p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" align="LEFT"span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"span style="font-size: small;"It made no difference really if Anders went to find the broody elf or not, but he felt like he wanted too. If for nothing else but to make sure the leg was healing fine. At least that was what he told himself anyway. Anders would never admit openly that he felt bad for the other man, let alone worried about him and yet he /span/spanAnders just wish he knew why he seemed to care so much about the other man's feelings, it wasn't like they were friends. They were as far from friends as anyone could be, yet there was indeed sorrow inside the mage that made him want to check on the /br /Anders knew that Fenris would unlikely be a willing host but even so he made his way through the mansion until he got closer to the bedroom. There he noticed Fenris had already started to drink one bottle of some kind of wine. Anders was unsure if he wanted to risk angering the elf with his presence, so he tentatively poked his head through the door. A glance from Fenris told him all he needed to know – but there was a lack of hate in the glare that the mage had gotten use too. Perhaps the elf was simply too angry at his own confused feelings to care about Anders intrusion or perhaps the wine had worked it's own 'magic' already? Either way Anders felt it was safe enough to enter the /br /"span style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;"span style="font-size: small;"Fasta vass... what is it now?" Fenris growled lowly, though there was no malice in his tone. It felt more like a formality to Anders that was strangely comforting to hear come from the /span/spanCautiously Anders sat down on one of the chairs near Fenris, he decided to keep the visit strictly professional for the time being. "How is your leg?" Anders questioned, keeping his tone level, "does it still hurt?"br /The elf peered at the man, unsure if he was being mocked or if the concern was genuine. Upon choosing that he should take it as a sign the mage was not here to mock him, he answered with a bland, "it's fine."br /Anders nodded a little, "can I have a look? I'd like to make sure that it is healing and no infection has nestled into your leg."br /A 'tsk' sound escaped the elf's lips but he obliged the other man's choice to look at his leg, lifting it up and onto the other man's lap quite sloppily. A feat Anders was surprised with; seeming the angle could not have been very comfy. He rolled his eyes and scooted his chair around to face the elf, while trying not to cause any pain or further injury to the /Anders wanted to tell the elf he was being childish, but at the same time he somewhat understood. Besides he had come here with the intention of making sure Fenris was okay – not to wind him up or irritate him. As hard as that might /br /After checking Fenris' leg for any signs of infection, Anders felt that the leg was truly fine and that he probably couldn't use it as an excuse the next time he felt like keeping the elf some company during one of his sadder moods. Though the evening so far had not been as bad as he first feared. Fenris had even offered to share some of the wine that he was drinking, he seemed to have a lot of it even though there were empty bottles everywhere. It was almost like there was an unending supply located inside a bottomless /Anders felt amused by the thought of it and despite his better judgement he chose to indulged the elf's offer and joined him in drinking. It was an odd way to spend the evening, Anders had to admit. It felt like this was the first time the two had ever spent any real time together. Then again, perhaps it was the first time? Anders couldn't even recall any times the elf had visited the hanged man for one of Varric's game nights. Of course Isabella would always win at wicked grace but it was still always a pleasant /Anders decided that it was about time the moody elf joined in on the fun, regardless if he he wanted to or not./p