The sky was grey and foreboding. It had looked like a major storm was about to open up and drown who ever was in it's path.

A 16 year old soldier, panic stricken and determined, paid no attention to the scene of carnage that has unfolded beneath him as he maneuvered above a 5 meter class titan, nearly slicing its head of as he moved past.

Pieces of bodies of those he once knew were scattered around the scenery strewn with so much blood and gore, dying everything a disgusting shade of red. He heard the cries of those being devoured and he felt anger, anguish and frustration. He wanted to kill every single one who killed everyone he ever knew.

He became distracted for a split second, which was all it took for the unthinkable to happen. After he had killed that titan that mercilessly killed his sister Mikasa, he was so taken by anger that he miscalculated the titan below him.

The titan snapped at him, taking a massive chunk out of his side. He screamed before falling to the ground. He knew he only had minutes before he would bleed out and die.

"No!" A voice screamed in terror. He faintly saw someone take down the titan that will have ultimately taken his live in mere minutes. Said person then was running to him screaming.

His body had started to become cold, judging by how much blood he lost, he only had minutes left. He had failed to protect humanity and and everyone he held dear. Anguish started to roll over him, tears flowing down his cheeks. Frustration and anger boiled inside of him. He would die alone, a sorry excuse of a soldier who couldn't hold to his promise.

."Eren I'm coming!" He hears a voice scream, getting closer until the person was practically on top of him.

"Please don't...leave me!" Why did that familiar voice sound so heartbroken over his condition.

"Levi, It's ok." He said quietly starting to feel the strength leave his limbs.

"Eren, I love you... Don't do this please! You can't leave me all alone."

"Levi, it makes me happy to hear that." He placed a cold blood soaked hand on Levi's cheek. "I will see you again. Promise me we'll see each other again." He whispered feeling the darkness starting to ebb away at him.

"I promise." He said, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"I love you Levi. Kiss me one last time."

They kissed feverishly, then embraced. He felt his life slipping away slowly, so painstakingly slow. And by the sound of his sobs hope was at a loss for him. Eren slipped away, hearing faintly before he died.

"Don't leave me...Please Eren!"

Eren woke up, noticing he was crying. Every time he had that dream he always cried. He had been having this dream just about every night. It always confused him. He didn't know why he always had this dream and the man who was crying over him seemed so sad. He was distracted from his thoughts with a knock on his door.

"Eren, time to wake up or we'll be late for school." Mikasa said through the door.

Eren slid out of bed and stretched. Yawning and rubbing his neck, he stumbled into the bathroom to get ready. He wasn't looking forward to the first day of school, especially being the new kid.

They arrived at the school, and he was feeling anxious and nervous. He hoped the kids were nice this time around. They had transferred in their senior year, which was bad enough.

Upon entering the school, they said their goodbyes because they didn't have any clasess together until after lunch.

Eren sighed as he walked into his first glass which was science. He handed paper work to the most annoying teacher he had ever met. She was way too happy to be a high school teacher.

"Alright everyone settle down. Whe have a new student joining us this year." She said. "I'm Ms. Hanji."

Eren sighed because he new what was coming. The embarrassing introduction of himself. This I why he loathed coulnt he just stay at his old school? Oh right, because him and his sister were abandoned by there no good father.

."Alright, why don't you tell us something about yourself." Ms. Hanji said winking at him.

'Fuck. this is so stupid.' He thought. If everyone knew what was good for them they'd leave him alone.

"Fine. My name is Eren Jaeger. I have an older sister." He said a huge sigh escaping his lips.

"Alright find a seat and we'll get started on today's lesson." She told him motioning to the desks.

Eren found a seat at the back of the classroom, but as he walked to it a short teen with jet black hair and smoldering grey eyes glared at him, his eyes following Eren until he sat down.

The class seemed to go on forever. He was now positive the teacher was a complete lunatic. She giggled and excitedly disected a frog, explaining about the different bits, and he was glad he was sitting in the back because he probably would've hurled.

Glancing across the sole at the student sitting next to him he saw he was still staring at him. 'This kid is starting to creep me out. Why has he been glaring at me this whole time?'' He looked away and decided he was going to ask him why he was glaring at him.

The class ended but a new one would start soon so no one left the room. He looked over to see those grey eyes still glaring at him.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He asked him glaring back.

"You look familiar. Have we met before?" The grey eyed student asked him.

"No I've never seen you before." Eren snapped back.

"Weird. You look so familiar, I swear I've seen you before."

Eren just ignored him. He thought it was weird asking someone you never met before, but he had the slight feeling that he'd seen those eyes before.

The day was almost over. Finally it was lunch time. He found Mikasa, who unsurprisingly was surrounded by guys. He walked over and sat down groaning heavily.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked annoyed by his seemingly foul mood. "Classes not go well?"

"Their fine, but I had someone glare at me for two whole classes. It was very disturbing."

"That's fucking freaky. Did you ask him why he was glaring at you?" She asked concerened. "Did you piss someone off already? God Eren its only the first day." Her voice had a hint of sarcasm to it.

"I did, but all he said was that I looked familiar and asked if we met before." He sighed heavily rubbing the back of his neck. "Why do I always attract weirdos?"

"Maybe you have the weirdo pheromones or something." She snorted, ducking to avoid the juicebox hitting her head.

They said goodbye to each other again, but the last class of the day they had together. He was startled by being pulled into a closet by unknown hands.