I'm back and I am better then ever baby! Thank you to those who sent me get well cards! e- cookie (::)! :)

Third person POV

What none of the kids even Harry Potter notice was 3 things. One sir Neville Longbottom was actually very much more confident when he got his bow and arrow. Secound was why miss 'Loony' Luna Lovegood has a whip which WASN'T part of the list of weapons they could have. Lastly sir Draco Abraxus Malfoy hasn't bullied even 1 person in the school year since the demigods came. Hmm maybe the school population is missing something?

Leo's POV

After our class which by the way was interesting, apparently Dolhov has a death wish because challenging 8 demigods 4 are the big three kids and 2 have a very short temper *cough Alex cough Thalia cough*. But the way Alex stood up to him made 2 prominent emotions stand out, wanting to murder Dolhov and to kiss Alex. But I went with the latter since it causes more joy then the former, though there would be even MORE joy if I didn't know that Percy might murder ME!

We changed back into our clothes and went to Defense Against the Dark Arts or as I heard a lot of people say D.A.D.A , I would say that be it sounds so wrong ' we're going to DADA' or even better 'I hate/love DADA' just... no! I noticed one thing no monsters ever attack Luna, Neville, or Draco in this school, I should totally figure out how!

All of us entered the class and we looked bad ass! We sat in the usual groups. As we where waiting for the teacher I heard Thals and Nicky arguing who's dads power is better, again *sigh*, Annabeth and Percy where arguing what lesson plan to do next time. The Stolls a prank. Alex was biting her lip and I just couldn't resist I kissed her, good thing our desk is in the back right corner. Just as it was getting good I heard this obnoxious 'hmm mph', GODS! I turned around and saw a huge pink toad and to tell you the truth I yelled, well what would you do if you saw a huge pink thing in your face.

" Mr. Valdez detention at 8 o clock you too Ms. Jackson." said the pink toad- sorry UMBRIDGE! More like Umbitch! Alex must also think so because she muttered Umbitch under her breath.

"Welcome my name is Dolores Umbridge. Put away your wands we won't be using them, get your books out. Nothing practical will be done in my class."

" If nothing practical is done how will that prepare us for whatever is out there like Voldemort?" exclaimed Potter and everyone gasped when he said Voldemort.

'There is nothing out there, He who must not be named died a long time ago. No one is going to attack children.' Umbitch said in a voice that made me want to throw my hammer at her head.

"Professor we are demigods, right"


"So now you want to say nothing will attack kids our age when we already fought 2 wars, Tartarus and monsters in our short lives. If we learned at least one thing is that anything can attack you and you have to be ready. From the stories I heard and personal experience I HIGHLY doubt that just because we are under age they will spare us. " argued Thalia.

"1 more interruption and you shall be joining and in detention."

All I could say that the rest if the class went like the start, with us wanting to murder Umbitch! GRRRRRRRR! That fucking bitch just went on and on that if we read we will have enough experience. My ASS!

At around 8 me and Alex- sorry Alex and I went to the bitches class for I got inside the sight inside made me sick and it is not that I grew up as a very shielded childhood. (Warning the more sensitive listeners to my thoughts there is going to be a lot of swearing. Thank you for your co-operation). Am I going insane?I'm talking to myself, better not let Annabeth know... Now the rant.

The bitches class room is painted fucking pink. Not just any shade but shitting hot fucking pink! Also it doesn't end there the walls are covered in guess what? Fucking ,crapping cats that keep on fucking meowing! How old is she fucking 5! Actually pardon me the 5 year old daughter of Aphrodite Crystal is better at interior design then this fucking toad/bitch/human crossover!

"Hmm, today you will be writing lines for me, please sit." O...kay. Lines that works.

As Alex and I started to get our quills out Umbitch turns around and smiles at us with that ' I am a pedophile, now come to me child' smile.

"Oh dear child you shall not be needing those, you shall be using my own quills. I want you to write 'I shall not show PDA'" Alex and I look around and notice that there are no ink wells to be seen.

"Excuse me madame but there are no ink wells, how are we supposed to write?" Alex asked sweetly (read annoyed).

'Dear me you wont be needing them. Now start writing!" What the FUCK! What does she mean we wont need ink! These aren't even pens! Alex and I exchange a look she shrugs and begins writhing. As I look over at her paper I notice her trying to make a mark on the paper and nothing is happining. When I try I feel a searing pain in my left hand and I see the words' I shall not show PDA' etched on my hand. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK! THESE AREN'T PENS THEY ARE TORTURING DEVICES TO MAKE YOU WRITE IN YOUR OWN BLOOD! THE ONLY REASON THAT ALEX IS FINE IS BECAUSE OF THE ACHILLES CURSE!

"Sorry to be a bother madame but there are no marks on the paper when I am trying to write." Alex says with her' I am innocent " look which doesn't work on those who seen this girl kill and maim and defeat so many things. With that the bitch picks up her quill and makes a mark on her page and her hand has a cut on it. When Alex trys again, nothing.

"Madame you just made your self some very powerful enemies, and I don't mean us. You just tryed to torture the children of the gods. I would suggest being more careful" and with one final 'I will kill you later' glare Alex and I walk out of the room.

Mwahahahaha! I will leave it at that and more apologies for the long update time and that screw up where I updated the chapter for my other story on this one!