Title: My Pretend Husband

Pairing: SasoSaku

Full Summary: Akasuna Sasori, in order to find out the truth of his parents death, applies for work at a private school owned by the only living suspect from the case.
But the school has a rule. Only married people can teach there.
And in comes Haruno Sakura, a woman who's in desperate need of money.
It was all supposed to be just an act, but as each 28 day passes... She can't help but fall in love.

I do not own Naruto or any of the characters.

Haruno Sakura sighed as she flipped through the daily newspaper. Again, nothing. She groaned as she sank deeper into her red bean bag.

She had been jobless for two weeks, and the money she had from her last job won't last her for more than a week or so.

She didn't understand. During High School ad College she had been a straight-A student, and she had been quite confident she'll get a job at the nearby hospital, but her applications had all been rejected, so she settled to working at the café. It was only two weeks ago had she been fired along with a few others because there was a new owner.

And she needed to pay the rent! It was all so frustrating.

Sakura grabbed her laptop and turned it on, maybe she can find something online.

She searched through the list of jobs available. There was nothing that would suit her and most of the jobs she had no skills for, or it was too far away.

Sakura closed her laptop, and got up and stretched and looked at the time. It was just a few minutes past twelve and she made her way to the fridge and opened it. She made a face once seeing all the contents were an out of dat milk carton and a few bruised tomatoes.

"Looks like I'll have to take a trip to the market" she muttered as she shut the fridge.

The pinkette grabbed her keys that were lying on the kitchen counter and slipped on her green flats before leaving the apartment. The market was just down the street, and it has been a while since she last visited. Sakura had eaten with Ino for the last few weeks, but Ino had went with Shikamaru to see his parents for a while.

Sakura was in awe as soon as soon as the pinkette stepped inside the market.

They had completely revamped the place. Sakura wasn't sure where everything was now...

She shrugged and grabbed a basket nonetheless and headed for the aisles. But a few minutes later she was lost.

"Where are all the salt located?" She asked to herself as she wandered around. Lost in her thoughts she bumped into someone, and Sakura quickly apologised.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you..."

Sakura's eyes widened. Sure she bumped into a guy, but this was admittedly, a really good-looking guy.

His half-lidded brown eyes glared at her.

Sakura gulped. But guess his personality isn't very pretty, eh?

"Um, do you know where the table salts are?" She asked hesitatingly.

The glare was replaced by an look of amusement.

"It's all the way on the other side of the supermarket"

"Oh" Sakura then winced at how stupid she must've sounded and looked.

The man sighed and ran a hand through his red hair.

"...Just follow me" He began to walk, and Sakura just stared after him. He turned his head

"Well? Are you going to follow?" He snapped impatiently.

Sakura hurried after him.

"There's no need to be so grumpy" she muttered, and the man gave her a glare.

They arrived at another aisles, and Sakura was definitely sure she had passed that one, how would've she missed it?

Sakura picked up a bag of salt and placed it in the basket.

The red haired man frowned

"Wait, didn't you say you wanted Table salt?"

"This is table salt, isn't it?" Sakura retorted.

"That's cooking salt" he said drily as he picked up the bag and placed it back on to the shelf and took a shaker.

"This is table salt" he threw it into her basket.

Sakura blinked "There's a difference?" She then clamped her mouth shut.

The man shook his head in disbelief "I feel for the poor fool who ends up marrying you"

Sakura's eyes widened and a offended look popped up onto her face

"Well I, Haruno Sakura, feel sorry for the poor woman who marries a jerk like you!"

The man rolled his eyes and walked away, but Sakura was definitely rue she heard him mutter "brat" as he passed her.

Sakura fumed, and stuck her tongue out at his retreating form.

Just then, her phone vibrated and she pulled it out from the pocket of her forest green jacket. There was a new job alert on a site she had been keeping an eye on.

"Pretend to be my wife for a month..." Sakura frowned.

It sounded pretty suspicious if she had to say so herself, but once her eyes saw the payment, she quickly filled in the application. And pressed send. As soon as she did that, she let go off the breath she had unknowingly been holding in. She quickly paid for the stuff and rushed back to her apartment and sat down on the couch. Her phone rang a few minutes later.

The text flashed onto the screen with words 'Congratulations, you've got the job-' Sakura quickly turned the power off.


What had she gotten herself into?

It's just for the money, she told herself.

As soon as Sasori left the market with what he needed in his hand, he heard the familiar ringtone and pulled his phone out from the pocket of his blue blazer.

"What do you want, Deidara?" He grumbled

"Hey danna! There's already someone who sent in an application, yeah!"

That perked Sasori's interest.

"Who is it?"

"Some chic named Haruno Sakura, age.."

Sasori stopped listening as soon as he heard the name.

"Well I, Haruno Sakura, feel sorry for the poor woman who marries a jerk like you!"

He smirked. Feel sorry for the woman who marries him, huh?

"She's got the job"

"Huh? But don't you think you'd want to wait to see-"

"Look, I said she got it, so she did" Sasori snapped.

"Well ok then, I'll go inform the unfortunate lady, yeah" Deidara muttered

Sasori ended the call and frowned. Why does everyone think it's unfortunate to marry him?

He got into his car. Haruno Sakura... He smirked to himself. Well, life's going to get interesting.

Authors Note: And that's all for the first chapter. First actual SasoSaku fanfiction I have ever wrote. I'm just a beginning writer as you can see, and I'm open for feedback for improvements and ideas.

And remember to review guys! It gives me a form of encouragement XD

The next chaper should be up before Thursday.