The Wild Campione

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Campione

Hey folks,
Happy New Year, Christmas and whatever other holiday is/has happened. It was a real pain for, as I had a twelve hour drive to do to get to my workplace in the mines on Christmas Day and all the shifts at work since then have been long and boring. New Years was the same.

I have some good news and bad news for all of my fans. Bad news first, after the end of this chapter, The Wild Campione's updates will come far less frequently and they will likely also be shorter. I am most sorry :(.

This news, however, has a silver lining. If you have followed my profile, you will have noticed I posted a Test Story, feeling out for possible interest in me creating it. I am proud to announce that On Steel Wings is now a go. Seriously, I had reviews begging for it to be created from the starting block. As such, my focus is now on this DXD/FSN crossover until I can get it to a decent point.

But don't get me wrong, I have not abandoned this fic, it has merely taken a lower priority for now. Updates will still come, just a fair bit slower. It does, however, give me a chance for me to hash out any plot holes or possible problems I may encounter in furthering Harry's (mis)adventures.

A word of warning to all who read this chapter, this is mainly a wrap up chapter, filling in the blanks, tying up loose ends and ominous foreshadowing.

Hope you like it.

Now on with the show!

Alice Gododdin, the Highest Ranked Witch in the Heaven, Sage Princess and White Hime-Miko, laughed in delight as she strode beneath the weak sunlight of the European winter as she watched the antics of the two Campione in front her, the elder Italian rubbing the ebony haired younger whilst in a head lock, even as he struggled to get out.

It had been a couple of months since the Ereshkigal debacle had been put to rest, which hadn't ended with the bitch's death, to everyone's misfortune.

One of the issues had been the, almost, complete destruction of Tintagel.

The last attack that her friend had launched was beyond the mortal thought of powerful. It had not been so much as the amount of power that it had used, even if it was very substantial and beyond a non-Campione's abilities, as it was the type of power used that caused such ruin.

The way Harry had explained it after he had recovered from the battle, fatigue, magical exhaustion and various other minor ills, he used his [Molten Core] Authority's flames to meld with his Avatar form of [Vengeful Guardian of Radiance], sacrificing his use of the Avatar to boost the flames 'destruction' attribute to insane levels, something that ignored all defences as it struck. The only ways it could be avoided was to dodge it or to be powerful enough to weather it.

Considering the condition of both of the Heretic Gods, the attack was successful in destroying them.

Along with the majority of the island.

In the words of the clean up teams, 'it looked like Hiroshima if it happened there.'

The very stones of the island were turned to almost ash.

Campione were truly frightening existences.

Thankfully, with Harry's [Abundant Earth] Authority and a great deal of magical misdirection, the island had managed to be restored, the resources coming from the sea bed. The rest of the Association and Witengamot operatives were very surprised a Campione had helped to clean up his mess.

After that had been completed, the grim task of removing the bodies of the innocent dead had begun. Many of those who did so were sick to their stomachs as they removed the remains, untouched by the elements or beasts due to the heavy magic they had been touched by and the lingering corruption they contained with just being in the presence of the goddess.

As untouched by the natural realm as they were, the lingering injuries and scars showed that the Gallu had had quite a time in taking pleasure in the pain of the dead.

The Assembly and Witengamot had worked together to eliminate all traces of the depopulated towns' existence in order to cover up the mass deaths. A grim duty, but it was necessary to keep the existence of magic and associated events a secret. It was one of the only things that magi agreed with warlocks on. Though magi were much more adept at keeping up with the times in comparison to the Victorian Era European warlocks.

Alice frowned slightly in remembrance of the last rites performed upon the bodies of the dead, burning in a large crematorium as all the magi watched on.

As the Campiones watched on.

Alice had stood beside Harry as the flames leapt high, as if carrying the spirits of those unfortunate souls to a better place. She could feel the tensing of his muscles, the squared shoulders, the deep seated anger and anguish that thrummed beneath his skin. His peer, Lord Salvatore, in comparison, looked only sorrowful, he had been in similar circumstances and knew not to let it beat him up. You couldn't save everyone, no matter how you tried.

After the service, Harry had lingered inside, avoiding the tears that heaven seemed to have provided that day. Alice and Doni were the only ones to hear him speak to the burning remains.

"Never again."

Since then, his studies and training had taken itself to higher levels. Rare was the time, nowadays, that he wasn't either buried in books, wielding arms and magic or running his body into the ground. He was a man possessed.

Except when Alice visited in the flesh.

Thanks to no longer carrying the burden of keeping the Heretic God contained, and the associated problems springing from prolonged constant heavy use of magic coinciding with a weak body, the [Golden Apples] of Harry's were finally able to achieve what they had hoped for in the beginning. Her body was now, in human terms, perfect. Her body had adapted itself to be the perfect container for her existence, her immense magical no longer causing damage to her body as the Apples had crafted it being the perfect vessel for it.

A Campione's Authority is truly not something that can be understood by those that are not.

Alice was finally free of the constraints that held her back. She could enjoy the sun on her face, the wind in her hair, all these things that the average human takes for granted, in her true body, instead of feeling it as a pale shadow through her Ectoplasmic Projections.

And it was all thanks to her friend.

She flushed slightly as she observed the antics of the two Campione again, Harry finally escaping the headlock before proceeding to leap on the Italian's and begin pulling his ears as the elder one tried to shake him off, the picture of two siblings at play. Her last actions before he hurled the raw power at the two deities had been confusing, her body was injured and mind blurry, but she was honest with herself. A small truth had come to light, dawning upon after careful examination of heart.

She was falling for the young Godslayer, the young man, her friend, Harry James Potter.

She didn't know whether this was only a small crush that may fade in time or if it was the beginning of something more serious...

But she wanted to find out.

She would have to plan it carefully, the young man was over a decade her junior and of the highest rank in the magical world, it would be beyond a scandal and against the moral compass of even the most liberal thinking person. Not to mention her friend's, for now, romantic naivety that will probably be the biggest hurdle, along with the other, younger, females of his acquaintance that may develop a romantic perspective of the young man.

'Oh, what a tangled web we weave,' she mused to herself. The entire situation seemed to be a complex train wreck from the word go and may only just get worse. But, beneath that dark cloud of doubt and uncertainty, there was a single, small, ray of light and hope.

And she would grasp that chance with all her heart.


"Get off of me, Pasta Boy," Harry growled as he struggled to release himself from the firm grip go the idiot Italian, his face flushed red in annoyance.

"Now, now," Doni spoke condescendingly, his eyes gaining a teasing glint, "is that anyway for a sibling to greet another?"

"If it's you? Yes!" Harry yelled with a growl, even as his lips twitched, hiding a smile.

In the time after the whole Goddess debacle, Harry had been very busy and determinedly digging up all the old manuscripts he could find on massive wars or times of chaos and disorder, looking for references to the 'Scarlet Origin'. He had found many wars, some of them petty and others large, but none of them were large enough for what the saint had implied. The curious thing was the references to the 'Scarlet Origin'.

Or rather the lack of them.

Fitting for an ancient deity, he probably had other, more recent, names and titles and roles as he moved through the centuries, but without a way to trace to his origin, Harry was just spinning circles, going nowhere.

It was rather irritating to be honest. Knowing that something was coming but not knowing what or who it is. Still, worse things could happen, at least he had a chance to dig up what he could, even if it failed dismally.

Harry thought he may have to resort to some rather drastic measures in order to get some information. He would rather keep his friends out of it and not risk them in whatever backlash may result, but it seemed he would have to obtain their aid, their research skills and experience being much than his own.

Especially Alice's.



Harry glanced back at her as he pulled the ears of the Italian. He was beyond happy and joyful at her smiling face rugged up in the warm clothing in order to ward of the winter chill. The Apples were finally able to work their magic without the magical interference Alice had used to keep Arthur sealed, her body was now able to handle the immense power of her magic, something that was quite unique to this world. She was now able to smile, laugh and interact freely with world in her own body instead of sending a ghostly projection in her place. It was a beautiful thing to watch, a young woman no longer bound by the chains that held her down.

It had Harry feeling rather confused about her. Or at least more confused.

Since the death of the deities, and the resulting aftermath, Harry's thoughts on his female acquaintance had been shifting. The deep kiss she had given to him on the cliff was a bolt out of the blue for him, unexpected and shocking. The bundle of emotions that were a result of it had Harry sleepless some nights, attempting to divine the reason for her actions.

Eventually, Harry had put it down to magical exhaustion and physical and mental confusion combining together to make his friend act in ways she otherwise wouldn't and had decided to let the incident pass without further thought.

Nonetheless, he wasn't able to stop his own thoughts from drifting to Alice in a far different way, no longer quite as platonic as they were before.

He began to notice the slight curves she had, the soft skin as they hugged, the scent of the coconut wash she used when she came close, the sway of flowing golden hair when she laughed, a golden metronome to his hungry eyes.

He threw himself into his work in order to avoid these disturbing thoughts. His mind laser-like focused on other things until it was too tired to even think, his thoughts blanked of her. Until he fell asleep and such things lingered in his dreams.

He hoped that, with time, he would eventually be able to put these memories and desires away.

Thankfully, he was able to get more distractions to avoid such thoughts in the form of his 'elder brother'. Though Doni was definitely the less mature of the two of them.

It seemed that fighting side by side with the Italian had earned quite a bit of respect from him, in addition to that afforded from being a Campione. The swordsman had taken a liking to the younger man enough to visit the younger Godslayer on a frequent basis. Despite being a Campione, Doni didn't have much in the way of responsibilities due to his nature as a free spirit. He may have claimed Italy as his kingdom but he was almost completely hands off in his rule. As long as he had an opponent to fight and food to eat then he couldn't really care about ruling anything else. Harry slightly envied such a life, but his own beliefs and responsibilities that he had chosen himself would not let him do such.

They were, in the end, two very different people.

Nonetheless, the two had a firm friendship that only strengthened as time went on. The current visit by the King of Swords was the third after the battle at Tintagel, who had returned to his homeland a few days after the event. There was even a suite made specifically for the Italian at Harry's order at Magie Festung.

Since the confusing emotions regarding his female friend had surfaced, he had found that Doni was easier to talk to and fool around with instead of Alice. He was an open book to the British boy, who had welcomed easy actions, but he still wanted Alice around, despite his mental turmoil, so, as a result, when both were in the area, it was a common sight to see the White Hime-Miko, King of Swords and Harry in each other's company.

It was rather bizarre to those not used to seeing people of such power in such a childish setting, whether it be a movie theatre, large park or some other entertaining venue.

At least, not without a serious amount of property damage.

Harry smirked as he was finally thrown off by the irate Italian before running ahead, chased closely by his friends, Doni in anger and Alice in humour.

But now wasn't the time to think such morbid and confusing things, his friends were here, he was here, the world was good. In time, things may change and chaos engulf them all if what Francis said was true but these simple times will always be remembered.

And enjoyed to the fullest.


The large cavern was pitch black, the light of day or night never reaching its depths. Its great ceiling was a perfect dome, unnatural in shape and made of what seemed the purest white marble, somehow seen even in the darkness. Carved into the deceiving soft looking stone were various words of unknown origin covering every piece of the marble, interspaced with large murals every so often, depicting scenes of violence, war, death and bloodshed.

The floor, in comparison to the white dome that arched high overhead, was black as pitch, almost indistinguishable from the surrounding darkness, and smooth as glass. It was also covered in writings similar to those above. Save for a large white circle of raised stone, like an altar, in the very centre.

In the centre on this white circular slab was a man kneeling in chains. His disheveled red hair hung over his face like a crimson curtain, veiling it from sight. Two long chains attached to his shackled wrists, seeming crafted from stone instead of the usual metal, kept his arms firmly spread, unable to move them even an inch, even as bands of white stone wrapped around his rock solid calf muscles, leaving him unable to move his legs. The only thing the man could move was his head and neck. It was an uncomfortable, to say the least, position for any man to be in.

But then, this man was not a man.

A pulse of power was felt through the area, like a sudden breeze. The not-man twitched in his repose, a mere shifting of his chest muscles, a twitch of the black wings that spread feebly before drooping, showing awareness halfway between asleep between awake for a brief moment.

If one were to see his face beneath the shocks of hair at that moment, one would have seen the flicker of a blood hungry smile. A smile that had no business being on the visage on any but the most depraved of psychopaths and murderers.

It burned with anger, rage and hate.

It was made of swords, steel and sinew.

It craved blood, carnage and chaos.

It was a smile wreathed in scarlet.


Okay. I know this isn't my best work, far from it, but I wanted to get something like this out so I can start my new story, On Steel Wings. I hope this helps you guys and tides you over for a while as this will be the last update for a while.

That said, if you are true fans of my work, please look into my profile and vote on the poll in regards to my new story. I think I can make Telos Karma or I can make a unique sacred gear. I am unsure if I should truly make Telos Karma however, due to the fact that Azazel has implied new Longinus may come into being and that I like to keep most powers relatively close to canon. If Telos Karma is revealed and its powers are explained in the novels when I have already created my view of it, I would look like quite the dummy.

I may just make my own anyway.

Still, we will see. I still have to hash out some of the plot anyway.

Thanks for reading,