Guys, I'm not dead. I'm sorry I appear to be though. This isn't a new chapter so to speak.. but I do have an announcement to make.

One, for those who aren't aware, I have a quotev account kurogarasu. I have made an important announcement there regarding my one-shot durarara readerXcanon character series but I will repeat that announcement here.

As I've been busy with school for the last year or so, I wasn't able to keep up with the durarara series let alone write about it, which is primarily why I stopped updating for a long time. However, I've decided that once my tests for this semester are over, I will try my hardest to grant as many requests as I can before I officially declare the one-shot series for Shizuo and Izaya discontinued.

The thing is, I don't like the notification system and uploading system of . It's tedious. I can't track what people are saying here very well compared to on quotev. So I won't be posting any updates on anymore. I will, however, be posting them on quotev, which is why I'm making this announcement to anyone out there who may still be interested in this anymore.

For those who absolutely didn't know I have a quotev, you would be pleased to note that I have two quotev-only uploads for the IzayaXReader series, albeit that was written a while ago.. but hey, it's something for you guys to read while you wait for the next update, since I never posted those two chapters on fanficnet. I say I may be able to start updating around February.. mid-February or late depending on my schedule.

Once again, sorry for all the trouble~ Take care~