A/N: my first fanfiction. please enjoy

Chapter 1: Reborn's New Fear

Never had he ever thought that one day, will he get scared. When referring to "scared", we're talking about fear and OMG. He had just entered the house, when he was welcomed with his partner sealed in a glass jar, 15 lasers by 15 lasers, box formation, surrounding him. Daggers were pinned onto him, creating an outline of him with his fedora.

He was stunned. He was expecting three dame-teens, but ended up seeing 2 teens leaking out killer intent and a lot of it. Worse, their glares and sadistic smiles made him just stay where he was. Reborn, the world's greatest hitman, was scared. Suddenly, he heard the teens talk.

"Hello there baby, or we should say the world's greatest hitman, Reborn", said an ice chilling, scary, yet creepy, voice. Well, two voices I should say. Then both teens yelled "Mom!"

Right after they yelled, a brunette came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel that was covered in flowers. She was about to say something about putting away their weapons and quit fighting, until saw a familiar man or actually a baby pinned at the door.

"And here I thought you two were fighting again," the mother exclaimed. "Oh well. But, who do we have here? You know it's impolite to come into one's house without knocking," she said suddenly in a cold voice, glaring at the baby.

Things would have been worse from then, if it weren't for a boy who interrupted the moment saying "What is going… oh." The boy just stared, seeing his security system activated, with his sister's and brother's daggers pinning a baby, with his family just glaring at the baby.

At first, Reborn thought the boy would be his savior, until he saw the boy turn and smirked evilly at him. Now, how could a great hitman like Reborn can get scared? Easy. Imagine yourself as Reborn. You experienced many dangerous encounters. But now think about your position you are in. Still in a baby form, with a dangerous family, in the "enemy's" house, with daggers near your body and lasers pointed at you. Not only that, there's now a grinder instead of a floor, daggers pointed at you, your partner is trapped and a family with weapons ready to kill you. Plus they know who you are. What do think? Will you be scared or not?

With his remnaining pride and courage, Reborn was able to stutter, STUTTER his question that he's been holding for a couple minutes now. " E-Excuse me, is this the Sawada residence?"

"No... this is not the 'Sawada residence'. This is the Saltwater house", a girl sarcastically said.

"and what if it is?" questioned a the boy that was with his sister.

"Are you kidding me?! Why oh why does god hate us!" the mother said tiredly.

Then the almost-savior boy spoke. "Mom, please calm down. And Onee-chan, Onii-chan, no need for sarcasm. Now let's free the idio-baby and start over. Okay?"

After freeing the baby, the family coldly said in unison "Now then, let's start."

A/N: Please review!