A/N:I started this story right after season 4 of The Vampire Diaires ended, so it takes place a few months after all that happened. So technically it's my own little take of what season five should have been like. I also would like to take the time out right now and warn you that Klaus shows up in the later chapters and that from then on he along with another will stick around until the very end of this story.

so without further adieu I give you "In The Past."

"Ex Spiritum, Quo Incandis, Et Vaso A Distum, Phasmatos Tribum Renascentia. Ex Spiritum, Que Incandis, Et Vaso A Distum, Phasmatos Tribum Renascentia"

Was all Alex could hear being repeated over and over as she struggled for air. As she peered up from the ground Alex saw a woman kneeling in front of a raging fire, that continued to grow in intensity and heat with every word that was recited. As the intense heat from flames brushed against her skin, Alex attempted to scream for help but to no avail. As she'd soon realize that no sound was coming from her mouth and that the more she tried to make a sound the harder it became for her to breathe. Her breaths were short and shallow and her chest burned from the inside as her lungs were greatly deprived of oxygen. Unable to move all Alex could do was continue to stare on as the unknown woman continued chanting, all the while in enduring excruciating pain.

Suddenly Alex's eyes popped open and with that she immediately pushed herself into an upright position. Slouched over she gripped her chest and continued to pant, trying desperately to catch her breath. As she gripped her covers with her free hand she instantly realized that her sheets as well as her nightgown were soaking wet. After a few minutes of panting Alex was finally able to steady her breathing and only after doing so did she hop out of bed and in one swift swoop grabbed her bed sheets before throwing them along with her nighty in to the wash. Alex then quickly got into the shower and as the ice cold water trickled down her body, she randomly found herself wincing in pain. Not fully sure why she was in pain she decided to just power through it. After her shower the young woman grabbed a towel wrapping it around her wet glistening body before then stepping out of the shower and on to her shower rug. Now in front of the mirror Alex noticed a small dark discoloration on her right shoulder that stood out against her light brown skin. After finding the first burn mark Alex quickly began spotting random discolorations over different parts of her body. Gently running her fingers over each and everyone burn Alex couldn't help but wince in pain. It was then that Alex finally accepted the truth, which was that her dreams were obviously more than just dreams. With that a look of determination washed over her face as she was now more than ever ready to finally get some answers about her recurring nightmare.

After drying herself off and getting dress Alex found herself loudly pounding on the door of her old friend and mentor Naomi. As the door opened Naomi would be seen standing in the entryway wearing a Winnie the pooh robe with tigger slippers, all the while rubbing her eyes as she greeted Alex.

"Alex? It's three in morning." said a groggy Naomi

"Good to see you to Naomi, I need your help." replied Alex, before somewhat barging pass Naomi not even waiting to be invited in.

"Yea come on in, I wasn't sleeping or anything." Naomi muttered sarcastically, after Alex blew passed her on her way the living room.

"Naomi I'm sorry but I had that dream again, and before you tell me that it's just a dream and that I should let it go take a look at this." said Alex before then lifting up her shirt & revealing the multiple burns on her tight flat well toned stomach.

"Oh my god, what happened to you?!" asked a concerned Naomi

"I got these from that dream, not to mention I woke up pretty much on fire I was so hot. Naomi all my life I've always felt out of place as though I didn't belong, and I truly believe whatever this dream is trying to tell me might be answers I've been looking for. So please help me, because I can't do this alone." pleaded Alex

Naomi could clearly see the flicker of hope that burned brightly in her best friend's eyes and so instead dousing the little bit of hope Alex had. She decided to help her dear friend who was obviously hurting. "Well, if we're going to do this spell I need to heal you of those burns. I'm going to grab my grimoire and you can help by moving that table, grabbing a piece of chalk and drawing a celestial pentagram." smirked Naomi before running upstairs.

Alex smiled at Naomi before turning around to face the table behind. Then with a flick of her right hand and by opening up her left hand she simultaneously moved the table and made a piece of chalk fly into her hand. When Naomi came back down stairs Alex had just got done drawing the pentagram before then proceeding over to Naomi. Who now had her grimoire and a small jar container that she knew held Naomi's magical healing cream. Naomi began to apply the cream on the parts of Alex's body that were burned while continuously repeating "Sana" the Latin word for heal causing the burns to heal almost instantly. After Alex was fully healed she began making her way to the center of the pentagram while Naomi lighted the candles with just a snap of her fingers.

"Ok so in order for this to work you might have to relive the dream and as you're doing that I'll be communicating with the spirits and hopefully they'll give us the answers you seek." said Naomi before reciting a spell from her grimoire. Within seconds the pentagram Alex was standing in began to glow and a few seconds after that the house violently began to shake. Naomi glanced over at Alex with terror and worry in her eyes as she wasn't use to the spirits responding in this way, but still she continued. As Naomi continued Alex suddenly began to get random but in depth flashes of her dream which were out of sequence. Then out of nowhere Naomi's front door suddenly bursts open, followed by a powerful gust of wind which in mere seconds shattered all the windows in the living room. As pieces of glass shards were getting tossed around by the hurricane force winds that now took up residence her home, Naomi couldn't help but draw pause.

"Alex the spirits are angry, they do not wish for us to proceed! We must stop!" yelled a frantic Naomi

"Screw the spirits I don't sever them! Naomi come over here!" yelled Alex

Naomi began to make her way over to Alex who was still stationed with in the pentagram. When Naomi was close enough Alex extended out her hands from behind the pentagram while instructing Naomi to drop her grimoire and to grab hold of her. Naomi did just that as she continued to chant the spell from memory only this time Alex joined in on the chant. As Alex and Naomi continued chanting the powerful gusts of wind which was raging throughout the entire living room would suddenly recede back through the front door from which it came before then causing the door to slam shut behind it. Shortly after that the house would stop shaking. Naomi and Alex now in shock would be engulfed in a white light before abruptly being blasted part. Alex was sent crashing into Naomi's old grandfather clock while Naomi was sent barreling into the wall behind her. The two slowly got to their feet, Naomi holding her lower back while Alex gripped her left shoulder.

"Are you ok?" asked Alex

"Yea I'm fine, you?"

After Naomi explained she was fine she quickly grabbed Alex by the arm before then pulling her back a bit as to get a better view of the letters now carved into her wooden floors in big bold letters.

"Well there's your answer." said Naomi as she glanced from the carvings to Alex

"Yea, now I just gotta find out what it means?" replied Alex

Alex and Naomi both looked at each other before then glancing back at the big bold letters which spelled out MYSTIC FALLS.