AN: This story came to me one day and for weeks now, I would write bits and pieces in my spare time. I have a loose outline and I've already written the next chapter so I figured I'd just go ahead and post it. It's an AU story, my first time doing something like this with TVD so bear with me. Here we go…
"Put your lips close to mine
As long as they don't touch
Out of focus, eye to eye
Till the gravity's too much
And I'll do anything you say
If you say it with your hands
And I'd be smart to walk away
But you're quicksand
This slope is treacherous
This path is reckless"
Treacherous – Taylor Swift
Damon Salvatore stared out the window next to him without really seeing what was going on outside. All he could think about was that there was only one more hour left, then he had practice, and then he had to pick up his sister from her piano lesson, get home, get dinner started, clean up, and make sure his sister did her homework. Then he still had to do his own work to do. Damon sighed, shifting restlessly in his seat. He hated Wednesdays with a passion; it was when everything collided in his life and he knew he would be lucky if he got to bed before one.
"Am I boring you Mr. Salvatore?" Ms. Evans asked, her voice full of disapproval.
Damon snapped out of it, turning to face his teacher. She had one eyebrow raised as she stared at him expectantly. He flashed her a bright smile before answering, "Not at all."
Ms. Evans shook her head but didn't reprimand him any further. She gave him a pointed look before launching back into her lesson on To Kill a Mockingbird. He actually liked the book so far and under normal circumstances, he would be listening but he just wasn't in the mood today. On top of everything else, Coach had informed him that there would be a scout at the next game and he knew that it was really important that he played well on Friday. Damon tapped his pencil against his desk absently, running through the latest plays in his head.
"Psst. Damon!" Someone whispered and then there was a piece of paper by his foot.
Damon casually bent down, pretending to tie his shoe as he picked up the note. He immediately recognized the loopy handwriting and smirked.
Be my date to Ty's party? Then after we can have our own private party at my place ;)
Damon turned around and saw Katherine Pierce looking at him coyly with her patented half smile. She wasn't his girlfriend but she was definitely his girl. She was kind of a bitch and he knew that he could be a dick so they fought constantly. That didn't stop them from hooking up though and the rest of the team knew better than to mess with her.
Damon shrugged, mouthing silently an affirmative answer. Katherine's smile bloomed and not for the first time, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Long dark hair that fell in loose curls, brown eyes that always held a hint of mischief, the pure seductiveness she managed to ooze in every gesture. He was suddenly very eager for their "private party" on Friday night and judging by the way she pursed her full glossed lips to a blow him a kiss, she couldn't wait either.
He felt a kick on his left side and he immediately glared at Matt. Matt subtly nodded his head to where Mrs. Evans was obviously waiting on him to answer a question. Shit, he'd totally tuned her out.
"Sorry ma'am, can you repeat that?" Damon asked charmingly.
"If you were listening instead of looking back at Ms. Pierce, I wouldn't have to repeat myself." Mrs. Evans said frostily.
Behind him, he heard Katherine let out a low giggle of amusement. Obviously Mrs. Evans heard her too because she said "And don't think you're not next Ms. Pierce."
"I asked you what happened on Scout's first day of school to ruin her enthusiasm."
Damon actually knew this one, he'd read the entire assigned reading last night, but his thoughts were so stuck on Katherine that it just wasn't popping into his mind like he wanted it to. Mrs. Evans could see the hesitation on his face and shook her head in exasperation.
"I can answer that Mrs. Evans." Katherine piped up before flawlessly launching into a description that even Mrs. Evans couldn't find fault with.
Mrs. Evans didn't call on him again, thank goodness, and the rest of class flew by quickly. Damon scrawled down the homework from the board, pretending like he couldn't hear Mrs. Evans calling for him to stay after. Katherine was waiting for him outside the classroom and she immediately looped her arm through his.
"I have to go to class but I'll see you at practice." Damon said, kissing her quickly.
"Let's go up to the roof. Who cares about last period?" Katherine murmured, pulling back with a pout on her face.
Damon hesitated, knowing that he probably should go to class. He'd already skipped way too many times with Katherine considering it was only September and it was last period was only 45 minutes. But it was Katherine staring up at him with those brown eyes of hers that had a tendency of getting him to do things that he shouldn't.
Just like they both knew he would, he caved. "Lead the way." Damon smirked.
Damon took her hand and they weaved their way through the crowded hallway filled with students heading to their last class. Damon led Katherine into the stairwell they'd discovered their junior year that connected to the roof. They climbed up the two sets of stairs, quiet save for Katherine's giggles, before making a left and faced a silver door that was marked 'Keep Out". They ignored it, pushing open the door and walking out onto the gravel covered roof.
As soon as the door shut behind them, Katherine was on him. They kissed fiercely, their lips moving together in a well-established rhythm, barely needing to take a breath. He pulled her closer and moaned lowly at the feel of her body against his. He felt her hands slip under his shirt and roam around his stomach as he molded her against him.
"You're wearing too many clothes." Katherine panted against his lips, tugging at his belt.
Damon allowed her to start unbuttoning his pants and separated from her long enough to tug her shirt over her head and toss it to the ground. Her curls tumbled down around her face and down the creamy skin of her back and for a second, Damon couldn't help but just look at her. There she was in front of him, breathing hard and flushed just for him.
Katherine tugged him forward impatiently, her mouth searching out his. Just as she was about to pull down his zipper, Damon paused, listening carefully.
"Did you hear that?" Damon whispered.
"It's nothing, stop being so paranoid," Katherine said, eagerly closing the gap between them.
Damon tried to move away again because he was sure that he really had heard something. Katherine distracted him by playfully biting his lower lip as she kissed him, something she knew drove him crazy. With a rumbling growl, he pulled her closer, his hands resting on her ass.
"Well, well, what do we have here?"
Damon cursed as he spun around to face the intruder. It was one of the janitors that everyone had nicknamed Janitor Joe. He wasn't even sure that the man's name really was Joe but that was what he was known as to the students. Damon suspected that Janitor Joe desperately wanted to be a higher authority than just a janitor judging by the way he always seemed to try and police them. Katherine shrieked as she realized they'd been caught, crouching down to pick up her shirt from where he'd tossed it on the ground. Damon did his best to shield her as he discreetly tried to button his pants.
"Do you mind?" Damon demanded, outraged and embarrassed that Janitor Joe hadn't even turned around to allow them a chance to get themselves together.
"Not at all. Principal Hawthorne will be so thrilled to have you back in his office Damon; I can assure you of that." Janitor Joe said dryly, a smirk plastered on his face.
Damon scowled fiercely at the man, rage coursing through his veins. He opened his mouth to respond but shut it, thinking better of it as the janitor's words sunk in. This was not going to be good. He had a bit of a rocky relationship with the principal. Damon tended to get a lot of slack because of his position as the quarterback, something Damon had taken full advantage of during his years at Mystic Falls High. The principal had warned him last year after an incident that involved a duck and a food fight that any further wrongdoings would result in severe disciplinary action. This didn't exactly scare Damon but he figured that it was about time he clean up his act anyway. It was his senior year and he'd been trying to do better. That was pretty much shot to hell now though.
"Can you let us get dressed?" Katherine practically whimpered.
Damon glanced back at her and was surprised to see the normally unflappable Katherine Pierce looking vaguely panicked. Her hair was mussed, a sheen of tears in her eyes, and she held her shirt up in an effort to cover herself. He felt a rush of protectiveness and turned back to the janitor.
"Please?" Damon said, meeting the man's eyes.
"I'll give you two a minute to collect yourselves." Janitor Joe allowed, backing out through the door.
As soon as they were alone, they sprang into action. Katherine put on her shirt and smoothed down the wrinkles in her skirt as Damon buckled his pants.
"This is going to suck." Damon grumbled under his breath.
"What's the worst that can happen?" Katherine said, finger combing her brown curls back into place.
Damon chuckled darkly. Katherine didn't know Mr. Hawthorne like he did. There was no possible way this could end well for him. Damon opened his mouth to reply when there was a loud banging on the door.
"Hurry up!" Janitor Joe commanded, his voice muffled through the thick door.
"Well, time to face the music. You ready?" Damon looked at Katherine.
"As ready as I'll ever be I guess." Katherine shrugged, slipping her hand in his and squeezing it once in reassurance before letting go.
With that, they opened the door and headed to see what awaited them.
Damon shifted in his seat, waiting to be seen by the principal. Katherine had been whisked away by the assistant principal for "a quick chat" so he was all alone. He studiously avoided the eyes of the secretary, focusing instead on the pictures on the wall. Just when he felt like he couldn't take it anymore, the door opened.
"Thanks again Mr. Hawthorne," A familiar female voice said.
Damon looked up and frowned slightly. It was Elena Gilbert, of course her voice was familiar. Elena was the school's resident genius, in all AP and honors classes and that wasn't including the fact that she was a year younger because she'd started kindergarten early. She was actually teaching their math class right now. Damon knew for a fact that she was taking the Probability and Statistics course as an elective while he was taking it just because it sounded easier than Pre-Calculus. The teacher, Mr. Rousseau, had a strong French accent that made it difficult to understand him so after two straight weeks of frustration on everyone's part, he'd basically turned it over to Elena. Elena read the lesson plans and taught the class the concepts. She wasn't a bad teacher either; for the first time, Damon felt like he understood math. He saw her around a lot actually; in addition to seeing her at regular school, she went to the same music school as his sister. They ran in completely different circles though so it's not like they were friends or anything.
"No problem Elena. I'll have your recommendation letter ready by the end of the week." Mr. Hawthorne said in a tone that Damon had never once heard the man use when talking to him, smiling down at Elena.
Elena clammed up when she saw Damon, something that he didn't understand. As far as he knew, he'd never done anything bad to her and yet every time they crossed paths, she avoided him completely. Frankly, he was surprised that she even talked in class with him in there. He didn't have time to contemplate the weird situation for long because Mr. Hawthorne's eyes landed on him.
"You, my office, now." Mr. Hawthorne said, every trace of warmth that had just been there when he was talking to Elena gone.
Damon sighed as he stood up and shuffled into the office, not glancing Elena's way at all. He sat down in the chair he was quite familiar with as the principal got comfortable in his chair. Mr. Hawthorne stared at him hard, surveying him with a hint of exhaustion. Damon met his look defiantly, unwilling to back down.
"I was going to suspend you but I realized that wouldn't solve anything, would it? You'd be right back doing the next boneheaded thing as soon as you got back." Mr. Hawthorne said finally, breaking the silence in the room.
Damon felt relief wash over him. He wasn't going to be suspended. It wouldn't go on his record and ruin everything he'd worked for. Thank god. He sent up a silent but fervent prayer of thanks, starting to relax in his seat.
"Don't get too comfortable yet Damon. I said you weren't suspended, not that there's no punishment. First off, I'm calling your father."
Damon groaned, running a hand over his face. He pretty much knew this was coming but it definitely sucked. He and his father had their issues and he could only imagine his dad's response to this latest transgression. His father really didn't like Katherine anyway and had said as much on many occasions.
"Also, for the remainder of the year, you'll be helping out with student council. That means that you attend all meetings, help out with school functions, and do what they ask. In addition, you must do 30 hours of community service." Mr. Hawthorne ticked off each part of Damon's punishment on his fingers and Damon felt his heart sink with every word.
"Are you serious?" Damon's jaw dropped as he began to realize exactly how this would impact him. This was so much more than just detention or even community service. It was only September and he had to join student council for the rest of the year? Plus 30 hours of community service? He almost found himself wishing for a suspension.
"I think you need to befriend new people, specifically other students who won't just go along with whatever you want to do. I've noticed that you've been doing well lately so I know you have it in you. Damon, you have an opportunity to do better here. I advise that you take advantage of it." Mr. Hawthorne said, looking at him seriously.
Damon nodded quickly, too frustrated to speak.
"I mean it Damon, put forth some actual effort. You might actually surprise yourself." Mr. Hawthorne continued.
"Yes sir." Damon said, shifting in his seat. He was beyond ready to go now. Hawthorne hadn't banned him from practice so hopefully he could get there early and talk to his coach and find a way to get out of this. Ric was good with that sort of thing.
"You can go now." Mr. Hawthorne sighed, sensing that he wasn't going to get any further today.
Damon shot up immediately, glancing at the clock. There was only five minutes left before school was over so that gave him just enough time to go get his stuff and try to talk to Ric before practice.
"I understand Mr. Hawthorne." Damon said, pausing in the doorway. He did understand but that didn't mean that he actually liked it.
Mr. Hawthorne just waved him off and Damon left. He exited the office and caught sight of Katherine down the hallway.
"Katherine, wait," Damon called.
Katherine stopped and turned at the sound of his voice, waiting for him. Damon jogged to catch up and she motioned for him to follow her to her locker.
"So, what did you get?" Damon asked, looking down at her.
"Oh, I just cried and begged him not to tell my parents. He let me off with a warning after lecturing me about the importance of a lady's reputation." Katherine shrugged, plucking a speck of lint from her shirt.
"A warning?" Damon gaped at her, his jaw slack with shock.
"Yeah, why? What did you get?" Katherine asked.
"Unbelievable." Damon muttered darkly, throwing a scowl back in the direction of the office.
"What happened Damon?" Katherine pressed him for details, laying a hand on his shoulder to bring his attention back to her.
"I'm student council's bitch for the rest of the year plus I have 30 hours of community service." Damon said bitterly.
If he was looking for sympathy, he wasn't going to find it with Katherine. She laughed throatily, covering her mouth with her hand but the amusement was still evident in her dark eyes. Damon glared at her hotly, not in the mood for her usual antics.
"Sorry." Katherine giggled the most insincere apology he'd ever heard.
"I have to go." Damon said, fighting to keep himself under control and not blow up at her right then and there.
Instead he did what he should have done in the first place: he walked away, leaving Katherine behind.
AN: This chapter had a lot of Katherine and very little Elena but I promise that will change. The next chapter is all from Elena's POV actually and I should have it up soon. Thanks for giving it a shot and please let me know what you guys think!