Abby cried out in her sleep, hands clutched at her slight stomach. Kate slept on, not hearing anything. The dreams had haunted her the previous night as well, but no one had heard her cry.
In the next room, Mike couldn't sleep. He could here quiet whimpers from the room next to his. If they didn't quieten in the next 3 minutes he would go and see if he could help in any way. The sobbing continued and Mike slipped out of bed and into the next room.
He shook Abby's shoulder and she opened her eyes, tears soaking her cheeks. He did what came naturally, he held her, murmuring reassurances in her ear.
"I need a drink," She whispered to him, slipping out of her bed and out of the room. He followed, got a glass and some water, before joining her on the living room floor.
"You need to talk about it?"
"He said he was sorry Mike. That he overreacted, that he loved me. And I believed him, let him drag me back in and then he made me abort my baby. I killed my own baby."
"It was just a dream Abbs. He is a jerk, he treated such a perfect woman like that."
"You think I'm perfect?"
"You are. You are smart, funny, loving and beautiful."
"Aww Mike that is so sweet."
"Its all true Abby." He leaned over to her and brushed their lips together.
"Hold me?"
"Of course." He wrapped his arms around her and they curled together on the sofa.
That is how Jethro found them next morning.
"Gibbs!" Abby screamed having woken up, "He was comforting me after a nightmare."
"And telling her that no matter what she thinks, she is perfect."
"Finally got that off your chest eh Mike? You tell her the other thing as well?"
"What other thing Mike?"
"I love you Abby."
"You what?"
"I love you, don't worry about hurting me though, just tell me to leave."
"I want to say it to you, I really do, but I can't, not just yet. I want to try it though, us?"
"Us, I like that Abby."
"You don't care that the baby I'm carrying isn't yours?"
"I'll love it like my own. You don't care about the age gap?"
"Not in the slightest." She leaned over and kissed him "I missed you Mike... Don't leave again."
"Abby, darlin', its not that simple..."
"I know."
"I'll try darlin', I want to stay, maybe become a citizen again?"
"Come on, lets get breakfast for everyone."
They walked into the kitchen and started preparing waffles and pancakes. Abby created her own blueberry sauce.
Jenny walked into the room;
"Morning all."
"Morning Probette."
"Morning Mom."
"You two are in good moods..."
"So what? I'm happy and so is he."
"Jethro told me, congrats you two,"
"Don't tell anyone please Jenny, we're gonna keep it between us, just for a little bit."
"I won't. You two are sweet together,"
They served Jenny a plate of pancakes and blueberry sauce, catching each other for chaste kisses.
"Love you." Abby stayed silent, but mike understood why. He knew she would tell him when she was ready and not a day before that.
"So, do you guys want to be sharing a room?"
They looked at each other and smiled. "Yes." They said simultaneously.
Jenny laughed "You two are perfect together. You have to tell people soon right?"
No one had noticed Kate and Tony walk in hand in hand. Tony cleared his throat. "You just did. And am I the only one to find this disturbing? I mean I always saw Mike an uncle and Abbs as my sister."
"Yeah. You are. Its sweet." Kate said, elbowing Tony in the ribs. "Congratulations you two."
They all started to laugh at look of mock hurt on Tonys face. He walked over to the stove and grabbed Kate some pancakes and blueberry sauce, which she took and ate greedily..
"Mike, I swear, you hurt her, I hurt you. She is my sister!" Tony said.
"Leave him be Tony, he won't hurt me!" Abby yelled "Can't you just let me be happy?!" She ran out of the room and up to the bedroom she now shared with Mike, and flopping onto their bed, sobbing.
Mike glared at Tony and then followed her upstairs;
"Abby darlin'? Can I come in?"
"Yeah, you can." He could tell she was sobbing from her voice, slowly, he opened the door and let himself into their room.
"Sweetheart, he was just warning me.. I expected no less from DiNozzo.. Probie did the same earlier, but they won't get to me to stop loving you, not now, not ever.." He sealed their lips together in a loving kiss..
Meanwhile downstairs, Mark had gone down to give his wife some time in the bathroom and Jenny had gone up to put on her makeup leaving Gibbs and Mark watching the sports while the others got breakfast.
"You used to be engaged to Jen?"
"Yes.. But I don't see what business of yours that is."
"You cheat on her?" He paused for a second but got no response, "With her sister?!"
"Yes I cheated. But again I don't see what this has to do with you.." He may have been about to continue but Gibbs' fist connected with his face.
"Arrogant ass! You ruined the bond between Jen and her little sister!" Marks fist flew towards Gibbs but he was too slow, Gibbs blocked the punch and threw one of his own, landing it square in Marks jaw.
"ENOUGH!" Jenny yelled, "You two are acting like children for something in the past.. I don't even care any more and he was my fiancé! I'm sorry Jethro but if you are going to act like this you are going to have to leave my house. I love you, I really do. But get out!"
"No. I'll talk to you at work tomorrow, we'll see how it goes."
"No Jen.." Heather said walking in, "We'll go, there is no need for Mark to break the bond between you and your boyfriend. Love you big sis."
"Love you too baby girl.. Call me if you need anything.. I will always answer for you.."
"See you soon Jenny."
"Hopefully not Mark. Hopefully not." Jenny said, avoiding his hug as Gibbs wrapped a protective arm around her. They watched as the other couple left the house, before smiling to each other happily.
"I'm sorry Jen."
"Don't break your own rules Jethro, thank you for defending me. I was just acting because I can't lose my sister again."
"Jen? Is Ari alive too? I get the feeling the threat to Kate wasn't him..."
"Yes, he is alive. The threat to Kate was the team he was working with."
"Bring him here. Get Ziva too. Let her have her brother back!"