Ben Drowned is really an annoying guy for all the other Creepypastas to handle. He is constantly acting like a kid, causes trouble, and loves to irritate them to the point where they are literally screaming in Ben's face to leave them alone. But it seems that one day Masky and Hoody are sick and tired of Ben being a down right idiot to Slender, and Toby's right with it as well.
Now, it seems that everyone's starting to notice how strange Ben is getting, but no one minds. And it's just starting to prove to Ben how much everyone hated him...How much they were right...*IMPLIED RAPE, YAOI, BOYxBOY, CUSSING AND OTHER THINGS*
A/N: Hey guys, this is my first story on here (not to mention, my actual first story on Creepypasta's) so I'm really sorry if it's not all that good. Plus, I suck at paragraphs, so...Try to enjoy. Even just a little. Yes, this is a Jeff The KillerxBEN Drowned story, but they aren't immediately going to like each other or something. No. Just no.
(RECENT A/N: Hello guys, Reality Loser here! Basically I've decided to go through and edit this seeing as how I just discovered this story again! I decided to edit this a little bit, but not much. ^^)
Ben knew that the majority of the people (if you could call them that, anyway) he hung around easily got irritated by him. That was why he did it. Whenever he was bored and had nothing to do, all he needed was to phase behind Jeff and poke his cheek, or pester Slender Man constantly, steal Smiley's food, or Sally's teddy bear, and just see what happened. It was fun, seeing the anger that ensued before him, because of him. Not to mention, more than likely someone else would be walking past, and then they would be dragged into the chaos.
It was nice. It made Ben know that they actually paid attention to him, and anyway, it wasn't as if they ever outwardly told him to stop before he acted upon his chaos bubbling ideas. Even if they did, he wouldn't stop. Because everyone liked some fun. That was just Ben's way of it.
He didn't expect to be where he was now, though, because of it. Blind folded, bound and gagged, somewhere that he wasn't precisely sure of. He had attempted to phase away, but that had failed him. It was as if these people knew him, knew what he was capable of, thus, had managed to create (perhaps do) something to keep him there. Wherever there was. The only thing he could process correctly was he was lying on something undeniably cold (not water, not water oh god not water), and continuously being thrown around, almost as if he was atop a looming ledge.
There was a sharp pain in his side as something cold and pointed poked him. His head jerked up, he kicked his legs in an attempt to get whatever it was away from him. He was confused and blinded - he was vulnerable. He didn't like the thought of that. He didn't want to be trapped and unable to defend himself. He wondered what he had somehow gotten in to.
Some sort of noise echoed in his ears. One that kind of went 'clunk clunk' (or something along those lines. Ben had never been exactly good at describing things). It was something that constantly repeated itself, and Ben wasn't sure if there was actually something making the noise or if it really was just an echo any more, imprinted in his mind.
Silence. Something Ben hated. It greeted him like an old friend, but he laid there, still. He didn't want to re-meet this old friend. The strange clunking noise was gone, and it seemed as if no one was near him. The only thing besides the silence was his muffled breaths, struggling to hear something out. A sharp noise beside him snapped him out of some sort of strange trance he had managed to pull himself in to. He twisted his head up, but all he could see was the stillness of the dark.
He felt two cold (cold like water not the water) and rough hands grab him by the shoulders, and he was suddenly being dragged. He was unsure how he managed to lose some part of memory, the part that made him transition from place to place, but he could feel his bare arm dragging against something mildly wet (which wasn't reassuring).
He was tossed; he could feel himself flopping around in the air, like a headless chicken prepared for slaughter, before gravity weighed him down and he landed. Hard on ground as cold as the hands that grabbed him were. He shuddered, pathetically staring ahead, wishing stupidly that he could just see where he was, if he was close to water. Running, evil, deep water.
Though he was dead, his heart began to just slightly pick up speed with unease. He rolled back and fourth, attempting to untie his hands. It was a poor try, that he never had to assume.
There was a loud thump somewhere close to him, and his curiosity screamed at him to try and figure something out. Suspicion boiling, but no, he was not scared. Confused, yes. Suspicious, of course. Curious, obviously. Scared? Never.
Unbelievably noisy crunches reverberating in his ears like a drum indicated to Ben that there were fallen leaves around him. That would mean that they were outside, yes? Whoever these people were. Where was outside, though? Did outside include water?
There was a pause, a stir, and then he felt a cold breath linger on his cheek. The unwelcome stench that Ben could only ever describe as maturity, washing itself through his hair and up his nostrils. He cringed weakly.
"Hello, Ben." That voice. Ben knew that voice. 'It belongs to one of the Proxies,' and he knew exactly which one without thinking too hard. If he had the ability to do so, he would've allowed a shout to leave his lips.
"Masky! What the hell are you doing?" he would've barked. He would've phased away mysteriously, somehow managed to get out of the binds he was trapped in, and see cameras, grins. He would've done so many things if he could've.
But he couldn't. At the end of his imagination, that was all it was; imagining. He couldn't do anything.
The only thing Masky got in reply was a muffled, pitiful noise which indicated Ben had heard him.
A low chuckle rumbled in Masky's throat, rough and hoarse, and Ben could just picture it - some sort of strange, sadistically satisfied look beneath that mask. "You've been naughty, did you know that?" A pair of icy hands moved behind his head, brushing uncomfortably against his hair, and before he had the chance to react to the said uncomfortable brushing of his hair, the darkness was slipping away like an eerie dream and he could actually see again.
Masky was kneeling in front of him, and it took Ben a moment or two to realise he was right - they were outside, in some sort of forest (he inwardly cringed at that. Perhaps this was Slender's doing, then?) painted in the colours of autumn, and a boringly plain silver car a few feet in front of the pair. He shifted quietly, noticing the wet crunch he had heard before, and glanced down, seeing dried, dead leaves. Few had splatters of clear liquid on them, like small lakes. It was almost relieving to know that at least he'd probably been driven away from a large water source.
If it was rain, he told himself, then he was fine. Maybe. To an extent.
His blue eyes peered curiously up at the other, older man, his own way of asking the obvious question; "What's going on?" Masky stared back (or that was what Ben assumed anyway; he couldn't exactly be certain, but hanging around Masky for so long could give you subtle hints) before his hand was moving forward and grabbing the cloth that was jammed in Ben's mouth and jerking it out, in one swift movement which hurt Ben's jaw more than he'd be willing to admit. Ben coughed, inhaling sharply, savouring the thick balloons of oxygen his lungs swallowed, before speaking directly to the Proxy.
"Masky, what's going on?" The Proxy stood, not bothering to pull the shorter male up with him. Ben's eyes narrowed darkly, shuffling in his position on the leaf-covered soil and staring up at him.
"Ben, Slender's getting annoyed," Masky snapped irritably. He rolled his shoulders backwards before continuing, almost showing no interest in Ben himself. If the Proxy hadn't been talking about him, Ben would've never considered this was something Masky thought was worth his time. "And frankly, so am I. We all are."
"That includes Hoody, doesn't it?" Ben sighed, and with this realisation in mind, he no longer cared about the weird (almost creepy, if he was just an ordinary human) situation he was in. It was just Masky, possibly Hoody, and maybe even Toby. Not a real threat. Clearly nothing Slenderman was involved in if Masky had to be the one to introduce Slender into the conversation.
"Yes," Masky snarled in return. His hands balled into fists, before he hurriedly crossed them over his chest. "We're sick and tired of you annoying our Master. In the Under Realm, in the mansion, you walk about like you own the place. You're rude, arrogant-"
"I'm the only one that knows how to have a decently good time," Ben protested lazily, throwing his head back and resisting the urge to groan loudly.
"-And you act like everyone bows down to you, should bow down to you, when it's the exact opposite," Masky finished, blatantly ignoring Ben's comment. "And Hoody, as far as I'm concerned, Toby, and myself, have all agreed that we need to teach you a lesson." There was a soft hint of malice tucked around his voice, and Ben's suspicions began to bark again. Loudly.
"What do you mean 'teach me a lesson'?" he questioned dubiously, shifting about on the red and orange stained ground, attempting pathetically to pull himself to his feet. Masky huffed mockingly, lunging forward and grabbing one of Ben's bound arms by the elbow, gripping it tightly and hauling the little male up to his feet. He didn't let go, though.
"The only thing we hope for, is that this lesson actually teaches you something," he pointed out, shaking his head bitterly. "We won't know until we try though, as you like to put it, Ben."
"Let go of me you pathetic idiot!" Ben demanded furiously. His eyes folded to slits and he glared up at the indifferent black and white mask. "Teaching me a lesson? What? I thought that the Proxies would at least do something that wasn't as simple as bounding and gagging me. This is the lowest thing you've done so far! Has Slenderman even agreed on this?" Masky was silent for a moment, before speaking, slowly, choosing his words carefully.
"No, we haven't actually told him. But we know he'll be grateful. If things go to plan, it will teach you to stop being so much like a-"
"A what?" Ben interjected rudely, baring his teeth like a dog.
"Like a kid." Ben frowned raggedly, before kicking Masky roughly in the leg, hoping for him to lose his balance and fall over or something. Like the things that always happened in the movies whenever a person got kidnapped. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't living the life of a movie main character. It seemed that his luck was not with him that day, the one occasion he needed it badly. Masky looked down at him, before just as roughly dragging him behind him as he strode forward. "Toby!"
Ben's frown deepened. He didn't really like Toby that much. The kid was just so weird, and...Well, weird. "I thought you didn't like Toby?" His voice dragged out, like a petty child accusing an adult. Masky turned his head to the side, perhaps noticing, before turning back around.
"I don't, really," Masky muttered, shrugging. Ben's lithe body rocked slightly, and he stumbled, trying to stop, but Masky was always stronger than him and it was an obvious losing battle. "Except he doesn't like you, thus he's very willing to do this. In fact, it kind of shocks me, considering how eager he is for this, actually."
"What?" Ben kicked his feet out aimlessly, to no avail. He accidentally tripped himself more, but Masky's persistent grip on his elbow managed to make him keep his balance. "You said this was something to teach me a lesson, right? Why would you care if Toby was willing at all?" he growled. He tried yet again to kick Masky, just hard enough in the shin to drop him, but his legs were too short and failed to reach the longer, leaner legs in front of him. (Keep?His legs began to shoot out in multiple directions, attempting to hit Masky hard enough to get him to drop him.Keep?)
"M-Masky?" Ben's eyes widened, the darker blue in his eyes becoming wistfully obvious. He twisted his head around to easily notice Toby, looming creepily from behind a tree with light grey bark, peeling off at the edges and hanging, still connected to the tree some way or another. His arm twitched unnaturally every few seconds. Ben felt his stomach gurgle and claw at his insides, and he remembered with disgust why he didn't like the Proxy.
Toby took a large step away from the peeling bark. An ugly, insane smile curved its way onto his features, becoming just visible. "We're doing it? Now?"
"Yes, we're doing it now," Masky confirmed, speaking as if to a child. He stopped walking, causing Ben to almost run into him (thank god for Ben's pride, he didn't). "Now hurry up; get over here." Toby obediently listened, something he usually never did as far as Ben was concerned, pausing when he was a few feet away. Ben glanced between the pair uneasily. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end, and his fingers nervously twitched behind his back, where his hands were tied.
"What's going on?" he repeated himself, trying to keep his breathing even. He didn't have to panic. Nothing too drastic would happen. He was over-reacting, that was all. He looked up at Masky, face pulling a sour look. He tried to shove away the unnatural, unwanted fear twirling around his insides, the idle, childish fear that refused to leave him even after his death. He swallowed thickly, refusing to lick his chapped lips. "What the hell are you going to do, you weirdo?"
It happened so quickly. At points Ben had to wonder grimly if insulting Masky had triggered the entire scene to take place, for Masky to make his final decision. But he didn't enjoy thinking about that. Because that just meant that somehow, Ben could've stopped it.
Masky thrust Ben forwards, releasing his tough grip from the boy, allowing Toby to catch him instead. Ben violently turned, almost like a flailing fish, but he couldn't escape the unnatural hold Toby had on him. "Masky, what the hell is this lesson?" Even he could hear the worthless pitch his voice reached, hitting an octave higher than it normally did. He resisted cringing, lest he want to curl in to Toby.
Masky turned around, a mockingly sweet comment leaving his lips as he started back towards the same, plain car that could still be seen, even though it was almost entirely hidden by over-hanging autumn trees. He seemed to almost say it in a sing-song voice. "Enjoy yourself, Toby. Remember; only ten minutes. Have fun, Ben."
"Masky?" Ben blinked rapidly, watching the brunette walk away. A hard weight fell over his shoulders, and he opened his mouth in alarm. "Masky!" he called after the taller Proxy. He was completely ignored. His heart began to thump faster in his chest, the soft echo of leaves breaking under Masky's weight transforming into loud screams strangling his common sense. He looked around wildly, like a deer caught by a car's headlights, and realised with a yank of distraught, just how isolated this place seemed. He could feel Toby's arm jerking against his back, his bare, squirming fingers, and it was somewhat disturbing.
Toby laughed loudly, before shoving Ben hard into a nearby tree. Ben snarled angrily, attempting to look behind his shoulder, blue eyes narrowing as he tensed.
"What the hell are you doin-?" Toby's hands gripped his shoulders, and a warm breath tickled his neck. His eyes widened dramatically, a soft gasp escaping his throat, as everything started dawning on him. For once, an emotion he rarely ever felt penetrated him deeply, like a dagger stabbed right through his chest, and he allowed it to over-wash him. Fear.
'No, no no, this isn't actually happening. Masky and Hoody wouldn't do this to me. They wouldn't let this happen. They aren't huge assholes,' He tried to amuse himself in a desperate way to deny the fact of what was happening, but now it all seemed too obvious. A lesson to be learnt...
"Well, we better be quick. You heard Masky - only ten minutes!" Ben could hear the laugh in Toby's voice before it reached the reality around them. It was loud, and cruel, and evil.
"Toby, Toby please-" Ben began to beg. He was humiliated, his pride being ripped a part by the wolf he had unknowingly told his home to. He was reminded with a heavy rush of realisation that oh god he was a kid, he was a young boy and he had browsed through the stranger parts of the Internet to understand where this was going. He felt like he was about to burst into tears, even more so when he felt one of Toby's hands running down his back, playing with Ben's small, slim fingers. He opened his mouth, confused, yearning to scream, but what help would it do? 'It might make it hurt less,' his mind offered up, and Ben trembled like a small, terrified mouse. Toby laughed even louder, something Ben deemed impossible until that moment.
"As you love to put it, Ben, you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"
When Masky returned, in the small silver run down car he arrived there in the first place, he found Ben crumpled in a heap, abandoned and useless on the ground. Toby was nowhere in sight. Masky made a mental note to himself to congratulate Toby on what he had done. The brown tights Ben wore were ripped on one side horizontally down his leg, and a huge chunk of his tunic was missing. His wrists were raw and bleeding, scratched and bruised, and his blue eyes were fittingly blank.
"Did you learn your lesson?" Masky whispered tauntingly to the small blonde. Ben didn't reply. All he did was nod, weakly, as if he did anything else he would surely pass out. "Good."
Masky grabbed him by the arm, close to his elbow, and he winced, for a moment trying to pull himself away from Masky before he quickly went limp again and allowed himself to be pulled up. "Come on, they'll be wondering where we are if we take any longer." No response. Masky clearly didn't care and began to haul Ben towards the car. "Say goodbye to Toby, Ben."
Ben thought for a moment about what Toby had sneered at him. You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Yes, Ben thought, he had been met with a terrible fate.
A/N: And, there it is. Sorry it's not that good guys! I really thought it was going to be better than this, but obviously not~ Sorry!