Sorry I waited to long to update because I was updating my second story, and it has been a while that I have updated both stories because I had summer school * screaming internally* well here is the chapter.

Mirajane, Gajeel, Levy, Freed, Evergreen, Bixelow, Gray, Natsu, Erza, Elfman and Laxus were lined up in the forest in front of the Heartphillia mansion. The gates was guarded by two guards.

" Gajeel, Levy, Freed, Bixelow, Gray and Erza, you will try to enter from the back,Natsu,Elfman and Mirajane we will need your transformation skills , Evergreen you turn all the guards to stone, the plan starts...Now"



Two guards were guarding the front gate of the mansion. they suddenly heard a sound coming from the forest . They turned to see Two guards who were dragging Laxus and Natsu.

" Hey we caught some intruders"

" Good, said one of the guards, I'll open the gate so you can put the in the donjon" He opened the gate , they entered.

" Okay now put us down " said Laxus .Those guards turned out to be MiraJane and Elfman. " You two go help the others , Natsu come with me." Mira and Elfman left. Laxus and Natsu were staring at the mansion with evil eyes. " Ready for some fun Laxus?"

"Me? I Can't wait to begin."

_Meanwhile in the terrace_

A huge crowd of people were gathered to see the wedding. It was about to start. Lucy was sitting next to her dad who was smiling.

" Happy?" said Lucy

" I'm in heaven" He replied

" Ruining your only daughter's life really is something to be proud of."

" Cause marrying a royalty isn't good enough for you"

" Yes it isn't ! you never cared about me ! all you cared about was the money!"

" Lucy , I..." Suddenly , There were explosions everywhere in the mansion. " My love ! save me!" said the prince who was hiding behind Lucy. You could hear a snapping sound. " Like hell I will! I you ever call me my love again or touch me I'll make sure you'll never be able to reproduce ever again" she said while lifting him of the ground and throwing very very high. Vines came out from the plants and grabbed the prince and putted him back on the ground. "Why you lit-" Lucy's dad was interrupted by Laxus who jumped out of the window to end up landing on the prince. " Who the hell are yo-"

" Laxus!"

" Missed me?"

" Hey you shouldn't take all the credit for coming here!" Lucy turned to see all her friends. " Everyone..."

"You..." said Lucy's dad with dark aura " You will pay for intruding here , GUARDS attack them!" In no minutes everyone was surrounded by hundreds of guards. Chaos was everywhere. Laxus escaped the fight and was about to grab Lucy's hand when her dad stopped him.

" Oi, Old geezer, said Laxus, why won't you let me marry Lucy instead" * Lucy blushing in the background*

" I will never give her to people who wants my money"

" I don't want your stupid money , I want your stupid daughter"

' did he indirectly say that I am stupid ?!' thought Lucy . "What benefits do I get?" said her dad

" what?" asked Laxus.

"Well if she marry that prince I get money, but... Her being with you...what do I get"

"No wonder she ran away"

" If you don't give up i'll have no choice but t-" He was interrupted by Lucy who was crying.

" Why? what did I ever do to you? After mom died you have been so cold to me, *sniff* Even though I tried so hard to be the perfect daughter *sniff* All I wanted from you was to love me but, all you want is to use me to get money"


" You Fucking Geezer you made Lucy cry!" said Laxus interrupting him.

" You have no right to tell me what to do! she is my daughter , she has to do whatever i ask her to do!"

" Let's fight" said Laxus.

Lucy's dad smirked evilly. " Well, if you want it that badly... who wins gets Lucy"

" Laxus no! said Lucy, It's like digging your own grave and jumping in it! please don't do it"

Laxus smiled and looked at Lucy " I'm prepared to face gods , demons and even the most dangerous creatures in the world just for you"

" Laxus..." Suddenly vines rose from the ground and surrounded Lucy in the form of a cage.

" So ...Let the fight begin"