
"From Hell you have come, to Hell you shall go." She bellowed and cut his head off with one swift motion. The rest of his body immediately dissolved into thin air. I continued staring even after the shadow hunters were done with the crime scene. I couldn't wrap my head around it. He was dead. He was finally dead. I felt like a ton of weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and my head was finally at peace. Though my heart wasn't. I was afraid her body was lying amongst all the other dead shadow hunters. I started searching desperately, my heart having a panic attack. All around I could hear laughter and songs about victory.

I felt like was far far away. I was here, yet I wasn't. Where was she? Where was my Clary?


Jace POV:

I heavily sat down on the chair and ran my fingers through my still damp hair. The towel hanging around my neck was clinging onto my skin. I sighed as my fingers massaged my temples and then moved on to my eyes. I looked up at the mirror across my bedroom and saw someone sitting in front of me. He looked wrecked. His eyes were hollow, and there were deep shadows under his eyes. The face held no light, no spirit. I almost jumped when I recognised him. It was me.

I shut my eyes, trying to think of something else. But failed miserably. Pictures flashed before me. Vicious scenes where piles of bodies lay on top of each other on a rooftop. There was fire everywhere, floating with the ashes of dead corpses. I unwillingly remembered my pain. In the faint distance I heard Alex shout, beckoning me towards him. I had walked forward, almost zombie-like, focusing only on putting one step in front of the other. I saw Alex running towards me, drawing out his stele. He had also received some injuries, though none as serious as mine. He started drawing an iratze on me, when I wafted him away. I couldn't worry about myself, if I didn't know where Clary was. My heart felt as if it had stopped. Clary was lying lifeless and unbelievably pale on the ground, beside a pile bodies. I had collapsed, pushing a stray strand of hair away from her face away. At the time I was so lost and confused, yet I knew we won the battle because of her.

"Clary, don't give up on me okay..." The rest drifted away as I let the inevitable take over me, and the next thing I knew, I woke up here. I shook my head, trying to get the pictures out of my head. It was painfully traumatising.

There was a knock at the door, which was followed by someone opening it. That someone popped her head in around the door.

"Jace. Come get something to eat, will you?" Maryse asked concerned, eyeing me thoroughly. I looked emptily at her, not knowing how to reply.

"Where is she?" I croaked, looking at her pleadingly. That was the only thing that I could reply. I knew it was stupid to hope, but when it's someone you love, you can't help it. Maryse sighed, briefly closing her eyes before opening them again.

"Sh-She's not here. They transferred her to Alicante." Her eyes immediately focused on something behind me, refusing to look me in the eye.

"Maryse. Where is she?" My voice sounded doubtful. "I-I need to know...where is she?" My own voice failed me as it broke halfway through the sentence.

Maryse sighed deeply, her frustration clearly shown on her face. She looked guiltily at me.

"Downstairs in the guest room. But!" She said, warning me as she saw the little speck of hope erupt in my eyes, "Under orders from Brother Jeremiah, we are not to disturb her. So don't even think about it." Her face looked genuinely sorry. Then she cleared her throat and went out of the room, turning a blind eye to what she knew Jace was going to do.

"Thank you" I whispered after her. She didn't know how grateful I was. I had already made up my mind as soon as I knew where the conversation was headed. I waited till she was out of the room and a good distance away before I headed out of the door.

My heart was pounding as I turned left and headed down towards the guest room. I was good at sneaking around. I had always been good at that. When I was little, I loved hiding from Maryse and spending some time alone. This hallway had a secret little hole that you could creep into. I started sentimentally at the well hidden hiding spot I had shown Max, after I couldn't fit there anymore.

My heart sank as I met Brother Jeremiah by the door of the guest room.

Clary is not to be disturbed. He looked at me sternly. I had always wondered why he looked so different from the other silent brothers. His face was not nearly as closed off and cold as the others. He already knew what I was here to do. Might as well cut the unnecessities and get right to it.

"Is she okay?" I asked as tonelessly as I could. In truth, I was horrified. What if she was still in a coma? Or worse, dead. My insides churned as I thought of it.

He hesitated. Her condition is stable for the moment.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I was enormously relieved when he didn't mention anything about her condition worsening.

"You need to let me in" I said, not even bothering to ask but rather state it as a fact.

She is not up for visitors at the moment.

"You're lying." I said, starting to lose my patience.

"You forget that I have been trained to catch even the slightest form of hesitation. You're lying." I repeated more sure of myself the second time.

I thought I heard him sigh, admitting he had lied. She needs her rest. It will do her, as well as you, no good to see her when she is unconscious.

I stood my ground, not even considering letting up. If she wasn't awake, I still had to be there for her. There was a moment of silence where we stared each other in the eyes, as if we were silent assessing the other.

You know you resemble your father very much. Stubborn and smart but an excellent shadow hunter. All Herondales are. He said thoughtfully after some time.

"I'm not a Herondale. I'm a Lightwood." I said stubbornly, unconsciously showing his point. Again, there was silence.

Yes. Yes of course. He answered after some hesitation.

Clary POV:

I was still falling. Falling into a dark abyss which had no end. Wasn't everything supposed to have an end? I screamed, but heard nothing but the gush of wind messing up my hair in my free fall. Then everything clustered together in a black ball, and as suddenly as it had come, it wiped out everything in my vision. Black turned to white, and I wasn't falling anymore. It felt like I was being lifted up by some invisible gravitational force. I heard earth shattering noises below me, like huge chunks of gravel was breaking up below. My sense of direction completely failed me as I was unable to locate up from down.

Screaming, I sat up, heaving for air. I felt my for my head and saw that I was sweating and trembling tremendously. Wildly I looked around. I was in a huge luxurious bed with golden sheets and pillows. But no one was here. I was all alone, and I felt uncomfortable.

Suddenly pictures and faces were flashing before. Fire was spreading everywhere, leaving the air full of toxic gas and ashes. I was lying down looking up at...Looking up at Jace. I felt my nails dig into the pillow as I remembered Jace. He looked so handsome and brave as he stood up carrying the rune I had drawn. And then everything else came back to me. All the pieces of the puzzle. He had managed to defeat Straik. My heart was pounding, and when the vicious pictures finally ceased, I was crying. Tears were running down my cheeks and onto the sheets on the bed. I had never felt so alone in my life.

The door banged, and I was torn out of my thoughts. I heard voices outside my door.

I missed Jace. Where was he? Surely he would've come for me by now? Where was I? Was I safe? The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Liall nodding at me, confirming that she would keep Jace safe. But did she succeed? Unanswered questions flooded into my brain, and I was nearly going crazy with all of them in my head.

The voices became slightly louder, yet always contained. Then it died out. Everything was so quiet, my ears began to ring. It stayed that way for some time. First the doorknob was turned, then slowly the creaking door opened. The first thing I saw was a hand. A hand on the doorknob. I felt my heart begin racing, as a weird deja vu took over me. Those hands... Those callused, rough, and agile hands that at the same time could caress with so much love. Then I saw the head emerging from around the door and then the rest of the body followed. My heart beat so fast, I think it actually stopped when I saw Jace standing there. Alive and healthy, although he looked drained from energy. His beautiful hair was slightly damp, and his golden eyes shone like diamonds. I, myself, would've thought that I looked embarrassingly astonished and dumbfounded, but the way he looked at me, I knew he saw something completely else. I felt tears pressing on as the full extent of how much I missed him came crashing down on me like a giant tsunami.

"Clary.." I heard him choke out, and he sucked in a breath. His fist were clenching and unclenching. His face said it all. All the unsaid words inbetween us. His hollow eyes indicating he hadn't slept in a long time. His warm and open eyes, his perfect lips, everything about his was so... perfect. Not wanting any space between us any longer, I leapt down from the bed, swinging my legs down. I had completely forgotten how fragile my condition was. All I accomplished was one step before indescribable pain surged into my head. The unbearable pain made me cry out, and loose my balance. I felt myself falling. My heart was pounding, although not from the same reason it had just moments ago. I felt tears running down my cheek. I was falling again. I hated falling, I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in a coma. I felt something warm and soft envelope me. I was still heaving for air, traumatised over falling. The coma had done something unrepairable to me. That just made the tears come more freely. Who would want someone so broken like me.

"Shhhh... Clary, it's going to be fine. I'm here now." Jace whispered soothingly into my ear, as he held me. I looked my hands clenching his shirt tightly. Did he catch me? Then I looked up at Jace. His loving eyes were holding me in a steady gaze, and his hand came up to caress my cheek. I looked away, remembering how broken I was. Instead I looked around. He had managed to catch me before I fell. Jace was sitting propped up against the fall, holding me gently, as if I would break. I sighed sadly, it was too late. I was broken. No one could love me. Not even Jace. I felt his finger on my chin, turning my head to face him again. His face was gentle and kind and held so much love, I almost started crying again. This was surreal.

"I-I'm broken" I sniffled, "How can someone love me, if I'm broken?" He looked down at me, his expression not changing one bit. He still held that indescribable look of complete and utter affection and love.

"You are and never will be broken. In my eyes, you're perfect." He whispered kissing my cheek, and trailing his hands from my hair down to my neck.

"You are my life, and I will always love you no matter what." He looked at me, and I looked at him, completely speechless and and hypnotised by him. Slowly I leaned forward to his face, which was only a millimeter away from me. I felt our lips meet, and everything faded away. It was sweet and affectionately slow. I slung my arms around his neck, as he pulled me tighter to him. I bit his lips, pulling him closer to me.

"I love you more than life itself" He whispered against my lips. I smiled against his lips. This time a single tear fell from my eye, but this time it was from happiness, not sadness. He leaned forward again, catching my lips in a mesmerising kiss. Everything felt right. Everything was Jace. And everything was everything to me.

Thank you guys! You've been great at reading and reviewing. This is sadly the last chapter of this story unless I get tons of reviews saying I should carry on. ;) I seriously appreciate you all taking the time to read this. I feel really lucky to have so many followers and reviewers. And so, for the final chapter in this story, throw in a review about how you liked it and if I should continue. You're all really great and I know this sounds cheesy but you are! :D