Hello, lovelies! As I announced with my last update, Distant Melody has finished. I am currently working on the first few chapters of the sequel so I can have something up for you guys soon. The title to the sequel is "The Window Left Open." I should have something up within the next few days so be on the look out for that! Because I love you all very much, here is a preview!

Killian never knew if she ever caught on to how much she'd changed him. She was his purpose. Having convinced his captain that he was ready for bigger jobs he knew he'd survive anything because she was waiting for him. Before Isabel, he felt lost. If someone caught him stealing from them, it didn't matter. They could kill him on the spot. He had nothing and no one to live for. His survival was not a big deal to him. He was just damn lucky he lived to loot again and most likely damned to die because of it. The second she kissed him, he knew recklessness was a flaw he needed to erase from his record. Isabel wouldn't stand for it. If he never returned, he was convinced she would hunt him down just to kill him again. It was funny how she managed to scare him a little. Not in a bad way. Their love for one another was easily the most intense and dizzying thing either of them ever experienced.

Her hand on his face brought him back to reality. She was staring up at him and smiling. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked.

"Like what?" she asked, pulling her hand back and furrowing her eyebrows.

Killian shrugged. He took her hand, bringing it to his lips. "Let's go see your father. I need to talk to him about something."

"What's that?" she asked as they started to walk towards her father's shop.

"I'm going to ask him if I can marry you," he grinned over at her.

I hope everyone is as excited for the sequel as I am. I am working diligently on it to get something up very soon! I want to thank sweetiepie Amy A, aireagle92, viciousblackrose, and cutiepie102 for reviewing, favoriting, and/or following the story! Please keep a look out for the prologue to The Window Left Open!