Hikaru saw that her mother was sitting in front of the door.

"Hikaru, where did you go?" Mrs. Hasama asked.

Hikaru didn't give a reply.

"Hikaru, I asked you something."

"I was at Mrs. Ronald's shop, mom," Hikaru replied slowly.

"At Mrs. Ronald's shop? For what?"Mrs. Hasama asked.

"I went there to pick up a dress," Hikaru replied.

"A dress? Why?"

"I'm going to a party."

"Who's party?"

"Sophie is throwing a party."

"Sophie? But you didn't tell me that you will go to a party."

"Yeah I forgot to tell you…"

"Hikaru, do you have any idea how long I've been sitting here waiting for you?"

Hikaru stayed quiet.

"I have been sitting here for one and a half hours!"

"What?" Hikaru was shocked to hear that. She looked at her wrist watch and saw that the time was 06.15 pm. She didn't have any idea how quickly the time had passed.

"I am sorry mom. I don't know how quickly the time passed. Forgive me," Hikaru said.

"Not everything can be solved by saying sorry. Hikaru, I am extremely angry with you at the moment. You can't go to the party."

"Wait, what?"Hikaru said in a shock.

"You heard me. You can't go to the party. This is your punishment."

"Mom, you can't do this to me! I have to go to that party because Ky..." Hikaru stopped quickly.

"I don't want to hear anything. Go to your room. NOW."

Hikaru ran to her room and locked the door. She was crying, hiding her face in a pillow.

"How can mom do this to me? She has no idea how badly I want this."

Kyoya and Nile were walking in the street.

"Kyoya, where will we go? Where will we find Julian?" Nile asked but Kyoya didn't answer.

"Kyoya! I am asking you something."

"I know where he will be. Come with me."

'Ok, that's strange' Nile thought. Then he followed Kyoya. They came to a place where there were old houses and old tress.

"What is this place?" Nile said as he looked around.

"Julian and his gang have a club here, "Kyoya replied.

"Here?! But this place sucks," Nile said in a surprised tone.

"Yeah, here."

Then they came to an old two storied building. There were two boys standing in front of that building.

"Come on, Nile," Kyoya said going to the building.

"Excuse me. What are you doing here?" One of them asked Kyoya.

"I don't need tell that to you," Kyoya replied.

"Yes you do. Why did you come here?"

"We came here to talk with Julian," Nile replied.

"For what?"

"That's none of your business."

"But it's not good for you to enter."

"Why? What will happen?" Kyoya asked.

"You wanna know what will happen? Fine, I will show you."

By saying that, the two boys were about to beat Kyoya. Then suddenly, a voice said, "What is going on here?"