The ship rocked back and forth as it gained entry to earths atmosphere. A young man of 23 years old was sitting in the only chair, holding on to the bars keeping him in place. A look of intense fear was on his face. His name was perseus Jackson but most people just called him percy.

The seat along with the ship jerked up as the parachute was deployed. And it slowly descened the last 400 feet to earth. It landed with a loud bang and the hatch autamaticly popped open. The scene that percy excpected was not the scene that he got.

What he expected was a crowd of people waiting there to greet him and show him around the home base of the chaos warriors. However what he saw was a grim battle , if one could call it that. It was more of a slaughter. Men and women in black armor riding on black stallions wielding black sabers were cutting down the unprepared army of chaos.

It looked as if the battle had been waging for a little while. Chaos`s wariors had been caught on there down time with there pants down. For some of them literally. However the chaos` troops had begun to rally and were using their demigod and chaos powers along with any weopons they could find. Percy saw a group of soldeirs in a phalanx formation in a corner backed up against the wall of a big building. Percy took quick action when he noticed that he was being noticed.

He jumped out of the ship and landed on the once green grass with a "thump". He pulled his sword out of his sheath and gave a loud battle cry. The battle stoped for a moment as all heads turned towards him. He raised riptide and shouted "to me rally to me." the soldiers recognized their savior and quickly began to push towards percy.

Three of the black riders charged towards percy. The first raised his sword in preperation to slash percy across the chest. When the blow came percy jumped over the blade and stuck his own into the riders neck. As the blade was stuck in the gullet of the rider percy used his momentum to swing around and knock the rider of of his horse. Percy pulled his sword out of the mans neck as he fell to the ground lifeless. The other two riders trampled the spot were percy used to be. Percy then threw his sword into the back of the second rider. Had it been an ordinary blade it would have bounced off, but riptide was no ordinary blade. Charging it with electricity the blade sunk into the riders back and sent a shock through his body.

Without its rider telling it to stop the horse plowed into the third rider which was a female. She was knocked off of her horse and thrown to the ground. Percy charged his horse forward and brutally cut off the women's neck as she was on the ground. Percy now finished with his small bout looked around and saw that he had ten warriors around him looking on in awe. The rest of the riders advancing towards the phalanx, which were holding off with long pikes and spears along with long roman sheilds.

Percy gave the call to rally again as two of his troops jumped onto the now empty horses. The three of them rode at the head of a wedge formation with 8 soldiers behind them. About 40 enemy soldeirs remained while only 31 of chaos` troops survived. The soldeirs charged into the weakest spot of the riders formation plowing through. Percy rammed riptide into the chest of a passing enemy rider while pulling a roman gladius of of his back. Percy slashed the chest of the next rider , but the blade was parried. However the horse continued to charge forwards, Reuniting percy with the rest of his force. the soldier on the horse behind him managed to succesfuly slash the rider that percy attempted to kill as he had his arm up in a parry.

The soldiers on foot cut the legs of of the horsers as they charged past and caused many riders to become footman. Now all thirty of percys troops were together.

"men with spears and sheilds chaaaaaaaarge! Behind them pikemen chaaaarge! Swordsman chaaaaarge! Bowmen fore at will!." Percy charged forward with the rest of his men. the two opposing forces were now equal in number. Percy rode with the pikemen as he felt riptide appear back in his pocket. He threw the gladius at a rider not charging unsure of what to do since there leader had been killed in percys original attack.

The man fell dead as one of percys troops jumped on the know empty horse. The rest of the riders were like the man percy had just slain and some began to retreat. The battle ended swiftly afterwards. Percy sent all men on horseback after the retreating riders. The once green fields that had been on the outskirts of the new small town was covered in the blood of friend and foe alike. Bodies dressed in black and purple armor littered the field. Some with no armor at all that had been previously engaged in a soccer game before the attack.

Percy sighed despondently , it was only his first hour back on earth and already he had lost seventy men and women. He sought out ken who was the leader of this group. He was in the middle of the field organizing the clean up efforts. Percy slowly walked over to him and he took notice.

"you saved us percy. Without you the troops would have never rallied." Ken spoke with thanks and regret in his voice.

"if only I arrived sooner I could have prevented the deaths of seventy men and women." Percy looked to the sky and it was then that he realized he had neglected to put on his armor when he charged into battle.

"no one could have predicted this. It is not your fault." Ken whispered.

"im going to find out who ordered this attack. Im going to find them and kill them. Ill rip them to SHREDS." Percy growled the last part. He felt a special connection to each and every one of them he had hand picked many of them. While some were picked by his other three close friends.

It was at this time that a soldier now dressed in the white and purple army delegated to officers in the chaos army walked up to the two speaking. He stood there straight as a ruler and saluted. Percy nodded

"what is it".

"sir we have in custody 6 of the retreating enemy." The man finished waiting for an answer. Percy smiled evilly.

"that is very good news in fact. Take me to the the prison immediately", it was then that he frowned. "I am new after all"

Thanks so much everyone for reading yet another chapter of CHAOS WARRIORS. This was a nice action packed chaper. Nice for all you war mongers. Anyway yep another cliff hanger. Plzz review byeeeeee!