain to explode. She can't even think straight. It was too much for her.
She flinched at the sound of tapping against a wine glass. She pulled her gaze away from the window to look at the older man who stood, continually tapped the wine glass with a spoon. He had a wide smile on his face but barely showed his teeth.
"I like to toast someone." John Rivers spoke a bit loud enough to be heard. Everybody stopped chanting and murmuring, turned their full attention to him.
"Estella," John nodded his head toward the young woman who sat at the end of the elongated table beside her father and the young man goes by Douglas Rivers on each side. "I shall you be honor to be my new daughter. I would like to toast Estella for wedding." John lifted his glass up in the air. "To Estella."
"To Estella." Everybody repeated, boosting their glasses up.
"Why thank you," Estella blushed. Douglas reached out to squeeze her hand and gave her a warm smile.
The door opened. Estella's eyes went dart to the kitchen door. The fifteen year old girl with a sullen face walked around the table, serving breads to the table. Then she caught Estella's glimpse.
Their eyes met each other.
"Thank you, Hannah. Go get us some soy milk for us. Please." Sam Ibbs pulled a napkin out and tucked in his collar. Hannah glanced down at Mr. Ibbs and then she gave Estella a frightened look before she left.
All of a sudden, Estella felt a wave of uneasy all over her. She wasn't certain to know why she had a bad feeling like as if Hannah needed to tell her something's wrong. She decided she will deal with it later. She washed her intense feeling away and pulled her full attention to the crowd. She rejoined in and smiled at everybody who congrats her for engagement.
One week later, the entire house was eerily dark and desolated. No signs of anybody. Lights in the kitchen were off. Everything was pitch-black and silent except a sound coming from the living room, the music was on. The black disc whirled around. Round. Round.
Estella's beautiful face turned into cold and gray flesh, she laid on her side on the wooden stairs, unmoved.
Her body was scrawled around on the middle of the stairs that was halfway to the bottom. Her eyes were closed. Her neck was cocked into a strange angle.
The black disc spun around. Round… Round…
133 years later…
It was beginning of January, a cold winter approached outside. Inside the whole precinct was quiet and almost vacant. Everybody were gone except a few people who stayed, concentrating on their own cases. Lilly Rush was one of them.
She felt like the entire police business slowed down. She already had plans to leave work early and go home. She wanted to make a nice hot tea and snuggle into the comfortable bed all alone with no interrupts at her door. She finished a last paperwork, closed a brown folder, and tucked it into the drawer.
The bell rang as the elevator door opened.
The young light-skinned woman with a black braid hair stepped out from the elevator with a heavy-looking guy in the shabby suit.
"You won't believe what my daughter wants to call her child's name." Kat Miller said.
"What is it?" Nick Vera said.
"Mahatma Gandhi."
Nick looked at her strangely. Kat held her hands up, "Don't look at me. My child is weird but hey, she is ten."
Nick chuckled.
"Or she wants to call her child, Curtis."
"After Curtis Bell the A.D.A?"
"No. After Phil from the Future show," Kat smirked at how Nick got jealous pretty quick about Curtis Bell who she used to date last year. "Can't help but being jealous?"
"I'm not jealous." Kat can tell that Nick lied.
"Okay, suit yourself." She said.
"Ready?" Lilly said to Kat.
"I'm going home and sleep. My daughter will sleep over at her friend's house tonight which means I will be alone in the whole peaceful house, so hell yeah."
Lilly chuckled. She grabbed her purse and jacket.
Scotty came out from another room, he saw the gang standing around, about ready to leave.
"Wait for me." Scotty held his finger up in the air as he scurried toward them. Lilly began to follow Kat and Nick to the elevator.
Scotty caught up with Lilly, walked along with her. "That's a good thing we are finally going home early."
"Yeah, believe or not, it is my first time since."
"I was supposed to meet my brother and his wife for dinner this evening but turned out it is cancelled since Emilio got sick. They can't find a babysitter so they had to stay home and take care of him. That means I'm going home and get myself dinner all alone." Scotty let out a disappointed sigh at the last words.
"That sounds great." Lilly joked lightly.
"I once asked Nick and Kat to come over so I can get a company but they already got their own plans. So, it's up to you. Don't you want to have dinner with me?"
"Gee, I don't know…" Lilly said with a considered look. "Are you going to buy dinner?"
Scotty began to chuckle.
"I actually thought about cooking dinner."
"Oh… well, you know that I'm a big fan of homemade foods."
"Great. I'm thinking about making, 'The Famous Italian Baked Ziti'. Do you want some?"
"As long as I heard the "famous" word that means that might be good. So, I'm in." Lilly said.
"Good." Scotty grinned. "Gladly, that I have a company tonight."
Once they were about to get into the elevator, Detective John Stillman came out from his office.
"Ah. You are all here." Detective John Stillman approached to the crew. His hands were in his pocket. He fixed a serious gaze at them.
"Yeah, we are about to leave." Scotty reported.
"I'm afraid so. You can't leave yet."
"Why?" Kat pulled her eyebrows down.
"I had a long talk with my good friend today. He worked on the history of family trees. He tracked down on his ancestors and found out that one of the family member's good friends is murdered. The case was unsolved since. He really wanted to know about her death or what happened to her. He asked me for a favor. I finally gave in. I have to return a favor for him. Look like we have an open case for you, guys. It has been a tiny problem."
All detectives let out a loud groan. Lilly guessed that her plan had not worked out. Her plan was ruined. She let her purse sliding down her arm.
"What case?" Nick sighed.
"What problem?" Scotty said.
"Okay, I admit that. It is actually a huge problem." John said.
"Well, tell us." Kat said.
"What is it?" Lilly glanced at his face carefully.
He pressed his lips tightly before he opened his mouth, "Okay, you won't like this but… It happened in late 1800s."
Lilly's eyes grew wide, her jaws almost dropped.
"I'm sorry?" Scotty said as if he told him to come again.
Nick turned to Lilly, "If we find her killer, shall we need to dig a grave and arrest a dead body then?"
"Well, it will be easier if we got ourselves a ghost whisperer." Lilly muttered.
Back to the storage where the detectives hung around, reading old stuffs that John Stillman gave them. A bunch of old pictures, a few of yellow faded papers, and an old diary.
"No way that we will find some lead." Lilly said.
"That's impossible." Kat shook her head.
"You need me to call Melinda Gordon?" Nick said with a joke tone as he walked into the storage room.
"Ha-ha, very funny." Kat said dryly.
"Oh, look at what I found." Scotty picked up a small torn yellowish paper from a diary.
Lilly snatched it out and studied on the small golden piece of note. It was written in tiny black cursive.
"I barely read that one." Scotty said, looking over her shoulder.
Lilly brought the note to her face to take a closer look.
"You make a big mistake…" Lilly read it out.
Scotty raised his eyebrows up, "That's interesting."
"Sounds like warning?" Nick made a considered face.
"Or threatening?" Lilly remarked.