THE WARRIOR'S TAVERN: A long time ago.

"Get me a glass of your finest whiskey, my good man!" Gill shouted out towards the bartender. He was feeling particularly good about himself, he couldn't believe that he used to think living in Noxus was hard. Gill just came back from a very successful heist, he managed to steal some gold from this famous executioner and his caveman brother. After stalking the two for a few weeks, Gill learned quite a bit about the two. The executioner fancied himself as the "next big thing" in entertainment. The way Gill saw it, he was just some loud mouthed prick who knew how to throw an axe. The caveman, on the other hand, wasn't one to be trifled with. The man was the literal definition of a shaved gorilla. Thankfully, Gill planned things out carefully this time, not like the whole Garen and Lux fiasco.

This was a simple heist. All Gill needed to do was keep an eye out on his marks, and eventually, everything just fell into place. The executioner had an event, and the caveman had to take care of some military work. This allowed Gill and break in and take his sweet time stealing anything that wasn't firmly nailed to the floor. Now, Gill felt the need to add to his happiness with booze and whores. He had the booze part, now he just needed some whores.

Gill turned his head towards the woman who just walked into the tavern, she was dressed in a leather outfit, from what Gill knew of the Noxus hierarchy, she was involved in the Noxian army. Gill found himself sitting beside her. "So." Gill spoke to her in the sexiest voice he could muster. "What brings a pretty face like you here?" The woman glanced at him for a fleeting moment before turning back to the bartender. Gill frowned, he wanted to go find some prostitutes, but he couldn't be sated now that he's seen this woman.

"Go away. I really don't feel like talking to morons right now." Rejected... Gill let out a sigh after the whole fiasco with Lux and Garen, he knew that it was smart to get out of there.

"Aww. Moron? What makes you think I'm a moron?" Then again, intelligent decisions weren't really Gill's strong suit. "Come on. Give me a few minutes and I'll change your mind."

"Look. I'm out of your league. Why don't you just piss off before I shank you?" The woman snapped at him. Gill raised his eyebrow in amusement.

"Shank me? Don't tell me that you're pretending you're that crazy knife chick in the military. There's no way an assassin could look so good." Gill smiled at her. The woman only replied by rolling her eyes and downing her drink. From there, Gill tried his hardest to get the woman to come out of her shell. While Gill wasn't exactly the smoothest guy with words, talking his way into this girl's leather pants shouldn't be that hard. So Gill kept talking...

-and talking...

-and talking...

-and talking...

Gill attempted to flirt with this woman for what felt like days, until disaster struck.

"Where the hell is he?" A voice called out from the entrance of the bar. Gill's eyes widened.

'Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck' Gill started to sweat. The caveman came back, THE FUCKING CAVEMAN CAME BACK! THIS IS A CODE BLACK! CODE FUCKING BLACK! Gill kept his head down and prayed that he wouldn't be seen. 'They were supposed to be out! What the hell is this?' Of course, now that he was ducking down. The red head acknowledged him.

"Wait a minute." The red head turned to him. "Darius and Draven mentioned some moron barging into their house and taking their stuff." Gill gulped. "Oh what? You've just chatted me up for an hour and NOW you shut up?" She leaped out of her stool angrily. "HEY! The slimy little rat is over here!" She yelled at the two. Well that was Gill's time to leave. He chugged his glass of whiskey in one gulp, and made his way out the door, past the caveman and his brother. Once again, picking his marks was never Gill's strongsuit, neither was discretion, or knowing when to shut up. So, Gill did the only thing that he knew he was good at.


Gill woke up with a sigh. What was he doing? Having such nostalgic dreams. This League was already starting to give him problems. Yawning, he glanced over to his clock. It was 9, he had some time to get ready and get something to eat. He took a quick shower before putting on his suit and running out the door. He took a quick stop by the cafeteria to pick up an omelette before making his way to the gym by the bar. Sure enough, as he got there. He noticed a few of the mids. He saw Lux, Syndra, and a few others that he couldn't recognize.

"Ah, hello, you must be the recent inductee in the League, correct?" A woman dressed in green spoke to him, Gill noticed that she was wearing a mask over the bottom half of her face. Gill gave his own mask a quick tap before replying to the woman.

"Yeah. I'm Gill." He replied meekly. The woman nodded.

"I see, I am Akali. We were just about to start training, although a few more people may be coming." She looked around. "Alright then. So who wishes to go first?" A man wearing a trenchcoat stepped forward, his hat obscuring most of his face.

"I'll go, if no one else is up for it." He said calmly while shuffling a deck of cards. Gill noticed he had a similar wild west accent as Graves, perhaps they knew each other? Gill felt his curiosity get the better of him as he stepped forward. The bearded man tipped his hat politely.

"Howdy, name's Twisted Fate. Care to make this more interesting?" Gill raised an unseen eyebrow.

"What are you suggesting?"

"A wager." Fate replied calmly. "Loser buys the drinks?" Gill let out a snicker.

"You're on." Gill nodded as he rotated his shoulders. Within moments. The world around him faded to black before quickly transitioning to the familiar grounds of Summoner's Rift. Gill assumed that it was being used as training grounds for the time being, as there was no merchant or turrets.

"This is the man summoning you both for this match." Gill heard a voice ring out in his head. "As you can see, there are no turrets or minions. The rules are simple, all abilites are available, no items, first kill wins."

Gill made his way to middle lane, when he found Twisted Fate waiting. The man adjusted his hat as Gill raised his revolver at him. Before he could pull the trigger, Fate quickly threw a card at him. Gill barely managed to duck as the red card soared over his head. As Gill was about to raise his gun again, he heard an explosion behind him. Sure enough, there was a large crater left in the wall behind him, the red card in the middle of it. As Gill turned back to Twisted Fate, he noticed the older man had already had a few different cards readied.

"Shit." Gill cursed under his breath, he really didn't want to find out what the other cards did. He fired his revolver at Twisted Fate as he made a bee-line to the top jungle. He didn't check if Fate was following him, he quickly made his way to the river by top lane. If his memory served him correctly, then he was near the area where Baron Nashor spawned. He gave a quick scan to his surroundings as he assessed his situation. That card was quite destructive. So the man fought with magical playing cards, how amusing. Gill glanced towards the bushes near top lane. He would be able to hide in there as he readied his Sniper Rifle, in those bushes, he would be able to dispatch Fate with a quick and clean headshot before the other man could even react. Wasting no time, Gill doubled over to his decided position. As he crouched down in the bushes and waited for Fate to appear, the man himself made his way out of the bushes from mid lane, as if seemingly on cue. He sauntered casually, as if taking a stroll in the park.

Gill's shot rang out with a loud bang. He checked his scope to confirm the kill and- No way...

Twisted Fate moved his head out of the way. His head was tilted to the side in a natural fashion, as if he was cracking his neck. There was no way anyone was that lucky. No living being could've predicted a sniper shot from that distance that perfectly unless-

"No..." Gill's eyes widened as he came to a stunning realization. Through his scope, he focused on Fate's blank aquamarine eyes. Even though there were no pupils or anything of the sort. Gill could tell that Fate was staring RIGHT AT HIM. "You... You can see me, can't you?" Gill directed it at the man that was much too far away to possibly hear him. Yet, sure enough. Twisted Fate grinned as he nodded to him. As Gill got ready to take another shot, Fate abruptly disappeared. "Huh?" Gill asked dumbly as he relaxed his trigger finger. He put his Sniper Rifle in his bag as he focused on the environment around him.



... (Rustle)

Movement! Gill quickly spun around and fired his submachineguns at the tri bush nearby. He was met with a few assorted playing cards soaring past him. Shit, so cowboy's a teleporter too, huh? Gill let out a hiss of annoyance as he began his retreat. Those playing cards had too much destructive power to just run into them blindly, unfortunately, Gill was running out of options, it looks like he would have to fight him head on. After a few seconds, Fate stepped out of the bush. He wasn't unscathed, much to Gill's content, he was riddled with bullet holes all along his body. From the looks of things, he didn't expect Gill to have such reaction time, so when he teleported to the bush next to Gill, he must've let his guard down as he readied his cards.

Gill calmly pointed his submachine guns to him as he waited eagerly for his next move. Fate let out a quiet chuckle.

"Hmm. You got me pretty good back there, didn't expect you to react so quickly."

"Experience buddy." Gill gave him a smile. He didn't smile for long, however because Fate quickly threw a gold card at him. He didn't even have time to blink as it struck him in the chest. Gill tried his hardest to ignore the dulling pain is his chest as he unloaded his submachine guns into him.

Or he would have, but for some reason, he couldn't move. Fate smiled at this and readied another red card. Gill gritted his teeth, if he got hit by that, he's dead. Gill tried as hard as he could to move his trigger finger. Then, as suddenly as it came, the pressure in his body faded away, just enough to move out of the way of the red card and shoot Fate in the kneecap. Fate let out a grunt as he hunched over in pain. This was Gill's chance, he readied his shotgun and aimed it at Fate. It was too late by then, as a blue card struck him in the chest, knocking him back. It was then Gill realized that Fate hunched over to hide the fact that he was getting a blue card ready.

"Gotcha." Twisted Fate smiled as he adjusted his bullet ridden coat.

"Clever bastard." Gill resisted the urge to cough out blood, choosing to simply swallow it instead. Even in his dying moments, he'd rather not ruin the inside of his mask. The sight of Twisted Fate smiling victoriously at him was the last thing Gill saw in his dying moments. He shook his head as the world around him faded to black.

When Gill came to, he saw all of the AP carries staring at him. He let out a grunt as he rotated his shoulders. "Yeah, yeah. I lost, deal with it." He spat. He glanced at Fate, who tipped his hat towards him and started to walk out of room. "So, how did I do?" He turned to Akali.

"Impressive, actually." Akali nodded in approval. "You almost got him, it's a shame you let your guard down at the last second. It would've been nice to see you wipe the smug look off his face."

"You win some and you lose some." Gill shrugged as he looked around. The other AP carries returned to what they were doing. Gill payed them no attention as he looked around to find Katarina. Sure enough, he saw the familiar red-head in the back. Gill quietly moved his way over to her as the AP carries prepared for another sparring session.

"The hell was that?" Katarina asked him as they moved to a secluded area.

"What do you mean?" Gill raised an eyebrow.

"That shit with Twisted Fate." She glared at him. "I saw that bit at the end there, why did you try to take out your shotgun?"

"I dunno." Gill shrugged. "Wanted to made sure he was down and out, I guess."

"You could've just killed him with the pistol, though. Fate has no more resistances to damage than any other human. You could've just popped him with your pistol and ended it." She explained. Gill had no answer for her, opting to simply shrug instead. "Whatever. It's your loss, not mine." She shook her head. "So, do we have any plans with my dad?" Gill nodded to her.

"Yeah. I have some contacts in Piltover, they should at least have something to lead us in the right direction."

"Piltover?" She raised an eyebrow. "My dad wouldn't go anywhere near Piltover."

"Trust me, Piltover has an idea on whats going on everywhere, if your dad even went out of take a piss, someone will know something."

"I hope you're right." Gill nodded, with nothing else to say, Katarina walked off to join the other AP carries.

"So do I."

PILTOVER : A few hours later.

Piltover, Whenever Gill had a contract here, he always had to take a moment to look around, he loved the overall look of the city. Unfortunately, he couldn't waste any time, his contract required him to remain at the institute of war at all times, if it was discovered that Gill wasn't there, he could be in big trouble for violating his contract. Gill sighed as he made his way to the center of town. The things he does for a pretty face. To his knowledge, Caitlyn and Vi kept order in Piltover when they weren't being summoned. To say Gill had some connections here would be an understatement, he's worked with enough people to earn himself more than a few favors. Now, he hasn't worked with the Piltover Police force directly, but he has done them a few favours. See, the Piltover Police department has a bounty board up at all times, the bounty board has Piltover's most wanted criminals up for show, you're not allowed to hunt them down, but Gill has made more than a few contributions to locking up some of the faces seen on that board.

According to rumors, Cait and Vi were having trouble with some criminal named Jinx. Too bad Gill took this demacian contract, if he didn't, he would offer his services to Piltover in a heartbeat. That's the one downside to this Demacian contract, he wasn't allowed to pursue other contracts during his unspecified time with Demacia. Gill shrugged, a small price to pay for such a lucrative job. Before he knew it, he was in front of the Piltover Police Department headquarters. Caitlyn's home away from home, so to speak. Gill entered the building and made his way towards the man sleeping in his desk in the middle of the room.

"Really buddy? Sleeping on the job? That's an example of good police work ethic right there." Gill shook his head. "Really, people need guys like me more than they would like to admit." He grinned mischievously under his mask. Seeing this guy snore on his desk gave Gill an idea. "HEY! JINX BOMBED THE DONUT SHOP!" He shouted as he slammed the desk repeatedly. Amusingly, the fat cop stumbled out of his chair and fell flat on his face.

"WAH! HOH!" The cop lept back on his feet with some weird kung fu stance. Surprisingly enough, Gill didn't burst out laughing at the poor guy. "Who the hell are you? Where the hell is Jinx?"

"Jinx? Who is that?"

"But you said-"

"I didn't say anything, I was just standing here." Gill managed to surprise himself with how convincing that was.

"Right, right." The cop nodded. "Not even Jinx would do something that cruel."

'Really? How stereotypical can you get?' Gill rolled his eyes. "Do you know where I can find Caitlyn?"

"What do you want with the boss?" The cop eyed him suspiciously. Gill sighed as he depressurized his mask. It probably looks suspicious for some masked dude to just barge in asking for the sheriff.

"Look man, I'm here for some information, Caitlyn knows me." Gill explained as he took off his mask and tucked it under his arm. The cop gave him a long look before nodding.

"Alright, the boss is upstairs to your right, keep it quick, we're all real busy." It took all of Gill's power to not snort at that comment.

'Yeah, reeeeeeeeal busy...' Gill shook his head as he made his way to Caitlyn's desk.

"Hmm." Caitlyn looked up from the mountain of papers on her desk. "You must not be very smart, a mercenary barging into my office. What's to stop me from arresting you?" She said with her trademark accent as she leaned back into her chair.

"Three reasons." Gill grinned. "One, I know for a fact that I've made your life much easier during my time here. That bounty board is looking much smaller than when I first came here, eh?" He motioned to the bounty board, which currently had only one big picture of a pale girl with light blue hair tied up in braids. There was only one thing written under the large picture, Jinx.

"True, but while the board is smaller, our work load isn't. Also, you're forgetting that it's against the law to sell yourself out as a mercenary here, so is being a vigilante." Gill nodded. "I reckon I could get you locked up for quite a while for playing judge, jury and executioner."

"That is true, but I've never killed anyone during my time here, anyone I've had to take care of on the job, I've made sure to keep them alive and bring them here, specifically to avoid such a thing." Caitlyn let out a small chuckle.

"Very well then, so I can't book you for being a vigilante. What's to stop me from arresting you for being a mercenary?"

"Ah! That brings me to my second reason. According to my current contract with Demacia, I'm technically not a mercenary. I've entered the league as a demacian soldier, not a merc."

"But you used to be a merc, that should be enough to book you."

"True. But you wouldn't do that do little old me, would you? We're drinking buddies." Caitlyn laughed to herself quietly for a minute.

"Fair enough, Gill." She smiled at him. "So, what brings you here?"

"I need some info. Don't worry it shouldn't be anything confidential."

"I'm listening."

"I need you to pull up everything you have on Marcus Du Couteau."

"Marcus Du Couteau? The missing Noxian general? Why do you need to know about him?"

"I'm doing someone a favor." Caitlyn said nothing as she opened her desk and pulled out a folder.

"Here, I don't do this for many people, but I'll make an exception for you because I'm so busy. This folder contains everything we know about Marcus Du Couteau." Gill nodded as he took the folder. "Do your best to return that folder in that exact condition, if you don't, there will be hell to pay."

"Yes ma'am." Gill nodded. "You won't even know I've taken it." She smiled. "Oh yeah, don't let this thing with Jinx bother you too much. You know I'd help out if I could, not allowed to seek out other contracts currently."

"I appreciate the sentiment, but it's hard not to be bothered. If you think she's annoying me, you should see what she's doing to Vi." Gill shook his head, she was just out drinking yesterday, and she already has to go back to the job. That's one thing a good merc has in common with a good cop, you never stop working.

"Shit, didn't you just finish feeding Vi those nachos?" Caitlyn nodded with a sigh. "Wow, you're working hard." Gill whistled. "Harder than some of the people I've seen here."

"I know. People are getting lax because snowdown is near."

"I bet. Good luck with Jinx." Gill waved goodbye as he made his way out of the police office and back to the institute of war.