Author's Note: I have my disclaimer to all of the stories I write for in my profile. Wanna see it, go to the only sentence that is in all capital letters on my profile.
I got this idea while eating green beans. Why during my green bean times? I really do not know.

Chapter One:

The students piled off of the train and immersed themselves into the wave of bodies that was called the Ikebukuro subway station.

The entire 3D class of Karibia Highschool decided that instead of going on a senior trip this year, they would instead take an entire year of courses in an Ikebukuro highschool, to see the sights that the city offered them. At first, the teachers were extremely reluctant to let them. Ikebukuro did have a high crime rate, and lots of gangs occupied the city. But what with the class convincing them that it was a good chance to get out in the world and see what there was to offer, that it was good to get out of their home city once and a while, the school finally sucked it up and took the risk to let them go to the New York City of Japan.

"There's so many people!" Tohru beamed in complete awe as she looked around the train station as Kyo grumbled about how many people were there under his breath.

"Feeling claustrophobic?" Uotani asked her short friend, placing a hand on her head and looking down on the girl.

"A little! I just… never knew that so many people could be packed into one subway station at once!" Tohru smiled.

"Oh, how many spiraling waves" Hana mumbled as she placed her middle finger and index finger to her temple with closed eyes, "So many emotions spiraling in my brain, it rattles me"

"Are you alright Hana-chan?" Tohru asked her friend in concern.

"Yes, just over whelmed is all"

Tohru placed a hand of concern on Saki's shoulder,

"Tell me if you need anything" Her eyes brimmed with worry.

"Oh Tohru, you must not worry about me. I will be quite alright"

"If you insist…"

Even though her friend had reassured her that she was fine, she was still worried for her friend. Tohru knew how overwhelmed Saki could get with all of the waves, but dismissed that thought when she looked over to the ever so pale Yuki, nearly sick from the stress that being around so many people caused him.

"Yuki, are you alright? You look like you're on the verge of a fever!" The girl made a move to the rat, but stopped when he smiled and stated,

"I am quite alright, all the people are overwhelming me, that is all"

Tohru nodded, understanding. Even Kyo was on the verge of nearly puking in fear that he might transform in front of all of these people. How would Akito react to having to have Hatori erase the memories of thousands of people? Akito had barely let them come here, on the promise that they wouldn't skip out on the New Year's banquet ever again and having to be extremely careful when navigating their way through the city.

"C'mon! Let's just find the stupid students who are supposed to show us around!" Kyo grumbled, wanting to get out of the stuffy environment that the subway station was.

"Oh yes! We are supposed to be meeting two boys, right? Weren't they assigned to show us around Ikebukuro a week before school starts?"

"Yeah, yeah" Kyo grumbled, knuckling her head slightly, "Let's just find them already, alright?"


~P.O.V. Change~

"Do you think that there will be girls in the group?" A yellow, slightly orange haired, Masaomi Kida asked his shy best friend, Mikado Ryugamine as he held a sign reading KARIBIA HIGH GROUP THREE above his head so that they would be able to read it above the heads of people.

"Why does it matter, Kida-Kun? I thought that the reason we signed up for this was to warn students about the dangers of…."

Masaomi waved at his friend with a floppy wrist, shaking the sign above his head

"Yes- yes I know. But wouldn't it be an exciting perk if there was a girl with bitchin boobs?"

A twinge of red crept its way up to Mikado's face, his body temperature rising about twenty degrees. He was a reserved young man, and sometimes his friend's comments on the opposite gender was too much for him to handle.

"K-Kida-Kun! You shouldn't talk about women that way!"

Kida huffed,

"Mikado-Kun, if you keep acting like such a gentleman you're going to steal all of my game like you stole Anri"

The boy with the back pack's face flared up a bright red at the mention of that,

"I didn't steal her from you! She doesn't even like me that way…"

Mikado had to admit, he held a long time flame for the raven-haired girl. But he wouldn't ever breathe a word to Masaomi about that, he would probably blab the moment that he said anything. (You see, It was obvious- Masaomi just needed something to back it up so that Mikado couldn't deny it)

"Actually-" Masaomi began, but was cut off by a petite brunette carrying a suitcase behind her.

"A-Are you Ma-Takaya Hatori-San and Sakura Ootori-San" The girl stuttered shyly, her face ducked down so that they didn't see the blush of shyness play on her face, "I am Tohru Honda, a-and my group is number six, they said that there would be two boys that would be holding a sign up. I didn't get a chance to read the sign above your head-"

"No… I am sorry…" Mikado began but was cut off by an elbow entering the left side of his rib cage as Masaomi threw the poster board behind him and smiled at the girl who he thought was very cute.

"No- Sakura and Takaya couldn't be part of the program due to poor grades so they asked myself, Masaomi Kida, and my friend Mikado Ryugamine to lead your group"


Mikado took another blow to the ribs as Masaomi smiled down at the girl,

"Actually nothing. We're supposed to be leading your group"

Tohru looked up at them with bright eyes,

"Oh-Okay!" She beamed at him.

"How about after this we go for drinks- I am sure a pretty girl like you-"

The presence of two strong teenage boys behind them cut off the boy,

"You better think very carefully…"

"About what you say next"

"Yuki-Kun… Kyo-Kun…" Tohru said between a blush.

"So we have a Casanova here, eh?" A blonde girl, Uotani, had her arms crossed over her chest.

She was cute, but hell her appearance with the mask and crowbar alone scared the living shit out of him.

A whole bunch of bickering had broken out until one single sentence broke the squabbling,

"Such chaotic waves entering my brain today…"

"Don't listen to Hana, she does daily wave reports since she can read people's waves and such. It's really nothing" Uotani waved at the boys like it was nothing, but hearing that there was a physic amongst them only set their neck hairs on edge.

"Well…" The ever so shy Mikado quietly said in front of the group of strangers, "We should probably get you to your homes and show you around a bit… it's a great city, Ikebukuro"

"I bet!" he felt the brunette, Tohru Honda, smile warmly up at him and found himself smiling back.

As they lead them to a set of apartments and better acquainted themselves with the group of odd out-of-towners, a small connection had formed between the simple brunette.

They would have no knowledge about how much she would shake up the town of Ikebukuro or that she would become so important to them.

Chapter Fine~

I am sorry that it's so choppy, but I wanted to get the first chapter done quick so that I could get to the better stuff faster!

Hope you enjoyed!