Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the characters, and I do not make any profit from this story.

First fanfic. I apologize before hand for spelling and or grammar mistakes, and the low quality of the story.(T-T)

I will try to improve as I gain more experience.


Rin felt tired as it was from her job. The constant nagging from the people she worked with and the stressful early mornings at the office, she didn't know how much she could take in one day.

In addition to her work, kohaku and kagome, her good friends wouldn't take no for an answer whenever they asked her to hang out. Sometimes even going to the extreme of literally dragging her out of her home!

Rin sighed again as she walked up to her door, apartment keys in hand.

Rin loved her small apartment. While it wasn't fancy it gave her the neccecities and it was a good distance from her office. It was also very peaceful, while she lived near the city it was rarely noisy and full of wonderful honest people. Her home was what she wanted most. warm, comfortable, and a place to call her own.

Opening the door and walking inside rin heard a familiar ' mew ' smiling she replied, " I'm home mako."

Putting her stuff on the table, rin knelt down and rubbed her cats head. ' hmm ' rin thought, while simltaneously looking at her watch, ' 5:00, if I leave soon I can get back a bit early and make dinner.'

Mako rolled onto her stomach as her owner went to her room getting ready to change.

Another advantage of where rin lived was that it was a short distance to the boardwalk that stretched along the small boat harbor. And shortly after she first moved in she found that the best way to calm down after a stressful day at work, was to take a long jog down the 3 mile path.

The boardwalk was beautiful to rin.

Often filled with smiling children and their parents, and lined with vibrant trees, flowers, and plants that filled the air with their sweet aroma. she couldn't help but stare in awe

during her time there.

In addition, there where many small shops and restaurants along the way that sold a variety of things, such as souvenirs for tourists, bouquets, glassworks, toys, shells, fresh produce, and many other things rin loved.

Rin loved the boardwalk, Ever since she was child and her mother used to take her after school. The things there never ceased to fascinate her. Rin smiled happily as she thought about the memories she had of her special place.

Of the times when her mother would scold her for running off on her own, or when her mother and father would lay with her in a soft green patch of grass And sing to her, even the times when her father would clumsily drop their ice cream only to be forced to buy new ones to make it up.

Rin held a soft and sad smile on her face as she remembered yet again how she can never recreate those memories with her parents, no matter how much she wanted to, and no matter how much her heart ached.

No matter how much...You can't bring back the dead.

Rin felt her chest grow heavy as she recalled the accident. As she recalled their car flipping over and stumbling off the quiet road. Her parents were killed on impact, but she only sustained minor injuries that would heal over time. But she would never forget how hard she cried that night as she heard the ambulance sirens getting closer. Or how distraught she was when she realized her parents would never come back.

It wasn't something any child could deal with, and for the first month she could barely stop her tears or get any rest that wasnt overflowing with nightmares. Her aunt who she lived with then felt heartbroken at the sight of normally grinning rin looking as if she were close to death herself.

But time passed and she was able to accept it, her tears somewhat dried and she prayed to her parents every day wishing them happiness and peace.

While growing up she always did her best in school, getting top grades and making sure to study the best she could. She didn't want to cause people trouble, especially her aunt who was kind enough to take her in and raise her.

Which is why she always tried her hardest to do as she was told and stay far away from trouble, she also made sure to treat people with the kindness and care they deserved. However, she spoke out about the things she knew was wrong.

When she moved to the next city for college she felt incredibly homesick, she had missed the place she grew up in with her parents and friends.

And the miles she was away felt like light years to her.

So when she was offered a decent job in her hometown she didn't hesitate a second before accepting.

Rin refilled mako's food bowl quickly and grabbed her cell phone off the table, making sure she had her keys and wallet just in case, she patted mako on the head before making her way out the door and swiftly locking it.

Sesshomaru growled, his fangs bared with rage.

His knuckles were turning white from squeezing his hands into fists. Sesshomaru had enough today not only were his employees complete fools who were utterly incompetent and lazy, but his halfbreed brother inuyasha showed up late again for the company meeting and forgot to properly prepare the presentation that was to be sent to the board today!

And on top of that, when he calls Jaken to be picked up from the company, the car is dead! and across town!

And just minutes ago, as he was walking along the street he was jumped by mere humans who thought they could get lucky and take his money. But did nothing more than ruin his suit and fuel his growing rage.

Sesshomaru calmed a bit walking away from the mess he created of the men's bodies, while not dead they were beaten pretty bad and would probably think next time they tried something like that.

Seshomaru continued walking down the sidewalk against the railing that looked out across the tiny boat harbor. His breathing returned to normal and the color in his eyes returned to their normal amber instead of the blood red they were moments ago.

He paused his walking and leaned against the railing, running through his thoughts he quickly made a mental check list of what he needed to do.

' Hit jaken when he gets here, hit inuyasha for being such a screw up, hit father for making me work with that halfbreed...'

he sighed loudly and looked up at the sky.

The sun was beginning to drip down the sky leaving gold light to stream across the cement and greenery in the area. People hustled and bustled all about him busy with their own thoughts and lives, Sesshomaru couldn't of cared less.

While it wasn't quite winter yet the air seemed to have a light chill that made the air crisp and cool. While the demon never preferred crowded areas or public places at all ( he's a hermit ) he had to admit the atmosphere of this place always made him feel a bit at ease.

A light breeze blew across his face moving a few silver strands of hair from their resting place.

Looking out across the boat harbor, he stared blankly at how the light reflected off the water. And how the boats swayed slowly near the dock.

Sesshomaru closed his eyes and took a few calming breaths. Just as he was about to push off the railing and start walking to the street a startled gasp drew his attention.

' ugh, what is it now! ' he thought, furrowing his brow.

Rin took a small gasp as she stared at the man before her. Obviously he was a demon she could tell by his facial markings, his delicately pointed ears, and his dangerously sharp but short claws.

She could also tell he was high class due to his prominent appearance, Besides the cuts and rips that suggested that he was just in a fight. His Wealthy looking suit, expensive watch, and business only looking appearance gave it all away.

But rin could care less about any of those things the reason she stopped her jog, was because when she looked up, she immediately saw blood running out of the very few cuts he had. While nearly all of them seemed to be small, There were some she could see that needed treatment.

" a-are you alright " rin asked worriedly to the man infront of her hoping she could be of some help.

Sesshomaru turned his head making eye contact with the young girl, he paused instantly, upon hearing her he was about ready to tell her to mind her own business and get lost.

Sesshomaru just continued to stare at her for a moment finding his words get caught in his throat.

She was breath taking.

The sun was positioned almost directly behind her, making the light reflect around her head and making her deep brown hair, Which looked as if it reached past her mid back show few strands of natural highlights. Her widened eyes which were also a beautiful brown reflected her True and pure concern.

Her skin looked soft and creamy to the touch and in the sunlight appeared as a light tan color. Like a small child's.

Sesshomaru felt as if there was a goddess before him, as the golden light surrounded her small frame and showed a small halo like ring around the crown of her head. His heart nearly jumped out of place upon seeing her. His body now fully turned towards her.

He fell quickly back to reality, and shook his head to clear his mind.

" what do you want." he snarled not really in the mood to be messed with.

Rin flinched for a second out of shock, how long had she been staring at him she must've looked like a fool!

When the man had turned to look at her rin felt her heart stop.

She couldn't believe it he was drop dead gorgeous.

His sparkling silver hair was long but neatly tied back in a pony tail. He was also pretty tall as he turned toward her she could tell she probably only came up to about his shoulders.

His body was well built and looked perfectly defined even under his clothes. But the one thing that pulled rin in most of all about this man was his eyes. His eyes were amazing. The light amber Gold looked as if they were reflecting the stars, and rin felt as if she could tell his emotions just from taking a Peak. Could he possibly be a model, had rin misread his buissness appearance. She was at a loss for words.

Straightening up rin remembered why she was confronting a total stranger. Her thoughts lining up when a drop of blood dripped from his arm and onto the cement just under their feet.

He was hurt.

Sesshomaru just continued to stare at her partially distracted by her beauty, the other part wary of her presence if she tried anything suspicious. But she was just a weak human girl if she did try anything he could easily get rid of her.

The young woman gulped, " you-you're bleeding are you alright?" taking a hesitant step forward out of concern.

' foolish human, ' couldn't she tell he was a demon, these ridiculous cuts would heal in no time. However, he was taken aback by the concern in her voice, and the worry strengthening in her eyes.

" I'm fine, " he growled " these cuts are nothing a mere human like yourself should be concerned with. Why don't you mind your own buisssness."

With that he turned away and started walking. To be honest he felt a twing of guilt bud in his chest, he could tell she was genuinely worried, but he was in no mood to deal with anyone! Especially some human. And he doubted she would be stupid enough to approach him after that.

So when he felt a small hand grab his arm and practically force him over to a small bench to sit down he growled again and immediately decided she was either a total dunce or had a death wish.

" They are my concern! You're injured and your cuts need treatment, I may be just a mere human but I have common decency! I won't let someone just walk away when I can help them and even if you are a demon you should still take care of yourself or your wounds won't heal properly!"

Rin was shocked at her outburst, maybe the stress at work was starting to get to her. Immediately after she stopped talking she felt bad. she shouldn't have yelled at a complete stranger, she felt she should apologize for her behavior.

The demon himself was also shocked at her sudden words. Never had anyone scolded him like a mere child, if they had they would immediately go missing.

But he felt slightly amused. Her flushed face was an adorable sight to him, and when she told him off he couldn't help but smirk at her frustration.

Besides jaken wouldn't be coming for at least a good 20 minutes, he had nothing else to do. And he was interested in what the human would do next.

"Very well then." sesshomaru said with a devious smirk. Crossing his arms across his chest.

Rin tilted her head in confusion, "huh?"

" I will allow you to treat my cuts, since you are so passionate about helping me, I have nothing else to do anyway." he teased in an all to regal manner, knowing it would most likely push her frustration further.

She glared at the man in front of her, ' this bastard.'

She could tell he was trying to tease her but she couldn't help but feel pissed off at his stuck up behavior.

Sesshomaru wasn't surprised at all to see her turn and run off.

He figured she wouldn't be back after the way he just acted. Closing his eyes he sighed. Her absence almost made him regret his attitude.

He couldn't shake the disappointed feeling he felt when she left without a word. But what exactly was he expecting?

After a couple of minutes, Just as he was about to get up and leave he felt it.

A soft feather like touch on his arm. His eyes widened when he saw the young woman from earlier before him.

The closeness of her made his chest warm immediately.

What was going on with him. He couldn't understand and that irritated him. Readying another growl to tell her to back off, she grabbed his arm a bit harder.

Rin pulled out her bandages and disinfectant from the shopping bag she returned with, 'they really do sell anything here!' she thought, how convenient.

Pulling out the bandages and placing them next to her, she quickly opened the disinfectant and shot a gentle glance at the demon directly in front of her.

" this might sting even for you, but try to hold still!" she told him sternly, before lightly spreading some of the gel on his forearm.

Of course she was still a bit mad at him for his attitude, but she wasn't just going to walk away from a bleeding man. She had standards after all.

Sesshomaru winced at the sudden sting of the medicine, ' damn human medicine! '

Still he was quite surprised when she showed up before him. Her touch while soft and gentle was precise and determined. He was somewhat pleased.

Then the wind picked up slowly causing her scent to blow directly towards him. One deep inhale and he caught it.

Her scent.

It was far sweeter than anything he had come across before. It smelt of lilac and lilies? Whatever it was it was he could tell it was her natural scent and sesshomaru felt himself immediately relax, as the owner finished applying the gel and began wrapping his arm in the bandage.

He looked her over again. She was completely unaware of what she was doing to him on the inside! Inhaling her scent again he felt his body becoming numb and his inner beast purred in approval.

He felt he had to get as far away from the girl as possible, but then again a growing part of himself including his inner beast wanted to just stay there and relax with her.

As his mind waged war on itself, his face remained stoic and passive.

While this was going on, Rin quickly finished wrapping his now treated arm and neatly tied off the ends of the bandages. She swiftly looked over her work and nodded in approval before standing and giving the man a bright smile.

" there all done, that wasn't so hard to deal with now was it." she exclaimed in victory.

He snorted, 'Tch. You have no idea.' he thought before examining her work. While not professional he had to hand it to her his cut felt as if it would heal better than ever before. Giving a slight grin he looked up at her beautiful smile.

"It seems well treated...thank you." he said before turning away.

Rin paused for a moment. Why did she get the feeling those words didn't quite match his character. Her eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

Calming down quickly she looked at him again, "Thank you too, for letting me help you." her cheeks blushed a light pink in embarrassment.

Taking a quick glance at her wrist watch she decided she better start walking home soon.

' well I guess he should be fine, hopefully he doesn't get into a fight or something again.' Sighing she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed she couldn't stay with him any longer.

" well that should take care of your cut. Please be careful from now on." rin said smiling as she turned to walk home.

Sesshomaru's inner beast growled at her growing distance and snarled when sesshomaru did nothing to stop her.

He was still puzzled, as she got up and walked away. His chest felt strange, and his inner beast was growling at him. Because of a mere humans touch.

Sitting by himself now he watched her until she couldn't be seen anymore. When the sun slowly made its way down past the horizon, and the city lights along with the street lamps began to flicker on one by one, the powerful demon just continued to stay where he was. He still couldn't quite figure out what had happened earlier, and what was even stranger was that he wanted to see the human girl again.

' hn, I never caught her name.' he thought, slightly regretting that he did not ask the beauty for it.

However he did have a feeling he would meet her again soon, her presence was not something he could easily shake from his mind.

Finding the resolve, he lazily stood up and began walking to where jaken was to pick him up.

" We're sorry boss!" the men said in unison, as they bowed lowly to the floor.

" He was much stronger than expected." piped one of the men.

Their leader sighed, " of course he was you idiots! I told you guys not to underestimate sesshomaru! Our employer is paying big bucks to get rid of him since he's the CEO of the rival company!"

" We're very sorry." they shouted again.

" No matter it looks like there's a way we can get to him. He looked pretty soft around that girl." he gave a wicked grin at the thought of getting his big pay day for easily taking out the infamous demon.

" This is going to be a walk in the park boys."

Well how was the first chapter? Hope you enjoyed it. ;)

Sorry if things went kinda quick.