Disclaimer: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I am not making any money from this story, merely playing in her playground.
Sorry the update has been so long in coming. RL takes more time than I imagined when I started this fic.
- Thanks goes to HippoThestralOwl who is gracious enough to take a little time out of his life to Beta this story for me. Be sure to check out his stories. He is a great writer.
100 Points go to Xider, Katzzar and Outofthisworldgal for their respective Hogwarts Houses for their perception and insight. Thank you for pointing out things I needed to think about more, and for being so clever.
Also, Guest Amy, this chapter is for you. I have struggled with how I wanted to do this chapter. And your encouragement brought me back to it to try and work it out yet again.
Also, as someone pointed out to me, Patty in Ireland/Britain is a girl's name and the proper nickname of Patrick is Paddy, so from here on out, we will be using Pat or Paddy.
The Muggles' Son
Chapter 6: Discoveries and Recovery
It wasn't very long after they had finished the chowder when a tall red-haired man walked into the hospital, and walked up to the receptionist's desk. Patrick and the others watched in silence as the man pointed something at the receptionist. A jet of yellow light hit the woman behind the counter and a dazed look appeared on her face. As soon as he had finished, he turned towards the waiting families.
Finster held up his hand. "Hold on now, we are all squibs here, and we would rather not be obliviated if you don't mind."
Arthur Weasley stared in shock at the man who had spoken. Never in all of his years had he encountered such a situation. "But…"
"I know you are supposed to modify the memories of muggles who don't know about magic, but seeing as we know about magic, and we all have magical ancestors, there is no reason why we shouldn't be left in peace. We know the rules about breaking the secret." Finster continued. He wondered if this was Cousin Molly's husband. Red hair was fairly rare in the wizarding world. He just hoped the man was reasonable. It wouldn't do to lose all of the knowledge he had spent the last fifteen years gleaning for the Society.
"Well, seeing as how you already know about our world, I see no reason not to leave you to yourselves. Where are we anyway, my good man?" Arthur replied, seeking an excuse to prolong his time in the muggle world.
"We are at Mother Theresa Surgical Hospital in Surrey." Patrick spoke up for the first time, glad both children were still asleep.
"Really, what are you doing here?" Arthur asked, excited to learn about something new. He had never been required to obliviate anyone in a hospital before.
"Finster's daughter is sick. The doctors are trying to make her well again." Amanda explained. Patrick nudged his wife, thinking about the warning the child services agent had given them with when she had dropped Harry off with them the day the adoption had been finalized. 'Be wary of people who dress funny and carry sticks. They are looking for the boy. Some of them are good, kind people, but some are not and there would be no way for you to tell which are which. Strange things will likely happen as the boy gets older, don't let them surprise you, and by all means, don't let on to anyone odd if something does happen. It could mean the child's life, and that of your family.' She hadn't explained anything further, but Patrick preferred to be overly cautious when it came to his family and his sons.
The strangely dressed man who finally introduced himself to them as Arthur Weasley, spent a further fifteen minutes quizzing them about anything and everything, some of his questions bordering on the ridiculous. Patrick was getting antsy, wondering what this man could possibly we waiting for. Their people couldn't possibly be that clueless could they? Finally after one last question about 'Eklecticity,' a word the man couldn't seem to get right even after they had tried to pronounce it for him several times, he glanced at his watch, and with a gasp, burst out with "Goodness, is it really that late already? Molly's going to kill me," and hurried out of the room.
Finster sighed with relief the moment he was gone, and turned to Patrick, knowing he would probably have quite a few questions about what had just happened.
An hour later, everyone was awake once more thanks to Colin's hungry wailing. Soon he was quiet, happily eating his late supper and Harry, who had been awakened by his brother's screams was wriggling uncomfortably on the floor. Suddenly he stopped and a look of intense concentration filled his face. A foul stench began to emanate from the boy and he looked up at Patrick. "Poo?"
Patrick smothered a laugh at the serious look on the little boy's face. It was obvious his mother had started him early on bathroom awareness, but hadn't yet finished the job before she died. He scooped up the diaper bag which thankfully had a change of Harry's clothing in it, and held his hand out to the little boy. "Come on Bud, let's go potty."
They had just returned from their trip to the bathroom, when the door to the surgery ward opened.
"Mr. and Mrs. Prewitt?" the doctor who came out to give them news was a tiny petite woman, barely an inch over five feet tall. Though she must have been at least thirty, her high voice, and youthful features gave them the impression they were being addressed by someone much younger.
Finster and Amanda stood expectantly, hope and fear warring on their faces. Amanda cluching her husband's arm tightly as they moved forward to speak to the Doctor.
The doctor moved to intercept them, a smile on her face. "Mr. and Mrs. Prewitt, I am Doctor Barnes. I wanted to let you know the surgery was successful. Your daughter is currently in recovering in the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit. She made it through the surgery just fine. I have high hopes for her recovery. You may go in and see her now, but only two at a time, and only for five minutes. I can't tell you how important it is that she not be stressed. The hole in her heart was massive, I don't know how she survived this long. It will be several weeks before she is strong enough to go home with you. You are welcome to come back every day though and spend as much time with her as you like."
Amanda sagged against Finster in relief. She may not have given birth to the tiny baby girl struggling for life, but she loved her as though she had. She had been terrified when the doctor had first diagnosed the damaged heart. Gwen had been given a ten percent chance to live at the time, but now, thanks to the doctor's efforts, there was a good chance her baby would grow up to live her life. She flung herself at the tiny doctor nearly knocking her over as she hugged the woman and bawled.
Patrick and Finster both chuckled at the discombobulated look on the doctor's face before she began awkwardly patting the sobbing Amanda.
"So what exactly was it you and Finster were discussing before the doctor came out?" Diana inquired as they were getting ready for bed that evening.
"That strange man, Arthur. I guess he's part a small sect of people who call themselves witches and wizards. Those sticks they use are called wands. I didn't understand everything Finster was saying and he didn't get to finish explaining things, but from the gist of it, I guess there is an entire society of hidden magical people that live alongside us and try to keep their existence hidden. I think from the way Fin was talking he's somehow distantly related to the man." Patrick explained.
"Hm, well if it is true, I guess that would explain the boy and how he can do the things he does. They don't seem to know much of our world do they? I can't believe he didn't even know what electricity is. And what's a squib?" Amanda murmured, snuggling in beside him.
"I think you are right. I am not sure what a squib is though. I'll have to ask Finster. He seems to know a lot more of what is going on. Maybe squibs are people without magic?" He pulled her close to him and settled in for the night.