Disclaimer: I don't own any of these character, they all belong to their respective creators.
~ OctoJohn!
It all started when Sherlock found John lying injured in some seaweed off the coast where he was investigating a drug trafficking ring. The oddity of a tiny half-human half-octopus creature washing up on the shore fascinated Sherlock to no end, which resulted in the brilliant detective to nurse him back to health and take the tiny being home.
John was playing underwater catch with one of his seahorse friends in the tank when he felt more than heard the muffled slam of door and the tread of his friend, his large human friend. John immediately dropped the plastic pearl, although it floated down, and swam to the clear wall of his aquarium in a whirl of bubbles. He pressed his nose and hands against the glass, eagerly waiting for the view of Sherlock Holmes to come through the doorway and tell John all about his latest case.
Sherlock's cases always sounded like larger than life adventures to John, the cephalopod human hybrid always listening raptly and nodding enthusiastically, as much as he wanted to communicate vocally with Sherlock, he could only manage squeaks, trills, bloops, hums and the occasional squawk. John's comprehension of human language was one of the many intriguing traits Sherlock found in the small creature.
The steps came closer, John pressed himself further against the glass, dark blue eyes focused solely on the doorway, he accidentally ignored the gentle nudgings of one his other seahorse friends, who blew out a flurry of insulted bubbles and swam away.
John beamed from ear to ear when he saw the tall man, already familiar with the man's head of curls, his blue scarf and signature coat. The tiny octo-being flailed his arms in excitement, backed away from the glass and did a little happy dance, a cute and simple 'swish swish' of his tentacles, rotating them in either direction.
"John? Ah, good, you're awake." Sherlock, off his scarf, the belstaff and jacket, walked over to the aquarium on the mantel over the fireplace, leaning over to smile at his small marine friend.
"Care to hear about another case solved?"
John nodded with vigor before shooting his self upwards at a fierce speed, leaving a trail of bubbles, up out of the water, accomplishing a back-flip he's been practicing for a while now and landing back in the water. Sherlock whistled, "I'm impressed and very proud of you."
John beamed and blushed, eating up the attention from Sherlock while it last, it'll take another case to consumes the man's full attention again but for now, it was all John's to revel in. Sherlock grabbed a teacup near the aquarium, it was John's special teacup, dipping the cup half way in, filling it up with tank water and letting the tiny creature get in. Sherlock brought the cup near his face, getting a better look at John, how his teal colored tentacles furled and unfurled out the sides of the cup and how John was looking at him with admiration, love and most of all, trust. Sherlock's own pale blue eyes softened at the sight, "John, you're truly fascinating."
Author's Notes: I've been overwhelmed by the cute that is octojohn. I fucking love the Sherlock AUs, but this one is cute as fuck. Review if you want.