A/N. Hey awesome nerds! This is my second fanfic and it will probably be two or three-shot. Just like my first fic, this was inspired by some of the songs that are on my playlist. I have this planned out but I'm amenable to suggestions and critiques. So I do hope you guys will leave reviews, even if it's negative, 'cause they will still help me improve.

Disclaimer: I actually wished for it for my birthday, but alas the aca-gods did not smile down upon me so I still don't own anything from Pitch Perfect or the song that's included here. I still wish I could be best friends with Kendrick, Snow, and Camp (looks up with a hopeful look to the aca-gods). Oh, and after just one fic, I'm pretty sure I am still not considered a writer, so you've been warned.

Here goes nothing...

The sound of the waves crashing from a distance served as her background music. It was a cloudless sky tonight and she could see the constellations, not that she could identify any of them. Beca Mitchell hadn't realized how long she has been sitting there. The Bellas are halfway through their month-long celebration/vacation. With their ICCA win, their captains graduating from college and the rest of them finishing their freshman year, the band of misfits have decided to go on a fun holiday in Florida. They have wreaked havoc in Disney World and Universal Orlando during the first half of their trip and they have moved in to the Beale's beach house in Miami where they will stay until the end of their (mis)adventure. To say that the Bellas are having the time of their lives, is an understatement. However, after another one of their alcohol-filled nights, Beca couldn't sleep so she got out of the house and wandered aimlessly until she found a driftwood and slumped on it and that's how she found herself on the beach with only her thoughts to accompany her.

"Beca, I like you, I really do, but this is not working out..." Jesse started. It was the last day of school and they were in his dorm room.

"What do you mean?" Beca was really confused. It's been a month since the ICCA Finals, since she kissed him. They've went out on movie dates, albeit reluctantly on Beca's part but the boy insisted so she indulged him. She really thought they were doing fine.

"It's not you..."

"It's not you, it's me? Really Jesse? You're seriously giving me that line? We both know that's a load of bullshit right there!".

"Beca, I feel like... I think you're not into this relationship as I am. I feel like.. That you..." Jesse sighed. "I feel like you don't really care about me, well, not as deeply as I do for you."

"What!? I sang a fucking love song to you!". Beca was starting to feel really annoyed at this point.

Jesse sighed again. He's been thinking about this for some time now. He really liked Beca, he's had a crush on her since he saw her get out of a cab, but something felt wrong with their relationship so he had to do it.

"Is this about sex?" Beca asked. They've already talked about taking it slow. She wanted her first time to be special.

"It's not about that! I told you I'm ok with waiting."

"So what Jesse? What the hell else do you want from me?"

The treblemaker took a deep breath. He needed to say it right in order to salvage, at least, their friendship. "Beca, I like you a lot, you know that, and I want to be your everything but you... you still push me away. Why is that? Most of the time, I don't know what you're thinking about or what you're feeling. And even when I ask you, you don't tell me."

The brunette girl looked at him incredulously. This has been an issue even before they started dating and she thought he understood and accepted it. "You know I don't do well with words and feelings"

"But I'm your boyfriend! You're supposed to be able to talk to me. We should be able to communicate. I can't... I... I can't read you."

"Well that's because I'm not a fucking book!" With that, Beca stood up and slammed the door on her way out.

She didn't know why but the memory had been running through her mind for the last few days. It wasn't that she was heartbroken, to be honest, she was actually quite relieved when Jesse ended it. They were great as friends but when they started dating, she felt pressured. Jesse had this certain image of what a girlfriend should be and try as she might she could not be that person. Well, that's just it, isn't it? She was too closed off, too fucked up to be someone's girlfriend. What did she expect? It was hard for her to even have friends much less be in an actual relationship. What was she thinking?

Friends. Beca chuckled to herself. A few months ago, if somebody told her that she would enjoy being in college, being in an a capella group and having a close-knit group of friends, she would have laughed her ass off. But here she was, putting off her dream of moving to LA for a few years to be with these awesome nerds and she's loving every minute of it. She loved Amy's quirkiness, Stacie's sensuality, Lily's scary whispers, Cynthia Rose's musicality. She loved that Denise, Jessica, and Ashley were just there, literally, the whole time. She has even grown to love Aubrey once the blonde learned to let go.

And then there's Chloe... Beca smiled. Chloe. Who wouldn't love Chloe? What is there not to love about the redhead? Chloe Beale is altogether in a whole new level. People always thought that it was Jesse who got her to open up more, but in reality, it was Chloe. That girl did not know a single thing about boundaries, physical or otherwise. She has, single-handedly, transcended all of the brunette's walls but she never pushed, she never demanded, she just reeled Beca in, or out of her walls. They have accepted each other and dealt with each other's peculiarities. It was weird how they didn't have to force anything, how easy it was to form a... a bond with the redhead. From the first moment they met at the activities fair, they just clicked. When Chloe burst into her shower, the young DJ was freaked out at first, come on who wouldn't be, but when they sang together, their voices blending in harmony, it felt like some pieces of a puzzle just fell into their rightful place. It wasn't just friendship that they had, it was a bond. Now why couldn't she have that with Jesse? Why couldn't she just have a relationship with Chloe? Wait, what!? Beca shook her head. No! No! She didn't want to have a relationship with Chloe! She does not like her best friend that way! Does she?

Admittedly though Beca did take quick glances during their time in the shower. The redhead is absolutely gorgeous and she really should be confident about all that. Beca couldn't deny that her heart skipped a beat whenever she looked into those ocean blue eyes that seem to see right through her. She cannot deny that she has palpitations and goosebumps when the taller girl hugs her or links her arm with hers or simply just touches her, which were all the time. She can't deny that whenever she sees the redhead's infectious smiles, especially when they are directed at her or caused by her, she couldn't stop herself from smiling back. Chloe Beale is beautiful, sexy, smart, funny, kind, talented and is like a poster child of a perfect woman. Chloe Beale is like a ray of sunshine. So, if Beca is being honest with herself, she cannot deny that she has a major crush on her best friend and she maybe, in fact, be falling in love with the redhead. The young DJ shook her head again to try to shake off the thought.

She rested her head on her hands. Who was she kidding? So what if she does have feelings for her best friend? She cannot do anything about it. She will not drag her down with her emotionally-retarded, fucked-up self. She couldn't, shouldn't, wouldn't subject Chloe to the same heartache as she did Jesse. She hasn't talked to Jesse since they broke up and she missed the boy. Just the mere thought of losing Chloe is killing her. Not getting lost in those cerulean eyes, or not being subjected to the redhead's disregard of personal space, or not seeing those megawatt smiles will zap the life out of her being. She could still remember how the redhead looked like when she admitted to having nodes or when she told them of not being able to sing above a G sharp, ever. Beca would not deny that she will do everything in her power to never let Chloe get hurt in any way, shape or form, even if she, herself, were the one who got hurt in the process and in the end.

The brunette rubbed her face with the palms of her hands. She was being stupid. It's not like the feeling is mutual anyway. Chloe seeing her as more than a friend is but a dream. She is absolutely sure that someone as magnificent as the redhead will never fall for a broken person like her. So admitting anything to the older Bella will end up like a complete train wreck. She will not be able to take the rejection and the resulting awkwardness after that inevitable rejection will be unbearable. She will not set her heart up for it to be broken to a million pieces. She understood that Chloe has the power to crush her heart to oblivion. So no! This stupid crush, or whatever the hell this is, will go with her to her grave. Beca nodded once as if assuring herself that everything is fine.

The rising sun was starting to paint the sky with a myriad of colors when Beca returned to the house. It was silent and, obviously, everyone was still sleeping. She caught a glimpse of the white grand piano in the living room. She has always wanted to play it since the first time she saw it but was afraid of losing badass points. Now that no one is around, she gave in to the pull. She started walking to it, the multitude of unsettling reflections still addling her tired mind. She gingerly started hitting different keys as if testing the waters. She sat down and sighed. Music has always been cathartic for her. It was her constant, her refuge, her whole being. She closed her eyes and let her fingers fly through the keys. Once she got used to them, she started another song, playing purely from memory. She took a deep breath and started to sing.

I'm glad I never lived next to the water,

so I could never get used to the beach

And I'm glad I never grew up on a mountain,

to figure out how high the world could reach

I love the miles between me and the city,

where I quietly imagine every street

And I'm glad I'm only picturing the moment,

I'm glad she never fell in love with me

The brunette continued with the melody, her emotions and thoughts pouring out of her.

For some the world's a treasure to discover,

and your scenery should never stay the same

And they're trading in their dreams for explanations,

all in an attempt to entertain

But I love the miles between me and the city,

where I quietly imagine every street

And I'm glad I'm only picturing the moment

I'm glad she never fell in love with me

Beca's eyes were starting to get blurry from unshed tears but she trudged on, letting the music give voice to the heartache she was protecting herself from.

The trick of love is to never let it find you

It's easy to get over missing out

I know the how's and when's, but now and then,

she's all I think about.

I wonder how it feels to be famous

but wonder is as far as I will go

Because I'd probably lose myself in all the pictures,

and end up being someone I don't know

So it's probably best I stay in Indiana,

just dreaming of the world as it should be

Where every day is a battle to convince myself

I'm glad she never fell in love with me

Tears were now falling seamlessly from Beca's eyes but she didn't care. As she ended the song, she buried her face in her hands and sobbed quietly oblivious to a certain blonde Bella captain watching and listening with tears in her own eyes.

That's it, for now, I guess. The song used was Indiana by Jon McLaughlin. If you haven't heard about him, you should check him out. His songs are really good and his voice is so sexy plus he's actually hot. If you do know him, good for you! Sending out virtual high-fives.

Anyway, as always, don't be shy about leaving reviews. Good or bad, they're highly appreciated. Thank you. We out!