Black Kitten Chara: Hey ya'll! For my first Sailor Moon fanfic, I have decided to try my hand at the betrayal-type fanfiction. This came to mind when I was watching the video for Saban Moon (and no, this is not like that disgusting piece of crap that Toon Makers was trying to make). I hope you guys like it, so please be gentle with the reviews.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Sailor Moon!
Serena yawned on an early morning as she walked down the street heading towards Raye's temple. She was not looking forward to this Senshi meeting. She just wanted to go home and shut herself away from the world for the rest of her life. She knew Raye was going to be angry about the fact that she was late once again because of over-sleeping. But it wasn't her fault per say; she had been up all night in the park fighting leftover Lemures from the Dead Moon Circus then doing a quick check upon her lovely city to make sure nothing was going wrong. By the time she had gotten home, it was four o'clock in the morning and since it was Saturday, her parents decided to let her sleep in.
But only four hours later did Raye call Serena on her communicator. It took the blond heroine an hour just to drag herself out of bed then thiry minutes to get ready. She had even skipped breakfast, which worried her parents but Serena assured them that she would be back before it got cold.
In fact, Serena has been trying to cut down on eating a little to gain more strenght. She has been getting better grades, Bs and Cs, and she is trying to become more lady-like. Her parents didn't understand the sudden change, but they told Serena that they loved her even if she didn't go through what they thought was a phase for her. But this morning when leaving, Serena saw her whole family was quiet and had stoic looks on their faces like they just heard the worst news possible.
But Serena pushed the thoughts of her family out of her head so she could have a clear mind as she got to the temple at ten.
Serena felt anger overcome her as she was already upset about her life. It wasn't her home life that casued her to feel angry, but the fact that her own Scouts lately have been disrespecting her authority and been taking orders from Raye. And Darien wasn't too much help as he broke it off, once again, with the fifteen-year-old girl and Serena was sure that he was seeing someone else now. Then Rini was just being a pain in Serena's ass as usual.
But the holder of the Silver Crystal took a deep breath as she entered the temple's gates, but a sharp sound caused her to freeze as she saw movements through the slightly opened doors of Raye's temple. She walked quietly to the doors and placed herself right next to the crack, listening to what was going on inside the temple.
"That's it! I can't stand that crybaby anymore! She is late again to a meeting and didn't even bother telling us she was going to be late. She can't even accept her destiny and her role as the leader of us. She is the same old cry baby she has always been. I'm just sick of the games." Raye shouted on the top of her lungs.
"She just isn't trying hard enough. We need to be an organized group, but she just sleeps too late and is always late. She isn't capable of being our leader..." Amy said in a worried tone, like she was unsure of what she was saying.
"She can't handle herself in a fight anymore and she is not willing to use the Silver Crystal. We need someone who can fight when we need it and will be able to use anything possible to win." Lita pointed out rudely.
"And she is so unlady-like. I mean, have you seen her eat? Princess Serenity would never act like this, no matter what. But no, we got ditzy Serena." Mina said in a harsh tone that made Serena's skin crawl.
"I will agree with Mina on that. She needs to be more elegant and refine if she is to become Neo-Queen Serenity. In fact, I don't even think she needs to be the queen if she continues to act like this." Michelle said a cool manner.
"I will also agree with that. She needs to stand up for herself and become stronger, but she is only becoming weaker. She doesn't need to be queen if all she is ever going to do is let others take charge." Amara said in low tone.
Trista laughed at the two lovers' comments as she said, "But even though she is to become queen of Crystal Tokyo, which God must save that land, she is trying so hard to change her future. Trying to become a singer one day, trying to become a model the next, and so on. She is being a little bitch who doesn't want to be responible for the entire Earth."
Then Hotaru giggled along with Trista's laughter. "There is also the fact is that she is not willing to kill an enemy because she believes in goodness of people. Ig a person becomes evil, then are subjected to be killed if not healed in time and she takes her sweet time with that healing process she does."
Serena felt like crying at this point, each comment hitting her like a knife. But the worst was yet to come as she heard a ball hit the ground and Rini was her next attacker as the future Moon princess said, "She is such a loser! My mother is ten times better than her, but I don't want her as my mom no matter what now!"
Serena's heart began breaking, but then Darien spoke and her whole world came crashing down. "It's a good thing I broke it off with her. I am so much happier with my new girlfriend."
That was it. Serena opened the door with one hand, revealing herself to her so-called friends and Scouts as rage filled her angelic face. The Scouts turned to see Serena and the Moon princess was in shock by Rini's appearance; her hair was now down in jet black waves and her eyes were an icy blue color. But she didn't care as she gritted her teeth and forced herself to stop shaking.
"I am late because I am fighting monsters all of the time, making no time for sleep. I can't handle myself in a fight, or weak as you think, becasue I am using so much enegry from the Silver Crystal. I am unlady-like because I am only fucking fifteen years old. I can't appect my destiny because I didn't sign up for it and I want a life before I am queen. I can't kill others who are like, like you Hotaru, because I do believe in the goodness in others. And I can't believe you two think I am not suited to be your mother or wife." Serena said in an angry tone as she direct each comment to a different person.
But the Scouts didn't look impressed. Instead, Darien opened a door as Raye snapped her fingers. Before Serena could even blink, Lita and Amara had her arms behind her back and her head against the table.
Serena tasted blood in her mouth as Raye walked up to the blonde girl, grabbing her up by the collar of her blue sailor's blouse and ripped the Crisis Moon Compact from the blouse's white bow. Then the two strong girls holding Serena slammed her head against the table but positioned her where she could see the door Darien had cracked open.
What happened next shocked Serena to the core.
There, standing in the doorway, was a tall and slender girl who has huge breasts, a tiny waist, wide wips, and long legs. She had the face that looked like Serena's face, but more elegant and refine looking. She had pale skin with narrow-shaped, icy blue eyes and long, wavy honey blonde hair tied in a long ponytail. She wore a long-sleeved, body-hugging, low-cut dress that was leopard-print and ended at her upper thighs. She wore huge gold hoop earrings, a thick black belt on her waist, and black kitten heels.
Raye smiled evily as she handed this girl the Crisis Moon Compact. The girl took her long, red nails and grabbed the Crisis Moon Compact delicately in her hands. Then she strutted over to Darien and wrapped an arm around his waist, holding him close to her huge breasts.
Raye smiled at Serena as she said, "This is the real Sailor Moon! Her name is Akuma Shizuka and she seems like a much better leader then you!"
Serena felt tears run down her face as she kicked Lita and Amara off of her. But as she got on her feet, Raye took her wrist and slammed Serena straight across the face. Then Mina jumped up and clawed at Serena's arms, but the Moon princess torn them off of her.
But as she tried to get to the door, Michelle grabbed Serena's hair and slammed her head to the ground. Trista and Hotaru kicked Serena as she got Michelle to let go of her hair and stood up. Then Rini came and kicked Serena in the leg, where the blonde kicked her to the side as she ran out of the Cherry Hill Temple.
Serena got home and slammed the door shut, falling to her knees as she began crying. She looked at her arms and saw the cuts, brusies, and marks the Scouts had left on her. She was in so much pain, both mentally and physically, but the wounds she had gotten all over her body took over the pain she felt inside her heart.
As she sobbed, she never noticed her parents and brother coming down the stairs as her eyes were close tight to keep any more tears from flowing. Serena's family was in shock by the way she looked, wondering what happened what in the last hour that caused the usually happy fifteen-year-old to look like this and cry with so much pain.
Ken and Ilene ran over to their daughter as they helped her up and sat her on the couch. As Sammy watched from the staircase, he didn't notice that Luna and Artemis, who was spending the night with Luna that pervious night, came down and was watching the scene playing out in front of them in horror.
Ilene stroked her daughter's hair as she said in a soft voice, "Serena, what happened?"
Serena was able to catch her breath long enough to explain everything; not just the fact that she was beaten by her so-called friends, but the fact she was Sailor Moon. Since she wasn't a Scout anymore, she didn't see the harm in telling the truth now.
She told her family about her adventures as Sailor Moon, fom teh day she met Luna to her fight with Queen Nehelenia only a few weeks ago. Now that she looked back on it, why did she save those worthless Scouts? she could have saved the world on her own, and much quicker, if she didn't cared so much about the Scouts and Darien at the time.
Her family listened as Serena told about her adventures of being Sailor Moon, and why she was so sleepy and late all of the time. Luna and Artemis were in shock that the Scouts had took away Serena's position as Sailor Moon, so they let her pour out her secrets to her loved ones.
After what seem like forever, the story was done and her family was silent. But her father hugged Serena as he whispered, "That is why you have been acting so strange."
The blonde teenager smiled as her mother hugged her next. Then, strangely enough, Sammy came down and placed a hand on her knee. Luna and Artemis also got up and went over to Serena, laying in her lap as the blonde started to calm down in the arms of her loved ones.
Finally, with her tears all dried up, Serena looked at her mother. Ilene nodded her head as her daughter said, "Can you call Molly, Melvin, Andrew, and Elizabeth? They have every right to known as well."
"Of course sweetheart." Ilene said as she got up and grabbed the phone.
Serena then looked at her father and asked, "Daddy, can I ask why you guys looked so upset this morning?"
Ken sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, pushing up his glasses as he did so. Then he looked back at his daughter and said, "Well, sweetheart, the magazine company I work for has decided to promote me to a better company whose boss is friends with my boss. But the thing is that we will have to move."
"Okay, where?" Serena asked, thinking she will be moving to a different town. "Are we going to Hong Kong? I heard they have great shops and wonderful places to eat."
Ken pursed his lips together as he said, "No. We are moving to Los Angeles."