A/N- Like always here is a little set-up before the story begins. Most of the main characters are 23 years old and when new ones show up I'll say how old they are. There will be some harsh language here and there too. Oh, and I'm in the process of moving so if I miss an update, which is usually every Wednesday, that will be the reason. I know this is a bit different than what I usually write, but I hope you will all enjoy it anyway.

You're My Absolution Chapter 1

Silver POV

Boy, this is the life, sitting on the couch watching TV and eating cold pizza after a hard day's work. Too bad it's Friday and I don't have a date. Maybe when my roommate Sonic gets back we can hit the bar and get lucky. I've been on a cold streak lately and I'd like to at least meet a girl tonight. Oh hey, speaking of the blue devil, the door is being knocked on.

"Silver, open the door, I forgot my keys." Sonic is a nice guy, he's just kinda forgetful and unmotivated sometimes.

"Sure." I said getting up and opening the door. "You know, you wouldn't forget your keys if you had a car."

"Why have a car when I can run ten times faster than one?" Sonic asked being a smart-alek. Then I noticed that his hands were empty.

"Uh Sonic, you forget to do something? Again?"

"Oh, was I supposed to go to the store after work?" I nodded. "Well about that, you see I ran into Sally and you know how that goes." Sally Acorn was Sonic's on again, off again girlfriend and right now they were in an off again phase. I think he should just let her go and find someone else, but that's just me.

"Yeah, I know. Why don't you just avoid her or start dating someone else?"

"I'm trying man, really! It's like my life goes out of it's way to make us meet each other."

"Well, I'm going to the store. When I get back we'll head to the bar okay?"

"Yeah, maybe that will do me some good." So I grabbed my jacket since it was a bit chilly and left. The store was only a few blocks away so I decided to walk there. We only needed a few things, but I did run into someone I knew in there.

"Hey Amy, how's it going?"

"Huh? Oh hi Silver, I'm doing pretty good, just getting a few things for a party next week. You think you and Sonic can make it?"

"I'll check my schedule and ask Sonic if he can come."

"Good. How is Sonic anyway?" Amy has had a crush on Sonic since high school but he's never tried getting close to her for some reason or another.

"Same as usual, he can't stop running into Sally and then he gets all mopey about it. Sometimes I feel like slapping him and telling him to just ask you out, but that wouldn't help anything would it?"

"No I don't think so, but it's nice knowing you want him to ask me out."

"Well, I think you would make him happy you know? And sorry to talk and run, but me and Sonic need to be somewhere soon. See you later Amy."

"Yeah, see you." After that I got a few more things and left the store. But as I was walking home I heard something down one of the alleys.

"Give me the money bitch!" Then I heard the ripping of clothes and a scream. I made a snap decision and ran down the alley hoping it was something I could stop.

Blaze POV

I've always been good at running away from my problems. Case in point my current situation. I was running as fast as I could from this huge dog who was kinda mad at me. I won't go into details, but let's just say I'm homeless and owe the guy's boss some money.

"You can run all you want, but I'm going to get that money one way or another!" He yelled getting closer. Usually it would be no problem for me to outrun him but I haven't eaten in two days.

"I said I would have it tomorrow!" I lied. Another day could get me out of town, but he didn't buy it.

"Well, that's just too bad, the boss said either get the money today or kill ya'. Looks like you're out of your nine lives kitty." I hate those kind of jokes. Anyway I ran down an alley and thought I had lost him, but it was a dead end.

"Damn it!" I said quietly as I turned around. The dog was slowly walking towards me.

"Looks like you're out of luck too." I had one last chance. I was tired as hell and didn't know if I could do it but my hands started to heat up. "Mm, maybe I could have a little fun with ya' before I off ya'." The dog said grabbing at my shirt. I took that chance to put my hands on his face and light them up. Too bad it didn't do much. He dropped me to the ground but wasn't phased. "You're going to give me the money bitch!" He yelled ripping my shirt off. I caught a glance down the alley and saw someone so I yelled out in hopes they would hear me. Meanwhile the dog was getting closer and closer to my face. So, I raked my claws across his face. He stepped back and pulled out a gun. "That's it, you're just too much trouble to deal with alive." I closed my eyes and braced for the bullet, but when it fired I didn't feel a thing. I opened my eyes and saw it floating in a light blue aura an inch from my forehead. Then I heard someone else yell.

"Hey tough guy!" The dog turned around and a booted foot connected with his face. "Why don't you fight with someone who can fight back!" Said a white hedgehog. He looked familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on who he was.

"Oh, you think you're going to be a hero, huh?" The dog said pointing the gun at him and firing. But again the bullets stopped in mid-air. "What the hell are you?!" The dog asked dropping th gun in fear.

"I'm just a guy who was passing by, too bad for you I can do this to you." The hedgehog lifted him up into the air and started to slam him against the walls of the alley until he passed out. And let me tell you, it was kinda turning me on. Anyway, the hedgehog walked up to me and helped me up. He saw that I didn't have a shirt on and took off his jacket and gave it to me.

"Thank you." I said quietly.

"No problem Blaze." Wait, this guy knew my name? I looked at him closely one more time and it dawned on me.

"Silver? Is that you?"

"Yeah Blaze, it's me. What happened?"

"I was just minding my own business and that guy tried to mug me." I lied.

"Well, I'm just glad I heard you yelling. Man, I haven't seen you in years. You want to get some hot chocolate and catch up?" My mind told me to say no, but my stomach overruled it.

"I would love too, but I really don't have any money on me."

"Oh, that's fine. I can pay for it." Silver said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's nothing. In fact I know this great little coffee shop across the street."

"Okay, if you insist." Maybe I can get some money off of him if I play my cards right.