Hey everyone i have some good news. I finally got a job. It will be at a shoe place so i have to work at not spending all my paycheck on the items i will be working with. HaHa. Well anyways it might change the date i will be posting depending on the hours i work and when i work but i will let you know ahead of time. As of now my posting date will still be Thursday's for each new chapter but my chapters may be shorter due to less time to actually write like this chapter is smaller than others but it had to do with the time for preparation for the new job getting what i need for dress code and is part of life though i am sorry the chapters are shorter. Any way's i will let you know more my readers as the new employee period of work settles down. First day of actually work i tomorrow (Saturday) closing shift which is mostly what i will be working. Looking into getting a second job as well for a pool so i can get more hours for money even if it is two jobs since the shoe place is only part time. Got things to take care of things in my life though. Also sorry if this chapter is late. Got it finished last night to find out the program i run it through for grammar (something i can still use through my school for free being an alumni) was down.

Now on to the chapter i am sure you all are waiting for. Let me know what you think and all in a review. Love reviews. Well again i do not own ROTG it belongs to DreamWorks Animation and William Joyce!

Chapter 17 Another Step Closer to the End

Jack could not believe that Tabitha had believed their little performance on Sunday. There was a down side to their strategy. Jack could not openly talk to either Aster or Seraphina in public places. Tabitha had made sure to spread the 'interest' the two were showing in each other. He had to act as the third wheel friend that is a little jealous with all the time Aster and Seraphina spend together without him while he was by himself. He did take the kids more out to his lake in the woods this week to cool off from the mid July heat an excuse to avoid some of the ruse and gossip. It did not stop Jack from wishing it was over already.
Jack did not have to put a lot effort into the jealousy. He was jealous of the two because the two had to keep up the show of a possible relationship when the two were not interested in each other. If only Jack would not have run away that fatefully day.
Then maybe it was not limited time that he had with his friend and-well he did not know what to call Aster yet. That was something he would have to figure out later. Now though he needed to focus on the conversation in front of him.
Aster, Seraphina, Sandy, and himself where meeting in Aster's parlor room to discuss how well everything was going And what their next Moves where. Jack really felt like a chess piece to the idea. Seraphina was confident that the plan would be successful in a few weeks at most. In fact, she was finishing up her explanation of details.
"So Sandy, were you able to get the camera in?" Seraphina asked.
Sandy nodded his head enthusiastically picking up the box he had brought that had been resting by his feet. Sandy pulled out a black rectangular object from the box holding it up. Seraphina and Aster nod at the object in thought, but Jack looks to the object with confusion upon his face.
"That is not a camera—Is it?" Jack asks in confusion. He had seen cameras in the past and they were big objects but this thing was more compact the size of a brick. When they made the plan he was starting to wonder about how he would get around with a camera. Still wondered in fact.
Sandy looked up to see Jack's mind working to lift the confusion but getting nowhere. The negatives of Jack never getting out of the small town they lived. At least Sandy did not have to explain to everyone in the room with Seraphina going to the city from time to time and Aster being worldly.
Sandy waves Jack over to his seat. Jack confusion is plain on his face that makes Seraphina and Aster smirk as Jack slowly gets up from his seat next to Aster moving slowly to Sandy as if the object would hurt him.
Sandy showed him the name of the camera in the bottom left corner on the front saying Argus. He handed over the camera to Jack who was inspecting it in wonder. It made Sandy smile but also sad at the same time.
Sandy watched as Jack found a spot that let him easily pop open the back to show an empty space. He looks to Sandy in horror like he broke the item. Sandy chuckles at the look but takes the camera back into his hands.
He needs to show Jack how to prepare and use the item so that he can use it for the plan. He digs back into the box pulling out a small circular object with a small black strip coming out the side showing it to Jack so he understands each step for things to come out clearly. He lays the camera on his lap with the open back pointed up. He then shows Jack how to very carefully slide the strip of black into one side of the camera and with delicate hands pulls it slightly until he can lay the circular container on the other side turning a dial on the top to catch the film.
He looks to Jack for understanding who nods in affirmative, who had at some point kneeled to his knees to watch as a kid ready for a story. He sees over Jack's to Aster who is watching Jack like a hawk. Sandy catches his eye and smirks causing the taller male to blush against his darker skin. Sandy goes back to his task of showing Jack the item.
He closes the back and turns it over. Sandy then proceeds to show the enthralled Jack how to properly prepare to take a picture. He lifts the camera to his eyes aiming it at Jack who gives him a large smile. Sandy lowers it then and cannot wait to develop the film to see how the picture would come out. Only he knows what he saw through the lens.
"Where is the picture?" Jack asks.
Sandy taps the back where he had placed the film. Jack looks to Sandy than the Camera. "So it is still in the camera? How do we get them?"
Sandy nods that he is correct. He then tries to figure out how to portray the next part. Luckily Aster interrupts with the answer.
"It has to be developed, Frostbite. Once we get what we need we can have the picture developed but it will take a little time." Aster stands patting his slacks down before moving to Jack. He offers a hand to Jack helping Jack up.
Jack stands but when he goes to take his hand away Aster holds tight. "It is how we are going to accomplish what we want. Just keep holding out a little longer, Okay?" Aster runs a thumb lightly over Jack's cheek who blushes.
Jack opens his mouth but is interrupted by Seraphina. "We need to get going people. We have spent much time here and people are going to start asking questions where Jack and Sandy disappear to. Just get the things we need Jack and everything will be splendid. If you two are done being lovey dovey can we finish?"
Jack blushes brightly while pulls away from Aster quickly bowing his head. He looks up through the fringes of his bangs at Aster who smiles warmly at him. He gives a bashful smile before turning back to Sandy who hands him the camera.
He fumbles as he tries to mimic Sandy before finally lifting it to his own eye. He looks around the room through the small peephole before lands on a subject to take a picture. The subject at hand is Aster in profile as he talks to Seraphina. He focuses on his capture and snaps the pick with a smile. He goes to lift it back to his eye with a mischievous look when he feels a tug on his sleeve.
He looks down to Sandy who is shaking his head at him. Sandy hands him two more circular rolls of the film. Sandy taps the rolls to impact that is all he has is the three rolls to use for what they need.
Jack frowns and sighs out but understands. Maybe another time because he has a job to do with the camera.
Seraphina and Aster move to stand with them saying their goodbyes. Sandy and Jack move towards the kitchen to sneak out the back when someone catches his wrist.
Jack turns around to see Aster is holding him in place again with a plea in his eyes.
"I will let you two be but make it quick." Seraphina loops her arm through Sandy's as the two move toward the kitchen.
"Something you need Kangaroo?" Jack is surprised to be pulled into a hug with Aster's muscled arms wrapped around his shoulders.
Jack is shocked but gets over it quickly to wrap his thin arms around Aster's waist laying his cheek against Aster's chest. Jack can hear Aster's fast heartbeat drum in his ears and he closes his eyes in relaxation. It feels so good to him to relax only for a bit with the man not knowing when the next time might be.
"Please be careful Jack." Aster whispers into his hair hot breath playing with Jack's white locks. "We still need to talk about things once this is all over and it will be very soon."
Jack nods into the chest in agreement. "I will be careful Aster. I promise. I want this over just as much as you do so we all can get past this."
Jack's head raises as Aster takes a deep breathe knowing the moment is over. He feels a light pressure to the crown of his head before Aster moves away from him completely. The two smile at each other before Jack turns to leave for the kitchen. A real smile plastered across his face that Sandy and Seraphina smirk at as he dazedly slips out the back door.

Again i am sorry for the short chapter but they are going to be shorter as i will have less time to write. Thanks to all my readers silent or not. Special thanks to my reviewers, lovelypurple1999(glad to see you back), ReganRocks (maybe it is clearer now?), Myheartsdesire (its cool,i have been busy too as you know), Mutho (Aww thanks, i was partly afraid others might have given up on this or something or i forgot to much it didn't make since glad its not).Well i better get some sleep. First shift tomorrow wish me luck as i have to learn how the places does closing as that is mostly the shift i will work. I will not give up on my writing or this and my future fics i have thought of and one i have been planning out after i finish CA.

Always your writer,

Angel Fox