A/N: Hey guys! Sorry about the brief hiatus. To make up for lost time, here's a brand new story inspired by the newer version of the Cinderella musical!

Meet The Newmans, a local rock group in Peaceville. The band members were lead singer Carrie Beff, bass player Lenny Newman, keytarist Kim Pine, and drummer Konnie Magik. While they did a good job with performing gigs and everyone in town loved their music, they were actually jerks, especially towards their manager, Laney Penn.

Laney wasn't an ordinary girl. She was the most dazzling girl in town. But because of Carrie's jealousy towards her, she had to hide her beauty. So she wore dark makeup and made her long hair shorter using a round brush, a blow dryer, and several bobby pins. She even had to wear boyish clothes to hide her curves and her hair always seemed to cover her left eye. With all this work done, Laney felt overshadowed by Carrie and her rock glamor looks. She secretly wished to show her beauty to the world, but unless Carrie could hire another manager, she felt trapped in a dead-end job.

That is, until a rival band had an argument...

"Good work, Newmans," Carrie said as the band (and Laney) left Salad Barney's. "Another successful gig completed."

"Yeah, we rocked the house!" Konnie agreed.

"Laney, mark it off the list," Carrie ordered. "And see if you can plan another gig for tomorrow."

"Carrie, you don't have to perform every single day," Laney suggested. "It's not a competition."

Carrie stopped walking and turned to face Laney. "Not a competition?" she asked. "Not a competition?! You have been working for us for a month and you think it's not a competition?!"

"Carrie, let it go..." Kim said.

"In case you haven't been paying attention, we have to compete against those cheapskates who call themselves Grojband!" Carrie exclaimed, ignoring Kim. "We must practice every single day and snag every gig in town before they do!"

Laney went over her list. "But Carrie, there are no more gigs," she said. "You already performed at the drive-in movie theater, a Halloween dance, some random wedding, Sludgefest, a kid's birthday party, the carnival derby, the Queen Bee Beauty Pageant, and just about every other available gig. There's nothing left to perform."

"Then I suggest you start researching more gigs when we get back to base!" Carrie ordered.

Laney groaned. "Yes Carrie," she said.

Speaking of Grojband, things weren't going well in the Riffin garage. The reason? It was about losing to The Newmans at the vegan restaurant gig.

"This is unbelievable!" Corey exclaimed, throwing his guitar at the stage. "This is the eighteenth time this month The Newmans beat us to a gig!"

"What have we been doing wrong?" Kon asked.

"Maybe it has to do with my sister getting me grounded after someone destroyed her plant," Corey said, glaring at their sixteen-year-old guitarist Chloe. (A/N: Yes, THAT Chloe.)

"It was talking!" Chloe defended. "For all we know, it could have brainwashed us into zombie hippies!"

"You always say things like that!" Corey argued. "It's your actions that get us screwed every single time!"

"What about the Alpine Horn and Chocolate Watch Expo?!" Chloe asked. "It was your stupid 'rituals' that cost us the gig!"

"Oh, so now it's my fault?!" Corey exclaimed. "You were the one who called Trina a [censored] [censored] [censored] during the Queen Bee Beauty Pageant! If you kept your mouth shut and purposely lost the final round like you were supposed to, she wouldn't have run off crying! It's your fault we couldn't get any lyrics!"

"You know what, forget it!" Chloe said, heading for the garage door. "I quit!"

"Fine!" Corey responded. "I was going to fire you anyway!"

"Good!" Chloe said, leaving the garage. "Good luck finding a new bassist!"

When Chloe was gone, Kin was the first one to speak. "Nice going, Corey," he said. "You cost us our bassist."

"What are we going to do now?" Kon asked.

Corey sighed. "Guess we'll have to find a new one," he said.

Back with The Newmans, they were in the middle of practice while Laney used the computer to look up gigs. "Carrie, I still don't see any gigs," Laney said.

"Keep searching!" Carrie ordered before she resumed singing.

"Maybe you should let her take a break," Kim suggested. "She looks tired."

Carrie stopped singing and sighed. "Alright," she said. "Laney, go outside for a bit. But don't take too long. I still need you to look up gigs."

"Thank you!" Laney said, getting up from the computer. "My back was getting sore."

Outside the Beff residence, Laney laid down on the front lawn. She didn't like working for The Newmans. She had to keep track of local gigs and book upcoming ones early. It was her quick planning that allowed the band to perform long before Grojband heard about the gigs. All she asked for was Carrie to treat her with respect. "Like that's going to happen," she thought.

"The band still not treating you well?"

Laney sat up as a sixteen-year-old girl with pink hair walked towards her. This was Trina Riffin, the older sister of the lead singer of Grojband. She was Laney's only friend.

"Yep," Laney answered. "There aren't any more gigs, but Carrie still wants me to research them. How could I book more gigs if there aren't any more left?"

"You so worry too much," Trina said. "Learn to relax. Stop thinking about what you want and pay more attention to what you want."

"Easy for you to say," Laney said. "I took this manager job to make a name for myself. All Carrie's doing is bossing me around."

Trina took Laney by the hand and pulled her off the ground. "Come with me," she said. "I want to show you something."

Trina brought Laney over to the Riffin garage. "Trina, why are you bringing me to the rival band?" Laney asked.

"Trust me on this one," Trina said. She knocked on the wall, getting the band's attention.

"Trina?" Corey asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Just, like, showing this girl the competition," Trina said. "Nothing else."

Corey hopped off the stage and walked towards Laney. "Hey, I know you," he said. "You're the manager who works for The Newmans. Penny Lane, right?"

"It's Laney Penn," Laney corrected.

"Right, I knew it was something like that," Corey said.

"So bro, what happened to Chloe?" Trina asked. "Isn't she, like, here all the time or whatev's?"

"She quit," Corey answered. "She was so angry at me that she forgot her bass." He gestured to a faded blue bass in the room.

"Hold up," Trina said, holding up her hand. "Are you totes saying you got rid of your bassist?"

"She released all those weeks of repressed anger," Kin explained.

Trina smiled. "Hashtag: IDEA!" she declared. "Why don't you give the bass to Laney here?" She picked up the bass and put it in the younger girl's hand.

"But I never played an instrument before," Laney said.

"Yeah, well, I've seen you look at so many How To videos," Trina said. "Now go on. Play a note."

Laney looked at the bass. She was unsure about this. What if she was bad? But still, she strapped it on and plucked the strings. Surprisingly, she was good. VERY good, in fact.

"Then it's settled," Trina said. "Laney will be your new bassist!"

Laney's eyes widened. "New bassist?" she asked. "I-I can't do that." She unstrapped the bass from her torso and put it back in the case. "I still need to look up gigs for The Newmans." As she ran back to the Beff household, what was left of Grojband were surprised.

"Trina, that was an unusually nice gesture," Corey said. "Why did you do that?"

"I totes have my reasons," Trina said with a smile.