A/N: Hey everyone, this is gonna be a long author's note so, uh, prepare, I guess.

So I got a bunch of constructive criticism which I only read shortly after posting the last chapter, so I don't know if the reviews were posted after chapter nine or before, but whatever, all I can say is thank you! I am always up to people giving me advice or calling me out on any mistakes because that's the only way I can improve so please do not hesitate on giving me criticism, as long as you're nice about it! I was happy to find no one bashed me, at least.

Now, I've got a few questions to answer here, not really questions, but maybe just loose ends I would like to tie up. First; ooc characters. Someone said Connie can go a little ooc, Jean even went a little ooc... you see, this fanfiction is more on the satire side, it's categorised under comedy. I really don't expect any of you to take this fanfiction too seriously, I just really want to write this for fun! Also, I don't know about you guys but I kind of want them to be a little ooc. You might think they are a little ooc because they're different from what they actually are in the anime/manga but these, I exaggerate, are training days, which lasts for three years. I wanted to portray the characters in a way that they're still a little naive and I'm making room for character development! This counts for the main characters and Angela! (Which, by the way, this is the chapter where you see Angela's character begin to develop) I'll try my absolute best to make everyone very in character after the graduation ceremony. So please don't think I'm not going anywhere with this fanfiction; I have almost everything planned out, specifically character development because damn do I loooove character development.

Second; I've been told Angela's character is a little unrealistic. Now that may be your opinion, but in my opinion I actually don't think she is, she really is just a huge fan of SNK who's actually all right with being thrown into this world because she still is naive and so on; again, all for the sake of character development. I wanted her to be like "Yeah I can do this" at the start and then "Wait no I made a mistake" towards the end, and yes that was all planned! Trust me, I did not want Angela to be like this the whole time, it would get boring. Somebody also asked, referring to chapter 4 where they practised fighting, if Angela already knew martial arts because she was a decent fighter. Two things I have to say to that; they would have been told what to do before entering the field because it is training and second, I did mention that she thought she looked and felt a little different ever since entering the "anime" world. She is more fit. That was to poke a little fun at the cliché element of anime; everyone is fit (with few exceptions, of course, but I think you guys would get the drift. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, just something you would find in almost every anime. Nobody seems to be out of shape! Again, guys, this fanfic is a bit satire).

So that's basically what I have to say. In a nutshell; it's a satire fanfiction, solely for comedy (though there will be some serious stuff) so I don't expect anybody to take this too seriously. Characters are ooc because they just started training. Angela needs a lot of character development. I hope this explains a lot. I do have people telling me to write more descriptively which I have no excuse for, I do agree. My only explanation is because I guess I hardly have any time to practise writing, but again that's not an excuse I expect anybody to take, just an explanation. I do try my best to write descriptively, and from now on, I'll try even harder.

Thank you guys for sticking with me this whole time and for helping me with your polite reviews. Again, please do not hesitate to give any constructive criticism. I really don't mind and if I do have any problems with whatever you say, I'll PM you and see if we can sort anything out. Now, you may proceed with reading this new dramatic chapter.

I couldn't sleep that night. I felt like I was being cooked under the blanket the whole time. The unbearable heat was caused by the constant friction between my body and the fabric that surrounded me, due to all my tossing and turning.

Time was ticking by so slowly and my eyelids ached due to all the forced closing, praying that sleep would suddenly come by, however it never did. I didn't know how long I was up; there was no sun to shine on the sundial and there were no clocks in the dorm. It was frustrating, so frustrating I began sobbing under my breath, even though no tears came out. It helped, though. Some sound comforted me throughout the deafening silence, even if that sound was coming from me.

This is it, it was happening. I was bending the plot. Oh God, why did I have to befriend the main characters?! If I stayed in the background, none of this would have happened!

I began pulling at my hair. I just noticed how drenched I was in my own sweat, so I kicked off the burning, white blanket.

I want to go home. Oh my God do I want to go home! How have I been so stupid, thinking that going into this fucking world would be all fun and games?! I've seen sides of each character that we haven't seen before; wasn't that a sign that this would all lead to chaos?! What did I do to deserve this, why am I even here?! This is far too long for a fucking dream! What happened at Kim's house that sent me here?

The tears finally started rolling down my face, towards my right ear. I was on my side, of course, which was why gravity decided to give me more discomfort by wetting my ear. However, I tried my best to keep quiet. I didn't want to wake anybody up, I know I'd be asked why I was crying. I can't tell them any of this. I'd probably be sent to a mental hospital or something. However, a few loud gasps did slip out a few times.

"I wanna go home," I whispered, "I miss mom. I miss dad. I miss Kim. I miss just watching anime and not being in it."

And then I fell asleep. Crying tired me out and suddenly, I was hearing familiar voices. They weren't in Japanese, anymore, however. They were in English. I couldn't open my eyes, no matter how hard I tried. It was like I no longer had control over my body, yet I could still hear things. It all sounded so faint, so distant, as if I was underwater and people were talking from above. People were talking, yet nothing was audible, though I could still tell it was all in English. Soon my hearing become slightly clearer and I could pick up a few words, along with some very, very distant background noise. I think I could hear some beeping.

"She... No... Maybe..." Dad?

"How... Kim... Family..." Mom?

"Sorry... Soon... Weeks," Now that was a voice I never heard before.

Suddenly, sounds were fading away. The sounds grew more distant each second, as if I was running away from people talking, towards a quiet area. Not peaceful, just quiet. Eerily quiet, even.

"No!" I tried to say, "Mom! Dad!"

The words would not come out. I really had no control over my body, I didn't even feel like me anymore. The words only rang throughout my head, not my mouth, and I felt like I was stuck inside a void, no longer a body. Just a soul wandering around helplessly.

What kind of nightmare is this?!


The void was shrinking, as if I was being sucked back into my body. I snapped upwards, but then hit my head against the bunk.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed.

"Ouch," it was Paulina, "anyway, it's time to get up, quickly now, everyone else has left for breakfast."

"Paulina..." was the only thing I said whilst rubbing my sore forehead. With my free hand I patted my eye, which were a little swollen. I tried blinking, and it felt very puffy.

"Are you upset over Connie?" she asked.

I opened my eyes as wide as I could and saw she'd put the divider down and it was as bright as ever. I blinked about a hundred times, shocked by the new light. I even sneezed, and damn did that sneeze feel good.

"Oh, bless you," she chuckled.

"Thank you," I said, "Well... I just felt like it was my fault that he ended up like that, you know?"

"No, it wasn't your fault," Paulina helped me out of bed, "if anything, it was that damn Fitzgerald's fault. Commander Kirk told us to stay trotting, or walking."

I only sighed and tied my hair into a ponytail. When I looked into the mirror, I saw that I had morning dust at the corners of my eyes, and I lot of it. Drool dried up from the right corner of my mouth to my chin and my hair, even when in a ponytail, was a mess. My eyes were very shiny and my small nose was pink. I sighed again.

"Listen, Angela," Paulina began, "people are meant to die in training. It a cruel thing to think about; dying during something that's meant to teach you how not to die. But it's true, indeed, and maybe Connie was one of the unlucky ones to have that horrible fate. He was the first one to die, I think, but certainly won't be the last."

I swallowed hard, trying not to cry again. Who's next, huh? Connie's dead! Who else am I going to kill, next time? But I swear to God if I end up killing one of the Zhiganshina trio, I will have to kill myself. I cannot make that big of an impact here, that's just. I can't.

"Let's go," I said, after taking a few breaths.

I hung my head on the way to the canteen, expecting that it would be quieter than it usually is.

But it wasn't.

People were laughing, smiling, chatting with glee and some even proposing toasts at their own tables. It was actually livelier than usual, let alone on a training day.

My chest ached. How could people be like this when a friend of ours was gone? Then I looked over to the table I often sat in. In between Sasha and Jean was... Connie. His head was bandaged and beside him stood two wooden crutches. Even though I couldn't see it, I was sure he had a cast on his left leg

"Connie?!" I asked, the ache in my chest became a warm feeling.

"Oh my gosh, he's alive?" Paulina asked nobody in particular.

We quickly made our way towards them and I called Connie once more. He looked at me and smiled as if nothing had ever happened to him. I smiled back, joyful to know that no one had died because of me.

Once I reached the table, I bent down to hug him tightly.

"Thank goodness you're alive!" I laughed.

He patted my back as we broke apart so I could sit down.

"What happened, though?" I asked, "Commander Kirk said he lost your pulse."

"Defibrillator," Connie said, "I think that's how you say it. Shocked me back to life, but it hurt like hell once I woke up."

Defibrillators, huh? Gee, I can't believe they've actually invented them already at these years. But then again, maybe that's how far us humans can go when we are enclosed within walls, desperately hanging onto our dear lives while there are giant, genital-less monsters attempting to devour us.

"And Andrew?" I asked again, this time to the whole group which included Sasha, Jean, Marco, Paulina, Ymir and Christa. "What happened to him? I mean, he was the one who started the whole thing."

No, I started the whole thing.

I winced slightly, but no one seemed to notice. I tried to push the thought away but couldn't help but think that it was true.

"Suspended for two weeks," Ymir explained, "Sent to the fields to harvest crops as a punishment."

"Oh," I said, "Hey Connie, not trying to say I'm not glad to see you or anything but, shouldn't you be resting at the clinic?"

"I was allowed to come here for breakfast," he said, "but of course I can't do any physical training until my leg heals."

"So you're gonna be around for Strats?" Sasha asked.

Strats were Strategy Courses.

"Yep," Connie nodded, "I've a nurse to help me walk around outside the clinic," he gestured towards a woman dressed in the nurse uniform at the corner, eating a bowl of cereal. She was quite small and her brown hair was in a bun. She didn't look mean or anything. Her eyes were big and brown and her facial featured were quite gentle.

The subject changed and things were actually back to normal, unlike last night. For dinner, people were quieter and the only communications made were, "Hey can you pass me the salt?" or "Excuse me," or "Thanks," or even "Okay." It was really quite depressing. I can only imagine what it would be like once someone actually dies.

I looked at everyone else, spotting Eren, Armin and Mikasa at one table, along with Reiner and Bertholdt. I spotted Annie, Mina, Thomas... I smiled, but once I looked back at Connie, my smile faded. I remembered my dramatic epiphany last night. Or this morning? It was too long to differentiate. I don't know how long I'd be staying here, but all I know is that I should stay away from the main characters as much as possible to prevent the plot from bending.

But then again.

What if I'm really stuck here? The plot has been tampered with quite enough. What if I've made such a mark that I am literally a part of Shingeki No Kyojin? I, Angela White, now a character in Shingeki No Kyojin. The worst part is that everyone here has normal colored hair, so there's no telling in who's the main character or not.

All I really know is; I really miss my world.