Congratulations! By the time you finish this chapter, you will have read 161 pages of word documents! Thank you for everyone who has followed this story so diligently, you have all made writing and posting this story worth while! It feels good to click that completed bubble in the story status page... But at the same time this story has been my baby for so long, that I'm sad to see it go.

Well regardless, thank you, please review, and most importantly;



It had been eight months since Yang and Allison's attack, and many things had changed for the better. For one thing, McNab and Francine had a daughter, born at seven pounds and five ounces, and named Jade Shawn McNab. Needless to say, Shawn was honored to have his name passed on to the new child, especially when McNab said he chose it because he admired him so much. Even as a detective, McNab was still the soft, giant he'd always been. A giant who was destined to be a wonderful father.

Another thing was that Shawn had finally beaten the dream in full. While he still had the occasional reoccurrence of what had actually happened during the Yang case, he would only wake up in a cold sweat, which would anyone Lassiter if they happened to be cuddling at the time, and it got over him. Ultimately he didn't mind too much, especially when it ended with he and Shawn showering together, and then going back to a bed with fresh sheets.

Another change was that Shawn and Lassiter were officially living together in what was now their Fluff n' Fold. After all, they had practically been living together since Shawn's accidental overdose and the relationship had been so far so good. So Lassiter thought it was only fair that he help pay the rent, and it had been that way ever since the second month of their relationship.

In that same month, Gus and Juliet had gotten past the: awkward new feelings stage, and had finally gone on to their first date. Sure enough, they were head over heels for each other, and were now seven months together. Like Shawn and Lassiter, they moved in together and after only a little adjustment period, were happily enjoying each other's company.

At work, everyone managed to be as professional as they had been before. Which was to say, Shawn and Gus still weaseled their way onto cases, Juliet was still the one to decipher the bulk of Shawn's visions, Lassiter still called bullshit to them, and Shawn still groped him during the visions. The Chief had maintained their working together was okay as long as their personal lives didn't affect anything, especially since Shawn and Gus weren't official employees of the police department. The only thing that had changed in their work relationship, was that Lassiter trusted Shawn's deductions a little bit more. In all reality, Lassiter trusted Shawn's deductions completely, but he challenged them at work, to be sure the Chief didn't get suspicious that he knew something about Shawn's psychic state, or lack thereof.

Little known to Shawn and Juliet though, even more things were about to change.

"I'm seeing snow! It's so white!" Shawn said on his knees and shivering as though it were cold. The four of them were back in the Chief's office after a husband had been found dead in his home, of what Lassiter thought to be nothing more than a very unfortunate disease. Shawn however, knew it to be more. "Mirror mirror!"

"Snow White," Juliet deduced immediately, "pale skin?"

"Yes! Pale skin," Shawn encouraged.

"Pale skin is normal on a dead body Spencer," Lassiter reminded him as Shawn crawled over to him, and began to run his fingers up Lassiter's legs.

"Rats! Rats! So many Rats!" Shawn said his fingers tapping Lassiter's legs as though they were Rats' feet. "Oh god get rid of them!"

"Are you saying he was bitten by Rats Mr. Spencer?" The Chief asked.

"I think he means rat poison!" Gus said snapping his fingers. "Women used to use it to give themselves pale skin, when it was considered a desirable trait!"

"Yes! Rat poison!" Shawn said his eyes opening, and looking up at Lassiter and giving him a smile and a wink. Lassiter rolled his eyes at this, but returned the smile for a split second before looking back up at the Chief.

"Used in trace amounts, doctors wouldn't be able to detect it, unless they were specifically testing for it in a hair sample," Juliet followed as the Chief nodded.

"Have Woody test for rat poisoning, in the meantime ask about the relationship with the couple's friends, see if the wife had an ulterior motive to marrying him," The Chief ordered. "You're dismissed."

Once in the hall Shawn turned to Lassiter and grinned. "The one who's right cooks dinner?"

"You're on," Lassiter agreed without thinking. "Prepare to lose Spencer!"

"Lassie, when are you gonna learn I'm never wrong?" Shawn asked giving Lassiter a quick kiss. "See you later."

"Bye Spencer," Lassiter said watching him leave.

When Shawn and Gus got to the blueberry, Shawn got in the driver's seat and turned his head to Gus. "Dude, when are you finally going to kneel down and give Juliet that ring you've been keeping in your pocket? I mean come on you've been dating successfully for seven months now!"

"Some people wait years Shawn," Gus informed him plainly. "Plus you're one to talk, you've been dating Lassiter for eight months! And he's the longest romantic relationship you've ever had."

"There's no rushing Carly, unfortunately." Shawn said frowning, but then smiling again. "But I'll know as soon as he's thinking about it."

"Yeah sure Shawn, you'll find out using your "psychic" powers. Where would you have him propose to you?" Gus asked.

"At the boardwalk where we had our first kiss of course," Shawn replied as he drove in the direction of the widow's house. "Why?"

"I need ideas as to where I propose to Juliet," Gus said pulling out his phone, and typing out a text that Shawn failed to read thanks to being distracted by the road.

"Who you texting? Secret girlfriend?" Shawn asked. "Dude Jules will be pissed!"

"It's not a secret girlfriend!" Gus replied angrily. "I'm texting my sister."

"Joy? Isn't she like in Egypt or something?" Shawn asked.

"No Shawn she's New York now," Gus assured him shaking his head.

"I could have sworn she was in Egypt…" Shawn said, before shrugging his shoulders. "Anyway, you should totally propose to Jules dressed up as a Gumi bear!"

"I'm not dressing up as a Gumi bear Shawn!" Gus objected immediately.

To: Detective Lassiter

From: Burton "Gus" Guster; 1:15 pm

At the boardwalk, where you guys had your first kiss. If he suspects anything, he hasn't told me, but I'd wait two more weeks to be sure. I'll keep him distracted for you ;)

'I should have guessed.' Lassiter said shaking his head, and smiling.

"Who's that?" Juliet asked as they walked to the morgue.

"That would fall under the category of none of your business O'Hara," Lassiter replied stuffing the phone back in his pocket.

"Sorry was just asking," Juliet apologized, changing the subject before he started the "Partner's Right to an Extent of Privacy" speech. "So are you going to propose to Shawn soon?"

"Couple weeks from now," Lassiter admitted. "Assuming at least I figure out where and how…" He turned his head to her. "I don't suppose you have any ideas O'Hara?" The question made Juliet light up.

"Oh my gosh that's such a hard one… I mean the ideal proposal is a little bit different from person to person," Juliet began to ramble right as Lassiter held up his hand to silence her.

"How about I rephrase the question," Lassiter said quickly. "How would you be proposed to? If nothing else it'll give me some ideas. Keep in mind I want the bare minimum of details."

"Oh! Well if it were me, I'd want Gus to take me out to a nice dinner, movie, then find the ring waiting for me on my pillow with twelve red roses on the nightstand when we get home," Juliet said, sighing happily.

"That's it? I would have thought you would have something much more extravagant planned," Lassiter said pulling out his phone while she was busy staring off into space.

"People can surprise you Carlton, even the ones you think you know well!" Juliet explained. "I wish Gus would ask already."

"Yeah, yeah, quit swooning O'Hara, we have a case to work," Lassiter said closing his phone, and opening the door to the morgue.

"Hey you asked!" Juliet reminded him.

To: Burton "Gus" Guster

From: Detective Lassiter 1:18 pm

Nice dinner, movie, and she wants to find the ring waiting for her on her pillow, with twelve red roses sitting on the nightstand next to it, when you guys get home. She's pretty oblivious, and impatient so I think sooner rather than later would be good, I'd still suggest three weeks from now, since she is frequently smarter than I give her credit for. I can send her home early that Friday as long as nothing demanding shows up. Rest is up to you Guster. Good Luck.

Two weeks later, the case of the dead husband was wrapped up, and sure enough, Shawn had been right. Lassiter knew he would be, not because Shawn was always right, Lassiter had suspected Rat poison from the beginning, he just needed the bet to distract Shawn when he cooked him the perfect dinner. He wanted to surprise his boyfriend, and give him the perfect date without him suspecting what he was doing. So he threw in a day at the arcade, where they had spent that first day together after Shawn's breakdown. Shawn had bet that the poisoner was in fact not the wife, but the mother living with them. Lassiter was surprised when Shawn said it was the mother, but he managed not to falter, and bet on the wife instead. He thought his plans were ruined until it was proven it was indeed the mother. At least Lassiter didn't have to fake his shock.

So on Saturday, Lassiter and Shawn had spent nearly five hours at the arcade. This time, Lassiter really did kick Shawn's ass in Street Fighter II, and again in DDR, much to Shawn's dismay. When they got back, Lassiter started dinner: Classic spaghetti, and pineapple upside down cake. As though fate were on his side, the night outside was filled with stars, the moon was full and overall inviting. Then, without him having to even suggest it to him, Shawn looked up at him in the middle of desert.

"We should go for a walk down the boardwalk; I mean look at this night Carly its perfect!" Shawn insisted. Lassiter looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm getting an eerie feeling we've had a similar conversation before Shawn," Lassiter said, barely managing not to smile.

"We have, but I was sick back then, and I want to do this when it's still nice!" Shawn insisted as Lassiter shook his head. "Come on Carly please?"

"I guess it is a nice night for reminiscing," Lassiter decided as he put down his fork. "Alright let's go." Lassiter said giving him a smile, right before his hand was snatched and he was lead out the door.

A few minutes later, found Shawn and Lassiter walking hand in hand in a pleasant silence down the boardwalk. The waves were pronounced, seagulls were squawking, and everything was perfect. Shawn had a calm smile on his face. It was only a matter of time before they reached the spot Lassiter had been eager to get to all day.

"So how did you figure out it was the mother who killed the son in law?" Lassiter asked suddenly.

"When I found out from the wife that it was mostly her mother who was caring for him while she was out working," Shawn explained. "I knew it couldn't have been the wife, she was absolutely head over heels for him, and they really had no life insurance to speak of. Now the mother, she hated his guts."

"I underestimate you Shawn, you really are a…" Lassiter trailed off looking down at the ground grumpily.

"I didn't quite get that Carly," Shawn said smiling mischievously. "You really are a? A genius? A psychic who didn't know it? A great detective perhaps?" Shawn challenged. Lassiter stopped in his tracks then, and folded his arms breaking from Shawn's hand. "Oh come on! It's not that hard to say," Shawn challenged, and when he saw Lassiter was not going anywhere, Shawn sat down on the railing and stared at him expectantly. After a moment, Lassiter sighed.

"You really are a great detective," Lassiter said bitterly, not looking up at him. He stuffed his hands into his pockets then, and walked up the railing beside Shawn, and stared out at the ocean. "Remember last time we were here, you asked me if I was going to make you say it first?"

"Of course I remember Carly," Shawn said smiling. "In fact it was right in this spot…" Shawn suddenly fell silent, and his head turned full on to Lassiter, who was already looking at him with a smile.

"Well Shawn, in a way, you did say it first, so this time it's my turn," Lassiter said guiding Shawn off of the railing onto his feet, then kneeled down and pulled out a red velvet box. He opened it in front of him. "Shawn Spencer, I love you. You've seen the worst of me, and I've seen the worst of you. We have also seen the best in each other, and we've come out feeling the same. When you can do that, I think that is a sign that you should hang onto that person. So Shawn Spencer, will you marry me?"

"Carly," Shawn said smiling. "Yes, oh my God yes!" At these words, Lassiter took the ring out of the box, and slid it on to Shawn's left hand, then stood up and pulled him into deep kiss. After a few minutes, they finally broke apart, their foreheads touching, as they stared happily into each other's eyes.

"Okay Carly," Shawn said, "You've done the impossible, how did you know I wanted to be proposed to here, and how did you slip this past me?"

"Gus and I traded some info, I told him Juliet's dream proposal, and he told me yours and kept you distracted. Expect Gus to ask a favor from you in about a week, he'll want you to plant a few things while he and Juliet are out on her dream date," Lassiter informed as Shawn laughed.

"That's who he was really texting. Man, I should have seen that one coming," Shawn said shaking his head. "But I'm glad I didn't. I love you Carly…"

"I love you too Shawn," Lassiter said, pulling him in for another kiss.

In spite of everything they had to face to get here; Carlton Lassiter knew it was worth it. It was worth the late night panic attacks, finding Shawn on the floor, revisiting memories he'd have rather never face again, the therapy sessions, and the kidnapping. Everything was worth it, as long as Shawn Spencer was at the end of it.

He wasn't the invincible psychic he once saw him as, and Lassiter liked him better that way.