Wild Fangs

(X series AU where Zero is aware of his self being the maverick virus origin and X being his "tamer" as both try to find a cure for the maverick virus)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Megaman X series characters.

Chapter XIII: Wild Fangs

A blazing purple light marked its target with such accuracy, coming through the iron demon's body which screamed in pain. The hit was fatal but not enough to shatter the stubborn core, leaving the hunter and ebony maverick dive for another one.

"Oh no you won't!" Sigma shouted as he swings his massive blade which released a powerful crescent slash towards them.

"Crap!" Zero exclaimed as he quickly swings their direction out of the crescent's course yet, not soon enough for half of his left-wing got vaporized from it.

"Zero! Your wing!" not really paying attention that they're already losing altitude very fast.

"Dammit!" embraces his friend tightly as he covers themselves with his remaining wing in preparation for their harsh landing.


Gathering all his strength, he managed to land on his feet, creating a huge crater on the floor upon impact. He then let his friend go as he kneels down after feeling a sudden surge of exhaustion embraced him.

"... I'm... Fine." he mumbled as he shook his head hoping that by doing so, will stop his dizziness.

"Ha! Is that all you got?! I'm not impressed.!" Sigma said as his body already got fully recovered from their attack earlier.

"... X, watch... Out!"

"Huh?" Sigma suddenly appears behind him and whacks him to his side using his massive left arm "Gaaah!" the force sent him tumbling a few feet away from them.

"Now that I've unleashed the virus' true potential within me, I don't need a weakling like X anymore."

Slowly, the bloody crimson aura covers the ebony demon. "... X? … You called X... A weakling?"

"Yes he is, just loo-" a powerful Plasma Shot just went straight into his mouth, vaporizing his jaw, and through the other side of his neck.

"I'm not weak, I'm just a pacifist." charges another shot "Zero, get up! It's playtime!"

As if X just uttered a password, Zero's eyes changes into full crimson with slit pupils and his fangs and claws extended to much of an animal's length. The crimson aura grows wild, whipping his corn blonde hair like angry serpents. "Playtime..." with a howl, he lunges himself towards the towering opponent in front of him.

"Why you-?!" a right slash took off his newly regenerated jaw followed by a left that took both of his mechanical eyes, making him drop his massive sword due to the intense pain.

The ebony then leaped away from his prey as a series of charged shots bombarded the stunned maverick. With a quick change of ammunition, X fired once more. This time, eight light rays rain upon the iron demon further damaging his once proud form. Each hit made a circular hole to whatever unfortunate part it landed.

Being a savage by default, the ebony maverick did not let Sigma any moment to breathe in. The very second the rays disperse, he activated his freezing ability and went straight to Sigma's core. But it seems, the former commander is aware of it as he just let the crimson have his way. Upon contact, it sent out an incredible amount of voltage towards Zero which fired him from point-blank.

The shock sent him flying a few good feet above the ground.

"Zero!" catching his friend in midair "Are you alright?"

"What a wake up call..." he rubs his head as his optics slowly gains back focus "Yeah... I just went too wild, I think." his crimson aura sinks back into his body.

"Too wild?" X asked as he dashed away from Sigma with his friend still in his arms. "Anyways... We have to figure out a way to destroy his core to halt his insane regeneration."

"I figured you'll say that so hear me out... I'll drain my virus within Sigma... Without it, he'll just be your average maverick."

"What do you mean?" finally stopping his rapid dashing, he hid both of them behind a huge boulder.

"I somehow infected him after he smashed my forehead crystal during our duel... I just confirmed that he had my virus after I made contact with his core." looks at his friend straight into his eyes "After I drained it, all will be left is his own version of the virus... That will be our chance to put an end to all of this."

"Okay... So what's the plan?"

"Let him have me." he grins before continuing "Just play along, and save your energy."

"I understand." notices a towering shadow builds up just in front of them.

"I see that you two are having a leisure time despite the fact that we're in the middle of your execution." with his sword back on his hand, he made a horizontal slash which the two evaded by ducking.

"Well, you're one boring opponent to start with, Baldy." Zero retorted as he jumps right above Sigma to deliver a heel drop.

In much of the ebony's disappointment, his right leg got caught with the iron demon's left hand, giving him a swift smack on the floor.

"Argh!" felt that his face just got smashed like a pancake, momentarily sends him offline.

"Arrogant as always. Why don't you just submit yourself to me?" his grip tightens as he holds the ebony upside-down.

"Hey, I'm still here!" fires a series of uncharged shots towards him. However, his target vanishes just before the shots landed.

"Your petty moves proves worthless against me!" appearing before the hunter, he blasted X's legs using the beam from his forehead crystal.

"Gaaah!" felt both of his legs just got skewered by the beam.

"Worthless!" kicks X off the ground before slashing him with his blade. "Now be still for I have an important business to attend to!" sticking his sword on X's shoulder, he lifts him up and threw his sword like a javelin towards a nearby pillar. "Now, with that insect's gone..." shaking the ebony to wake him up. "I'll ask you again... Join me or perish?!"

"... Maybe..." Sigma leans closer to hear him "If... You manage to..." leans much closer "Grow some hair, Baldy!" with full strength, he gave a the iron demon an inverted headbutt.

"Grrr! You FOOL!" grabs the remaining wing of the ebony and roughly tears it off.

"Arrrrragh!" with both of his wings gone, he felt an immense drain of energy within his body.

"Zero!" X cried as he tries to remove the massive blade that skewered him. "D-dammit! Move!"

"Since you refuse to join me, I'll just take this!" grabs Zero's core and starts to rip it off him.

"Y-you..." coughs out reploid blood "... S-sure... You... Want... That?" he made a faint smile as he saw his core almost out of his body.

"Of course! With it, I don't need any of you scraps for my Utopia where I will be GOD!" with all strength, he pulled out the core completely out of the ebony's body.

"H-ha... Ha..." his final laugh as his eyes made a last glow before it turned into a pair of lifeless crystals while his body reverted back into his usual crimson armor.

"NOOOOOOOO!" X screamed as his legs started to glow while the stubborn blade begins to budge.

"You're really insane even in death, eh? Hmph!" throws away the crimson adjacent to X's location. "Be quiet already! And be grateful that I've spared your worthless life!"

"ZEROOOOOO!" a huge burst of energy within him finally sent him free from the blade as he dashed towards his friend's lifeless body who tumbled across the floor. Halted only after he caught him within his arms. "ZERO! ZERO!" no response "... No." embraces his lifeless friend as tears begin to flow out from his eyes.

Sigma just snorted to X's display of human emotion as he fused Zero's core into his. He felt a strong force covering his whole existence. So powerful, so intense... So godlike powers wasted within the crimson's hands. But not anymore, he thought of himself. Once the fusion is completed, he'll go all out and savor this new power at his disposal. His own Utopia is within his arm's reach now.

Then, he heard a silky voice as his vision suddenly shifted into a crimson room filled with blood.

"W-where am I?" a pair of hands slowly rises just beneath him "Wh-what's this?" he tried to move but his body won't let him as if he was bound by an unseen force.

As the hands crawl in front of him, it soon takes a familiar form: Zero's reflection.

"Y-you?" his eyes widen in disbelief.

When it finally reached Sigma's eye-level, it rested its bloody hands over his shoulders, arching its back to stretch as a pair of demonic blood-covered wings burst out of it. Then it tilted its head at its right with eyes still closed.

"So... You're the maverick virus?" Sigma gave a twisted smile as the creäture before him, slowly opens its eyes.

"What's going on with him?" X said as he noticed Sigma halted soon after he have fused the core within him.

"... Meeting... With... My other... Half." coughing out blood as he slowly opens his eyes.

"ZERO! YOU'RE-!" he was abruptly interrupted as the crimson gently placed his hand to cover the azure's mouth.

"Shhh... You... Don't... Have to shout." he grins as he looks at his friend "... Yeah... How's my playacting?" gently wipes off the tears streaming down from his friend's eyes "With that look on you... Guess I'm a born actor~"

"H-huh? Y-you were-?" then he remembered about the plan "... Oh. Wait, your other half?"

"Yeah... He's really pissed now..."

"Why? And... How come you're still moving without your core?"

"Because... He's me and I am him... I'm still moving for he left enough energy for me to function while he's gone."

"I... Don't... Get it." X bowed his head as he tried to process the information his friend just given to him.

"No worries... He'll return to me once he's done with Baldy... You, on the other hand, need to change into your other armor."

"My other armor? Oh... That one." both grin as X gently let his friend sit on the ground before summoning one of his armors.

"... Unforgivable." its silky voice is now filled with great blood-lust.

"H-huh? Don't you suppose to give me power? I own you now in case you didn't know." Sigma said in his usual arrogant tone.

"... Power?" its blood-ruby snakelike eyes widen "... Own... Me?" then it began to laugh in a vile manner which Sigma found disturbing.

"Why are you laughing?! You're in my body now, therefore, you're mine!" bloody thorns suddenly pierced its way throughout his body "AAAAAAAARGGGGGGGH!" and soon he felt something taken away from him.

"... I'm here to take back what's mine." holds Sigma's face with both of his hands "I only belong to him, and him alone." his grip tightens as small cracks appear on each side of Sigma's face.

"H-him? X?!" the blood demon laughed once more.

"... X is special but he does not owe me." leans closer as his grip starts to pierce through Sigma's face "I only belong to Zero." it starts to melt back to its blood-like form, slowly covering Sigma.

"N-no... S-stay away! NOOOOOOOOO!"

A bright crimson orb suddenly burst out from Sigma's petrified body and made its way back to Zero's severe chest. Upon its descent, it repairs its other half like new.

"... Home." a silky voice whispered within him as the crimson light fades.

"Welcome back..." Zero said as he placed his hand over his fully healed chest "Ready with your fireworks, X?" looks at his friend with another armor on.

"Whenever you are." points both of arm cannons towards Sigma as his central cannon rested on his chest began to glow in sync with the two.

"Great~!" his crimson armor turned back into his ebony devil form. "Lights out!"

Sigma's body, on the other hand, started to collapse revealing the former commander's battered original body.

"W-why?... Nothing... Went as planned? WHYYYYYYY?!"

"That's simple!" Zero shouted as he made a familiar stance. "Dark Hold." and time freezes for the former commander.

"You let yourself be drowned by your twisted ideals." X continued as his cannons reaching their maximum output.

"X! Now!" after giving the signal, he punches the ground with full strength "Rekkoha!" suddenly, beams of light shoots down to Sigma's location.

"Here we go! Nova Strike!" he then let all his ammunition rain down hell over his former commander.


The combined attacks left no area of escape, leaving the frozen maverick force his permanent deletion.

"Oh crap..." Zero suddenly reverted back to his usual crimson armor after noticing his energy level is almost dried up. He began to dash away from Sigma who's about to explode any moment.

"Zero!" X changes his armor once more into his Falcon Armor as he swoops down to grab his friend.

"X!" cheerfully grabs both of his friend's hands as both fly towards safety. "Better fly fast~ or we will join Baldy~"

"Not a chance! Hang on!" he then poured all his remaining energy into his thrusters, sending them off miles away in a blink of an eye.

Just in time to avoid being caught with the nuclear-like explosion, courtesy of Sigma.

"Hmmm, looks like they did it." Dynamo said as he saw the mushroom cloud a few miles away from them.

"Thank goodness..." Lifesaver sighed, finally allowing his systems to relax.

"More reason to have a rematch against X." Boomer said as he watch the two pass by above them.

"I didn't have a chance to test him, so let me go first!" Spark exclaimed.

"Nah, it's your fault for being so slow."


"Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time soon after the headquarters was rebuilt." Storm assured as he stands "For now, let's leave them alone for their much needed vacation."

"Yeah, you're right... Starting now, count me in as one of your hunters." Dynamo said as he places his hands at the back of his head.

"What made you say that?" Storm asked with such surprise.

"Well... Let's just say I owe them big time."

"I see..." notices the two are losing altitude. "That can't be good."

The two seem to forget where to stop since they started to enjoy their flight until X's energy level completely ran out. An alarm suddenly broke their fun.

"Oh... Oh..."

"X... That doesn't sound good..." they were hovering just on top of a lake "X... Tell me that you did NOT just ran out of fuel..."

"Ahhh... Yeah..." he saw his friend's face suddenly turn pale "I guess we're in for a swim..." he nervously laughs as his armor reverted back to his usual azure.

"YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" and both started to fall into the lake.

"Relax.. All will be better in the morning..." he made a smile before letting himself to completely shut down.


"... Fun." the silky voice within him whispered.

"Yeah... Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow." and soon he let himself shut down as both plunges into the crystal blue water.

Just then, Storm Eagle and the rest of the remaining hunters rushed towards their location to retrieve them.


Author's notes:

Whew~ finally, it's done~

Haha, I guess I have to apologize for those errors~ thanks for noticing, nina.

I'll just revise them as soon as I get my rest. This fanfic kept me writing in awkward hours of the night...

Yeah, I'm curious 0kamiB1ue and love to hear (read) you'll be joining me in the prolouge~

And nope, he ain't coming back 8x~!

Anyways, thank you very much for reading my story.

It has been my pleasure to share my realm to you guys~