Okay, so I had previously made this story under the title "New Life New Directions" but I decided to change it up after I only posted the first chapter, I realized I didn't like the direction this was heading in so I'm re writing it all! This is all about trying to get Finn and Rachel back together with the help of her little sister that she never knew she had. This takes place at the beginning of season 4 and will go on from there! Not everything however will be exactly like the season or the episodes.

Also, Finn never came to New York to visit Rachel after backpacking in Georgia. And I'm just skipping to the parts where Kurt lives with Rachel and Finn is at McKinley.

I do not own any characters except Marie Adams Berry.

It was a warm summer's night in New York City and Rachel was in her new apartment that she bought and shared with Kurt, enjoying a Chinese food dinner that was well deserved after renovating the place all day.

"So Kurt…" Rachel started after taking a bite of her food. "How are the New Directions doing?"

"They are doing wonderful. I think Blaine said that they are holding auditions today to get some new people…" Kurt hesitated for a second before going on. "And…Finn is helping them."

At the mention on Finns name Rachel's head shot up. She still loved him but couldn't believe what he did to her only three months ago, and on their wedding day.

"O-oh, that's nice Kurt…" Rachel managed to stutter out.

"You know he still loves you Rachel." Kurt said as Rachel hung her head low until they heard a knock at the door.

"Who could that be? We haven't given anyone our address yet…except my dads and your dad." Rachel said standing up blowing off Kurt's question.

Rachel walked over to the door, and opened it slightly to see who was outside. She was shocked to see her dads there.

"Dad, Daddy? What are you doing here, its almost midnight." Rachel said as she let them inside the apartment.

"Hello Mr. and Mr. Berry!" Kurt called over as he put down the food and came over to where the three where standing.

"Hello Kurt!" Hiram said as Kurt walked over.

"Kurt, um this is very important and I was wondering if you could please give us some privacy?" Leroy asked as Kurt nodded and Rachel became worried.

"Sure! I'll go pick up some breakfast foods for us in the morning!"

"Thank you Kurt." Rachel called as he grabbed his coat and head out.

"So…Rachel can we sit down somewhere sweetie?" Hiram asked.

"Oh yeah sure, we don't have much furniture in yet but we have these chairs…" Rachel pointed at a cluster of kitchen chairs where the kitchen would be and sat down with her dads following her.

"Honey we have something very important to tell you….When you where very little, four or five, your dad was a donor to a mother that could not get pregnant and she desperately wanted a baby…So she had the baby who is now fourteen. Her name is Marie Adams. She is technically your sister.

"I have a sister…a sister…well I mean Beth is kind of my sister but this is like my actual sister." Rachel tried to take all the information in.

"Well heres the thing…" Hiram continued. "Her mother died in a house fire about a month ago…and since Leroy is technically her father…she's coming to live with us. And she will be attending her freshman year of high school at McKinley."

"Oh…So when are you getting her?" Rachel asked.

"Tomorrow. And since you have the week off due to senior orientations you are coming with us." Leroy said pointing his finger at Rachel.

"Um…okay. Where did she live?" Rachel asked again

"Atlanta, Georgia." Hiram said.

"So we are going to Atlanta!" Leroy said trying to put some excitement into the situation…and failing.

"So when do we leave?" Rachel asked.

"10 am tomorrow." Hiram replied. "So go get your sleep." He said as they walked to the front door and Rachel giving her dads a kiss goodbye. This should be interesting.

"Rachel wake up. Rachel!" Kurt screamed trying to wake up his best friend.

"Kurt…what are you doing…" Rachel yawned as she sat up glareing at Kurt.

"Tell me what happened last night…you where asleep when I came home."

"Well, turns out I have a fourteen year old sister." Rachel said blankly.

"SHUT UP." Kurt yelled.

"Not joking Kurt." Rachel said back to him getting up out of the bed.

"So… when do I get to meet her?" Kurt said excitedly.

"If you can book a flight to Lima in the next 3 days you can meet her." Rachel said walking out of her bedroom and into the kitchen.

"Deal." Kurt replied going over to his laptop to search flights.

"But Kurt… you don't understand. I've never met the kid and she's fourteen!"

"Well Rachel, you've always wanted a sister…" Kurt said sitting down at the kitchen table watching Rachel make her breakfast.

"Yeah, but I wanted to teach her how to sing when she was one, or teach her ballet when she was two…it's different. And she's a freshman this year and will be starting at McKinley." Rachel stated turning around with a coffee cup and plate in her hand.

"Why is that so bad?" Kurt asked as Rachel glared at him. "What… I really don't know…"

"Because Kurt, your jerk of a brother is helping out with the glee club there…all I need is for him to interfere and do something." Rachel spat.

"What could Finn do…?" Kurt questioned as Rachel, again, glared at him.

"I need to go get ready…" Rachel said putting down her mug in the sink and walking into her room sighing.

After Rachel had gotten dressed and ready, she said her goodbyes to Kurt and walked out the door calling a Taxi she finally relaxed for once in her day…even if it was for twenty minuets on the way to the airport. Her life was about to change forever, she had a little sister she hasn't known about for the past eighteen years of her life, almost nineteen. This is crazy.

Rachel then jumped out of the cab after paying the driver and stepped into the airport. She met her dads before they went through security. Once they got to the gait it was almost time to board so they had very little time to sit and relax before the flight. Once they got on the big airplane nothing seemed to bother Rachel, she was going to meet her sister, be back in Lima, all was well.

After a hour and a half long flight they finally arrived in Atlanta. When they got off the plane they saw a woman holding a sign with 'Berry' Written on it, and a girl standing next to her clutching onto a suit case and a couple bags. It was Rachel's sister…

They walked over to her and the girls head whipped around, she looked fairly nervous and Rachel was sure Rachel looked nervous as well. The girl looked nothing like her, She had brownish reddish hair, that Rachel noticed was obviously natural, big brown eyes like Rachel's, and glasses that matched her hair color, The wasn't a skinny Minnie, but she wasn't obese, she was normal sized for a girl in her awkward stages.

Rachels dad Leroy walked up to her first.

"Hello Marie, I'm your father, and this is your other father, and your big sister." He pointed at each of them while saying who they where.

"Hi…" Marie added shyly.

"Hey Marie…I'm Rachel." Rachel put out her hand to shake and so did Marie.

At the mention of having a big sister, Marie seemed to peak up and smile a little. Rachels dads…or Rachel and Maries dads…caught on and seemed to notice how the girls connected.

"Hey Marie, Rachel? After we eat dinner you two can go to Rachels room and talk if you would like?" Hiram asked the girls.

"I would like that." Rachel responded.

"Me too…" Marie said smiling at her new family.

They all went to the Berrys big house and showed Marie where her room would be. It was just the guest bedroom and completely empty but Hiram and Leroy said they would buy her paint, and furniture. Marie was starting to warm up to her new family. Sure she missed her mom, but her mom and her weren't that close in the first place. This new family would be so much more welcoming and nice.

After eating a huge dinner from none other than bread stix, Rachel and Marie went up stairs and started talking, from everything about school, to clothes.

For both Marie and Rachel, maybe this won't be as bad as they thought it would be…

Okay! So that's the beginning of 'Another Berry On the Family Tree' get the title? You get a shout out in the next chapter if you are the first to tell me how I came up with the title! Next chapter is Marie and Rachels little talk, and a shopping trip. Finn will be in the story soon enough!