This is going to be interesting to write. Let's see how I do.

I don't own Fairy Tail! All characters go straight to Hiro Mashima for the ENTIRE STORY! IT'S ALL HIS! I'm just a lowly fanfiction writer. *smiles*

Haha...no I'm not...*sighs*

I'm still working out a schedule for this story. I'll figure it out.


Lucy didn't know how things got so complicated.

She had this aching feelings all the time to get close to him, to breathe in the scent of his pink hair, but she couldn't. She wanted to go on those old piggy-back rides he always gave her, but she couldn't. She wanted to feel his lips on hers, but she just couldn't, god damnit.

It was just so complicated now. What started out as a simple friendship, turned into a best friend nakama thing, and now there's the unrequited love and homosexuality.

Natsu was gay. Not the happy kind of gay. The "I like people with the same sex as me" gay. The gay that Lucy never dremed he was. Not little Natsu. It was probably because of the fact that he hung out with Lisanna when they were kids. Then how Erza used to take a bath with Gray and him. Or it could be the fact that Lucy was his teammate and had always stuck with him. Or maybe it was the fact he got used to seeing huge breasts around him a long time ago.

Whatever caused it, he was gay.

And Lucy was hopelessly in love with him. No wonder he didn't blush when some really...kinky...things hang around the guild. And that he was comfortable sleeping next to her during the night, when she wasn't.

Even SHE didn't find him attractive until one night she decided to go drinking and played a game with the guild on her birthday.

Well, maybe she did.

But that night confirmed it.

It was the night of July 1st. Everyone in the guild was there celebrating Lucy's birthday. And everything really stayed the same, just a bit rowdier. Cana having more drinking contests than usual, Natsu destroying more furniture than usual, and everyone just telling the blonde "Happy Birthday!".

Perfect time to get somewhat drunk.

Cheeks flushed, Mira had suggested the guild to play Truth or Dare. More like forced to, now that Lucy thought about it. Everyone seemed to disagree with the idea, especially when it came from the guild's infamous matchmaker, but you know...Mira is Mira and will always be Mira.

"I'll go first! Cana!" Mira said. Cana's head snapped up from the bottle of alcohol she was drinking. "Truth or Dare?"

"Er...truth?" Mira smiled as Cana drank the last of her beer.

"Cana. Out of everyone here, who do you think is the most perverted?"

"Simple. Gray," Cana said, wiping off the drink from her face. Gray shrugged, expecting it, while everyone else laughed. Cana smiled and pointed to...


"Truth or Dare?" Cana asked.

"DARE OF COURSE!" Gajeel roared. Cana smirked. She was expecting that.

"I dare you...to kiss Levy right now for ten seconds," Cana said cruelly. Everyone looked at the Iron Dragon Slayer and Solid Script Mage, both red and sweaty.

"Cana! I love you so much right now!" Mira screamed.

"Seriously?" Gajeel asked.

"Does he have too?" Levy asked nervously.

"It's the rules, dumbasses. Now kiss!" Natsu howled. Gajeel shrugged, leaned forward, and...they kissed. A smile seemed to come from Levy's mouth as the two deepened it suddenly.

"ACK! Go away if you're going to do that here!" Lisanna giggled. Gajeel lifted Levy, still kissing and walking outside to have their little private make-out session.

"God damn it...person to the right is...Gray!" Cana said.

"Oh, my turn? Natsu, truth or dare?" Gray asked.

"DARE!" Natsu said happily. Everyone seemed to sweatdrop. Same reaction as Gajeel apparently, and that could only mean one thing.

"Kiss Lucy. On the lips. Right now," Gray smiled. Everyone gasped. They were expecting this sooner or later, and Gray just had to start it.

"W-What?!" Natsu and Lucy yelled, staring at each other, red-faced. Gray raised an eyebrow. Natsu bit his lip, but inched forward to Lucy, kissing her softly on the lips for about three and a half seconds. Lucy blushed deeper than the girl on the left side of her's hair. Once they separated, she touched her lips, feeling dizzy.

"Lucy? Are you okay?" Erza asked. Lucy couldn't tell, but the world seemed to be getting darker and darker and darker...

When she woke up, her lips still felt tingly. Last night. On her birthday. She had just been KISSED by Natsu Dragneel. He tasted like alcohol and fire, if that had a taste. It was so exhilarating...she even wanted it to happen again and again and again.

That was when she realized she was in love with Natsu. Her nakama. She wanted to get close to him, feel his lips again, feel his warmth again, smell his soft pink hair again...Natsu was...the person she liked.

And will always like. God damn it.

"Lucy. You're awake..." said a voice next to her.

"PERVERT! STAY AWAY!" Lucy screamed, still groggy. Ugh...was she drinking last night...she was having a terrible hangover.

"It's just Mirajane. I was sent today to check on you," Mira said, smiling.

"Oh. Hello then," Lucy said.

"You fainted after Natsu gave you that kiss...I don't know if it was from the alcohol or from the heat or if you were sick or if you just really loved the moment...but you fainted!" Mira said, still smiling.

"It worries me that you're smiling still," Lucy sweatdropped.

"You like Natsu, don't you, fu~?" Mira teased. Lucy reddened.

"Kyah! Sign of Love #4! Blushing when your true feelings are revealed! Aww~!" Mira cooed.

"Oh, shut it, Mira," Lucy said, "Natsu's nakama."

"That you like~" Mira teased again.

"SHUT UP!" Lucy screamed.

"Sign of Love #6! Denial~" Mira said. That voice was getting annoying. Lucy sighed in frustration.

"Fine. I just want to clear things up with Natsu about what happened the other night. That idiot would never fall for me," Lucy said.

"But you fell for him!" Mira squealed. Lucy threw a pillow at the white-haired girl.

"Natsu said he was going to come here soon to talk about what happened as well. So you can rest that hangover of yours. If you want some advice, eat a banana," Mira said, smiling.

"Banana...I'm out of bananas," Lucy complained.

"No biggie. I'll tell your future boyfriend to go get some while he's on his way." Mira winked. More pillows were thrown in her direction. Mira giggled and went out the door, thankfully helping the hangover for some reason. Probably less stress knowing she wasn't flying out the window.

Lucy stared at the ceiling, trying to think straight, but all she could think about was really Natsu. Last night, her feelings had been fixed out. It was true that she'd been having mixed feelings for Natsu for a while now, but after Gray made some stupid bet, they were sorted out. Then again, she couldn't damn right confess to him as soon as he got the stupid bananas...hopefully. She let out a groan, which retaliated with a pounding in her head.

"Luce?" said a voice. Natsu. Blush went the blonde.

"I...hi, Natsu," Lucy said quietly.

"Mira said you needed blueberries," Natsu said, pointing at the bag in his hand. Lucy sweatdropped. She didn't have the time for this.

"She said bananas..." Lucy muttered, "Why did you come?"

"I...I wanna to clarify a few things...it's about what happened last night..." Natsu said quietly. Lucy had blushed even harder, her feet shifting uncomfortably from anxiety and heat under the blankets.

"Y-You...Natsu...?" Lucy asked. She couldn't help biting her lip in anxiety.

"Lucy, I've never told this to anyone so...I don't exactly know what will happen when I do..." Natsu. Lucy noticed that he was sweating terribly. Not normal for the happy-go-lucky fire dragon slayer.

"What is it, Natsu?" Lucy could hardly get the words out. She was breathing heavy now, not knowing what exactly was going to come out of his sweet, sweet, lips...



"I...I'm gay."








"Come again?" Lucy said, nearly banging her head onto the wall.

"I'm...I'm gay, okay?" Natsu said, blushing furiously. Lucy widened her eyes in shock. She was expecting a love confession...or really more like hoped to God he would have a love confession, but instead...she got an "out-of-the-closet surprise I'm a homosexual" one.

"N-Natsu!" Lucy said in shock. She couldn't help but have all her feelings crushed, all her feelings gone, all her...hopes and dreams of getting together with him...disappearing right before her eyes.

"I shouldn't have come here. I knew this would happen-"

"No, Natsu..." Lucy said, grabbing his hand. Natsu turned around, pale and sweaty.

"It's okay. You're still, Natsu, ne? I'll always be your nakama, even if you're a homosexual," Lucy said with a painful smile.

"Really? You're seriously okay with that?" Natsu asked, fidgeting.

"Of course!" Lucy lied, "It's not like I had feelings for you or something!"

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" Natsu said quietly. Lucy pulled the pinkette in for a hug and smiled. She was able to get the hug without making things uncomfortable. The familiar scent of smoke...

"Promise. You're my best friend after all." After that scene, Natsu left the blueberries on her desk and left with a happy smile. Lucy stared after him, a single tear fell, and she began to cry onto her pillow, which was muffling her sobs of hopelessness. But Natsu was nakama and well, the person she liked, so she had to help him in every way she could. Gay or straight, he would always be her nakama.

Always. Be. Nakama.


"Lucy!" Natsu smiled at her at the guild. She smiled back. It's been three days since Natsu had confessed and it still seemed like nothing had happened. He was still as rowdy as ever and the guild was still as loud as ever, minus all the little quiet people in the corner such as Levy, Wendy, Mira, and herself, obviously.

"Are you SURE Natsu and you aren't together?" Levy asked, "It would be super cute if you were!"

"Little pink haired girls and little blonde boys running around destroying the country~" Mira sighed.

"That's disturbing," Wendy sweatdropped.

"Of course not. What happened at the apartment was just a clarification and nothing more," Lucy said, crossing her arms. Which it was in general.

"So what happened? He bring the bananas?" Mira asked.

"No. He brought blueberries, which didn't help my hangover. Instead, we just talked for a bit about what happened, cleared out our feelings, talked a while, and then left leaving me the blueberries. Then I went to rest my head."

"Stupid Natsu...I specifically said bananas..." Mira muttered.

"But, Lu-chan. I'm pretty sure your hangover went away in a matter of hours. You haven't shown up at the guild until today, and he did seem pretty worried," Levy said, "No feelings?"

"Natsu's always like that with all of us. Lisanna when she went off to Edolas. Gray at Galuna Island. Wendy at the Nirvana incident. He saved Erza at the Tower of Heaven. And he looked out for me during the Grand Magic Games. He's like that with everyone. He's a really...great friend," Lucy said.

"He looked really worried," Wendy said softly. Lucy smiled back at the Sky Dragon Slayer.

"Of course he was. Nakama means nakama," Lucy said at the same tone. Mira scowled at no one in particular however.

"I don't believe this. There has to be feelings somehow? You practically fainted at your party after he kissed you," Mira protested. Lucy shrugged.

"Guess you were wrong," Lucy said. Or really half-right.

"No, no. I don't believe this. I'm watching you guys like a hawk now," Mira huffed.

"Suit yourself," Lucy said normally, "I'm going to leave. If I don't all you'll do is stalk me."

"Maybe," Levy said smiling.

"You guys are idiots," Lucy sighed, "My hangover headache is coming back." Lucy hopped off her seat and stomped out the door, annoyed at herself and her guildmates. She was doing her best to hide how down she was feelings since her feelings weren't exactly returned in the process, but...supporting Natsu is what she'll do if it makes him happy.

If he was happy, she was happy, right?



"Lucy? Why are you talking to yourself?" said Natsu's voice. Lucy jumped.

"Natsu. You scared me. What exactly did you hear?" she asked nervously.

"Not much, really. I have a favor to ask," Natsu asked. Lucy widened her eyes.

"I've kept your secret, don't worry," Lucy said, smiling. Natsu breathed out in relief.

"It's our secret. And I just want to talk...about stuff," Natsu said sheepishly.

"Er...of course," Lucy said and they went on their way. Unbeknownst to them, the three Lucy was talking to earlier were still watching her...

Well that was a bit depressing.

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