Sorry for the wait guys! I really have been busy; as an upcoming junior I think you'll understand... plus there was writer's block. Luckily I finally found my way out of it last night so here's this now complete chapter. Enjoy!

As Kyre could no longer return to the closet room he had lived in before (and no longer wanted to) he proceeded to follow Ally and Starling to their servants' quarters. He slept opposite them and was startled by strange dreams.

In his dream he saw something that confused him: a tan owl. This owl not only lacked the blue feathers so distinctive to Kyre's home, but lived in a tree as Kyre could now see. This tree was exceptionally large with many entry holes that glowed with firelight.

The tan owl was near the top of this tree, peeking out of his own porthole. This owl was much older than Kyre but was smaller than him. He seemed lost in thought staring at the stars above. Kyre could sympathize: these stars looked completely different then the ones he'd seen above his own sky, and they truly were beautiful.

Another owl came out of a port in the tree. She wasn't blue either but she looked different from the tan owl; she was a darker brown with white spots.

"Soren," The new owl said, "what's wrong? You've been acting odd all week. You say it's nothing but I'm done pretending; no one else is here, just tell me."

The owl named Soren sighed.

"Alright," he conceded, "it's just that I haven't had a dream in weeks. I feel like I'm losing my starsight. And I can almost feel that something important is happening. I have no idea what it is and I can't see it with my starsight! I feel like I'm going cray, Otollisa."

"Hmm..." Otollisa thought. "You could send out some slipgizzles into the kingdom, find out what's happening in the forests."

"No, I don't want anyone to suspect something and cause a panic; this could all be nothing. It's only been two years since Nyra's plot and- Coryn's death." He said this last part softly.

"I know Soren. Everyone was devastated by his death. But there is no reason to worry. Coryn died to save the rest of us. He led us to victory at the Battle of the Beyond. There are no more Hagsfiends, no Nyra, no Striga, nothing. It's all over. Your vision will come back just give it time." Otollisa comforted Soren.

"But what about y feeling? That something important is happening?" Soren asked doubtfully.

"Not all important tings are evil. It could be a turn for the better this time. Get some rest, Soren, the sun is rising." Otollisa suggested.


Kyre woke up slowly. His dream left him groggy and confused by all its strange parts. Kyre opened his eyes to see Ally and Starling hovering over him worriedly.

"Good to see you awake." Starling said.

"We thought you'd sleep forever!"Ally finished.

"Mmm... I was having the strangest dream..." Kyre murmured.

"What was it?" Starling asked.

"I can't really remember..." Kyre replied. His dream was fading like fog even as he tried to remember it.

"Well, it's good to see you awake anyway. We're almost late for our shift!" Ally chirped.

"Yes, we should get going." Starling added.

"What'll I do? I'm not a servant here. And what if my- mother... saw me?" Kyre asked uncertainly.

The two sisters looked at each other. They weren't sure what to do either.

Kyre caught this look of uncertainty and remembered how much he had trusted his mother before she had revealed her true purpose for raising him and how he'd believed that she had loved him. Had he misplaced his trust in Ally and Starling too?

"You'll... still teach me, right?" He asked fearfully.

Whatever uncertainty had shown on their faces was now replaced with determination.

"Of course. It's just that this is new for us too- all of us." Ally started.

"I have an idea!" Starling nearly shouted. "we can ask for different shifts so that when I'm out there Ally can teach you here and vice verse. We'll take turn and be able to do our work." She continued as she calmed down.

"That could work."Ally agreed, warming up to the idea.

Kyre smiled. How could he have doubted these two? They were the first honest and kind owls he had met- and admittedly the only owls he had met- but that only made him treasure them all the more.

"Alright," Starling prompted. "We should go talk to our boss, one of us will be back as soon as possible."

"OK!" Kyre replied, hopping with excitement.

Soon Ally returned, smiling at him. "Let's get started."

Two weeks passed where Kyre learned names, shapes, places, basic workings of the world, and most importantly the legends. The sisters taught him how to count his feathers and to read and write. They started him on branching practices, which they insisted were important for his flight lessons. And through all their practices and time together they came to know each other better.

The three became real friends.

After this time Kyre's wings were finally strong enough to start real flying lessons.

"Are you excited Kyre?" Starling was his teacher today.

"Oh, YES!" Kyre pumped loudly.

"Alright, calm down." Starling laughed. "Can you tell me when to jump from the cliff?"

"When the wind is high, so that it'll help lift me." Kyre replied, proud of his new-found knowledge.

"Good. Then what will yo do once you're in the air?" She asked.

"I'll start flapping to get higher and then bank to turn towards he tree so I can land in it." Kyre replied quickly.

"Awesome. Then you'll come back and practice a quick drop landing on the cliff." Starling instructed.

"OK, here I go!" Kyre yelled happily. And with that he swiftly jumped off the cliff and caught the wind's updraft. He could instantly sense the difference between this flight and his first. He had much more control and strength; and, honestly, he knew what he was doing and what was was going on now.

Kyre seemed to have finally finished growing by now. He absolutely dwarfed his small friends and knew he was quite a bit taller than any other owl. He'd have four inches over even the largest Great Grey. He stretched his large wingspan as he banked into a turn. He dropped his talons and landed easily in the tree. Again, a much better landing than his first.

Kyre waved back to Starling in complete joy at having achieved his goal, and actually flown.

Starling smiled back, though she looked about to cry. He's come so far from that lost little chick we found, she thought. He's grown so much, learned so much, become quite handsome – but only as a brother.

Kyre returned then to find her tears and immediately came to her.

"Are you OK, Starling?" He asked.

"Yes. I just... I'm so proud of you." Kyre blushed. His mother would never had said that... Kyre mentally face-palmed; he couldn't think like that. His mother didn't care about him so he shouldn't let thoughts of making her proud follow him. But he was still hurt by her betrayal, and he always would be a little hurt.

"Thanks, Starling..." Kyre said softly, almost wanting to cry tears of joy as well.

"Come on we should get some sleep."

The two friends walked back to their room happily, chattering about small things.

What Kyre didn't know was that Bethset was thinking of him too.

Bethset had become increasingly upset about this whole affair. She just couldn't understand why Kyre hadn't listened to her why he hadn't wanted to serve her. She was a Dragon Owl she deserved to get everything she wanted and she wanted a worthy servant which could only be her son. And then she had found his talent: a perfect way to serve her, to get her the royal throne. Why had he cared more about something as trivial as... love? While he was her blood he was only a servant.

She became angry; angrier and angrier which each passing thought. She would get what she wanted. What she deserved.

And once she came to that conclusion she made a decision.