Author's Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!, late birthday? Yeah, I picked this ship. I really hope I did it justice, because I know I suck ass at writing it. Also, this is just really silly all around. This is also a little drabble-esque thing with a few chapters!
This happens when they're in Johto because May's not with Ash. I guess? Idk, Harley and Solidad are in this, too. Harley is a warning himself, so don't say I didn't warn you because I did.
Happy birthday, darling! I love you and I hope you enjoy this!
I don't own the characters or the song (which is The Yacht Club by Owl City ft. Lights)
The Yacht Club
(Cause she would rather fall in chocolate than fall in love, especially with me!)
Drew's face contorts in confusion. Walking pointlessly through towns to get to the city where his next contest was being held was normal. Thinking about how to win said contests on the way there was also normal.
Up until now, that is.
This time of day, his thoughts were plagued with how to get around his rivals.
Particularly, May.
She was pretty good, too. It would be difficult to beat a girl like her.
But these thoughts weren't the problem.
Viewing her as a pretty girl that wasn't a rival? Yes, indeed, that was most certainly a problem.
He couldn't begin to fathom about why he started thinking about May in that way in the first place. His mind had wondered into the subject of rivals, so thinking about her as a rival was totally acceptable. But having to tell his mind that she was just a rival was hard now.
This battle with his mind wasn't one he was about to win.
With the thought of May on his mind, he continued walking aimlessly, not knowing where he was going. He just had to run away.
Run very far away. But running away like this wasn't going to get him to run away from his thoughts of May.
So he'd just have to grin and bear it.
Today, especially, was a bad day to be thinking about her. He had a contest today! He didn't need to be distracted with thoughts of that stupid, petty, annoyingly pretty girl…
But what did it matter? She wouldn't be interested in love right now. She would rather fall headfirst into a huge vat of sticky chocolate that fall in love! And especially not with him.
(But then again, May would rather enjoy falling into chocolate either way… What an awful comparison.)
No, he wasn't doing this today. Especially not today.
He kept walking aimlessly. Maybe he'd find a clearing or something to do some training. That would clear his head.
And then he bumped into the one person he did not want to see today. Yes, that's right.
It was none other than May Maple, his rival, and apparently, as of today's mind boggling realization, the object of his affections.
Oh, damn it all to hell. His luck was really awful today.