I've read a lot of class reunion fics and really liked them. So I decided to write my own. I hope you all enjoy it!
Don't be bothered by the pairings. It's just what I imagined happening in the future. This isn't a romance story, so I won't be focusing on the pairings. Some of these pairings I myself am not a big fan of. Well, that's a lie. There's one pairing in here that I'm a huge fan of, but you'll just have to guess what it is.
Don't pay too much attention to the title. I thought it sounded cool, but I have no idea if it actually pertains to the story or not.
Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn
There was one thing in this world that Tsuna hated more than conflict: Paperwork. It never ended! Once he finished one batch, someone would come and dump a fresh pile on his desk. He had never wanted to become the next boss for the Vongola, but did anybody listen to him? Of course not. Reborn had said that Tsuna would become Decimo, therefore Tsuna became Decimo. What the sadistic tutor from hell wanted, the sadistic tutor from hell got.
Putting down his pen to shake his hand, Tsuna glanced at the clock and groaned. He had gone through a hundred papers already and it was only eight in the morning. He allowed himself a brief moment of self pity before picking the pen back up. If he finished now, he would be able to head home to see his wife, maybe even take a nap.
The door creaked open and Tsuna glanced up to see a guilty looking Gokudera. The silver haired man quietly shut the door behind him, filling Tsuna up with dread as he eyed the next stack of papers.
"It wasn't my fault, Tsuna." That was the first thing that came out of Gokudera's mouth.
Tsuna raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, Hayato?"
Hayato padded up to his boss's desk and put down the large pile of papers. "Well, you see... There was a fight..."
Tsuna groaned and slammed his head on his desk repeatedly. When he was done, he looked up at Gokudera with tired eyes. "Who was it, how much was destroyed, and how much is this going to cost us?"
Hayato looked at the red mark that was growing on his precious boss's head. Why did the other idiots have to cause Tsuna grief? He would have to punish them later. "Um, Mukuro was mad about Hibari dating Chrome, and they ended up getting into an argument. Yamamoto, the idiot that he is, tried to calm them down. That only lead to Hibari lashing out at Yamamoto, who accidentally knocked Chrome over when he dodged. Let's just say it all went downhill from there."
Tsuna fought the urge to bang his head against his desk, again. All that would do was knock down the stacked papers, which meant that he would then have to pick them up, which would mean more work. His guardians were someday going to give him a concussion. "And what did they end up destroying?" He asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.
"An entire city, two trains, an enemy famiglia, and they knocked down the house of one of allied famiglias. The boss of that family was unfortunately in the building and ended up getting several ribs and a leg broken. He's demanding that we pay his hospital bill."
"Pay the bill." Tsuna sighed. "It's the least we can do. As for Hibari and Mukuro, I'll decide the punishment for them later."
Hayato bit his lip. "Um, Tsuna. I know that this isn't the best time to bring this up, but... Well, this incident is going to double your paperwork."
Tsuna shot up and grabbed his gloves, his now orange eyes narrowed dangerously. "I'm so going to kill them."
"Wait, Tsuna!" Hayato called out as he chased after his boss. "I'll help you!"
Several fights to the death and a couple of bruises later, Tsuna retired to his wing of the Vongola mansion. Closing the door that separated his living quarters from the rest of the house, Tsuna finally allowed himself to relax.
"I'm home." He called out as he took off his suit coat.
"Welcome home, Tsu-kun!" His wife, Sawada Kyoko (formally known as Sasagawa Kyoko) called back. She sounded like she was in the kitchen. Tsuna smiled softly to himself, hectic days at work were worth it if it meant that he could come home and hear his wife's voice.
"Guess what came in the mail today?" Kyoko turned to him as soon as he entered the kitchen. She was waving a spatula covered in tomato sauce around, and the smell of meat balls assaulted his nose. It looked like they were having spaghetti tonight.
"A death threat?" Tsuna asked after he had given her a small kiss. She rolled her eyes and smacked him lightly on the arm.
"An invitation to our middle school's class reunion!" She handed him the letter. Her husband quickly scanned it before snorting.
"Sounds interesting. Let's not go." He tossed the invitation onto the table.
Kyoko pouted. "Why not? I think it would be fun to go see all of our old friends again."
"Do you remember what they used to call me back in middle school? Dame-Tsuna. I rather not go see all those who used to bully me."
The wife of Vongola Decimo frowned. "Hana and I never made fun of you. Neither did Hayato and Takeshi."
Tsuna wrapped his arms around her. "You are my wife. Hana in on her honeymoon with Onii-chan and won't be back for a while. And Hayato and Takeshi are here in Italy with us."
"Point taken." Kyoko gave up. "Alright, if you really don't want to go, I won't make you."
"What does Tsuna not want to do?" A deep voice asked from the doorway of the kitchen. Kyoko chuckled as Tsuna shot the intruder a glare.
"I was having a private conversation with my wife, Reborn." Tsuna said with irritation.
His no longer baby tutor stepped into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Your cooking smells wonderful, Kyoko. I hope you don't mind me staying for dinner."
"Not at all, Reborn-san." Kyoko got out of Tsuna's embrace to go get a third plate.
"Don't just invite yourself!" Tsuna complained loudly. The sound of a gun cocking was heard, and Tsuna visibly paled. He may not be the coward he once was, but Reborn still intimidated him. Some things will never change, not even with time.
"Oh-ho? A class reunion for the Namimori students of 2A?" Reborn picked up the invitation Tsuna had so carelessly thrown onto the table.
"We aren't going." Tsuan said stiffly as he helped his wife finish up dinner.
"And why not?" Reborn asked with raised eyebrows.
"Like I told Kyoko before, I have no real reason to go see my former classmates." Tsuna placed the pot of spaghetti in the middle of the table. "And I don't want to get innocent people involved with the mafia."
"Not going can be seen as an act of weakness, and I did not train a weak student." Reborn casually turned Leon into a gun.
"You can see it as you will, but it doesn't change the fact that we aren't going."
"That was a good answer for a boss." Leon turned back into a chameleon and clambered onto Reborn's fedora.
Tsuna answered with a grunt and the three of them began to eat dinner. Kyoko looked at the satisfied smile on her husband's face, he was confident that the subject had been dropped. Then she looked at the sadistic smirk Reborn was wearing, and she wasn't so sure.
Either way, this was going to be interesting.
The next day, Tsuna was playing hide-and-go-seek with his paperwork. Meaning, he hid his paperwork and hoped nobody would come and seek for them, that nobody being Reborn. His hands flicked towards his gloves when the door opened again, but relaxed when he heard the usual one sided bickering between his storm and rain guardians.
"Sword freak, you just can't barge into Juudaime's room whenever you want!" Hayato was yelling into Takeshi's ear, unconsciously reverting back to his old nickname for Tsuna. Tsuna had finally, finally managed to convince his loyal right hand man to call him by his first name. It had happen in the first year that Tsuna had taken control of the Vongola, but sometimes his friend slipped up.
"Maa maa, Tsuna has told us several times that he doesn't care." Yamamoto laughed. "We're friends right?"
"That's right, Takeshi." Tsuna said from his position behind the desk. "So what's up?"
Takeshi held up a small manila envelope. "I got an invitation to our old class reunion!"
"Oh, me too." Gokudera fished through his pockets and pulled out a crumpled envelope. "Are you planning on going, Tsuna?"
Decimo shook his head. "I rather not. Kyoko's not going either."
Hayato immediately threw his invitation into the trash. "Well, if you're not going, then neither am I!"
Yamamoto casually tucked the envelope into his shirt pocket. "I think I might go to see all of my old baseball friends. Do you mind if I take one of the private jets?"
Tsuna waved his hand in the air. "Of course not. Just don't take the new one, the Varia has claimed it as their own."
"Speaking of your class reunion, I'm afraid I have some bad news."
Tsuna jumped only slightly before sending a glare at the person standing in the entrance to his office. Seriously, what's up with Reborn suddenly appearing in doorways?
"What's destroyed this time?" Tsuna asked automatically. After all, to him, 'bad news' was directly linked to 'your guardians have screwed up again'.
Quicker than a flash, Reborn had pulled out his gun and shot it at his student. The bullet whizzed by, missing Tsuna's right ear by two inches. The brown haired man flinched, but didn't make a sound. Five years ago, he would have screamed and freaked out.
"Didn't I say it had to do with your class reunion?" Reborn scolded. "Listen carefully next time before you open your mouth."
Tsuna raised an eyebrow. "I have a very bad feeling about this. What is it?"
Reborn stepped into the room and put a folder on his student's desk. "A prisoner has escaped. His name is Richard Redtail, an American the Vongola hired three years ago. He was caught trying to sell Vongola secrets to enemy families and was convicted a traitor. As the tenth Vongola Don, it's your job to go capture him."
Tsuna flipped open the folder and began scanning the information. "So, what does this have to do with the class reunion?"
Reborn smirked. "The last place Redtail was spotted was Namimori, Japan. It is believed that he's going to complete his transaction under the disguise of being one of your past classmates. Your job is to infiltrate your class reunion to find Redtail and bring him to justice."
"And why can't someone else go?" Yamamoto asked. "Like the CEDEF? There are a ton of great spies in that organization. There are thousands of people in the Vongola, why does it have to be Tsuna and us?"
Reborn gave Takeshi an appraising look, complimenting him on his well thought out and reasonable question. "Because the reason Vongola hired him is because he is a master of disguise. He can transform into anyone as long as he knows what they look like. Someone you met yesterday could be him today. The reason you three are going, plus Chrome, is because you used to go to school with all of these people. The idea is that you should be able to tell who's fake and who's not."
Hayato frowned. "But we haven't seen any of these people for ten years."
Reborn chuckled. "Good luck to you, isn't that right? Think of this as a test, besides, you have your boss's hyper intuition. You're not doubting your boss, are you?"
"No sir, of course not!" Hayato cried out as he did a 90 degree bow. "I would never disrespect Tsuna like that!"
Tsuna looked up from the folder, having read all of the information. "Why do I have a feeling that you planned all of this."
The former arcobaleno frowned. "Now why would you think that?"
The other three people in the room just looked at him, not saying anything. Reborn sighed, the days where he could fool his student and his guardians were long over. They had grown up, which reminded him...
"Where is your paperwork?" He asked in a cold voice.
Tsuna froze.
The sound of his screaming could be heard from all over the mansion.
Edited: 8/15/13