Day 1: The night was starless and humid.
Though the night is chilly, the humidity is oppressive, and as Olivia lies in the grass behind the Stabler house, she realizes that the heaviness of the air is crushing her almost as much as the grief that has settled in her heart and is currently radiating throughout her body. She shuts her eyes and tries not to relive the events of the day.
The slider door opens and she hears Elliot's heavy steps on the porch, followed by the scraping of metal chair legs against wood and the pop and fizz of a can being opened. "Kathy made up the couch for you," he says after several long, quiet moments.
"Thanks," Olivia says quietly, "but I should go home." She sits up and rubs at her tired eyes. "I won't make very good company tonight."
"You shouldn't be alone."
Olivia scoffs. "I'm used to it."
Elliot rolls his eyes, though he knows Olivia can't see him. "Kathy's worried about you."
"I'm fine."
"You buried your girlfriend today."
Olivia winces, feeling the sting of that simple sentence more than any physical wound she has ever received. "Her parents buried their child."
Elliot stands up and crosses the yard. Sitting on the ground next to Olivia, he says, "You're allowed to grieve, Liv."
"I said I'm fine, Elliot," Olivia snaps. She sighs and lies in the grass again. "Do you think she's ever coming back?" she asks, her voice breaking slightly.
"Alex? Yeah, of course." He chuckles quietly. "Who else is going to keep us out of trouble?"
Olivia smiles and lets her mind wander to the day that Alex will walk into the precinct and say those same words, and suddenly the ache in her chest hurts just a little bit less.