Ok so admit it. A lot of us skip over authors notes but I have some really important things to say so hopefully you are all reading this and I'm not just talking to myself.

After carefully thinking about where else I could take this story, how much I love writing this story and how much I love all of you, I am pleased to announce I AM DOING A SEQUEAL! No hints are going to be given about it just yet, only that chapter one hopefully should be posted within the next few days and I hope you will all read it but if you're sick of me by now fair enough

I give my apologies for such a late update but this chapter is very long – my chapters are typically 1000 words and this one is more than 3000 words. I have answered all the unanswered questions (what happened between Chee Chee and Drew, who was calling pretending to be Cat, why Lela and Butchy moved out and so on) it's all revealed in this chapter as well as the birth on Lela's baby and the wedding so yes this is quite a long chapter

This story has a total of more than 26,000 reads. OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH

And finally, I would just like to say thankyou. You guys have all taken writing fanfictions from a hobby to a part of my life. I read every review and you guys don't know how big of an impact you have had on my life. I've had days where I'm close to tears and I find a new review of someone telling me they wish they could write like me or that I'm their role model and it turns my entire day around.

Thankyou one more time for everything. I have made some real friends through this and I'm so glad I that my story could make such a big impact on your lives. Thankyou so much for your constant support and just know that if it hadn't been for all the positive reviews, I would have given up on this story a long time ago.

Enjoy and please make sure to keep an eye out for my sequel!


Mack's P.O.V

As impossible as it may seem, everything worked out in the end.

Two days before Grandpa got home I was at Brady's place helping him babysitting his little siblings when my mobile phone rang.

Brady's five year old sister Lucy and his nine year old brother Thomas were off entertaining themselves and Brady and I were in his living room watching children's TV with his three year old sister Sophie, who was sitting quietly on my lap.

My mobile started ringing and quickly I passed Sophie to her brother, picked up the phone and left the room.

"Hello?" I sung.

"McKenzie?" A formal voice addressed on the other end.


"Hello McKenzie. My name's Detective Callie Denise. How are you love?" She spoke with a thick British accent.

"Hi….." I answered wearily. "Fine. I'm fine."

"Very good. I'm returning your call about someone who allegedly called you pretending to be your late sister. Whether or not this is good news I don't know, but I can assure you this person is nothing but a poser. When these kinds of calls are made we legally have to rule out any possibility of the caller actually being who they claim to be, even if there is virtually no chance. We've received a copy of Catherine's autopsy and can confirm the girl buried is certainly her, and it defiantly wasn't her on the phone."

"Right." Was all I could bring myself to say.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you could answer a few of my basic questions. Was it defiantly a female on the other end?"

I blinked a few times.

"Yeah I guess. It sure sounded like it."

"And on what phone did this person call you?"

"My landline."

"Ok. Could I have your address please? I'll be over tomorrow to see if I can track the number."

"Sure." I said, quite pleased someone was taking me seriously. I gave her my address and she promised to be over around lunchtime.

The following day she arrived right on twelve 'o' clock. She was pleasant young petite women with dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. She worked on the phone for about forty-five minutes while I made her coffee and lunch. She thanked me dearly just as I did her and promised to keep in touch.

The next day grandpa came home and noticed I was unusually quiet, so I told him about the caller and about Drew returning, emphasizing how upset it had made me so it looked like that was the sole reason for my reservations, even though a big part of it was missing the Wet Side Story gang, but I obviously couldn't tell Grandpa that.

Later that same day Detective Denise called and said that the phone call had been made from a pay phone and she couldn't take the case any further than that, but if I received another call she would trace the number again, though she doubted it would be different. I thanked her for trying and she apologized for not being able to do more, but said if it was any use the pay phone used was at the end of Nightlife Road and asked if I knew anyone who lived in that area, and I lied and told her I didn't.

Around six pm after dinner I told Grandpa I was walking over to Brady's place to see if he wanted to go for a late night surf as we often did on Saturdays but I never went there.

I went to Nightlife Road and marched up to Drew's door.

His father opened up and a scowl settled over his features as he recognized me. Drew's parents blamed me for getting him sent away, saying I was being over dramatic and insisting Drew never forced me into being his girlfriend but I went into a willing relationship with him.

Yeah, right.

"Hello ." I said sharply. "Is Drew home?"

"Why? Why ya always gotta go lookin' for trouble aye?" He drawled.

"I'm not causing trouble, sir." I said evenly. "Drew is. He's in trouble with the police and I simply would like to talk to him."

"The police? Nah, the only time my boy's ever been in trouble with the police is cause of you!"

"Could I please just speak to your son sir?"

glared at me for a few moments before he sighed and reluctantly called Drew's name.

"McKenzie's here." He said flatly when his son appeared."Ya want me to send her home?"

"No, no it's fine." Drew said quickly. He checked his reflection in the hall mirror then ushered his dad away.

"Hey beautiful." He cooed once his father was gone. "I knew you'd come around."

"Oh save it." I spat back. "I'm only here because I know you've been calling me pretending to be Cat. Why? And how did you know about her? Talk. Now."

Drew smirked.

"You got me. It was me. Although I couldn't have done it without the help of your friend Katie."

My heart stopped.

"You mean Kristy?" I asked, though desperately hoping he'd say no.

"Yeah Kristy. That's it."

That was Chee Chee's fake name.

"Whatever she did you made her do it." I surprised myself a little at how quickly I came to her defense, but as soon as I said the words I knew they were true. Whatever it was Chee Chee found to awful to tell me, there was no way she'd done it intentionally, although she probably felt it was her fault. She didn't know Drew like I knew him. She didn't know how manipulative and deceiving he could be. He'd obviously forced her into doing something and made her feel like she'd done it intentionally.

Drew pretended to be deep in thought.

"Eh, maybe I did, maybe I didn't. But it was so easy. She was so drunk, I didn't even have to lie to her. I took her away from the party and told her straight up what we were doing – messing with you. She seemed all for it and willingly went along with everything I told her to; act happy, act sad, act anxious, speak quietly, speak loudly, laugh, pretend to cry, and I recorded it all. All I had to do then was transfer all the records of her voice in different emotions over to my computer and make it a custom voice changer, and bam! Just like that, I could use her voice – which sounded freakishly like Cat's- to call you. Course, I did bribe her with a wedding dress – I overheard something about one of your annoying entourage getting hitched."

A sour taste filled my mouth.

"You're such a sick person." I said with a shake of my head. "And how the heck did you know how Cat's voice sounded?"

Drew shrugged.

"I do my research sweetheart. I found a video of the two of you on Facebook from a while ago while I was snooping around for something to use against you. I was pretty pissed off you'd left me for that blonde bimbo. I did my research on her and found she'd passed away. I copied a whole lot of stuff from multiple memorial sites and-"

"Ok I've heard enough!" I interrupted. "You're sick and I hope you rot in hell!" I took a few steps forward.

"And if you dare talk about my boyfriend like that again, I will be the one to put you there." And with that I turned on my heels and stormed off his porch.

I was done being afraid of Drew. He just wasn't worth it.

After exactly one month since the day we'd left Wet Side Story, Brady and I met up at the beach and prepared to go back. We wondered how much had changed – had anything? I was nervous, excited, happy and anxious all at the same time as we dived underneath the biggest wave we'd seen all day and waited until we'd been swept up on the shore of 1962.

Something we'd figured out, sometimes you fluke changing dimensions, but mostly you have to think about the other world to get there.

The gang were beside themselves with excitement to see us, which was incredible, because we were just as excited. Lela appeared to have put on a pound or two, but there were no other obvious signs of her being pregnant.

They were all waiting for us when the shore came into view. Lela was rushing through the water and hugging us before we'd even stepped out of the ocean.

"We have some great news!" She squealed.

"Well, hello to you to." Brady laughed.

Lela pulled away and her eyes were bright and excitable, and she appeared to be debating whether or not to tell us her news now. After a few seconds she beamed took my hand and began dragging me to the shore and calling for Brady to follow. After we said hello to everyone, Lela shot a glance at Tanner, who gave her an encouraging nod. She took a deep breath.

"We were all really praying you'd come today, or you'd miss the wedding."

My eyes widened.

"You're getting married today?"

Lela giggled.

"Tomorrow." She corrected.

"Oh ok." I gasped

"Wow." Brady followed.

Lela slipped her hand back into mine.

"Come on! We've got your outfits and everything."

That night Lela hosted a slumber party (at her parent's place, the same house she had lived in the first time we came here) and Tanner hosted a guy's night at Big Mamas as they were both celebrating 'their last night of freedom'.

The following day all the girls and I were up by six am, thankfully there were no hangovers this time. Naturally, Chee Chee and Struts had gone looking for alcohol the night before, but Lela, knowing her friends, had been careful to eliminate every drop of liquor from the home and kept a careful eye on Chee Chee to make sure she didn't go missing.

Struts, Giggles, Chee Chee and I dressed into the gorgeous bridesmaids dresses Lela had chosen. They were strapless and stopped just above our knees. They were bright white and covered in black polka dots.

Our accessories consisted of white gloves and silver bangles, red headbands that pushed all hair off our faces and emerald earrings. Our hairstyles were basic – simple side pony tails. Our lips were painted bright red and our eyes were smoky. We looked like total 1960's dolls.

Lela completely outshone us all though. Not that we minded. She was the one getting married, after all.

Her hair was teased up above her head and her make-up was flawless. She was dressed in a wedding dress that completely represented her and everything she was. Instead of a traditional white ball gown, she was in a bubble gum pink dress the same length as our dresses, also strapless, decorated with diamonds. She had a flowing long white veil that trailed her as she walked and a bunch of red roses in her hands.

Her parents had only been at her house for a few minutes the previous night before they'd taken off. Things around Lela and her mum and dad seemed to be very tense, but I was expecting all tension to be gone when her parents turned back up today. After all, their little girl was getting married and was also pregnant with their first grandchild.

Wow, was I wrong.

Giggles, Chee Chee and Struts were in Lela's bedroom polishing off their manicures while Lela and I were in the kitchen laying out crackers and dip for snacks.

Tanner and Lela were getting married at two 'o' clock on the beach outside of Big Mama's, and the old grandfather clock in the corner of Lela's parents' house said it was already midday.

"So what time are you expecting your parents to be home?" I tried to sound nonchalant.

Lela looked puzzled.

"They aren't coming home Mack." She said, as though it was something I should have known. "I don't know where they've gone but I suspect they won't be returning to this part of town until after tomorrow morning when Tanner and I have left for our honeymoon."

I dipped a biscuit into sour dip and popped it in my mouth.

"Isn't your father coming to walk you down the aisle?"

"Nope. Butchy's doing that."

"Ok." Hardly the point. I added in my head, but refrained from saying the last bit out loud. "Don't they want to see you get married?"

"No. They don't like Tanner."

At this point it became obvious Lela's light and casual voice was a cover up.

"Why not?" I pressed, determined to get Lela to talk.

Lela sighed and took a few steps closer.

"You can keep a secret right?"

"I've gotten increasingly good at that yes."

"Mum and Dad never approved of Tanner. They said I shouldn't be mingling with surfers. Except that's a nice sum up of what they said. They screamed and yelled and swore and demanded I break up with Tanner. It actually annoyed me so much I stormed out and went and found Tanner, and that was the night we slept together. I kind of felt like I needed to prove to myself, my parents, Tanner, everyone that we were perfect for each other and what we had was love and, I don't know, at that moment sex kind of seemed like a good way to do it. I told my parents so they knew their words had no effect on me, but I didn't tell Butchy because obviously he would hunt down Tanner and lose his mind, saying I was far too young which in hindsight I probably was."

She glared at me as if to double check I wasn't judging her, but I simply nodded her on so she continued.

"My parents called me a slut and told me to get out and Butchy overheard and instantly came to my defense, even though he didn't know why I was being verbally attacked again. They told us both to go to hell so we moved out. We continue to come back here every few nights but I hardly have a relationship with my parents."

Lela was close to tears. I rushed forward and embraced her.

"Lela that's awful. You aren't a slut, let me clear that up right now. Legally your old enough to be have sex and it's not like you got pregnant to a stranger. You did it with the man you love so you have no reason to feel bad. If you parents want to banish you from their lives it's their loss. I, only the other hand, know how lucky I am to have you in my life and so does Tanner and Brady and all the girls upstairs and all the other boys know as well. We all know what a treasure you are and we'll always be here."

Lela hugged me back tightly and mumbled a thankyou at least seven times.

After that it all moved so quickly. Before long Chee Chee, Giggles, Struts and I were leading Lela down the aisle, her brother protectively at her side.

Lela and Tanner said their vows and when the priest announced that Tanner had permission to kiss the bride, I knew what I said was true. Lela and Tanner were in love and nothing would ever change that.

I watched Lela giggle as she struggled to push her veil out of the way and Tanner gently picked strands of her black hair that were stuck to her lips, and I wondered how anyone could insult them the way Lela's parents had. I then imagine Lela as a mother to her baby boy or girl, and I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, she would be the best mother in the world.

Seven months later Brady and I were back in Wet Side Story. It was the due date of Lela's child, although we knew it would be ridiculously lucky if Lela actually gave birth on her due date.

Sure enough, as we waltzed into Big Mamas to see if we could find someone we knew, we were immediately informed that that happening was a little to lucky.

Butchy and Lugnut were slumped in a booth and called out to us. We rushed over and hugged them, having not seen them since the wedding.

"Lela gave birth three days ago." Butchy told us once we were finished with our hellos. "Twin girls. You two are all she and Tanner have been talking about. They're crazy excited to show you the babies."

I held Butchy's gaze for just a beat.

"How are you?" I asked, feeling it was inappropriate to leave without asking.

Butchy gave me a small smile.

"I'm taking the fact that my baby sister is a mother a lot better than I thought I would. It helps that her daughters are just so incredibly gorgeous."

I smiled back at him and he told that his parents had permanently left town and Tanner and Lela were living in their old house. We said goodbye and headed off in that direction.

And Butchy certainly didn't lie. Once we'd had our reunion with the sixties couple and they took us through to the nursery, Brady and I were instantly smitten at the beautiful babies.

"That one's Rose, and that one's Alice." She whispered, pointing out the sleeping babies in their cots. Her face fell. "I think." She added.

"No sweetheart, that one's Rose." Tanner whispered back, pointing out the child Lela had called Alice. "That one's Alice."

Lela cocked her head to one side.

"Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure we dressed Rose in purple and Alice in pink."

"No, we dressed Rose in pink because it went with her name. Remember? Pink roses?"

"Oh yeah. My bad."

Brady and I struggle to stifle our laughs at the new parents.

Visiting Wet Side Story became a regular thing, one every two or three weeks. Brady and I loved babysitting Alice and Rose, and Lela and Tanner were heavily appreciative. I hadn't heard from Drew since I confronted him at his porch, and part of me hoped that was because he was taken back that I'd finally stood up to him. I told Chee Chee I knew what happened with her and Drew and made sure she knew that it wasn't her fault, that Drew had taken advantage of her. Brady and I graduated from our final year of high school and ditched our graduation party to celebrate with the Wet Side Story gang instead, who had become our second family.

And for the first time in my life, I was one hundred percent happy.

Every. Single. Day.

So this is it. My final ever authors note for Here We Go Again. I don't think there is anything left to be said, other than stay amazing and don't forget to read my sequel once it's posted, as I am writing it ue to popular demand. Wow. I actually just wrote that. It's hard to believe how many people were crushed that this story was ending and demanded a sequel. I still remember when I started writing this first chapter and posted it on fanfiction and hardly got any reviews. I was quite crushed but I had a good feeling about the story so I continued and thank god I did. I wish I could go back time and tell myself that in about two months' time I would be posting the forty-first chapter of this story, with almost six hundred reviews and more than 26,000 reads. It's 1.30am in the morning at the moment and I'm struggling to stay awake and think, and I seriously am all out of things to say. So, I guess I'm looking forward to hearing your reviews on this chapter and I'll (hopefully!) hear from you all again when I publish my sequel. Love you all. Xxxx – Kelsey