Hey guys! I know it's been a long time since my last one-shot, but I've been struggling to find some inspiration lately. I watched parts of this episode yesterday, so I thought, 'Why not write a story about it?' This one-shot is dedicated to Toleen a.k.a. DirectorT. She's one of the best one-shot writers in the Kickin' It fandom, and I was so thankful that she actually took her time to read my collection. I know there's a lot of What If's for 'A Slip Down Memory Lane, but mine's a little different. Presenting:

What If: A Slip Down Memory Lane

Disclaimer: I do not own Kickin' It or any of its characters.

Kim's Point of View

"I just have one question: Who are you people?"

Worried looks passed through our group as Jack's eyes filled with confusion towards us.

He doesn't remember, and it's all my fault.

"I have to go," I whispered in pain as I jogged to Rudy's office.

I slammed the door behind me and slowly slid against it to the floor. Tears threatened to spill as I put my head in my hands.

It's all my fault. It's all my fault. He might never get his memory back, and it's because of me.

A quiet knock echoed throughout the room, and I moved myself towards the couch, pulling my knees into my chest.


I turned my head to see Rudy who currently gave me a sympathetic look. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head. "No...I'm not."

He came in and leaned on his desk. "Why did you run out?"

"He can't remember because of me. Because I was a chicken. I should've just told him," I murmured.

"Told him what?" Rudy asked gently.

I didn't say anything as I buried my head deeper into my knees.

"Look Kim, we're all upset about this, but we can't fix it by crying over it. Our main focus right now is to let him remember. If we don't concentrate on that, he won't get his memory back."

I lifted my head up, wiping the droplets with my hand. "You're right."

"Come on, Kim. We better go outside, or he'll be more confused than Jerry usually is."

I giggled and made my way out the door. Rudy gave a tender pat on my shoulder, and I walked out to see the guys sitting on the benches. Jack's face was twisted with puzzlement and concern.

"Is everything alright?" Jack asked.

I nodded. "Yes, sorry for making a scene."

"It's okay."

His eyes bored into mine with a warmhearted stare, and for just a second, I thought the old Jack was back.

"What's your name again?"

A piece of my heart broke away, shattering on the floor. "It's um…Kim."

"That's a beautiful name."

I stared at him once again, and his eyes were composed of a straight wall of honesty. My cheeks felt hot as I replied, "Uh thanks."

Milton interrupted, "Why don't we all go to Falafel Phil's to help trigger Jack's memory?"

There was a wave of agreement between the group before they all headed towards our famous hangout. Jack and I stayed behind.

I held out my hand. "We won't bite. I promise. If you've survived them for two years, you can handle hanging out with us for a day."

Jack gave a smile as I felt his touch on my palm.

I couldn't have done this before, but I can do it now. I think the reason is because he probably won't remember this once he gets his memory back. If he gets his memory back.

I led him toward our usual booth, and we both slid into the seat across from the guys. I took notice that Rudy pulled out a chair at the end of the table.

"So umm… what exactly happened while I was gone?" I questioned.

"We introduced myself but still no luck," Eddie responded.

"Even realizing the awesomeness of me. I just don't understand it," Jerry mumbled.

I stifled a laugh.

"They all told me stuff about themselves, but you only told me your name. What do you like?" Jack asked.

I shrugged. "Not much. Karate, of course, singing, a little bit of dancing even though a lot of people say I burn their eye sockets out with it. I love gymnastics as well."

"I hope I can hear you sing some time."

The corners of my mouth twitched upwards. "Soon maybe."

Our eyes were locked, but I suddenly looked down at our intertwined hands.

"They know we're still here, right?" Jerry whispered.

Our heads whipped towards the, and Jerry slid down the seat in embarrassment.

"So how exactly did all of you become friends?" Jack asked.

Milton answered, "Well, it was just Jerry, Eddie, and me before you came along. We were friends because of the dojo and the same karate classes. Kim was at the Black Dragon dojo before meeting you."

"How did she come here?"

"You and I were about to go against each other in a peg contest before my sensei decided to cheat. His student, Frank, kicked the back of your leg, and you were injured. I basically ended up quitting that dojo and the competition to come here. You unbelievably won the competition, and you made me realize where I truly belonged," I explained.

Jack beamed at me before Rudy added, "You made us all realize where we truly belong. With each other as a team. You gave Jerry, Eddie, and Milton confidence, and you've been fighting battles with us ever since literally and metaphorically speaking."

"Dude, he can't understand you with all those big words. Only nerds like Milton and Kim will understand it," Jerry stated.


"What about me? Are you saying I'm not smart?" Eddie accused offendedly.

Jerry stayed in silence.

"You're not all brains either, Mr. 'I Fail Spanish Even Though I Speak It Fluently," Eddie retorted.

"Guys, calm down,"Milton said.

"What about you, Mr. 'I Can't Use a GPS And Drop Jack's Phone Into A Log?' You're not all that," Jerry responded.

"You boys need to stop," Rudy ordered.

"We should probably get out of here before they notice. Jerry and Eddie's fights usually end up ugly," I whispered to Jack.

"That's probably the best idea."

I guided him back to the dojo by pulling his hand.

"Do you remember anything about this place?" I questioned.

"Nope. Everything's blank."

I sighed. "I can try to trigger your memory with some pictures."

Jack treaded behind me to my locker as I opened it to reveal a large photo of the Wasabi Warriors.

"That was taken in our very first tournament with all of us together. Do you remember that?"

He shook his head.

I held my breath. Should I show him?

I answered my own question by taking out one of my favorite photographs of us. His arm was around me while I kissed his cheek. It was a subtle romantic moment with the memory preserved at the mall courtyard.

His finger traced along the edges of it. "I think I remember that."

My eyes widened. "Really? What do you remember?"

Jack racked his brain. "We were sitting near the tree in the mall courtyard after we got tired from uh... skateboarding. I said something sweet to you, and you kissed my cheek.I put an arm around you, and Milton yelled for a picture for something about 'Kick.' I think that's what happened."

A grin spread across my face. "You remembered!"

Jack stopped in realization. "I remembered!"

I threw my arms around him, and he put his hands on the small of my back.

My smile started to fade, and I pulled away. "But this doesn't change anything. That's only one moment, and in an hour, you'll still have to set that world record."

"Wow, you're right. You could show me something else," Jack suggested.

"Yeah, um. How about we look into your locker? Is that okay with you?"

He nodded.

Luckily, Jack was too trusting to actually put a lock, so it was easily opened.

My lips twitched upwards as I spotted something in the back of his locker. I searched through the clothes as Jack watched me from behind. "What are you doing?"

"I think..Hold on. Wait."

A blush creeped its way upon my cheeks as I inspected the pictures. "You...you kept this."

It was one of our first pictures together from a year ago.

"Kept what?"

I handed the pictures toward him, and his mind clicked. "I remember this too! We were at the skateboard park, and you fell down from the ramp and hurt your knee. I grabbed you some ice, and you hugged me to say thanks. A random spectator took the picture, and then, we both stayed at your house, playing video games."



"It's not all coming back to you at once. It's going through small pieces like a puzzle," I answered. "You just need to see more."

I closed the locker and ushered him towards the trophy shelf. "This is where we keep all of our trophies. Most of these were won from you."

"They were?" Jack asked incredulously.

I nodded. "You're absolutely amazing, Jack. You keep going with everything you do, and that's what I-I mean- everybody loves about you. It's not just karate."

I turned to him. "Jack, you're the glue that holds the Wasabi Warriors together. We want you back. I want you back."

Jack's expression fell. "I'm really sorry, Kim. I don't mean to disappoint. I don't remember everything, and I'm trying really hard to. I don't want to let anyone down."

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "You're not letting anyone down. Even if you don't remember everything, you're still connected to the old Jack. You keep trying, and that's all we ask for."

Jack rested his hand atop of mine, and he interlocked our fingers. "I wish I remembered you. Even if I don't, I know that you were one of the best things that happened to me."

"How would you know that?"

"The way that all of us act together. The way that we're so close in pictures. The way you keep trying to help me recall my life no matter how difficult it is."

I beamed at him. "You are one of the best things that ever happened to me too. That's why I know you'll remember. I don't care if it takes a day, a week, or even a hundred years. I believe in you."

We gaze at each other once again, and I tighten my grip on his hand.

Even though he's right here, it feels like he's lost, and I don't know how I can reach him. I want to try to hold onto him for as long as I can. To help him.

Groups of steps made a clamorous noise as Milton, Eddie, Rudy, and Jerry all entered through the doors.

"You're both smart in your own way," Milton announced tiredly. "Just apologize to each other before I have Kim spar you guys."

It was clear that the fight still continued.

Milton's statement seemed to get to them as they both simultaneously said sorry.

Jack and I laughed.

"Why couldn't you have done that a long time ago?" Rudy mumbled.

Jerry smirked at us. "What's going on in here?"

"Nothing," We said I unison.

"Your hands tell me differently," Eddie added.

Our grip loosened, and I felt cold.

"Have you gotten Jack to remember anything?" Milton asked.

"Actually, yes," I began. "I showed him a few pictures with us together, and he could remember some of them. He just needs something more to provoke it."

"Well, what do we do? The judge is going to be here any second," Rudy asked hurriedly.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Some pictures work, but some don't."

"Hello? I'm here for Jack Brewer's record for the Gurgess Book of World Records," a bald man proclaimed as he strided in.

Oh no.

Rudy started, "Actually, Jack can't-"

"I'm going to do it," Jack decided.

"What?!" All of us exclaimed.

"I'm not a quitter, and I don't want to start now."

Jack glanced at me, and I frowned. "Jack, you can seriously hurt yourself. You don't remember any of the training."

"I can do it," he confirmed. "Just trust me."

We all sighed.

Once Jack is positive about something, there is nothing to stop him in his way.

"Very well. Follow me," the judge commanded.

I silently prayed for Jack as I watched him stroll over to the bricks. His eyes gawked at me for a second before staring into the bricks.

"Whenever you're ready, Jack, you can go," the judge encouraged.

Jack's eyes closed as his hand slipped off the bricks. He slightly opened them to see the oozing blood and fainted. His head hit against the steps.

"Jack!" I shouted.

I sprinted over to him and cradled his head between my palms. "Somebody call an ambulance! Please!"

Rudy grabbed his phone and dialed while I silently cried.

"Please be okay. Please be okay,"I repeated.

Droplets perpetually rained on my cheeks as I scanned Jack's face for any sign of waking up.

This is all my fault.

I ran my fingers through his hair. "I love you, Jack. Don't leave me."

Sirens blared through the air. I couldn't pay attention as the paramedics took Jack away onto a gurney. None of us could go on with him, so the group treaded quickly behind Rudy to follow the ambulance to the hospital.

A threatening silence came over us before Eddie asked, "Is Jack going to be okay?"

"We don't know, Eddie," Rudy answered. "All we can do is hope."

We sprinted towards the desk. "Jack Brewer?" I breathed.

"Room 207," the lady said blankly.

Rudy and the guys pursued behind me as we made our way to the elevator. Rudy pressed the button, and I played nervously with my bracelet.

Please let Jack be okay. Please.

As we stepped out and walked to his room, a doctor came to us. "Are you Jack's family?"

"No-I mean, yes. Yes, we are Jack's biological family," Rudy lied.

"Jack has suffered another concussion. He's in a coma-like state, and there's no tell when he'll wake up. We'll just have to wait. He's going to be fine, but it's likely he won't remember anything at all again."

"Can we see him?" Rudy asked.

"It would be better if it was one at a time."

"I'll go first," Jerry announced.

He closed the door behind him, and I sat in one of the waiting chairs. I waited in anticipation as my leg continuously started shaking.

Please wake up, Jack. I love you.

Rudy came next as Jerry put a hand on my shoulder. I gave a small smile towards him before grimacing to my lap.

"He's going to be okay, Kim. That's all that matters," Jerry stated.

"He won't remember again. I don't know if I can handle that."

Milton piped in once again. "There is still a small chance he could remember."

"And how likely is that?" I asked.

Milton stayed quiet as Jerry leaned up against the wall across from us.

Rudy left the door open as Milton entered.

"Has there been any signs of him waking up?" I questioned Rudy.

He shook his head.

I sighed, and another tear fell.

A few minutes after, Eddie entered while Milton came out.

It's my turn next. What am I supposed to say?

"You realize he's probably not going remember, and we have to teach this to him again. I don't think he's going to be as willing this time," I said.

"We're going to keep trying. The old Jack would have wanted it that way," Milton responded.

He's absolutely right.

The handle turned, and I sighed.

My turn.

I trudged towards his bed before pulling up a chair to him. "Jack?"

No answer.

"Please wake up. I need you. The Wasabi Warriors need you. I don't care if you don't remember; we just want you back. This is all my fault. I should've just told you my true feelings."


I ran my fingers through his hair again and rubbed my thumb on his cheek. "I love you, Jack. I need you to wake up. You made me realize where I belonged. You made me realize who my friends were. You made me realize who I love and can't live without. That's you, Jack. Please wake up."

No reply.

I gently pressed my lips against his before parting after a few seconds. "I need you, Jack."

I noticed his eyes opened, and he winced at the light.

"Jack?" I asked incredulously.


I nodded happily and softly squeezed him.

He remembered.

Jack smirked, and I gave him a weird look. "What?"

"You said you loved me."

"Oh um, you heard that?" I asked, blushing.

Dang it, I forgot some people could still hear in a coma.

He nodded.

"I'm just going to tell the guys you're awake again," I announced before making my way toward the door.


My hand hovered over the handle. My head turned towards his bed. "Yes?"

He smiled. "I love you too."

That is the more serious term of A Slip Down Memory Lane. I hoped you guys liked my version! And thank you to Toleen once again! I hoped you liked it as well. Leave what you hope for another one-shot in the reviews! :-) See you guys next time!
