AN: Hello! Welcome to the last chapter! Anyways, the votes regarding who Lily ends up with were overwhelmingly in favor of one character. Who is it? You'll just have to read to find out. I'm going by popular demand, as well as personal preference, so I apologize to anyone who didn't get the pairing they wanted. Please don't hate me. Enjoy! (Also beware the OOC-ness in this, I'm sorry)

Also, I know Lily is from the 90's but just pretend that all the movies and TV shows she references are from the 90's as well. In Star Trek time, the 90's were supposed to be like 2013 anyway so...just pretend 'kay?


I drum my fingers, maybe a little impatiently, on my desk as I wait for my PADD to alert me of an incoming call. Khan promised he would call today, and he's never broken a promise to me so far. It's almost been a full year since he went to New Vulcan, and since the Enterprise took off on our five year mission. I'm technically a civilian resident aboard the Enterprise, but no one cared about my title. They call me the Little Sister of the Enterprise. Most people greet me as Little Sister. It's nice, actually. To feel like I have a family.

My PADD makes a repetitive dial tone at long last and I rush to accept the call. Bones rolls his eyes from the table where he, Scotty, and his girlfriend, Carol Marcus, sit playing cards. I send him a glare but turn my attention back to the PADD. Bones is one of several members of my "family" who still don't understand my friendship (and maybe something more than friendship) with Khan. But at least he doesn't make scathing remarks like Jim and Nyota. Spock doesn't say anything about it, but whenever the Augment is brought up in conversation, he gets all quiet and stiff and just...not Vulcan like. At all. The screen finally clears up to reveal Khan's handsome face. Every time I see him, I can't help but admire his features. But I would never admit that.

"Hello Lily." Khan gives me his typical half smile that is so small but says so much at the same time. He never really smiles all the way, and he always looks like he's up to something when he does smile, but I adore it every time.

"Hey. I heard you're headed back to Earth soon." I say excitedly. He chuckles and nods.

"I am. The Vulcans are sufficiently content with my progress. They believe I will assimilate quite well into normal, functional society." I bite my lower lip gently, and I don't miss how his eyes fix to the action. He never says anything about wanting a relationship with me after his healing, but I see the way he looks at me. So do Jim and Spock and Bones, when they eavesdrop over my shoulder sometimes.

"And are you just...putting on a show for them?" It's the main thing I'm worried about. Khan is a world class actor, and I don't want him to just be faking. I don't want him to be fooling everyone, including me, about his reformation.

"No. I understand that I am no more deserving of ultimate power than any other, and that I can be happy without being the dominant species of the universe. I know it will be tedious being an average member of a population, but there are certain things to look forward to." He doesn't say what, but I blush all the same.

"I heard Star Fleet was thinking of waking up your crew and sending them to treatments as well." I tell him, hopefully to divert his attention. But he frowns. I would have thought he would be glad for such news.

"I do not think that would be a good idea. My crew would be vehemently against such psychological healing. The only reason I bargained for it, and accepted it, was because I had a reason to."

"I didn't think of that. You should probably tell them that before they decide to wake them." I point out.

"I will discuss it with my Healer." We're both quiet for a moment. "You are my reason Lily." He says, quite bluntly. I stutter a nervous laugh and glance around to make sure we're not being listened to. I know our conversations are recorded and reviewed, probably by more people than strictly necessary, but still. I try not to think about that.

"Khan, I would have never taken you as somebody who would change for some girl." I murmur. I think if he were here, he would put his hand on mine, or tilt my face up towards his. As it is, I'm avoiding looking at the screen.

"You're not just some girl. I've told you that time and time again." He reminds me, inducing yet another blush on my face. I think he likes seeing me blush. He provokes it often enough. "Will you be on Earth to receive me?" I glance at the screen again, my eyes immediately seeing the pleading on his normally stoic face. It's not like he's openly groveling, but I can see past his composed mask. I'm probably one of the few people who can. The way his lips curve down ever so slightly, and his eyes grow infinitesimally bigger. It's subtle changes to his casual demeanor that let me see who he is.

"I'll ask Jim for some shore leave time. But you'll have to ask the Admiral if I'll be allowed to be there. At worst, we'll have to meet up after you're initial return. Maybe for coffee or ice cream or something." He nods, a discreet smile on his lips.

"You hate coffee." He reminds me. We usually play games when he calls. Our games usually consist of asking questions about each other. Stupid, meaningless questions on the surface. But he hoards information about me, from my drink preferences to my favorite chick flick. He even knows my favorite Greek myth, Persephone and Hades. He likes to point out it's remarkably similar to our own situation.

"But I love hot chocolate. And it's usually served in coffee houses." I point out. He nods, but doesn't reply. Usually when awkward silences descend, he waits for me to break them. I open my mouth to say some more, most likely to ramble until he stops me from embarrassing myself, when someone sits down next to me.

"Khan. How did I know it was you?" Jim remarks, with false sweetness in his tone.

"Captain Kirk. So good to see you again." Khan returns with the same fake pleasantry. He and I are used to being interrupted by various members of the Enterprise's crew. Jim and Bones make a particular habit of it. Once it was Spock who inserted himself into our conversation, and the two men spent a good ten minutes glaring at each other while I tried to think of something they could talk about. I don't think they'll ever warm up to each other, but I doubt anyone aboard my ship will ever really like Khan.

"I hope you don't mind if I ask you to never come aboard my ship again." Jim jumps right to his thoughts. "I'm...shocked that the Vulcan's believe you're psychologically healed, but I would still feel comfortable if you remained far away from the Enterprise. That being said, I recognize that Lily is not a member of my crew and I can't order her to stay away from you. But she is a member of my family, and I swear if you hurt her, there won't be a planet in this universe that you could hide. Do we understand each other?" My face is buried in my hands and I'm sure the blush on my face could rival the shade of a ripe tomato.

"It's actually quite endearing to me, Captain, the worry you feel for Lily. I am quite confident that nothing will happen to her on your guard. That being said, if she ends up surrendering herself in a hostage situation, or getting kidnapped by an enemy of yours, or dying because she's on your ship, there won't be dimension safe for you." I peak out from between my fingers at Jim. Strangely enough, instead of anger or indignation, there's a small smile on his face. Jim catches me looking, and the confused look on my face, and his smile grows.

"I don't have to like him to respect him. But only a little bit." Jim tells me with a wink before leaving just as casually as he came.

"I do believe he's warming up to me." Khan remarks with a smirk.

"Don't jinx it!" I hiss. He smiles fondly, one of his rare real smiles, but it's only for a few moments. "So...would it be weird if I hugged you? When I see you on Earth? I hug everybody, but I know it might make you uncomfortable..." I steadfastly avoid the screen again.

"I don't think you could stop me from hugging you when we meet again." He says, his voice amused.

"Well I'm glad that's settled. Just avoided a whole slew of awkwardness." I murmur. Another awkward silence begins to descend. "I'm not going to stay on Earth for long. You know that right? I belong on the Enterprise." I tell him.

"I know, and I understand. It's your home. But I believe, in your time, they had things called 'long distance relationships'. If you wanted a relationship, that is. I know you said before I left that you were not ready for one."

"And I'm still not really ready. I know I must be a pain in the ass to you, but I can't imagine myself in a relationship. I'm seeing so much, out here in space! I never get to go down to planets on the initial exploration team, but when they're deemed safe, sometimes Jim will let me take a walk around with a chaperone. We went to this one planet, Finaqua, that was just gorgeous! The people there are remarkably humanoid, it's just that they have three eyes and two hearts and maybe some of them have an extra pair of arms. But they have beautiful lakes and they live in tree houses and they're completely copacetic with nature. They're like the Ewoks but not little teddy bears." I realize I'm rambling when he gives me the look a teacher might wear when a kindergartener starts going on about Christmas presents. "Sorry."

"No, I quite enjoy listening to your fascination. I'm rarely surprised or awed by things, but the joy and wonder on your face when you speak of your travels feels like my own." He explains patiently. "You want to go and see and do, before you settle down. You have so many adventures you want to go on before you can rest happily."

"And that doesn't make you angry?" I ask cautiously. He considers me for a moment before shaking his head.

"Quite the contrary, I think it is wonderful that you are able to partake in such adventures, and that you see such beauty and feel such wonder where ever you go. You see the universe differently than many people Lily. Others look and see profit, or expansion, or danger, or even their gods. You look and you see the awe that it inspires. You don't wish to claim or destroy, you wish to visit and relish what you see. It makes me proud to be even a small part of your life." He assures me.

"How do you see the universe?" I bite my lip again after I ask, and his eyes are drawn once again to my unconscious habit.

"I used to see it as something to be conquered. Now I see it as something that makes you happy. And that makes me happy." I can't help but snort a laugh.

"You're too perfect to be true, you know that? It's almost hard to believe, except..." I fade off, and he frowns.

"Except?" He prompts.

"I think you would say something less cheesy if you were just acting." I point out, and he just stares at me for a few seconds. And then he laughs. His laugh is even rarer than his real smile, and I think I'm the only person who's ever heard it. But it always surprises me slightly when he does laugh.

"So I'm only suave when I'm faking?" He smirks.

"No, you can be suave. It's just...when you're feeling in a lovey dovey mood, all the sudden it's a 60's classical romance movie with Audrey Hepburn and Clark Gable and there's always a happy ending." He wrinkles his eyebrows. "Oh come on! It's not like you were born three centuries after me! You must know these cultural references! We weren't so far apart, remember!" He shrugs and I huff a sigh.

"Clark Gable...he's the one from that Southern movie, right? The one about the civil war?"

"Yes! Gone With the Wind! I would watch that movie religiously when I was younger! Whenever I stayed home sick from school, I would wrap up in a blanket, make myself some soup and watch that movie on repeat. Of course, it was so long that I usually only got through it twice a day." He's smiling again, a real, warm smile, but I don't think he realizes it. If he did, he would probably hide it. "I haven't watched it since I came to the future. Maybe we could have a movie night. After you get back to Earth." I suppose, giving him my best Bambi eyes.

"I've never watched a movie." He tells me. It's not a rejection, just a statement of fact.

"You've never watched a movie?" I ask, over dramatically aghast.

"Being the leader of hundreds of Augments, and trying to take over the Earth, it didn't really leave much time for cinema. I enjoy your cultural references, but I don't understand many of them." He might sound just a little eager. But only a little.

"I'll have to educate you then. We have plenty to see. Firefly and Sherlock and Doctor Who and- OH! I bet I could get all three of The Hobbit films! The last one wasn't out during my time, I still have to see it! I can't believe I didn't think of that! Hm, and Lord of the Rings. Yes, we have much to cover young grasshopper. Your education will take many, many hours." He snorts and shakes his head a pit patronizingly.

"Trying to make me domestic?"

"Well...yeah. Are you going to be working for Star Fleet?" He sighs heavily.

"Yes. Engineering and Science."

"Are you...upset about it?" It's another thing I'm worried about. He wasn't exactly thrilled the last time he had to work for Star Fleet.

"Not entirely. It's better than getting some dull civilian job, at least. And I'll be stationed on Earth, so the only person we have to work our schedules around will be you. How often do you think you can take shore leave?"

"Well I'm a civilian resident so I suppose as often as I can make up excuses. I can't cite a funeral, since you're the only person I know on Earth. And don't you dare die." I hiss the last sentence, narrowing my eyes.

"Never." He promises. There's muffled words on his side of the screen, and he looks away from me for a moment before muttering unhappily. "I have to go." He tells me.

"Be good." I say cheekily. He rolls his eyes.

"You're lucky you're millions of miles away." He tells me. "I would tickles you until you wet yourself." He informs me.

"Ooh I'm scared. Maybe I'll just hide out here for the rest of my natural life."

"You better not. I would hate to break a promise to the Captain." We both grin a little. "I will see you soon Lily."

"Okay. Bye." The screen shuts off and returns to the home page. I glance around, glad that no one is openly watching me. The first few times I talked to Khan, I finished the conversation to find every pair of eyes in the rec room turned to me. But they've all grown pretty used to it now. I turn off my PADD and meander to the card table to pester my friends.

"Good talk?" Carol asks when I sit in the empty space between her and Scotty. Sometimes I feel bad for talking to Khan, especially near carol. He did kill her dad after all. Carol says she doesn't care, that if Khan is reformed, than I can talk to him if I want. But sometimes I see a trace of lingering sadness or regret.

"Yeah. You know, he's never watched a movie before! I told him, as part of his domestication, I would be introducing him to all my favorites." Scotty snorts a laugh.

"I would pay to see an Augment watching movies with you." He snickers.

"Khan doesn't know what he's getting into." Bones adds with a more inconspicuous, but still very much there, smirk. "Speaking of movies though, we're still doing the Movie Night tonight, aren't we? I know these two, Nyota, Sulu, Pavel, and Jim all want to come still."

"Yeah. But uh...did you ever get an answer from Spock?" Things sometimes get awkward between Spock and me. He's still dating Nyota, like I asked, but every now and then he'll look at me, and there will be this profound sadness in his eyes. It's so strange to see, especially since his face remains vibrantly Vulcan. It makes me feel guilty, but at the same time, I didn't promise Spock anything. And it's not like I'm dating Khan or anything. How do you date someone who's enduring psychological healing half a universe away?

"He doesn't know if he'll make it tonight. He has a few things to look over from the planet yesterday." Bones explains, but we both know that Spock is just making excuses.

"I think I'll stop by the lab. Bet I could convince him." I hope I can convince him anyways. Spock is one of my best friends, right up there with Jim and Bones. While I don't really have a crush on him anymore, because to be honest I only have room for one crush at a time in my limited emotional range, he's still family. He's still my Spock.

"What do you wanna watch? I think it's your week to pick." Scotty reminds me, drawing a card from the deck in the middle of the table. I consider it for a while before smiling.

"Moulin Rouge." They all groan. "What?" I demand.

"You always pick old movies." Carol mutters.

"I'm sorry if I don't know any current movies. Besides, you always end up liking the movies I pick, don't deny it." They all mutter little excuses for themselves before returning to their game. "See you guys in a bit." I tell them before jumping up and heading to the science lab. Things are pretty much back to normal on the Enterprise. Everyone I pass smiles and waves and there's no imminent danger bearing down on us from every angle. It's peaceful, except for the exciting moments when missions turn out to be more than we expected them to be.

The science lab is empty when I step through the door, but I have the feeling it won't be for long. Spock probably just stepped out to get someone's second opinion. It seems like he spends all his free time in the lab, so he'll be back in no time. I sit down at the computer and idly read through what he's working on while I wait. I don't even realize how much time has passed but then the door opens and Spock walks in, his nose buried in his PADD.

"Hey! Just the Vulcan I was hoping to see!" I say happily. He looked up, a flash of surprise on his face before it settles back into emotionless.

"Lily. This is unexpected." He says, setting his PADD down.

"I came to convince you to go to the movie night tonight. Bones said you were pretty busy, but it's just for a few hours. Please?" I blink my eyes at him, and a tiny smile turns up the corner of his lips. He would never admit to it, but I'm expert at making him show his emotions.

"As Doctor McCoy said, I have much to do and my report is due by the end of Alpha shift tomorrow." Spock picks up his PADD again but I snatch it from his hands.

"Please Spock! You've skipped out on the last three movies!" I point out, and he avoids looking directly at me. "Is this because of Khan?" I hardly dare ask. He finally looks back up at me, and he doesn't even have to say anything. It is.

"He's killed thousands of people Lily. He'll hurt you." Spock's voice is quiet, probably to keep his emotion in check.

"You don't know that! He's changed Spock, I thought you had more faith in Vulcan psychological healing that that!" I push the PADD back into his hands and turn to storm out.

"Lily..." The door slides shut before he can finish what he's saying. I can't believe Spock! I would have thought he'd be happy that Khan is reformed! Proof that his planet knows it's way around fixing minds! But no! I storm back to my quarters and collapse on my bed dramatically. I don't want to be mad at Spock, and I'm not really. But I do feel...hurt I suppose. Why does he have to be so judgmental of Khan? Even Jim is easier on the Augment than Spock! I really hope it doesn't have to do with some stupid jealousy thing. I'm so over jealousy.

There's a knock at my door and I groan but call for whoever it is to come in. Nyota appears in my peripheral vision and she gives me a sheepish smile.

"If Spock sent you, I'm so not in the mood." I tell her bitterly. Her smile widens a little and she settles on my bed.

"You know he's only trying to protect you, right?" She says gently. I mutter under my breath and roll over onto my stomach to bury my face in my pillow. "Lily can you blame him for being suspicious of Khan? Think about all he's done to us, and tell me that you honestly think Spock is overreacting."

"I think Spock is overreacting! Yes, Khan did terrible things. But he's different Nyota. Still the same brilliant, gorgeous smart-ass, but no homicidal or dictator tendencies." She chuckles and starts running her fingers through my hair. "I don't understand why he hates him so much! No one else even cares that I like Khan, but with Spock it's like I'm asking to play with radiation!"

"It's not far from the truth. Khan is a very dangerous and powerful thing. Spock is just afraid that you'll get hurt."

"Spock? Afraid? I think you're thinking about the wrong Vulcan." She opens her mouth to say something, but I'm really tired of talking to people for the moment. "Nyota, thanks for trying, but I'm kinda done with interaction right now. I'll see you for the movie tonight." She sighs and pets my hair for another moment before standing.

"See you tonight." She agrees and walks silently out of my quarters. I roll over to my side and close my eyes, intent on maybe getting a nap in before Moulin Rouge.


Spock shows up half way through the movie, and takes a seat next to the visibly surprised Nyota. On the screen Satine and Christian are trying to avoid the Duke to yet again meet together, and Zidler sees them. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Spock look at me. The Duke glances up, and Spock glances away. Zidler averts catastrophe and Spock frowns. He doesn't appear to be enjoying the movie at all. But at least he came.


Jim and I wait, impatiently on my part, for the doors to the briefing room to open. Khan is in there. He arrived this morning, but was immediately taken to a briefing room where he's now being subjected to every possible question to make sure he's sane and not evil. Jim and I have been waiting an hour now, and Jim looked appropriately bored. Though sometimes he'll look at me and smile.

"What?" I bite when he does it again.

"You just look so annoyed! Like a chihuahua waiting to bite someone's ankle if you don't get your treat soon." He tells me, and I glower at him. "I mean that with all the love in the world Lil." He adds, though that doesn't make my glare soften any.

"I just don't understand what's taking so long!" I exclaim, dropping my head onto his shoulder. "How many people must he be questioned by?" I mutter.

"Lily, think about what happened the last time he was on Earth. There will be a lot of questions asked. We have to be absolutely sure he's reformed." I huff and get up to pace. Twenty minutes later, the door opens and a stream of Star Fleet officials wander out, followed by the current Admiral and Khan. The Augment takes one look at me and rushes forward to wrap me in a hug. He picks me up and spins me around once before putting me back on my feet. And I laugh throughout the entire thing.

"You came." He observes.

"How could I not?" I roll my eyes. He smiles and hugs me again. We're interrupted by someone clearing their throat, and I look away from Khan to see the Admiral looking at us.

"Lily Watcher, right?" I nod. "I'm Admiral Fillis, I don't think we've met." He sticks out his hand and I disentangle myself from Khan to shake with him. "I understand you're to thank for this quite extraordinary change in Commander Singh."

"Well I don't like to take credit but..." I reply with a fake sigh. Khan rolls his eyes and I grin at him. "In all honestly, it could have been anyone."

"Stop saying that." Khan mutters under his breath.

"Well, regardless, thank you. Star Fleet has gained a tremendous ally in Commander Singh, and it's because of you." Fillis nods to Khan and me before half waving to Jim and walking away. Jim stands and wanders over to Khan.

"Commander Singh." He nods.

"Captain Kirk." Khan replies.

"I expect you two have some romantic plans to pursue for the day." He points out. Khan nods, putting his arm around my waist. "Just get her back by 8 AM tomorrow, we have a planet to explore in the Alpha Quadrant." Jim requests and walks away.

"We only have a few hours?" Khan asks with the tiniest pout that I think only I would ever be able to see.

"We'll be docking for Shore Leave next month for a whole two weeks." I tell him happily. He doesn't cheer up. "And besides...a lot can happen in a few hours. Just think about the first day we met. What was it, a whole three hours between me I walking into the brig, and us warping off in the Vengeance?" I remind him, and he smiles.

"You're never going to let me forget that are you?"

"What, the fact that our first date was between a plate of glass and our second featured the squished head of Admiral Marcus? Yeah, I would plan on quite a few reminders." I tell him deviously. "But, since we only have a few hours, why don't we forget about it for a while and go get dinner." I suggest.

"I'd love to." He agrees and he pauses for a moment. I'm about to ask him what's wrong when he captures my face between his hands and kisses me. And I can't help but push to my tip toes to lean into the kiss. I forgot how...captivating it was. When he lets go of my cheeks, he looks quite proud of himself. "I've been waiting to do that for a year." He murmurs.

"Well...I guess we know what we're doing after dinner then." I say slyly, but he frowns.

"I thought you didn't want a relationship." He points out.

"I think I can change my mind if you convince me." This time he smirks, and pulls me in close.

"Challenge accepted." He kisses me again and I swear I could die happily right then and there.

"Lily." My blood freezes in my veins and I feel Khan tense up at Spock's voice. We both turn to the Vulcan, who was standing a few yards away and looking perfectly unaffected by what he was seeing. "I came to welcome Khan back to Earth. I won't keep you long, I just wanted to make something clear to Commander Singh." He says stoically.

"Go on, Commander." Khan manages to sound...not hostile, at least.

"Lily is very important to a large number of people. She's our sister, and our friend, and if you hurt her, I will not rest until the pieces of your corpse touch the very edge of the galaxy." I'm pretty sure I'm gaping, but no one calls me out on it. In fact, I think Khan is more interested by Spock.

"Why the big change of heart, Commander? I was under the impression you wanted Lily for yourself." He reminds Spock. The Vulcan sighs and looks at me.

"I love Lily. And since I love her, I'm willing to see her happy with another man, rather than see her merely content with someone else. I'll take whatever bit of her I can get, and if it's just sisterly affection, I'll be glad for that." He speaks to me, not to Khan, and I feel a little shiver go down my spine. "I hope you'll be happy together. And I'll see you back aboard the Enterprise tomorrow Lily." He turns to walk away, but I can't just let him go. I run to him and throw my arms around him.

"Thank you Spock. This means so much to me." I tell him before letting him go. He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it again and nods, with a small smile.

"And therefore, it means so much to me as well." He agrees and walks away, this time uninterrupted. Khan walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"That was surprising." He mentions. I smile to myself.

"But it was a nice surprise." He hums in recognition. "Anyways! I believe you were taking me to dinner." I remind him.

"I believe I was. Shall we?" He holds out his arm, and I loop mine through it.

"See. Cheesy." I remark as we start walking.

"You love it." He says with a smirk.

"But of course I do." I reply with my own smirk. "I love you, all of you." He looks down at me, a slight anger on his face.

"And you never said anything before now? Miss I'm-Not-Ready-For-Any-Kind-Of-Love."

"I was lying. I wanted it to be a surprise." I tell him with a shit eating grin. He rolls his eyes and tilts my face up to his for a small kiss.

"I love you too."

"That's good, because you're stuck with me." I warn.

"I look forward to it Lily." Honestly...I don't think I've ever been happier than I am in this moment. And I really think it will last. That's all I can ask for really. Being happy, with Khan, for the foreseeable future. It's going to be great.



AN: Thanks to all of you who stayed with me to the end! I couldn't have done it without your support! Feel free to leave a note if you like it, or if you didn't like it I suppose. I love you all! Not in a weird way! Toodles!