Okay, this is the comeplete Envious Eyes Saga, whoo...Someone asked me to finish it, so I did. ^^' I dont own nothing but Hiro, and any Poem/Song written in this fic
Envious Eyes
by Ishida Takeru
"Where is he!" Mimi stamped her foot in agitation. "He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago." It was starting to get dark. She was told to wait outside at six. But it was six ten now. And he was late! "Oooo, you better have a good excuse. No...wait, no excuse will be good enough!" She squinted looking into a distance. A car! Could that be him? The car slowed down as it reached her location.
"Hey Mimi, wasn't Tai supposed to pick you up" Koushiro called from the passenger side.
"Yeah, but he's late!" Mimi folded her arms pouting ever so slightly.
"I'm sure you can catch a ride with us" Koushiro turned to the driver of the jeep. "He says it's fine with him"
"Great!" Mimi said stepping into the back-seat. She then waved to the driver. "Hi! I'm Mimi, thanks for giving me a lift.
The driver nodded slightly, then spoke quietly. "We have to pick up Ya-kun though."
"Who?" Mimi asked.
Koushiro turned in his seat. "He means Yamato"
"Oh....why is he picking up Yamato?"
Koushiro let out a low sigh. "Because, Mimi...their band has a performance tonight."
"Oh, at the same place as Yamato's...?"
The driver turned his head to look at Mimi. "Same band" with that said he drove off towards Yamato's apartment building.
Mimi blinked a few times. It took her a few seconds to analyze all that was the driver's appearance. Hmmm she thought, He has really nice hair. All black and spiky, I like how the tips are dyed red. And he has really tanned skin, he must own a tanning bed...or something. Mimi took another look at the driver. Hmm, at least five nine. And he has a really nice voice too... Smooth and melodramatic. Mimi blinked out her daze as the jeep pulled to a stop.
"I'll be right back" The driver said as he headed towards the apartment's buildings main entrance.
"So!" Mimi said leaning on the front seat. "Who is he?"
Koushiro looked back towards Mimi "His name is Hiro."
"Well, why are you in a car with such a cool person?"
Koushiro paid no mind to the slight putdown that had occurred. "He's in the computer club at school. He offered me a lift to the bands performance"
"Oh, I thought you'd might know if he was seeing anybody"
Koushiro sighed again. It seemed like every conversation with Mimi brought on a case of the sighs "Why don't you ask him yourself? If you are really that curious...."
Mimi sat back in her seat with a slight huff as both Hiro and Yamato filed into the jeep. The rest of trip was made in total silence.
As they arrived at the club, the rest of the band was already setting up. Koushiro and Mimi headed to find a seat.
"Hey! Over here!" Taichi yelled waving an arm towards them.
Koushiro headed over, followed by Mimi. "You didn't pick me up Taichi!" She said angrily.
"I thought you found another ride..." Taichi stuttered. "I went to pick up Sora first. I was late anyway...."
"Humph" Mimi said dropping into a seat. She was just about to say something when lights faded away.
The silence was broken by the low moan of the harmonica. A single note was held out for a few moments, then it stopped abruptly. Two green lights shown down to the edge of the stage, one was on Yamato who had begun to play a haunting melody. The other was on Hiro, who came in with the lyrics.
"My world revolves around you" The notes Hiro sung was followed by the same notes on the Harmonica.
"If you were gone my heart would break in two"
"Now, I'm asking you girl. Don't ever leave me"
As the chorus began Yamato came in echoing Hiro.'s voice.
"Don't ever leave me girl"
"My world would crumble to the ground"
"Save me from this sorrow"
"Don't ever leave me girl"
As Hiros voice died out Yamato's continued.
"We've been together for so long."
"Through the good times and the bad"
"I don't know what I would do without you"
"Now, I'm asking you girl. Don't ever leave me"
Again Hiro began singing the chorus echoed by Yamato.
"Don't ever leave me girl"
"My world would crumble to the ground"
"Save me from this sorrow"
"Don't ever leave me girl"
They both continued the song. Their voices calling out to the audience.
"Don't ever leave me."
"It would be to hard, to long"
"To live without you"
"I would rather leave this world than be without you"
"Don't ever leave me girl"
"My world would crumble to the ground"
"Save me from this sorrow"
"Don't ever leave me girl"
The piece ended with the harmonica repeating the notes of the chorus. The final note being held out as the lights faded once more.
The crowd sat there blinking, they didn't know if they should cheer or politely clap. The lights came back on fully, and the crowd erupted in applause
The rest of the band's set went by quickly. Finally Yamato headed towards the group, he was flanked by Hiro who was trying to explain how the lighting system worked.
"Okay..okay..let's just call it 'good' and be done with it" Yamato mumbled.
Hiro gave a slight shrug. "Koushiro designed the program.."
Koushiro's eyes lit up as he nodded. A chance to explain his ingenious computer program. But he was interrupted by Mimi's squeals of "That was so great!" Which were echoed by Sora and Taichi.
The days after the concert flew by quickly. Before anyone knew it, they were heading back to school. Yamato sighed as he walked to school. Here he was a famous. Well, semi-famous musician. And he was walking. His silence was broken by a voice from behind.
"I told you, you should have saved your money and got a better car" Takeru said in a matter of fact tone.
"You didn't mind when the car was giving you rides to school" Yamato smirked. "Besides, walking is good for you."
"I think I've walked enough to last me a lifetime" Takeru said as he caught up with his brother. The rest of the walk was done in silence. It was always said that siblings sometimes had a mental bond. It was true here, they seemed to know what each other was thinking. So words weren't always necessary.
The school was already beginning to come to life as students chatted and filed towards their respective classrooms. Takeru glanced towards the main door, then back to his brother. "There they are"
Yamato groaned "Don't remind me. How long do you think it'll take before"
"Too late" Takeru interrupted as a wave of girls headed their way. "Now what?"
"Run..." Yamato said turning to the other way about to begin a mad-dash. Suddenly, the wave of fans stopped. Not one moved forward.
"Whoa....they're not stampeding this way" Takeru squinted towards the crowd. There's somebody talking to them."
"Who would do a crazy thing like that. Oh...that's Hiro.." Yamato blinked a few times. "What is he telling that mob...better not be my phone number!" Yamato ran up towards the crowd momentarily forgetting its nature.
Hiro was standing there talking in a quiet voice. "Now, if you do not head to class..he might get expelled for being late. And you wouldn't want to cause that, now would you?"
The crowd yelled a chorus of "Noo!" And continued on their way. Yamato stood there for a few moments. Not believing that they left without a fight.
"What did you tell them...?" He asked.
"You just have to know how to talk to them. Trust me, if you appeal to their..fanatical side...they'd believe anything." Hiro grinned. "You owe me now"
"Why does that sound like I'm signing my soul away to the devil"
Hiro shrugged. "Don't worry about it" Yes, don't worry about it, old friend. I'll get what I want soon enough. My plan is falling into motion. "We better get to class"
"Yeah you're right."
The rest of the day was quieter than usual. Yamato was glad for the time to relax for a change. The hallway dash had become is best event after the band became known. He headed out the door like a normal student. He was one with the crowd, not the one the crowd was trying to be with. "This is great" he said to himself. Pocketing his hands he started across the street. There were no cars as he started across, but the next thing he knew. One was heading right towards him. His mind began to race, he had to get out of the way. But his feet, his feet felt like they were stuck to the ground the next thing.....
Darkness surrounded Yamato for what seemed like hours. Finally, he slowly opened his eyes. "Where am I?" He tilted his head to the side to take a glimpse of his surroundings. He could see his brother asleep in one of the chairs by the open window. What was he doing in a hospital. He felt a bit of pain surge through his body. He was hit by a car while he was heading out from school.
Takeru stirred in his sleep. "Don't leave me" he mumbled in his sleep. Violently he threw his arms up, causing the chair he was in to tilt to one side. Eventually, it came crashing to the ground with a dull thud.
"Takeru, keep it down. I have a major headache over here" Yamato mumbled as he attempted to sit up.
"Yamato! You're awake" The next moment Takeru had his brother is a strong hug.
"Hey" Yamato grimaced. "Watch it there, it still hurts all over" Yamato forced himself to smile despite the pain. He was glad his brother was here. This was one time he didn't want to be alone.
"Everyone's been worried about you." Takeru continued on, loosening his hug.
"I've only been out a few hours..."
Takeru shook his head "It's been ten days."
"Ten days!" Yamato stares at his brother in shock. "You're kidding right?"
Again Takeru shook his head. "Nope. They sent people out looking for the car that hit you. But, they couldn't really do anything without knowing anything about it. They told me to ask you once you woke up."
Yamato sighed. "I don't remember anything. I was just crossing the street. The next thing I remember is waking up." Ten days. How could he have been asleep for ten days. And now he doesn't even know who the idiot was who hit him. Damn, the whole situation was annoying.
"Your fanclub sent you some flowers" Takeru said motioning to the rows of flowers, including a six foot tall palm tree. "I think they went a little overboard on some of them."
"At least I wasn't forgoten" Yamato mumbled. "Anything else happen?" Ten days was a long time, so it was no wonder he was curious about what was going on.
"Well..." Takeru started. "Tai and Sora are going out, but I don't think they want anyone to know. I heard it from Kari. I guess she was eavesdropping. Oh, and Mimi kept stopping by. Taichi came back once, and started yelling in your ear"
"No wonder I woke up with a headache" Yamato smirked lightly. "As long as I can get out of here soon. I'll be fine."
"Well, the doctors said it would be a while.." Their conversation continued on. But they weren't alone. Just outside the room envious eyes were watching them.
"You think you got off easy, old friend." The figured mumbled quietly. "I have plenty more in stroe for you. Just you wait.."
A week later Yamato was finally released from the hospital. It was nice to get away from the bad food and horrible rooms. However, it was not nice to head back to school. It seemed every time he turned a corner some girl would throw herself upon him and start sobbing that she had missed him so much. His reply to all this a mumbled "Thank you" and a sprint the other way. By lunchtime he had done this routine a good twelve times. He entered the lunchroom quietly, hoping to be able to get out of there without an incident.
"Yamato!" It was Tai waving at one of the tables. To his left was Sora, and across from her was Koushiro.
Yamato let out a low sigh as he headed over. "Hey...."
"You look better" Sora broke the moment of silence that had began. "We were all really worried about you."
"It was no big deal" Yamato mumbled under his breath.
"Getting hit by a car does not go under the "no big deal" category" Koushiro interjected. "Has there been any word as to whom the perpetrator was.
Yamato shook his head as he sat down. "I can't remember what happened. So, the police said they couldn't do anything about it." Yamato glanced at each of his friends. "Where's everybody else?"
They all shrugged, soon the conversation drifted to what had happened at Tai's soccer practice. And how much Koushiro was going to save to get a modem.
The rest of the day dragged on for Yamato. Each teacher asked where he had been, and gave him extra work to makeup for the missed days. By the time school was out, his backpack was full of books and his mind was lost in a world of x to the third powers and tangents. Again he exited the building and headed home. This time, however, he stayed on the sidewalk. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. He turned the corner and stopped at the light, when the signal changed he headed across. Every few steps he would check to make sure nothing was going to happen. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity he entered his apartment building. A few more minutes he was opening the door to his apartment.
"Dad, I'm home" he called out. There was no answer, which wasn't surprising. His father was probably working late or something as usual. Yamato sighed, he needed a hot shower or something. His thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. Yamato hopped over the couch on his way to the phone. "Hello?"
There was no answer on the other end. "Hello?" Yamato said again. Still there was no answer. Yamato hung up the phone in annoyance. "Now I'm getting prank calls. At least those girls would giggle when they called." Yamato fell onto the couch, the next thing he realized he was sound asleep.
What seemed like minutes to Yamato turned out to be three hours. His state of rest was broken by the phone ringing again. Not wanting to get up, he decided to let the answering machine get it.
"Hello this is the Ishida residence. Please leave your message after the beep"
"Yamato, it's your mother. Something happened to Takeru. They took him to the Odaiba hospital."
Yamato eyes shot open, the next moment he was out the door and running towards the hospital. Across the street someone was watching him. The figure smirked as he leaned up against a lightpost. "How does it feel to lose something precious, old friend" The figured chuckled quietly as he ran his fingers through spiked hair. " You better run fast., very fast"
Yamato rushed towards the hospital. What was going on with his life. First, he gets hit by a car, now something happened to his brother. What was next his parents, his friends? Something had to give, anything had to give. Without thought he rushed into the hospital knocking various orderlies to the ground. He had one thing on his mind, he had to get to his brother. "Takaishi Takeru" he asked one of the nurses he just ran over. "Where is he!?" He was yelling, but he didn't care about anything else at the moment.
"Room 202" she managed to get out before he was off and running again.
He kept running, not even bothering to use the elevator to the second floor. Swiftly he dodged through the people lining the hallway, like a gazelle running from a pack of lionesses. He arrived at the room, and pushed the door open, the door knob making a large dent in the wall. "Takeru!"
His brother look his way and smiled weakly. "I think I ate something bad, or something"
Yamato let out a large sigh of relief. At least it wasn't serious. "You had me worried there"
Takeru frowned. "I'm sorry." He looked up at the ceiling. "It was weird though. One of the people from your band stopped by for a bit. He asked if you were there and then left. I was going to call you and tell you, but I started throwing up..."
Yamato shook his head. "Don't worry about it. You're more important than the band can ever be. He walked over to the bed sitting down on the edge. "It was just probably about rehearsal or something." Yamato stuck the odd happenings to the back of his mind for the time being. The next five hours were spent talking to his brother and asking the doctor when he could leave. Around nine PM, the doctor finally caved in and allowed Takeru to go home. His mother came directly after work and picked them up. Yamato's father understood his reasoning about staying with Takeru for a few days. Everything seemed to be headed back to somewhat normal until the next day at school.
He arrived at school late, trying to avoid is so-called fanclub. Luckily, they had heard about what had happened to Takeru and knew to leave him alone for a day. The day went by without incident until lunchtime.
"I can't believe someone ransacked my locker!" An angry Taichi was shouting to no one in particular.
"It happened to all of us Taichi" Sora spoke calmly. "Its not like it was an insult directed at you."
Koushiro nodded slightly. "Luckily I failed to leave my laptop in my locker."
Yamato blinked a few times. "Something happened to your lockers..?"
Jyou nodded a bit "Someone broke into them and stole everything out of them."
Taichi was already standing waving a fist in the air. "When I find out who stole my lucky jersey!" he yelled. "I'm going to deck them one they'll never forget.!"
"You needed to wash that thing anyway" Yamato replied coolly. He wasn't in the mood for Taichi's constant...raised voice.
"Shut up Yamato" Taichi answered as he shot the blonde a glare.
"Make me." Yamato's voice was a calm as it ever was. He needed a good fight anyway. Not that Taichi was ever a good fight. He just needed to let off some steam from finding out what had happened to his brother.
"Hey hey" It was Sora, who always seemed to be the voice of reason. "There's no need to fight"
Taichi was the first to protest. "He started it, Sora"
"Started what?" was Yamato's reply.
"You're lucky your brother was sick, otherwise I would have decked you" Taichi mumbled.
That was definitely the last straw. There was something about the way Taichi said that statement that made Yamato's temper hit the critical mark. The next thing that happened wasn't surprising to those who knew.
"Shut up!" Yamato yelled a fist connecting to Taichi's nose. He would have done more but he was dragged out of the lunchroom by one of the teachers. His fan-club gasped, some boys cheered and at a lone table someone let out a low chuckle.
Yamato spent the rest of the day in the principals office being lectured. Or he would have been lectured if he didn't shut the whole thing out. The bell sung the hymn of freedom for Yamato and he left as quickly as he arrived in the principal's office. He was racing towards the doors, trying to avoid various girls when he crashed right into Hiro. Papers went flying as if stirred up by a divine wind. "Hiro! Sorry about that.."
"It's okay" Hiro mumbled picking up some papers and was headed back towards the classrooms.
"Weird" Yamato mumbled. He blinked a few times, picking up a paper that was left.
Envious Eyes
You have friends, I have foes
You have family, I am alone
You have love, I am hated
Envious Eyes
You have talent, but mine is not recognized
You are everything I wish I could be
I see you through these Envious Eyes
And I hate you, I wish you would die
Old friend, you will die.
Yamato blinked a few times. "This must be that song Hiro was working on..."
At the bottom of the page smeared in the crimson of blood was "Yamato Die"
Yamato's eyes widened as he took in the sight. His mind began to swirl as he finally recognized the car that hit him, the jeep that hit him! And then the pieces began to come together. He was there when Takeru got sick. And he must have broke into the lockers. Yamato glared towards the way Hiro had gone.
"Bastard!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the hall. "Get back here!"
Yamato stormed down the hallway. He was going to find Hiro, and teach him to never mess with him or his family. He didn't have any right to mess with anybody, not even Taichi. This whole game had gone on far enough. He could have handled someone going after just him. But, involving his brother that was unforgivable. The hall finally stopped in the form of a door. Yamato shoved open the door and blinkily stepped into the sun. "Where are you!?" he yelled as he held a hand to his eyes to block the sun out.
"Right here, old friend." A voice called from the shade on a cherry tree.
"Show yourself already"
"I figure you would find out" Hiro said coldly, as he ran a finger through his hair. "But, I intended to mess with your mind first"
"I thought we were friends" Yamato yelled his temper already flaring. "I trusted you. Why would you do this" Friendship was one of the most important things to him.
"Why would I do this?" Hiro said with a tint of shock in his voice. "Why did I have to sit and watch you see all the glory. Why did I have to watch you sit with your friends."
"I thought you preferred to be alone. People do deserve space. I know I did"
"I'm not you!" Hiro snapped throwing his hand in a wide arc. "I never had friends. I never knew how it felt for someone to care, to love me." Hiro stepped slowly up to Yamato. "But, with you out of the way. A shell of what you were before. My talent will finally be seen. I'll be loved by the fans. I'll have friends."
"You chose to be alone." Yamato persisted. Why was he arguing with him?
"I chose...I did not choose to be ignored!" Hiro turned on his heel. "Obviously you don't understand yet. Maybe you will once I take away everything"
Yamato unconsciously closed his fists. This was getting too much to handle. Everyone had their breaking points, and his was way past due. A few quick steps brought him up to Hiro, roughly he turned him around intent of ramming his fist in the jerks face. Unfortunately, the fist was caught before it reached it's destination.
"You really think, trying to hit me is going to work." Hiro said coldly as he let go of Yamato's fist. "Nothing short of death will stop me." Hiro smirked.
"I won't kill you. It's not the way, it's not my way."
Hiro started walking away. "That's too bad, old friend. I hope your brother is feeling better"
Everyone has buttons that if you push them correctly something will snap. This was Yamato's. The next moment he had Hiro tackled to the ground his fist connecting with his old friends face. Hiro tried desperately to cover up, but the enraged Yamato kept on with his assault. Soon, blood began to cover Yamato's hand as he continued punching.
"Don't you ever touch my brother again!" Yamato screamed. There came no response from Hiro. Yamato growled as he stood up and glared down at the unconscious body. He turned back towards the school and headed back that way wiping his hand on a pant leg.
Hiro laid there for hours, no one came to see what had happened. No one even cared that he was missing. Finally he pulled himself to his feet and stumbled towards his home. The blood, his blood stained the grass a crimson red that night. Something. he would never forget.
Yamato stepped into his mother's apartment still furious with the days events. He didn't even give a nod to his mother or Takeru as he made his way to the bathroom.
Takeru followed him cautiously but was shut out of the bathroom as he arrived to it. "Yamato, what happened?"
"Nothing, I just need to take a shower" Yamato answered and soon running water was all that could be heard.
Takeru sighed, he'll just wait outside the door for him. And then find out what went down. How long could he stay in there. Minutes turned into hours, and Takeru became more and more worried. Finally he decided to unlock the door himself. Luckily, he had locked himself in the bathroom many times before. On accident, of course. But, the point was he knew how to unlock the door. "Yamato?"
There sitting on the side of the bathroom was a still clothed Yamato, bloodstain and all. "People say they're my friends. But, those are lies. It's as if people deliberately see how far they can push me before I get angry"
"That's not true. Sure Taichi can be a little stubborn. But, he's not doing it on purpose" Takeru answered.
"This isn't even about him!" Yamato snapped.
Takeru took a reflexive step backwards. He hadn't heard his brother use that tone of voice since he first left the group in the Digiworld.
"Sorry" Yamato mumbled. "All these things that were going on..." Yamato slammed his fist into the wall. "Were because Hiro was jealous. Someone who I thought was my friend."
Takeru blinked a few time as it registered. "He...you..and..me...and the others"
Yamato simply nodded. He needed time to be alone, to think things out. How hard he wished Gabumon was with him. He could always trust Gabumon. "Gabumon" he mumbled as he buried his face in his hands.
Somewhere in the digital world a simple reply came "Yamato"
Hiro stared out his window at the surrounding buildings. Here he was suffering, while Yamato was feeling happy with himself. He had it all, and after all that he had done, he still had it all. What was he going to do. School was on hold for now. His dear drunk mother was planning on making him change school. No big deal, none at all. It's not like he had friends anyway. Hiro stared up into the night sky sending a death glare at the constellation known as Orion.
Yamato sighed, it seemed like good friends were definately hard to find. It was always easier to be alone. In fact, maybe that's what he needed, a few days alone. Some time to think about things, and to relax. Yamato walked to his window and took a moment to stare at the sky. He needed his best friend, and he needed him now. "Orion" he mumbled about a constellation.
Gabumon ran for what seemed like an eternity, but finally he made it to Gennai's house. "I need your help!"
Gennai turned from watching his goldfish swim. "Oh...?"
Gabumon nodded frantically. "I need to get to Yamato and fast."
Gennai seemed to ponder the idea for a moment. "Can't be done" he said finally.
Gabumon's eyes widened. "Why not!? This is important.."
Gennai shrugged once. "You would have to get one of the new kids to take you back. And that's not even a sure bet."
Gabumon looked down at his feet for a moment. "Takeru! Let me talk to Takeru! C'mon you have to let me."
Gennai simply nodded and pointed to the other room.
Takeru sighed, here he was doing homework while his brother was in pain. "I guess I can't help it" he mumbled.
Takeru's eyes went wide as his homework was replaced with a face. "Gabumon! What's going on?"
"Takeru, I need to get to Yamato right now!"
Takeru nodded a few times. He knew what he would have to do, break into the school's computer room. But, he couldn't ask for help. That would lead to everyone bothering his brother afterwards. But, he couldn't do it alone either. Who could help him, who could keep it a secret. Koushiro! He knew the room better than anybody else, and he was smart enough to break into it. "Okay Gabumon, I'll get down there as soon as I can"
Takeru grabbed the phone and dialed up Koushiro's house. One ring was followed by a few more. Finally, after what seemed like hours someone answered the phone. "Hello..?"
"Koushiro! You have to come down to the computer lab!"
Koushiro blinked audibly "Why? What's going on?"
"Just trust me!" Takeru insisted.
"Okay" Koushiro said finally. He had no idea what was going on. It was late and the computer room would be closed. Why did Takeru want to go there now?
Takeru raced towards the school. He knew if anyone could help his brother Gabumon could. He waited a good ten minutes before Koushiro finally arrived.
"What's the situation?" he asked out of breath.
"We need to go get Gabumon." Takeru said finally.
Koushiro blinked a few times. Luckily, he had brought his laptop. He basically never left home without it. "Let me just tap into the schools alarm system first." A few taps, a couple of clicks and finally "I disabled the alarm, and luckily the school had just put in automatic doors." With Koushiro pushed the door open.
"That's great!" Takeru said running into the room. "Now get this computer working!"
"I will I will. Don't be in such a rush. You still haven't told me what's going on." Koushiro said sliding in front of the computer.
"He's just really depressed. He's worse than what he was before"
Koushiro nodded. "Alright. Let's go"
Takeru nodded holding his digivice up to the screen. Gold light flew from the computer screen enveloping both Takeru and Koushiro, a few moments later they landed in the Digital World.
But little did they know envious eyes were watching them.
Envious Eyes
by Ishida Takeru
"Where is he!" Mimi stamped her foot in agitation. "He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago." It was starting to get dark. She was told to wait outside at six. But it was six ten now. And he was late! "Oooo, you better have a good excuse. No...wait, no excuse will be good enough!" She squinted looking into a distance. A car! Could that be him? The car slowed down as it reached her location.
"Hey Mimi, wasn't Tai supposed to pick you up" Koushiro called from the passenger side.
"Yeah, but he's late!" Mimi folded her arms pouting ever so slightly.
"I'm sure you can catch a ride with us" Koushiro turned to the driver of the jeep. "He says it's fine with him"
"Great!" Mimi said stepping into the back-seat. She then waved to the driver. "Hi! I'm Mimi, thanks for giving me a lift.
The driver nodded slightly, then spoke quietly. "We have to pick up Ya-kun though."
"Who?" Mimi asked.
Koushiro turned in his seat. "He means Yamato"
"Oh....why is he picking up Yamato?"
Koushiro let out a low sigh. "Because, Mimi...their band has a performance tonight."
"Oh, at the same place as Yamato's...?"
The driver turned his head to look at Mimi. "Same band" with that said he drove off towards Yamato's apartment building.
Mimi blinked a few times. It took her a few seconds to analyze all that was the driver's appearance. Hmmm she thought, He has really nice hair. All black and spiky, I like how the tips are dyed red. And he has really tanned skin, he must own a tanning bed...or something. Mimi took another look at the driver. Hmm, at least five nine. And he has a really nice voice too... Smooth and melodramatic. Mimi blinked out her daze as the jeep pulled to a stop.
"I'll be right back" The driver said as he headed towards the apartment's buildings main entrance.
"So!" Mimi said leaning on the front seat. "Who is he?"
Koushiro looked back towards Mimi "His name is Hiro."
"Well, why are you in a car with such a cool person?"
Koushiro paid no mind to the slight putdown that had occurred. "He's in the computer club at school. He offered me a lift to the bands performance"
"Oh, I thought you'd might know if he was seeing anybody"
Koushiro sighed again. It seemed like every conversation with Mimi brought on a case of the sighs "Why don't you ask him yourself? If you are really that curious...."
Mimi sat back in her seat with a slight huff as both Hiro and Yamato filed into the jeep. The rest of trip was made in total silence.
As they arrived at the club, the rest of the band was already setting up. Koushiro and Mimi headed to find a seat.
"Hey! Over here!" Taichi yelled waving an arm towards them.
Koushiro headed over, followed by Mimi. "You didn't pick me up Taichi!" She said angrily.
"I thought you found another ride..." Taichi stuttered. "I went to pick up Sora first. I was late anyway...."
"Humph" Mimi said dropping into a seat. She was just about to say something when lights faded away.
The silence was broken by the low moan of the harmonica. A single note was held out for a few moments, then it stopped abruptly. Two green lights shown down to the edge of the stage, one was on Yamato who had begun to play a haunting melody. The other was on Hiro, who came in with the lyrics.
"My world revolves around you" The notes Hiro sung was followed by the same notes on the Harmonica.
"If you were gone my heart would break in two"
"Now, I'm asking you girl. Don't ever leave me"
As the chorus began Yamato came in echoing Hiro.'s voice.
"Don't ever leave me girl"
"My world would crumble to the ground"
"Save me from this sorrow"
"Don't ever leave me girl"
As Hiros voice died out Yamato's continued.
"We've been together for so long."
"Through the good times and the bad"
"I don't know what I would do without you"
"Now, I'm asking you girl. Don't ever leave me"
Again Hiro began singing the chorus echoed by Yamato.
"Don't ever leave me girl"
"My world would crumble to the ground"
"Save me from this sorrow"
"Don't ever leave me girl"
They both continued the song. Their voices calling out to the audience.
"Don't ever leave me."
"It would be to hard, to long"
"To live without you"
"I would rather leave this world than be without you"
"Don't ever leave me girl"
"My world would crumble to the ground"
"Save me from this sorrow"
"Don't ever leave me girl"
The piece ended with the harmonica repeating the notes of the chorus. The final note being held out as the lights faded once more.
The crowd sat there blinking, they didn't know if they should cheer or politely clap. The lights came back on fully, and the crowd erupted in applause
The rest of the band's set went by quickly. Finally Yamato headed towards the group, he was flanked by Hiro who was trying to explain how the lighting system worked.
"Okay..okay..let's just call it 'good' and be done with it" Yamato mumbled.
Hiro gave a slight shrug. "Koushiro designed the program.."
Koushiro's eyes lit up as he nodded. A chance to explain his ingenious computer program. But he was interrupted by Mimi's squeals of "That was so great!" Which were echoed by Sora and Taichi.
The days after the concert flew by quickly. Before anyone knew it, they were heading back to school. Yamato sighed as he walked to school. Here he was a famous. Well, semi-famous musician. And he was walking. His silence was broken by a voice from behind.
"I told you, you should have saved your money and got a better car" Takeru said in a matter of fact tone.
"You didn't mind when the car was giving you rides to school" Yamato smirked. "Besides, walking is good for you."
"I think I've walked enough to last me a lifetime" Takeru said as he caught up with his brother. The rest of the walk was done in silence. It was always said that siblings sometimes had a mental bond. It was true here, they seemed to know what each other was thinking. So words weren't always necessary.
The school was already beginning to come to life as students chatted and filed towards their respective classrooms. Takeru glanced towards the main door, then back to his brother. "There they are"
Yamato groaned "Don't remind me. How long do you think it'll take before"
"Too late" Takeru interrupted as a wave of girls headed their way. "Now what?"
"Run..." Yamato said turning to the other way about to begin a mad-dash. Suddenly, the wave of fans stopped. Not one moved forward.
"Whoa....they're not stampeding this way" Takeru squinted towards the crowd. There's somebody talking to them."
"Who would do a crazy thing like that. Oh...that's Hiro.." Yamato blinked a few times. "What is he telling that mob...better not be my phone number!" Yamato ran up towards the crowd momentarily forgetting its nature.
Hiro was standing there talking in a quiet voice. "Now, if you do not head to class..he might get expelled for being late. And you wouldn't want to cause that, now would you?"
The crowd yelled a chorus of "Noo!" And continued on their way. Yamato stood there for a few moments. Not believing that they left without a fight.
"What did you tell them...?" He asked.
"You just have to know how to talk to them. Trust me, if you appeal to their..fanatical side...they'd believe anything." Hiro grinned. "You owe me now"
"Why does that sound like I'm signing my soul away to the devil"
Hiro shrugged. "Don't worry about it" Yes, don't worry about it, old friend. I'll get what I want soon enough. My plan is falling into motion. "We better get to class"
"Yeah you're right."
The rest of the day was quieter than usual. Yamato was glad for the time to relax for a change. The hallway dash had become is best event after the band became known. He headed out the door like a normal student. He was one with the crowd, not the one the crowd was trying to be with. "This is great" he said to himself. Pocketing his hands he started across the street. There were no cars as he started across, but the next thing he knew. One was heading right towards him. His mind began to race, he had to get out of the way. But his feet, his feet felt like they were stuck to the ground the next thing.....
Darkness surrounded Yamato for what seemed like hours. Finally, he slowly opened his eyes. "Where am I?" He tilted his head to the side to take a glimpse of his surroundings. He could see his brother asleep in one of the chairs by the open window. What was he doing in a hospital. He felt a bit of pain surge through his body. He was hit by a car while he was heading out from school.
Takeru stirred in his sleep. "Don't leave me" he mumbled in his sleep. Violently he threw his arms up, causing the chair he was in to tilt to one side. Eventually, it came crashing to the ground with a dull thud.
"Takeru, keep it down. I have a major headache over here" Yamato mumbled as he attempted to sit up.
"Yamato! You're awake" The next moment Takeru had his brother is a strong hug.
"Hey" Yamato grimaced. "Watch it there, it still hurts all over" Yamato forced himself to smile despite the pain. He was glad his brother was here. This was one time he didn't want to be alone.
"Everyone's been worried about you." Takeru continued on, loosening his hug.
"I've only been out a few hours..."
Takeru shook his head "It's been ten days."
"Ten days!" Yamato stares at his brother in shock. "You're kidding right?"
Again Takeru shook his head. "Nope. They sent people out looking for the car that hit you. But, they couldn't really do anything without knowing anything about it. They told me to ask you once you woke up."
Yamato sighed. "I don't remember anything. I was just crossing the street. The next thing I remember is waking up." Ten days. How could he have been asleep for ten days. And now he doesn't even know who the idiot was who hit him. Damn, the whole situation was annoying.
"Your fanclub sent you some flowers" Takeru said motioning to the rows of flowers, including a six foot tall palm tree. "I think they went a little overboard on some of them."
"At least I wasn't forgoten" Yamato mumbled. "Anything else happen?" Ten days was a long time, so it was no wonder he was curious about what was going on.
"Well..." Takeru started. "Tai and Sora are going out, but I don't think they want anyone to know. I heard it from Kari. I guess she was eavesdropping. Oh, and Mimi kept stopping by. Taichi came back once, and started yelling in your ear"
"No wonder I woke up with a headache" Yamato smirked lightly. "As long as I can get out of here soon. I'll be fine."
"Well, the doctors said it would be a while.." Their conversation continued on. But they weren't alone. Just outside the room envious eyes were watching them.
"You think you got off easy, old friend." The figured mumbled quietly. "I have plenty more in stroe for you. Just you wait.."
A week later Yamato was finally released from the hospital. It was nice to get away from the bad food and horrible rooms. However, it was not nice to head back to school. It seemed every time he turned a corner some girl would throw herself upon him and start sobbing that she had missed him so much. His reply to all this a mumbled "Thank you" and a sprint the other way. By lunchtime he had done this routine a good twelve times. He entered the lunchroom quietly, hoping to be able to get out of there without an incident.
"Yamato!" It was Tai waving at one of the tables. To his left was Sora, and across from her was Koushiro.
Yamato let out a low sigh as he headed over. "Hey...."
"You look better" Sora broke the moment of silence that had began. "We were all really worried about you."
"It was no big deal" Yamato mumbled under his breath.
"Getting hit by a car does not go under the "no big deal" category" Koushiro interjected. "Has there been any word as to whom the perpetrator was.
Yamato shook his head as he sat down. "I can't remember what happened. So, the police said they couldn't do anything about it." Yamato glanced at each of his friends. "Where's everybody else?"
They all shrugged, soon the conversation drifted to what had happened at Tai's soccer practice. And how much Koushiro was going to save to get a modem.
The rest of the day dragged on for Yamato. Each teacher asked where he had been, and gave him extra work to makeup for the missed days. By the time school was out, his backpack was full of books and his mind was lost in a world of x to the third powers and tangents. Again he exited the building and headed home. This time, however, he stayed on the sidewalk. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. He turned the corner and stopped at the light, when the signal changed he headed across. Every few steps he would check to make sure nothing was going to happen. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity he entered his apartment building. A few more minutes he was opening the door to his apartment.
"Dad, I'm home" he called out. There was no answer, which wasn't surprising. His father was probably working late or something as usual. Yamato sighed, he needed a hot shower or something. His thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. Yamato hopped over the couch on his way to the phone. "Hello?"
There was no answer on the other end. "Hello?" Yamato said again. Still there was no answer. Yamato hung up the phone in annoyance. "Now I'm getting prank calls. At least those girls would giggle when they called." Yamato fell onto the couch, the next thing he realized he was sound asleep.
What seemed like minutes to Yamato turned out to be three hours. His state of rest was broken by the phone ringing again. Not wanting to get up, he decided to let the answering machine get it.
"Hello this is the Ishida residence. Please leave your message after the beep"
"Yamato, it's your mother. Something happened to Takeru. They took him to the Odaiba hospital."
Yamato eyes shot open, the next moment he was out the door and running towards the hospital. Across the street someone was watching him. The figure smirked as he leaned up against a lightpost. "How does it feel to lose something precious, old friend" The figured chuckled quietly as he ran his fingers through spiked hair. " You better run fast., very fast"
Yamato rushed towards the hospital. What was going on with his life. First, he gets hit by a car, now something happened to his brother. What was next his parents, his friends? Something had to give, anything had to give. Without thought he rushed into the hospital knocking various orderlies to the ground. He had one thing on his mind, he had to get to his brother. "Takaishi Takeru" he asked one of the nurses he just ran over. "Where is he!?" He was yelling, but he didn't care about anything else at the moment.
"Room 202" she managed to get out before he was off and running again.
He kept running, not even bothering to use the elevator to the second floor. Swiftly he dodged through the people lining the hallway, like a gazelle running from a pack of lionesses. He arrived at the room, and pushed the door open, the door knob making a large dent in the wall. "Takeru!"
His brother look his way and smiled weakly. "I think I ate something bad, or something"
Yamato let out a large sigh of relief. At least it wasn't serious. "You had me worried there"
Takeru frowned. "I'm sorry." He looked up at the ceiling. "It was weird though. One of the people from your band stopped by for a bit. He asked if you were there and then left. I was going to call you and tell you, but I started throwing up..."
Yamato shook his head. "Don't worry about it. You're more important than the band can ever be. He walked over to the bed sitting down on the edge. "It was just probably about rehearsal or something." Yamato stuck the odd happenings to the back of his mind for the time being. The next five hours were spent talking to his brother and asking the doctor when he could leave. Around nine PM, the doctor finally caved in and allowed Takeru to go home. His mother came directly after work and picked them up. Yamato's father understood his reasoning about staying with Takeru for a few days. Everything seemed to be headed back to somewhat normal until the next day at school.
He arrived at school late, trying to avoid is so-called fanclub. Luckily, they had heard about what had happened to Takeru and knew to leave him alone for a day. The day went by without incident until lunchtime.
"I can't believe someone ransacked my locker!" An angry Taichi was shouting to no one in particular.
"It happened to all of us Taichi" Sora spoke calmly. "Its not like it was an insult directed at you."
Koushiro nodded slightly. "Luckily I failed to leave my laptop in my locker."
Yamato blinked a few times. "Something happened to your lockers..?"
Jyou nodded a bit "Someone broke into them and stole everything out of them."
Taichi was already standing waving a fist in the air. "When I find out who stole my lucky jersey!" he yelled. "I'm going to deck them one they'll never forget.!"
"You needed to wash that thing anyway" Yamato replied coolly. He wasn't in the mood for Taichi's constant...raised voice.
"Shut up Yamato" Taichi answered as he shot the blonde a glare.
"Make me." Yamato's voice was a calm as it ever was. He needed a good fight anyway. Not that Taichi was ever a good fight. He just needed to let off some steam from finding out what had happened to his brother.
"Hey hey" It was Sora, who always seemed to be the voice of reason. "There's no need to fight"
Taichi was the first to protest. "He started it, Sora"
"Started what?" was Yamato's reply.
"You're lucky your brother was sick, otherwise I would have decked you" Taichi mumbled.
That was definitely the last straw. There was something about the way Taichi said that statement that made Yamato's temper hit the critical mark. The next thing that happened wasn't surprising to those who knew.
"Shut up!" Yamato yelled a fist connecting to Taichi's nose. He would have done more but he was dragged out of the lunchroom by one of the teachers. His fan-club gasped, some boys cheered and at a lone table someone let out a low chuckle.
Yamato spent the rest of the day in the principals office being lectured. Or he would have been lectured if he didn't shut the whole thing out. The bell sung the hymn of freedom for Yamato and he left as quickly as he arrived in the principal's office. He was racing towards the doors, trying to avoid various girls when he crashed right into Hiro. Papers went flying as if stirred up by a divine wind. "Hiro! Sorry about that.."
"It's okay" Hiro mumbled picking up some papers and was headed back towards the classrooms.
"Weird" Yamato mumbled. He blinked a few times, picking up a paper that was left.
Envious Eyes
You have friends, I have foes
You have family, I am alone
You have love, I am hated
Envious Eyes
You have talent, but mine is not recognized
You are everything I wish I could be
I see you through these Envious Eyes
And I hate you, I wish you would die
Old friend, you will die.
Yamato blinked a few times. "This must be that song Hiro was working on..."
At the bottom of the page smeared in the crimson of blood was "Yamato Die"
Yamato's eyes widened as he took in the sight. His mind began to swirl as he finally recognized the car that hit him, the jeep that hit him! And then the pieces began to come together. He was there when Takeru got sick. And he must have broke into the lockers. Yamato glared towards the way Hiro had gone.
"Bastard!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the hall. "Get back here!"
Yamato stormed down the hallway. He was going to find Hiro, and teach him to never mess with him or his family. He didn't have any right to mess with anybody, not even Taichi. This whole game had gone on far enough. He could have handled someone going after just him. But, involving his brother that was unforgivable. The hall finally stopped in the form of a door. Yamato shoved open the door and blinkily stepped into the sun. "Where are you!?" he yelled as he held a hand to his eyes to block the sun out.
"Right here, old friend." A voice called from the shade on a cherry tree.
"Show yourself already"
"I figure you would find out" Hiro said coldly, as he ran a finger through his hair. "But, I intended to mess with your mind first"
"I thought we were friends" Yamato yelled his temper already flaring. "I trusted you. Why would you do this" Friendship was one of the most important things to him.
"Why would I do this?" Hiro said with a tint of shock in his voice. "Why did I have to sit and watch you see all the glory. Why did I have to watch you sit with your friends."
"I thought you preferred to be alone. People do deserve space. I know I did"
"I'm not you!" Hiro snapped throwing his hand in a wide arc. "I never had friends. I never knew how it felt for someone to care, to love me." Hiro stepped slowly up to Yamato. "But, with you out of the way. A shell of what you were before. My talent will finally be seen. I'll be loved by the fans. I'll have friends."
"You chose to be alone." Yamato persisted. Why was he arguing with him?
"I chose...I did not choose to be ignored!" Hiro turned on his heel. "Obviously you don't understand yet. Maybe you will once I take away everything"
Yamato unconsciously closed his fists. This was getting too much to handle. Everyone had their breaking points, and his was way past due. A few quick steps brought him up to Hiro, roughly he turned him around intent of ramming his fist in the jerks face. Unfortunately, the fist was caught before it reached it's destination.
"You really think, trying to hit me is going to work." Hiro said coldly as he let go of Yamato's fist. "Nothing short of death will stop me." Hiro smirked.
"I won't kill you. It's not the way, it's not my way."
Hiro started walking away. "That's too bad, old friend. I hope your brother is feeling better"
Everyone has buttons that if you push them correctly something will snap. This was Yamato's. The next moment he had Hiro tackled to the ground his fist connecting with his old friends face. Hiro tried desperately to cover up, but the enraged Yamato kept on with his assault. Soon, blood began to cover Yamato's hand as he continued punching.
"Don't you ever touch my brother again!" Yamato screamed. There came no response from Hiro. Yamato growled as he stood up and glared down at the unconscious body. He turned back towards the school and headed back that way wiping his hand on a pant leg.
Hiro laid there for hours, no one came to see what had happened. No one even cared that he was missing. Finally he pulled himself to his feet and stumbled towards his home. The blood, his blood stained the grass a crimson red that night. Something. he would never forget.
Yamato stepped into his mother's apartment still furious with the days events. He didn't even give a nod to his mother or Takeru as he made his way to the bathroom.
Takeru followed him cautiously but was shut out of the bathroom as he arrived to it. "Yamato, what happened?"
"Nothing, I just need to take a shower" Yamato answered and soon running water was all that could be heard.
Takeru sighed, he'll just wait outside the door for him. And then find out what went down. How long could he stay in there. Minutes turned into hours, and Takeru became more and more worried. Finally he decided to unlock the door himself. Luckily, he had locked himself in the bathroom many times before. On accident, of course. But, the point was he knew how to unlock the door. "Yamato?"
There sitting on the side of the bathroom was a still clothed Yamato, bloodstain and all. "People say they're my friends. But, those are lies. It's as if people deliberately see how far they can push me before I get angry"
"That's not true. Sure Taichi can be a little stubborn. But, he's not doing it on purpose" Takeru answered.
"This isn't even about him!" Yamato snapped.
Takeru took a reflexive step backwards. He hadn't heard his brother use that tone of voice since he first left the group in the Digiworld.
"Sorry" Yamato mumbled. "All these things that were going on..." Yamato slammed his fist into the wall. "Were because Hiro was jealous. Someone who I thought was my friend."
Takeru blinked a few time as it registered. "He...you..and..me...and the others"
Yamato simply nodded. He needed time to be alone, to think things out. How hard he wished Gabumon was with him. He could always trust Gabumon. "Gabumon" he mumbled as he buried his face in his hands.
Somewhere in the digital world a simple reply came "Yamato"
Hiro stared out his window at the surrounding buildings. Here he was suffering, while Yamato was feeling happy with himself. He had it all, and after all that he had done, he still had it all. What was he going to do. School was on hold for now. His dear drunk mother was planning on making him change school. No big deal, none at all. It's not like he had friends anyway. Hiro stared up into the night sky sending a death glare at the constellation known as Orion.
Yamato sighed, it seemed like good friends were definately hard to find. It was always easier to be alone. In fact, maybe that's what he needed, a few days alone. Some time to think about things, and to relax. Yamato walked to his window and took a moment to stare at the sky. He needed his best friend, and he needed him now. "Orion" he mumbled about a constellation.
Gabumon ran for what seemed like an eternity, but finally he made it to Gennai's house. "I need your help!"
Gennai turned from watching his goldfish swim. "Oh...?"
Gabumon nodded frantically. "I need to get to Yamato and fast."
Gennai seemed to ponder the idea for a moment. "Can't be done" he said finally.
Gabumon's eyes widened. "Why not!? This is important.."
Gennai shrugged once. "You would have to get one of the new kids to take you back. And that's not even a sure bet."
Gabumon looked down at his feet for a moment. "Takeru! Let me talk to Takeru! C'mon you have to let me."
Gennai simply nodded and pointed to the other room.
Takeru sighed, here he was doing homework while his brother was in pain. "I guess I can't help it" he mumbled.
Takeru's eyes went wide as his homework was replaced with a face. "Gabumon! What's going on?"
"Takeru, I need to get to Yamato right now!"
Takeru nodded a few times. He knew what he would have to do, break into the school's computer room. But, he couldn't ask for help. That would lead to everyone bothering his brother afterwards. But, he couldn't do it alone either. Who could help him, who could keep it a secret. Koushiro! He knew the room better than anybody else, and he was smart enough to break into it. "Okay Gabumon, I'll get down there as soon as I can"
Takeru grabbed the phone and dialed up Koushiro's house. One ring was followed by a few more. Finally, after what seemed like hours someone answered the phone. "Hello..?"
"Koushiro! You have to come down to the computer lab!"
Koushiro blinked audibly "Why? What's going on?"
"Just trust me!" Takeru insisted.
"Okay" Koushiro said finally. He had no idea what was going on. It was late and the computer room would be closed. Why did Takeru want to go there now?
Takeru raced towards the school. He knew if anyone could help his brother Gabumon could. He waited a good ten minutes before Koushiro finally arrived.
"What's the situation?" he asked out of breath.
"We need to go get Gabumon." Takeru said finally.
Koushiro blinked a few times. Luckily, he had brought his laptop. He basically never left home without it. "Let me just tap into the schools alarm system first." A few taps, a couple of clicks and finally "I disabled the alarm, and luckily the school had just put in automatic doors." With Koushiro pushed the door open.
"That's great!" Takeru said running into the room. "Now get this computer working!"
"I will I will. Don't be in such a rush. You still haven't told me what's going on." Koushiro said sliding in front of the computer.
"He's just really depressed. He's worse than what he was before"
Koushiro nodded. "Alright. Let's go"
Takeru nodded holding his digivice up to the screen. Gold light flew from the computer screen enveloping both Takeru and Koushiro, a few moments later they landed in the Digital World.
But little did they know envious eyes were watching them.