Christa, a princess engaged to her childhood friend that she hasn't fallen in love with. Ymir, a criminal on the run who only cares about herself. What happens when the two meet and a immediately spark starts between them?

This shall be around a 6 - 10 chapter fanfic featuring my OTP Ymir x Christa. it shall be full of deep emotions, friendship, love and obstacles the two most over come. It shall contain 1 or 2 sexual scene later on in the story. it has a bit of cursing in it as well.

Author's Note: Ello.! So this is my very first time posting a fan fiction I have written. I really hope you like it. I accept all criticism both bad and good as I wish to be a better writer. Please enjoy. WARNING I HAVE DYSLEXIA SO MAY BE QUITE A FEW GRAMMAR ISSUES. You can more than gladly point them out. :3 HOPE YOU LIKE.


Christa sat there, motionless, yet so beautiful. Her Golden Blonde Hair swayed gently in the cool breeze. She was on her knees holding a red rose close to her small, dainty nose. Her eyes were closed, and her cheeks were rosy as ever. The simple yet flattering white dress she had on could be spotted a mile away in what seemed like a firework of colors; which was her garden. She looked like a porcelain life size doll. Christa then felt a too familiar presents coming towards her.

"Christa!" A deep voice yelled, from what seemed like a few yards away. "Christa my love! I have been looking all over for you! Do you have any idea what time it is?" The voice continued to ramble on.

Christa sighed slightly, and then looked up at the person standing over her. Her pure sky blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight. She Then Spoke, "Reiner. Is there something Urgent?" She gently smiled up at him, yet her eyes looked so cold and distant at him.

Reiner, who is much taller and buffer than a average man, stood there in a daze, admiring Christa. His Narrow eyes would not divert his look. His blonde hair shined in the sun light, he breathed in quick hard breaths. Then, almost like snapping out of a trance Reiner spoke in a firm voice, "Christa its almost time for the Ball! In about an hour guess shall start arriving! You need to hurry up my love! It is the Ball that's celebrating are engagement after all." Reiner ended that with a soft smile down at his soon to be wife.

Engagement. That word resounded in Christa head over and over. Her heart was heavy, and felt like a burden was placed upon her.

Reiner then extended his hand out to Christa. "Let's go." He said in a harsh and firm voice. Christa took the hand reached out in front of her. Reiner then pulled Christa onto her small child like feet. Then Reiner quickly walked while holding Christa's right hand firmly. Reiner broke the awkward silence by stating "You need to be more open and yourself with me Christa, don't be afraid to speak you true feelings, after all we are about to be married for eternity soon." Christa nodded her head. Still looking distant and her face seemed to have became pale since her time sitting in the rose garden peacefully.

Engaged. Married. For eternity soon. Engaged. Married. For eternity soon. Engaged. Married. For eternity soon. Engaged. Married. For eternity soon. Those words kept resounding in her head. And made her more nervous. Soon her moving body had come to a stop. And she seemed to have snapped out of her trance. Christa looked around her surrounding as if she had never been there before. "We are at your room, right Christa?" Reiner asked in a concerned voice.

"Oh yes it is! Silly me. Thank you Reiner." Christa said in a clam and light voice.

Reiner said politely in a strong voice "Please be ready in time dear for the ball."

Christa nodded and said "I understand." Christa then shut the door quickly behind her. She quickly walked through her huge master bedroom to her luxurious bathroom, with granite sink tops, pink and black tile, and a shower that could fit around three people in it. She then slipped off her white dress with lace at the bottom and started the hot water. After letting the water run for a while, Christa then stepped into the hot steaming shower. "I'm really going to be married in a little over a week eh?" Christa says while letting out a small sigh. She rest her head upon the wall of the shower and stand there and thinks to herself in silence.

Reiner and I, childhood friends, I never seen Reiner as anything more. My parents had to choose him of all people to be the person I marry, the person I would give my virginity to, the person ... I'll spend eternity with?

Christa soon stopped the water and set out, slowly drying herself with a fuzzy soft white towel. She walked over to her king sized bed, and laid there staring at the canopy above her, just thinking. Soon her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. She jumped up at the sound. The door faintly opened and a familiar voice came through it. It was none other than her maid Sasha, who was barely any older than her.

"Young Mistress I bought you your evening attire for today" Sasha said in a clam and yet muffled voice, her mouth obviously filled with food like usual. As Sasha helped Christa into her ballroom styled dress, which was a shade of light pink, was corset like at the top, fitted to her cute petite body, and was puffy at the bottom with lace. Sasha then zipped up Christa's zipper at the back, then suddenly a thought came over Sasha as she made ah-ha face.

"Young Princess, I Have must warn you of this, late last night a criminal has escaped from the prison, and was seen earlier this morning in the area, please, even if we have many guards, please be careful tonight." Sasha said with a worried voice.

Christa smiled and said in a sweet polite voice, "Don't worry Sasha, I'll be extra careful. No worries." And with that Christa made her way down the long hallway that had pictures handing of all the Queens and Kings born before her into her family. As she almost made it to the large two stair cases at the front of the mansion, she noticed a familiar figure coming from the east wing hallway. It was of course Reiner. As they met perfectly in the center, the crowd below, probably around 800 people became really quiet and all eyes were on Christa and Reiner.

Reiner smiled passionately at Christa, and Christa smiled half heartedly back. Reiner then said in a loud voice so that everyone below could hear," Christa, I love you more than anyone in the world. I can't wait to call you mine." And suddenly the crowd below busted out in happy cheers. Then Reiner kissed Christa right rosy cheek, and then they parted ways to walk down the two separate staircases.

They soon made it to the bottom and everyone greeted them with love and gifts. Of course Christa had to stay close to her soon to be husband that was just the role of a princess. But soon an old friend of Reiner came up to him and whispered something in his ear.

"Christa my dear, I am truly sorry but I most go handle some business. Please forgive me." Reiner said and kissed her forehead then walked off and disappeared into the crowd. Around thirty minutes passed by and Christa grew bored of all the noise and crowd and she soon sneaked out, without anyone noticing her, to her most treasured place of hers; the garden within her back yard. As soon as Christa made her way into the garden, it's as if someone totally different had taken over her. The biggest smile appeared on her face. As she stay there among her red and white rose bushes, Christa then felt a unfamiliar and strange presence close by her.

Christa turned her head quickly to find a very much taller brunette girl standing over her. Who was probably two or three year's older, tanner skin, with freckles on the face, with messy short brown hair. What was really noticeable in the dark with only the dim moonlight out, was her narrow golden like brown colored eyes which seemed so cold and distant, almost with a murderous look in her eyes. Christa could tell immediately that she was of a lower class, working class family. Her clothes consisted of a plain white t-shirt and long tight like black pants, not to mention she was shoeless.

How weird, a girl like her in a fancy ball? How did she get in? Did she sneak in? If so .. Why? I wonder if she wants me for something.

Christa spent a good minute analyzing the strange girl, that she didn't even notice the taller girl doing the same to her; and once they both caught eyes, they couldn't divert their look away from each other. They both gazed into each other eyes for a good ten minutes, while both slightly blushing.

Why is it... that my heart is racing faster and faster, and I don't wish to look away from this taller girl? Why is it that I feel like I can look at her forever?

Soon the silence was broken, the older girl decided to speak. "Are you just gonna sit there and blindly stare at me like that? If I was a hunter and you the prey, you would have been long dead by now. My God, I thought Rich people were supposed to be all kind and formal." The older of the two girls said, in a slightly uninterested and annoyed voice.

"Oh! I'm ever so sorry; I'm Christa Renz, heir to the throne, pleasure to meet you my fair citizen." Christa said in a light and sweet voice.

The older girl made a strange face at her. "Oh, you said your name all formally and casually like were good friends or something." The girl rolled her eyes then said "I am Ymir. Heir to nothing and none of your damn business. And I guess it's a pleasure to meet you."

Why does this girl speak so informal, and she seems so distant and like she hates me already. Such a rude personality … and yet my heart keeps on racing. From what?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset." Christa said in an almost sadden voice. Christa looked up at Ymir with her eyes wide open, and then Christa noticed a faint shade of blush on the darker girl cheeks. Christa stared for quite a while. Then on Christa face appeared a small smile. And her eyes brightened up.

"Is there something on my face or something? If not, your starring is getting on my damn nerves." Ymir growled to Christa.

"Oh I'm so so sorry."

"It's fine, now tell me, what is a little girl like you doing in a place like this?"

Christa pouted at that comment, and felt slightly hurt then responded by saying, "I'm here because this Ball is celebrating something for and my fiancé."

"Oh, so they force children to marry earlier now eh? How saddening. Do you at least love him?" Ymir said while giving Christa a curious yet distant look.

"Well … I guess. I mean I and Reiner are childhood friends and all … but I never imagined him as anything more … I can't imagine spending eternity with him." Christa said in a clam yet sorrowful voice

Ymir looked up as Christa with harsh eyes, as if Christa had said a trigger word. She mumbled under her voice "Reiner … could it be the same no good asshole who … and if so … is she the one from once before. Is it … really her …?"

"Did you say something Ymir?"

"No nothing at all, tell me Kid, when you were younger, you used to live in a faraway place didn't you?"

"How did you know that?" Christa responded in a shocked and curious voice.

"Just … a lucky guess I believe." As Ymir said this she came closer to Christa, leaning over her while staring into her pure blue eyes. Suddenly Christa wrapped her arms around the older girl upper back, gripping her shirt tightly, and Ymir cupped her rosy cheeks. As Ymir and Christa leaned in closer, so close they could feel their breaths breathing on each other, they were interrupted by the sound of a certain maid calling out to Christa.

"Christa! Where are you? Christa! Are you ok?" Sasha was calling out to her in the distant darkness.

Ymir then released Christa and pushed her to the ground, before turning and started running away. Christa sat there in the dark watching as the handsome tall brunette girl disappeared.

"A-ah wait! Ymir! Please wait come back."

"Forget about me kid, forget us meeting." Ymir voice said as it faded in the distant.

"But ..." Christa sat there looking in the direction Ymir disappeared in. Soon Sasha had made her way to the beautiful princess, who sat there in the gentle spring breeze.

"Are you ok princess? Why are you out here? Was someone with you?"

"No. Not at all."

"Come on, lets return inside."

"Ok. Sorry to worry you."

As they walked towards the mansion, Christa couldn't help but think of Ymir, and why her heart was racing. As they made their way inside the door of the west wing, a large group of people made their way inside the mansion through the front entrance. It was no other that the Garrison, the local police in other words, or even considered "heroes". One of the men stepped forward and said "Who is the Man of the house? Or woman?"

Christa said "My fiancé is out at the moment, I shall tell him the information when he steps back in."

"Very well, well all we were doing was going door to door showing people the picture of the criminal who escaped from prison recently." The man said while unrolling a picture of the criminal.

Christa eyes widen at seeing who was on that picture. She may have only seen these features before just once, even only a few seconds ago, but she knew who it was and her heart felt a bit heavy, but at the same time didn't care it was her. Christa whispered to herself "Ymir... maybe she has a good reason for being a … criminal … "

Ymir, was just there sitting there high in a tree,probably only a few meters from the Renz Mansion; lying on the branch gazing up at the sky. "Damn it! Why can't I get that little brat out of my head? … Is it really her? … Does she remember me?" Ymir asked herself this as she quickly fell asleep.

That night both Ymir and Christa both couldn't stop thinking of each other.