Hi all! This is eventually going to be a collection of stories about the extended Weasley-Potter clan after Voldemort's defeat. It won't be in chronological order, and feel free to request anything at any time. This first one is just a bit of Romione fluffiness that presented itself to me. Enjoy!
Apple Pie and What it Brings
He couldn't believe he was actually doing this. Merlin, they were barely nineteen, and she had only just graduated, literally minutes ago. But then he looked into her chocolate brown eyes and remembered just why he was doing it.
"Mione, you know I love you, right?" He didn't wait for her response, becoming more and more nervous by the second and just wanting to get it over with.
"I know we've had our differences. Merlin, just our existence is a difference. You're the brightest witch our age, and I'm just the amusing sidekick. You have brown, curly hair, mine is straight and ginger. You're a muggleborn, I'm Pureblood. You love reading, I can't stand it. You hate flying, it's my favourite hobby. But, when it comes down to it, our differences is what makes it work. But at the same time, I guess we have some things in common. I remember when I first discovered something I had in common with you. Like really had in common, not just being Harry's best friend or sorted into Gryffindor. It was the end of year feast in first year, and there was apple pie for dessert. You're face just lit up when you saw it, like it was the best thing that had ever happened to you. I realised that day that maybe we did have something in common – we both loved apple pie more than anything else in the world." Here he stopped, looking into Hermione's confused eyes. He couldn't really blame her, he'd just rambled on about apple pie for Merlin knows how long!
"Mione, that night I realised that there was something between us. Not necessarily romantic, but something other than the fact that we had both found ourselves on this crazy ride that is being Harry's friend. I kinda can't believe that it took apple pie for me to realise it, but oh well Anyway, since that night, despite our crazy differences, you've made me fall for you. Really hard, Mione. I love you so much it hurts, and I can't imagine life without you." By this time he knew she knew where he was going. But he couldn't help but tease her a little more.
He reached into the picnic basket and pulled out a freshly baked apple pie, still slightly warm. Putting the pie right in front of her, he said, "Pie Mione?"
She glared at him, but without any real heat, and properly looked at the pie for the first time since he brought it out. She gasped and, with tears in her eyes nodded emphatically. "Yes," she whispered, chocolate eyes locking with cerulean ones. "A thousand times, yes."
Ron reached down onto the pie, plucking a delicate ring off the crust and placing it on her finger. Needless to say, the pie was quickly forgotten, and when McGonagall passed the picnic rug hours later, she was surprised to see a lone apple pie with the words "Marry Me Hermione" created in the crust.
A/N. Written for the Tour de Fiction 2013 using the prompt apple pie and song As Different As Can Be - AVPM
Written for the Song Fic Boot Camp using the song As Different As Can Be - AVPM and prompt fall.
I thought it was a little bit cute, but what about you? Just write in that box down there and let me know what you thought of it! NG.