Wow guys. It's been over a year since I've updated this story. I never really intended on finishing it but I was thinking about it the other day and I just love this story too much to leave it like this. I don't know how many of my original readers are reading this but, if you are, thank you so much and I'm so sorry I've been gone so long. I wrote this chapter in like, an hour, I was so excited. I hope you guys like it too.


"Alright Ms. Dawson, I hope you realize the seriousness of the act you committed. Taking your life doesn't just end all of your potential, but also those around you. It's the most selfish act a person can do." The doctor told me. Technically he was a psychologist, attempting to make me realize the wrong in my decision. He doesn't understand though. He doesn't know why I did it, why I should have died. He never could. Still though, I needed to get discharged if I wanted to get out of the psych ward. So, I did my best to look solemn and regretful. I could tell from the spark in his eyes that he really thought he was reaching me. "Think about all those who visited you this week. Think about how much it would hurt them."

All those who visited you this a joke. I had three visitors. Austin, Trish, and Dez. Even my own father, not that I wanted him there anyway, didn't visit. It's not like he didn't know either. He is listed as my emergency contact, after all. I just don't understand what kind of person could do that to their own daughter. How could he abandon me? After all the years of torture and his 'miraculous' recovery from his life of alcohol, how could he just, not care? He should fall to his knees and beg for my forgiveness but no, I'm too worthless for that. Even my own father didn't care enough about me to make sure I was still alive."I know doctor. I could never make them lose a person they love." And that's true.

Dez was here more out of social obligation than really caring about how I was doing. Much like that awkward cousin you don't really know at family reunions and are forced to talk to.

Trish didn't love me either. She thinks she does and I love her like a sister, but really she was just desperate. I don't mean that in a harsh way, it's just that she needed a friend at this point in her life and I was there. She was friends with me out of convenience. I was friends with her because I needed a lifeline.

Austin. Austin. Austin. That's a little bit more difficult. He told me he loved me before I was sent to the psych ward. I told him I loved him too. But even still, I don't want him to waste his love on me. I wouldn't be making him lose a person he loves, I'd just be making him move on to someone better for him.

"Well Ms. Dawson. I'm happy to say that I think you are clear for discharge." The doctor informed me happily, "you will have to stay on your medication and I would like you to speak with me if you need any help. Other than that, I think you can return to your home and school."

What home? Does he mean my pathetic fort? The one I tried to die in?

"Thank you so much doctor. You've really been a great help to me." I told him smiling, which he returned. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. How can you be so oblivious? How can you think everything's alright? How do you not realize I'm broken? Unfixable? You're supposed to be a doctor! You're supposed to know this!

I walked out of his office without looking back and I entered the main room. I was surprised to see Austin sitting there with… his mom?

"Hello Ally." Ms. Moon told me warmly. I smiled at her as Austin came up to hug me and press a light kiss to my cheek. I looked at him questioningly.

"Hi Ms. Moon." I told her in return.

"I told you to call me Mimi sweetheart." She said, laughing lightly.

"Right. Sorry, Mimi." Austin looked between us, clearly confused.

"How do you two know each other?"

"We met on Ally's first day of school." Ms. M- Mimi informed Austin. He looked slightly surprised for a second before a look of pride crossed his features, making me confused.

"You liked her enough to let her call you Mimi?" Austin turned to address me, "That's a huge accomplishment." I blushed lightly at the compliment.

"Well thank you for that then. I'm still a little confused on why you're both here though." I trailed off awkwardly, unsure of myself. It's strange how, going through something, being under pressure, one can be so strong and yet, the moment the pressure stops, they crumble. Much like me. Under the torture of my father and my life I was strong and yet, the moment he was okay without me and I was on my own, I couldn't handle it anymore. I still can't.

"Well honey, I was hoping you'd stay with us as Austin told me you had nowhere else to go." I looked at Austin, slightly offended. I knew he was trying to help but he had no right sharing my personal information. Even with his mother. Austin sighed and turned to his mom.

"Mom can you give me a sec to talk to Ally?" he asked her. Mimi looked between us and a look of understanding flashed in her eyes.

"Of course. I'll be in the café downstairs, grabbing something to eat. Meet me when you two are done." And with that, she turned and left the room. Austin grabbed my hand and motioned for me to sit down. I'd done enough sitting in my hospital bed and in the therapist's room so I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"How could you tell your mom something so personal about me? It wasn't your place!" I told him.

"What? Not my place? Ally, I have been at your bedside for weeks while you were recovering and again in the psych ward. Some of those days I didn't know if you were even going to make it. I was a wreck, we all were. And then, the doctor told us that you probably shouldn't be alone and really needed friends and family right now. And all I could think of was that little treehouse you had in the woods and how you deserved so much better than that. You have to realize, this was the only thing I could think of to do. I didn't mean to betray your trust but I need you to be better." By the end of his speech, Austin was panting and out of breath. His face was flushed and his blue eyes sparkled. The way he was staring at me seemed like he was staring into my soul. I wonder if he saw how truly ugly it was.

I sighed and put my arms around his neck and kissed him lightly. "I'm sorry. You're right. You did the right thing. I was being stupid." Austin leaned in and kissed me this time.

"You're never stupid Ally. It's okay I understand." We stayed like that for a little longer, staring into each other's eyes before we went downstairs to meet his mother.

"You two seemed to have worked things out," She said, looking at our entwined hands, "well, we better get going then. Ally, Austin brought your things over from where you were- um- previously living. I hope you don't mind but we moved them into the guest room where you will be staying." She told us as we climbed into the car, Austin sitting in the back seat with me.

"I tried to convince her to let you stay in my room but she didn't fall for that." Austin said with his signature smirk that I had missed.

"You know Austin, I think she might have done me a favor. I don't think I could handle your morning breath" I said, joking back at him. His eyes lit up at the sound of me finally cracking a joke again. It had felt like forever.

"Hey! I don't have bad morning breath! Besides it's not like you would even know!"

"Oh but I do. And let me tell you it is awful!" Mimi chimed in. Austin's jaw dropped before he leaned back in his seat and pouted. I burst out laughing.

"Way to go Mimi!" I told her and she turned around briefly to high five me.

"You guys are mean. I don't like you at all." Austin told us, but the way his mouth slightly tipped up in a smile gave him away. I leaned over and kissed him quickly.

"Oh please, you love us." I told him. He just shrugged lightly.

After about a half hour, we pulled up in front of his house. It was large. Not huge or anything but you could tell they were well off. I think it was better than any mansion though. His house seemed full of love where as my mansion seemed cold and devoid. It doesn't matter how much money you have as long as you live a life that brings you happiness. We climbed out of the car and headed to the door. Austin grabbed my upper arm lightly, bringing me to a halt.

"I do, you know." I cocked my head at him slightly.

"You do what?" He smiled in that way that lit up his whole face. It was beautiful to see.

"I do love you. I hope you know that." I smiled at him in return.

"I love you too." We walked into the house and the inside looked warm and inviting. The kind of house I had dreamed of living in and now, I guess, I did.

"Well Ally, I'll let you get settled in. Your room is down the hall and to the left. Mimi told me, before walking off.

"C'mon, I'll show you." Austin told me as he led me down the hall. I felt Mimi's instuctions were pretty clear but I let him lead me anyway. Once we reached my room though, Austin pulled me in and started kissing me. It was passionate and longing and loving all at once and I felt my heart was going to burst out of my chest.

Somehow, we ended up on my bed, with him on top of me. I slid my fingers down to them of his shirt and made to pull it over his head before his hands stilled mine. He slowly pulled back despite my whining.

"No, Ally. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start all that. You just got back and we shouldn't jump into anything." He didn't want to be with me.

"Oh yeah okay. That's fine." I told him, feeling stupid and rejected. A look of pain crossed his face.

"Ally, listen that's not what I-"

"Austin it's okay. I get it, seriously. It's been a long day and I need some sleep. Can you just leave please?"

Austin looked like he wanted to say more but decided against it. He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before pulling back. He walked out of the room and shut the door softly behind him. I can't believe in a day, I'd felt so many changed of emotion. I was sad, angry, happy, needy and now I'm sad again. It seems all I can do these days is be sad. Maybe I do need anti-depressants.

I reached into my back and took out my prescribed pills as a dark idea crossed my mind. Maybe the doctors' are right, pills are the only way I'll feel better. But the doctors' are right about another thing. I am selfish. I need to spend more time with Austin first. I need to get my fill of Trish. I need to write another song. I need to live.

At least for a little while.

So, kind of a dark chapter. I didn't really plan it, it just kind of happened. Still though, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I've missed my lovely readers! So please, respond and let me know what you think! Let me know if, after all this time, you even still care about this story! Let me know what's going on! I'm so sorry I took so long.

I love you all!
