Three Little Words

The Alpha Shift had just ended and Janeway was headed for her quarters. When she entered she heard pots and pans rattling in her kitchen. She rounded the corner to find Chakotay.

Janeway- Chakotay! What are you doing here?

Chakotay- What does it look like? It is my night to cook.

Janeway- Oh, I forgot. I'll go set the table.

Chakotay- Already done, sit down and relax.

Janeway- You don't have to tell me twice

Janeway- That was wonderful! I wish you could be here to cook all the time.

Chakotay- I'd like that Kathryn.

After a moment of silence, Kathryn looks down at her plate and pushes the leftover food around with her fork.

Chakotay- Ever since we returned from New Earth it hasn't been the same. What happened?

Janeway- I'm the captain of a starship, Starfleet regulations won't.

Chakotay- (cutting her off) To hell with regulation, I love you.

Janeway- Chakotay!

Chakotay- Don't act so surprised Kathryn!

Janeway- I'm not surprised, I'm just.

Chakotay- You're what astonished! (He stands and begins to walk away from the table with his back to her) Amazed, Embarrassed, Dumbfounded?

Janeway- No, I'm relieved. (She stands) All this time I wanted to tell you how I felt but I couldn't. I didn't want you to stop loving me because we were back on Voyager. Chakotay, (He approaches) all this time (He places his hands on her upper arms) all this time I, (He pulls her close)(In a trembling soft tone) I love you (he kisses her softly on the mouth)

Tuvok- Tuvok to Captain Janeway.

A very much asleep Janeway reaches for her comm. Badge and taps it.

Janeway- Janeway here

Tuvok- You are late for duty Captain, Is everything alright.

Janeway- Everything's fine, I'm on my way, Janeway out.

As she rolled over to get out of bed a warm, soft hand slid across her waist and pulled her in a second onto a warm bare chest.

Chakotay- What is it Kathryn?

Janeway- We're late for duty.

Chakotay- (In a disappointed tone) Oh.

Janeway- Let's go, we don't want the crew to suspect anything.

Chakotay- All right, but only if that's an order, Captain!

Janeway- (Turns over and taps his chest looking into his eyes, smiling) Oh, that's an order all right, Commander!

Chakotay- (Pulling her onto his chest) They can wait another five minutes.