Philippines + Hetalia

"Bonsoir England!" France smiles as he opens the door to England.
"Oi." England responds.
France frowns and starts to nag at England. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, England. I thought you were more civilized than that. At least I have the courtesy to invite you to the grand opening of my new restaurant." France opens his arms when he said the last sentence. England just grunts at this jester.
"Delinquent." mutter France.
"Now listen here you bloody frog-" before England could finish his sentence, France shoves a piece of bread into his mouth.
France sighs and shakes his head "Manners, England, manners."
(You are now imaging Hetalia opening theme song.)
~Lunch at France~
"Are you ready to order?" France asks the brit that is sitting at the table.
"Um…" England didn't' know what to order since the menu is in French. 'Bloody French menus!' England says to himself.
"You know what," France says obviously seeing England confusion, "why don't I surprise you."
England frowns at this idea. "Okay" he says unsurely.
\\Few Minutes Later/
"Tada!" sings France as he presents the dish to England. England looks like he is about to throw up. France set the dish down.
"Uh…" grunts England who is feeling woozy.
"The way you eat this is…" France shows England how to eat the particular food. "Go on and try it." he smiles. For some reason, the smile had an ounce of mischief in it.
England braces himself. He plugs his nose ad swallows the food. After he consumes it, his face lightens up with glee.
"It's good," he says with surprise. "What is it?" he makes a grab for another serving.
France grins. "It's escargot,"
England gulps down the food and asks, "What's that?"
France's grin turns into an eerie smile. "Snails." England drops the snail he is about to eat. The 'I'm- going -to throw-up-now' look appears on his face as he makes a dash towards the bathroom. Of course England doesn't read the sign of which bathroom is for men or women. So apart from the screaming women, you could hear poor England throwing up in the restroom. Outside the restroom, you can see France smiling an evil, mischievous smile.
\\Why France Invited England for Lunch/
To get back at England for making France eat his home made scones…
=France "Hetalia"=

~Japan and America~
Japan and America are having a normal walk through the airport. They always walk by many unique and interesting looking people. However, one of them catches America's eye. She (yes it's a girl) has long, flowing hair, skin that is the right shade of tan, and black pearls for eyes. She also wears a red skirt and a white shirt that has a sash across it. She wears a cross around her neck to symbolize her religion.
America watches the woman pass by. Then he remembers.
"Philippines!" exclaims America as he runs toward her with open arms. Philippine sees a man with blond hair and blues eyes running towards her. In the sense of panic, she holds out her arm and catches the man's face in her hand.
"Mm hurm buurrm." the man says.
"What?" Philippine asks. The man removes Philippine's hand from his face.
"Philly! It's been a long time!" the man exclaims as hugs her. She grabs the man by the shoulder and pushes him back.
"Who…" she starts to say until she sees it. The blond hair. The laughing eyes. The obnoxious smile.
"America?" she remembers.
"She remembers me!" America smiles and hugs her again. When she tries to pull away, America holds her even tighter.
'He's like an anaconda.' she says to herself. The Japanese man standing behind the two watches from the sidelines. "Japan…" Philippines pleas. "Help me!"
Seeing the Filipina in need o help, Japan leads a hand. "Mr. America, can you please let Miss Philippines go."
America turns to Japan, with Philippines still in his arms. "You know Philly?" he asks.
"Yes, we're friends."
"But I thought… since WWII…"
Japan and Philippines give America the death stare (or at least Philippines did.)
"We are friends," they say in unison. America laughs nervously and lets Philippines go. She sighs with relief and straightens out her skirt.
"So…uh…" America start to say until Philippines cuts him off.
"It's been a long time since we saw each other Japan, do want to go out to for lunch?" Philippine asks.
"I'll be delighted to." Japan answers as they walk away.
"Hey guys!" America cries. "Don't leave me!"
=America "Hetalia'=
Philippines pick up a burger and gradually unwraps it from its wrapper. "Tell me, why WacDonalds?" she asks. (In all the animes I watched, MacDonald was called WacDonalds so yeah.)
"Mr. America refuses to eat anywhere else." Japan responds. The two countries watch America shoving one burger after another in his mouth.
"What?" America asks.
Japan shakes his head. "So what brings you to Japan, Miss. Philippines?"
"Oh yeah!" Philippines reach under the table and bring out a box wrapped in cloth. "I'm here to give your bento boxes back to you," she says.
Japan takes the boxes back. "Thank you for bringing them back."
Philippines smiles. "Your welcome." America looks back and forth from the two countries.
"Um." he says. "Philly do you come to Japan often?"
Philippines think about the question for a while. "When I feel like, yes. So… yeah." When America hears this he stops eating his burger. He tilts his head down for a few seconds and then raises it up only to find tears forming in his eyes.
"Why Philly" America whines. "Why do you visit Japan more than me? Did I do something wrong?" Philippines avert her eyes from America. "Is it about the war?" he asks. "If it is, I didn't mean to…"
"It isn't that." Philippines cut America off.
"Then what is it?" he asks.
"It's just…" Japan and America's eyes are on Philippines. "I'm just too lazy to fly across the ocean only to find your obnoxious face waiting for me." Japan and America's faces fills with shock and confusion. It takes them a few minutes to compose themselves before America decides to go off and sulk in a corner.
"America…" Philippines whispers.
"Miss. Philippines." Japan tapes her shoulder. "Mr. America seems to be growing something over there."
Philippine sighs and walks over to America. She grabs his collar and starts dragging him from the corner. "Damn it America! How many times do I have to tell you: Stop growing mushroom farms in random corners!"
(You are now imagining Hetalia ending theme song)

=I screwed up one my first try but I'll do better next time=