Well, here it is. The birth of the babies. I have….written this chapter twice. I have made little changes here and there. I made big changes here and there. I finally got to a version I'm happy with, and it took quite a bit. It's all downhill from here. I expect two, maybe three more chapters at most. I'm sad, because I'm been working on this story for many years. But it will be good to finish it. :)

Chapter 64 - Into the Unknown

Galadriel hummed to herself as she glided gracefully through the hallways of the palace and into the halls of healing. She walked through the hallway with purpose. Every day she had visited Makalaurë, speaking with him in gentle tones and bringing him treats.

She did not dare delve into his mind. It was in chaos, and simply trying to get a surface reading had made her reel with a headache. He was permanently damaged, there was no mistaking it. This was not an injury that could be recovered from. He'd had his senses quite literally knocked from him, and the only way he would ever have any sort of physical recovery was if he cast his soul from his body and was reborn in Valinor.

Today he was sitting in the garden under the watchful eye of a warden of the hall. Makalaurë was sitting on the low branches of a short tree, swinging his long legs and watching the loose edges of his pant legs flap against his ankles. His feet were bare, and a pair of leather slippers were abandoned at the base of the tree.

"Look here, Maka. Your favorite visitor is here," said the warden. Maka looked up at his nickname, smiling at her as she approached. She stepped to the branch he was sitting, reaching forward slowly and carefully putting her hand on his head, tilting him towards her so that she could give him a gentle kiss on the top of his head.

The greyish pallor of his skin had improved since he had been brought to this healing hall. He was brought outside regularly and saw the warm rays of the sun. He was given nutrient rich broths and soups to retrain his stomach to accept food after such a prolonged starvation period.

"I have brought you a gift," Galadriel said to him. He perked up, child-like in his curiosity. She reached into the basket that was at her side, withdrawing a parcel wrapped in a cloth. He opened the cloth to reveal two muffins, still warm, dotted with bits of blueberry. He proceeded to shovel them into his mouth as if she were going to take them if he didn't hurry. He was improving quickly at chewing his food. She expected with the proper nutrition and his body being able to come out of starvation mode, he might actually start regrowing his teeth. It would take a few years, but to an elf it was but a blink.

The muffins were gone in a few moments and he looked at her, almost expectantly. She leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "If you eat too many you will have a stomach ache," she said. He drooped a little but began to swing his legs on the branch again. "How was your day?"

"Ate porridge and milk. Had to take a bath. No one sported me. I got new clothes," he spoke. Galadriel felt her heart break at the confusion in his voice when he mentioned he was not molested in his bath. The casual acceptance of such soul-decimating acts was not normal. His guilt and shame had broken him far faster than the physical abuse had, and it was unfortunate that he really no longer had the mental capacity to understand his previous sins, for without that he could not ever forgive himself.

She needed to figure out what to do with him. If she could not figure out something to do with him, then Elrond would. Perhaps they could find a younger elf as a caretaker for him, one who was not so connected with the history of the kinslayings. It was doubly unfortunate that there was no iron proof that he had or had not actually slain another elf. He had witnessed it, no doubt. He had not intervened, also no doubt. But if he had actually put steel to another elf there was no actual evidence, so he could not be found innocent or guilty. There was only angry, murky suspicion.

If Elrond took him he would likely try and come up with a similar setup that she had, pairing him with someone who had not lived those unfortunate days. Even still, it would still be better for him if they could get him on a boat.

She sat on the branch next to Makalaurë, setting aside her basket. He kept swinging his feet, swaying side to side every so often. She began to hum softly, a childhood song with silly words that she hadn't thought about in many millenia. For a moment he continued his swaying, before he suddenly went still, looking down at the grass.

"Butterfly kisses and honeybee songs, the bear in the blackberry bramble is calling. Sticky paws, tricky paws, all the day long, the leaves in the forest are falling,"

His voice was rough and mostly an intonation of the song, and for several long moments Galadriel was quiet, simply listening to the sound of his voice. When he finished his shoulders bowed suddenly, his hands coming to his face and a sob wrenching itself from his mouth.

"I dream red," he sobbed, scrubbing at his eyes. "I hear screams. Sometimes others scream…sometimes I scream. See red hair," he would not look at her.

"Your father had red hair, as did several of your brothers," Galadriel said mildly.

"Father….stern…" Maglor murmured. Galadriel did not reply. Saying that Fëanor was stern was like saying the ocean was water. "Brothers…do not…remember…Sometimes I see…faces…cannot remember names…I am…broken…"

"You have been mistreated and abused. No amount of words can undo what has been done to you. You need healing that none here in Arda can provide. Will you not sail, cousin?" she asked. He did not speak for several minutes, instead sobbing into his hands. The healer in charge of watching him did not interfere.

"Sail…" he finally said. "Sail…Amman…home…" he mumbled, sniffling slightly.

"Yes, home. You could find true healing and rest," Galadriel said softly. Makalaurë looked at her.

"I sail…with Elerrondo," he said. Galadriel could not help but feel some amount of defeat at the words.

"It may be some time before that happens," Galadriel replied. It depended on a few things that were already underway… "And if you stay with Elerrondo, you will be in contact with his wife. His wife is an orc," Galadriel said. A full-body shudder went through the elf.

"He say…she good. I doubt…but I have been wrong before…" he said softly.

"She is good. She is kind, and gentle. She has suffered pain in her life and it has not hardened her heart to the suffering of others. She has saved the lives of men and women, of dwarves, and even elves. If Elerrondo says she is good, then it is so," Galadriel said. Maglor wiped the tears from his face.

"Maybe I…meet her…He say she sings beautifully. I have heard orc song before, and it was never beautiful,"he said.

Galadriel looked ahead, her eyes catching the light of the afternoon sun in such a way that it appeared to make them glow.

"She has a pleasant voice. I certainly hope you are able to meet her,"

It had been several hours, waiting for contractions to start. She had packed knitting and sewing supplies in her back, and was nervously knitting away. Elrond had brought a book with him and had taken a seat near her bed, close enough that she could touch him if she wanted to. A glass of water sat on a little nightstand by her bed, filled with water in case she was thirsty. She did not much want to partake, because she didn't want to have to use the bedpan.

"Did Oropher and Gil-Galad bring Mîrlen? I know he was probably nervous when he woke up," Cerena asked over the clicking of her knitting needles.

"He and the others have taken over the common area, much to the dismay of the matron of the hall," Elrond said, the corner of his mouth twitching. She had fairly raged at so many elf-men in her hall. But Glorfindel had calmly pointed out that there were no other women delivering at this time. If someone came in while Cerena was still there they would happily vacate, but until that happened, they were staying where they were.

"The boys went to go inform Arwen that the girls will be here, soon," Elrond said. Cerena nodded.

"Good. I'd love to see her, after…if…" she trailed off. If I'm still here.

"Everything is fine so far, love. Just breathe," Elrond said. Cerena took a deep breath, and gasped.


Elrond looked over as she pulled a face. It lasted around a minute before she relaxed a little.

"That was much worse than the cramps I've been having. I think that was a contraction," Cerena said.

"They will come closer together and be stronger," Elrond said. Cerena appreciated his presence, soothing and steady, explaining what was going on for her.

Ro had come in just as Cerena relaxed back against her pillow.

"I think I just had a contraction," Cerena said. Ro nodded.

"Good, I'll make a note of it and we can monitor how close they are," Ro said, stepping beside Cerena to also measure her heart rate. She touched Cerena's wrist and laid her hand over Cerena's chest as well.

"Your heart's beating fast, but it's likely nervousness and the like," Ro said. "It's not concerning as of yet,"

Cerena swallowed, trying not to feel too frightened. She had the strange feeling like she had tripped and was not sure if she was going to be able to catch herself, yet it persisted.

Mîrlen sat in the corner, meditating quietly as they all waited. Elladan and Elrohir had produced a deck of cards and were playing silently on the floor. Glorfindel had returned back to the house to wait, not wanting to be in such close quarters with all of them. Oropher and Gil-Galad had both gone to walk Lily and let the poor wolf know what was happening with her had taken turns walking her out of the city and running her so that she didn't get sick from lack of movement. They also brushed her and cleaned her stall, and made sure she was being fed regularly. Cerena had not been able to walk down to the stable she was kept in for a few weeks, and Lily, despite being understanding, missed her rider.

Selling his bracelets and small medallions had given him the ability to buy a few things from the market. He had made two small leather bracelets for the babies, setting one with a braided ribbon flower of blue, and the other of lavender.

He reached into his pocket and withdrew his most extravagant purchase. The brilliant white spinel stone had cost him a few pretty gold. He had originally wanted diamond, but it was so much more expensive for its size. The gem itself hadn't been much the desire so much as its clarity. This spinel practically hummed with positive energy for those who could feel it. The jeweler who had gotten a hold of it had made it a cabochon, faceted on one side and flat on the other. This was fine, as the resulting polished gem was clear of blemishes and highly reflective.

It was a last resort, and he hoped he didn't have to try and tap into his powers for Cerena. He'd been meditating to try and achieve some sort of power recently, but had achieved little success. He had tapped into some of his fire, and could light a candle by touching the wick, but trying anything stronger than that made his nose bleed and his head hurt. He was hoping that a gemstone as a focus would make it easier to draw on a larger amount of power.

He covered the stone with his other hand, closing his eyes to reflect again.

Cerena cried out as the contraction hit.

"Come now! Such unnecessary wailing," the matron of the hall tutted. Cerena bit down on the noise as Ro rounded on the woman.

"Have you had children?" she asked. The woman puffed up.

"I have had two sons, and I delivered them both with dignity," she replied.

"Fucking good for you. This is a battle. There's blood and agony, and if she wants to scream until the fucking walls fall over, then she can. If you don't like it, then go drop yourself off of the spire of the seventh level," Ro snarled.

Cerena released her death grip on Elrond's hand. He reached over and carefully mopped the sweat from her face, smoothing down the frizz of her hair from the humidity.

"Is it time to push, yet?" she asked.

"No, fighter, not yet," Ro said. "You'll feel it, and we'll guide you," Ro said. Elrond was glad that her gruffness was a little more gentle in the face of this ordeal. He could almost smell the fear on Cerena as each contraction hit. Her pulse was elevated and it was worrying him. Some elevation was natural, this was a stressful situation even if it went perfectly, but her heart was hammering against her chest and he could feel it when he touched her wrist.

"Will you…can you use the water? My face is so hot," Cerena whimpered to Elrond. He dipped the cloth in a bowl of water at her bedside, gently stroking the cloth over her forehead. She sighed and was able to relax a little against her pillows.

It was a little while before another contraction hit her, but she could not bite back the cry that was ripped from her lips. The feeling of her body shifting in such a dramatic way was nearly overwhelming. She whimpered when she heard the matron of the hall murmur something snide.

Ro grabbed the woman forcibly by the back of her dress, dragging her to the door, which she wrenched open and threw the woman out with enough force that she almost hit the ground.

"And if you can find no compassion for a woman bringing life into the world, then get another job you tactless bitch!" Ro snarled, before shutting the door and locking it. The woman stood and smoothed down her smock, stalking angrily away from the door. She passed the common area that had been taken over by all of the elves, and when she glanced in she was taken aback by the angry glares on their faces. She paused for only a moment before sticking her nose in the air and disappearing back to her quarters.

Elladan frowned when the woman walked away.

"Do you think Cerena is alright?" he asked. Elrohir looked towards the hallway that led to the room Cerena was in.

"I do not know. However, I do know that childbirth is a raucous, messy affair on the best of days, so I am not so concerned just yet," he said, knowing very well that such an affair could turn in a moment. He looked over to see Mîrlen talking to himself. "And what are you doing, little reject?" he asked. Mîrlen opened his eyes, and Elrohir was taken aback by the depth in the tawny gaze.

"Praying," the lad said, and closed his eyes again. Elrohir started to say something else and his brother touched his arm.

"Leave it. He has been in the presence of Eru and the Valar. Maybe they'll listen to him," Elladan said quietly.

Oropher and Gil-Galad sat quietly on the floor, going between the slack-eyed look of meditation to a waking watchfulness. Oropher knew that childbirth was a rough affair, even among elves. He also had a bad feeling that wouldn't subsist, but he dare not say it aloud, lest it become reality.

"I have to push. I have to, please," Cerena begged. She'd had to shift from her back to kneeling at the foot of the bed. It had provided some relief from the pain, and allowed her to breathe a little easier. However, now she was experiencing a different urgency.

Ro went for one of the receiving blankets, a soft expanse of cloth to catch the baby. Elrond moved to stand in front of Cerena, taking up her hands and allowing her to hold onto him.

"Wait for your next contraction. It will help the baby move," Elrond said. Cerena nodded, taking a gasping breath. It was not a long wait. She felt the rippling in her muscles, and as the sensation peaked she bore down, grunting as she did. The contraction seemed to last forever, but when it finally faded she could not hold the push, releasing the tension in her body with a gutteral sob. "Good, very good, you are doing an amazing job," Elrond encouraged her.

"It doesn't feel too amazing!" Cerena snarled. Elrond stroked her hair, encouraged by the fact that she could bite back.

The next time she pushed she felt a little shift, but was discouraged when she felt little else.

"It's not a race, fighter. It can take several pushes to get the pup out," Ro said. Cerena groaned in response. The next round of pushing was more fruitful, and Cerena cried out with effort.

"Come one, come on, fighter. I see the head!" Ro encouraged. Cerena renewed her grasp on Elrond's hands and took a breath, bearing down the best she could. There was a shift and a rush, and a moment of relief as she roared in triumph. "Here's one!"

She looked beside her to see Ro wrap the baby, umbilical cord still attached, and set her beside Cerena. Cerena watched the slimy little face screw up and heard the amazing sound of her first cry, like the bleating of a little sheep.

"Do you see?" Cerena sobbed, turning back to Elrond. Elrond pressed his forehead against hers, tears streaming down his face.

"I see, I see her. She's amazing. And she's got a sister that needs to come," he said. Cerena nodded.

Two contractions hit and Cerena felt no shift of the other baby. She felt the urge to push and did so, but there simply wasn't the same feeling. Ro reached forward, her hands on Cerena's belly. Cerena yelped as Ro pressed against her, but she bit down on the sound when Ro's face turned dark.

"The pup is turned. She's not moving down," Ro said. Elrond felt his heart skip a beat.

"Ro, listen to me. Go to the common area and tell Elladan and Elrohir to go fetch their grandmother. She is an experienced healer. If the babe is breech we need more help," he said. Ro nodded and quickly left the room.

Elladan and Elrohir both ran as though the hounds of Morgoth were on their trails, surprising many guards and serving staff alike. They found their grandmother exiting the room she had been given to share with their grandfather.

"Daer-naneth, ada has requested your aid in Cerena's birth. One of the babes is turned, but they did not know," Elladan said. Galadriel did not speak, simply moving along with them. She did not run, nor did she glide slowly as she normally did. She could appreciate the desperation of the moment. If one of the girls was already born, they needed to help the other come quickly.

When she entered the birthing ward, they were met by the matron of the hall.

"More elves?" she frowned. Galadriel simply gave her a stare that made her disappear again into her quarters.

Cerena was drooping in Elrond's grasp, her breath heaving from the effort.

"Put her on her back. We might be able to shift the babe manually," Galadriel said. She washed her hands in the the basin nearby and approached Cerena's bedside. This was not ideal. It would have been better to try and shift the baby weeks ago, but there was no indication that one was not in the right position.

"Fear not, brave one," she said. Cerena's face was streaked with sweat and tears, her eyes wide with panic. Elrond helped her shift back into a position on her back.

Ro had used a cloth tie to bind the cord of the baby that had already been delivered, preparing it for cutting. A quick slice from a sharp, clean blade and then the baby was put into one of the prepared cots. The little one cried softly in her wrapping.

Galadriel put her hands on Cerena's belly, and could feel the aura of the remaining baby. The little one was struggling, she could feel the slight panic in her aura. She was seeking the comfort of her sister who was no longer by her side, and was desperate and lost.

She pressed against Cerena, and Cerena screamed. There was not much room to work with, even with the space left behind from the other babe. Cerena's own aura was flickering. This was not uncommon in delivering mothers. It was a meeting of life and death, a sacrifice and true labor. Galadriel pressed down again, and again Cerena cried out, sobbing from the pain.

"Please…please…" Cerena sobbed, grasping at the sheets beneath her.

"She's bleeding!" Ro said. Galadriel paused, shifting Cerena's knee to see the concerning amount of blood beneath her. Another contraction hit Cerena, and she groaned desperately.

"What do I do? Please, what do I do?" she asked desperately. Galadriel reached forward, laying a cool hand on Cerena's face.

"I need you to relax," she said, and Cerena slumped a little against her pillow.

"What did you do?" Elrond growled.

"She is panicking. It is bad for her and the babe. I am going to try once more to move the babe manually, and then we may have to cut her free," she said solemnly. Ro hissed.

"That's deadly!" she growled.

"It is only a possibility, but one that needs to be explored quickly. She is losing blood enough as it is, and her heart has the very real possibility of simply giving out," she explained.

With Cerena nearly senseless under the spell Galadriel cast, she again laid her hands on Cerena's belly. She could feel the baby, her head facing upwards instead of down.

"If her legs are not bent, can she come feet first?" Elrond asked. Galadriel looked at him. "I know it isn't ideal, but if you cannot turn her…" he trailed off.

"You know as well as I that there is a risk of suffocation," Galadriel said.

"It is less of a risk for Cerena than bleeding to death if we have to cut her," Elrond said. His eyes leaked tears continuously, and he had given up on trying to dash them away.

"We can try, but not long. The babe has to come," Galadriel said. Elrond nodded, taking Cerena's hand in his again. Galadriel touched her face again, and Cerena shivered as she came to her senses. "Listen to me, dearling. I am going to reach for the little one's feet and pull. We are going to attempt to bring her out as she is," Galadriel said.

Cerena did not argue, she simply nodded. The time for embarrasment was not now. Later, if she was still in the land of the living she might blush at the thought of the Lady of Light being wrist deep in her tender bits, but as of yet she had another kid to drop and she felt she was literally dying. She looked to her side, where the one babe was resting, squirming in her blanket.

Galadriel could see the muscles of her abdomen ripple as the contraction started.

"Take a breath," Galadriel warned. Cerena could not really see what Galadriel was doing, but certainly felt the unusual sensation as she quite simply reached inside her. Cerena took a deep breath. "Push!"

The world turned gray around the edges as she pushed. The pressure was different as she was on her back, but she did feel a merciful shift. She released the push with a gasp, her head swimming.

"Rest, breathe," Galadriel said softly. Cerena was huffing desperately for breath. The world was too hot, and her head hurt from the effort. The next contraction was the same, bearing down as Galadriel gently pulled.

"Here's the feet," Ro said.

The body came before the head and Ro received the little one from Galadriel's grasp, holding her steady as Cerena felt the last obstacle.

"One more push. This one is important," Galadriel said. This time Galadriel did not pull against her, and once more Cerena tucked her chin and pushed. She felt the rush and relief of the head passing, and collapsed against her pillow.

"Good!" Galadriel encouraged.

The cord was tied and cut, and the baby placed beside her sister in the same cot.

"Cerena, it is done. The girls are here," Elrond said. She did not respond.

Her breathing was shallow and her face was already tinged gray. "Cerena!" he called. Her eyelids fluttered and she looked up at him. "Cerena the girls are here, you have done so well," he said gently.

"She must pass the afterbirth," Galadriel reminded him. Elrond did not look at the black blood that stained the Lady's hand.

"That's right. Mostly done," Elrond soothed. Cerena looked up at him, and then at Galadriel.

"My head hurts," she whispered softly. Her back also hurt, and this position was making it worse. She tried to sit up against her pillows, stopping as the world reeled.

"Cerena?" Elrond asked gently. She looked at him again, but everything was still dancing. "Do not be afraid, love," he said, but he could not stop fear from making his voice shake. He could feel her heartbeat dropping, and her aura was flickering again. Cerena frowned and took a hitched breath. Again she tried to sit up. "No, love, try to stay still. You are bleeding," he said softly. Cerena's eyes rolled slightly and she drooped, before catching herself as though fighting sleep. "Cerena…" Elrond whispered. The second time she did not catch herself, and simply went limp in his grasp. "Cerena!" he said, louder, shaking her slightly.

Her aura was sputtering like a candle in a rainstorm.

"Cerena! Don't you dare! Don't you dare! You promised!" Elrond cried, giving her a firm shake. Her head lolled on her shoulders, and her breathing had appeared to stop.

It was abrupt. One moment her aura blazed, and the next it was gone, cold and dark as an abandoned hearth. Elrond reeled from the sudden darkness of it, and for several long moments he could not draw a breath. All sound disappeared, and his vision narrowed to only the sight of her still face, unnaturally pale and lifeless. He finally drew in a gasping breath, and his chest hurt from the crushing effort of it.

He screamed.

It was raw and primal, full of fury and sorrow. Ro and Galadriel both put their hands to their ears at the sound. The sconces on the wall jarred and clattered, threatening to fall from their places from the power behind it. He spent his breath, taking in another gasping, agonized breath and buried his face into the side of her neck. There was no soft pulse beneath her flesh, and he pulled her as close to him as he could, trying to keep her warm. Tears came, streaking his face, but he did not heed them.

His daughters cried in their cot, confused and sore from the trauma of birth, but he did not hear them. He could only hear the deafening silence in the absence of Cerena's heartbeat.

Elladan shot to his feet at the sound of his father's cry.

"Eru, no!" Elrohir whispered.

Mîrlen did not hesitate. He pulled a small, sharp piece of iron from his pocket and sliced open his palm, coating the spinel gemstone in blood. It immediately began to hum and he began to whisper. He could hear it, humming and undulating around them. The overall theme trilled, the Original notes. He could hear the Discord, clanging against the Harmony. He had once raised his voice with the Discord, sharp and powerful. Now, he sought the solid strength of the melody. Father's voice, low and melodious, echoed around him.

"Father….I want to help…" he whispered.

There was a time that he had searched for power beyond anything that had ever been given to any creation in Arda. The power to control and guide forcefully. But this day, as he sought power in the name of another, he felt it flood this small vessel, nearly overwhelming him. He was drowning in it, the Ainulindalë filling his ears and mouth even as he gasped for breath.

Suddenly there was hands on him, holding him steady. The powerful stream seemed to settle, as though it had been directed through a better channel. He opened his eyes to see Olórin's eyes blazing blue, the depths echoing the power of the Song.

"That almost killed you," Gandalf huffed slightly, his hair sticking away from his head slightly from static.

"Help me, brother. I think…we can hold open the gate," Mîrlen slurred. Gandalf huffed slightly, but settled next to the younger vessel. He picked up the small cutting tool and did not hesitate to open a slice on his palm. Then, he pried Mîrlen's shaking hand open and wrapped his own palm over the spinel, holding it between them. The stone acted as a focus for their power, and their blood as a catalyst.

The others looked on, terrified by the power being wielded by two ancient creatures.

Cerena opened her eyes and did not recognize her surroundings.


Two radiant beings stood before her. She knew the one immediately. He was tall and bright, his flesh the color of fresh earth and his hair like shining steel. His eyes were emerald green, twinkling in a warm, gentle face. He had a neatly trimmed beard and wore shimmering diamond studs in his ears. His robes were of rich gray, trimmed with green and blue.

The other figure was handsome and tall, his skin was tanned pleasantly brown. He had blazing blue eyes and hair like spun gold. It hung around his face in neat waves, contrasting against the sky blue robes he wore.

"Why?" Cerena asked simply.

"It's…complicated," said the dark-skinned figure. Cerena frowned.

"Make it uncomplicated for me," she said. The blond figure did not have the same warmth on his face, and gave her a sharp look.

"You would do well to-," he started, but the other figure simply touched his shoulder, and he went silent.

"I am who you know as Mandos. It is a pleasure to meet you," he said, green eyes shimmering in the light of the chamber they were in.

"As soon as I realized you were the last one I would meet…I think I knew…" Cerena said, tears coming to her eyes. "I just…hoped…"

"Do not lose that hope, little one. I will not keep you long," Mandos said. Cerena gasped.


"You were not called here for me to keep you, brave one," Mandos told her.

"Then why…?" Cerena begged. Elrond would be losing his mind.

"We plucked a thread from far up the stream, pulling it against the pattern and weaving it back into the tapestry," Mandos began. Cerena resisted the urge to snarl. She was not in the mood for metaphors. "You have changed everything," he added, smiling wide. "And this is no bad thing. There is already a deeper peace at work than there ever would have been. The people we cast you among, Melkor's twisted children, are in a position for the first time since their creation to have peace among the other races. And your work with Mairon was exemplary,"

The blond figure sighed.

"We among the Maiar thought him lost for good. We figured the next time we saw him would be in chains as he was led to the Door of Night," he said. "Never would we have thought that a single creature….a mortal…an orc….and a woman would have been able to reach him where his own brothers and sisters could not," he said.

"I didn't do anything but remind him that there was hope," Cerena grumbled.

"And you think that is a small task?" Mandos asked. She flushed a little and looked away.

"The tapestry is not the same any longer. The thread cannot be pulled in such a way. If we leave everything as it is, the threads will become a tangled mess, and it could affect the very fabric of being," he said. "So, we had to cut the thread, and sever the tangle. You are no longer connected to what you once were. Your fëa exists out of creation at this moment,"

"What does that mean? Am I lost? Do I not get a say in this?" Cerena asked, searching the fathomless verdant depths of the Vala's eyes.

"You, little one, are being offered something very precious," the Maia said. He reached into his robe and withdrew a leather journal. There was gilded writing on the front in a language Cerena did not recognize. From its pages he withdrew a fine eagle quill. Cerena shivered when she realized what that book had to be.

"Ëonwë," Cerena said. He looked up from his journal, startled. Mandos laughed.

"I told you she was well-versed in lore," he said. Ëonwë blinked, but shook his head slightly.

"You will let me explain the entire thing before you make that decision," he said. Cerena frowned, but listened as he began to explain the choice, and the repercussions of what she might choose.

He sobbed against her, rocking back and forth and stroking her hair.

"Elrond…" Galadriel said softly.

Ro felt defeated. She'd been contacted to give the girl the best chance at surviving, and still she had passed on. It was a terrible feeling. She could not imagine what the elf must be feeling. His first scream had been filled with a terrible power, and she felt his despair through the sound.

She saw a small movement, and had to convince herself it wasn't what she was thinking. The body was dead, the elf still clinging to her like a lifeline. But the next movement she knew she saw. The girl's hand twitched. She felt the hair on the back of her neck rise as Power filled the room. Even Elrond raised his head, his shoulders hitching as he looked around.

"What is that?" he asked. Galadriel shook her head, her bright eyes darting around the room, before settling on Cerena.

Cerena gasped suddenly, fresh air filling her lungs. She coughed to expel the stale air, before seizing up in agony as blood began to flow again, washing over muscles that were still for several minutes. Normally being dead in such a way would have dire consequences, but Mandos had assured her that her body would detoxify itself and she would recover fully from her ordeal. The remnants of her ordeal made her squirm and cringe in torment.

"Cerena!" Elrond gasped. Her aura blazed back into existence as quickly as it had gone out, and he struggled to cope with the emotional fallout.

"She has not passed the afterbirth!" Galadriel said sharply, moving again to the basin to wash her hands. Cerena was propped against her pillows and Elrond had to steady her to keep her from dropping over.

"I want…my girls," Cerena slurred. She could not move. Every muscle in her body had simply given out, as if she had used them to the point of extreme exhaustion.

"They are fine, Cerena. You are the concern. Your spirit left you," he said.

"Mandos said…had to fix the thread," she said. Elrond shuddered. She had met Mandos? Then how… "Gave me a boon. Said I…didn't want to leave you.." she added. He shifted her in his grasp, gently touching her face. "I could come back unchanged…and would age and die. Or…they could count me among the everlasting Children and make my soul reflect that,"

Elrond looked her in the eyes, his dark brows furrowed with confusion.

"I chose forever, with you," she said, and he gasped. "They had to…adjust me. It…hurt…" she said, trying to shift herself.

"Fascinating," Galadriel intoned. Cerena's entire aura was...different. It was stronger, the colors brighter, even in such a weakened state.

"Please…I want to see them," Cerena said, turning her head where the cot had sat. The babes were squirming, sore and cold. One of them made a mewling cry, shaking a tiny, wet fist. The other had ceased crying like her sister, simply content to wriggle in her wrapping. Ro leaned down and picked up the crying one carefully, moving her to where Cerena was all but comatose on the bed. Elrond held her arm in place she she could hold the little one. The warmth of her daughter in her wrapping was soothing to her, and she began to rumble quietly. The soft purring had the immediate reaction of calming the crying baby, who knew the sound well even if it was from a different angle now.

"I thought about you both while I was being changed, and what I would call you. It kept me sane. Aranell. I heard you first, and your cry echoed in my ears louder than my own screams," Cerena said. Ro brought the other baby, and Elrond held her, keeping her close so that Cerena could look at her face. She was quieter than her sister but still squirmed in her blanket, a fist emerging from the folds and showing little black claws. "You, my splendid little fighter, are no less magnificent for your quietness. My little…Avalaer. Nelly and Ava, you will make quite the pair," Cerena smiled, relaxing against her pillows now that she had gotten a good look at her daughters. The warmth of Elrond's body helped ease the ache in her joints, and she found in it a second wind that helped her pass the afterbirth.

There was still mild bleeding, and it took a firm-handed massage on her midsection from Galadriel before the elleth was confident the blood would cease on its own. For now Galadriel set about cleaning the little ones gently, wrapping them in the soft clothes that Cerena had painstakingly made. When the girls were warm and clean they went about cleaning Cerena. She was a embarrassed that they basically had to drag her like dead weight on and off the bed, but once the sweat and blood had been cleaned from her skin, and she herself redressed in soft bed clothes, she found her embarrassment a little less. Elrond used cloth and water to wet and smooth her hair, before combing and rebraiding it for her. After mother and babes were all clean, they gently laid the babes on Cerena's breast, and they fed for the first time.

Cerena was content, but more importantly, she was alive.

They felt the Gate close behind her, and released the power of the spell. Mîrlen looked at Gandalf, gave him a smile, and then keeled over from exhaustion. Gandalf pried his hand away, shuddering at the sight of the spent gemstone. It was cold and dark now, no more life within it. He looked up as Oropher shifted.

"What happened?" Elladan whispered softly.

"Cerena's spirit left her body, and she met with the Lord of the Dead. It is generally not possible for a soul to leave and then come back as she did, but we were allowed to open a….hmm…for lack of a better word, we opened a gate for her to come back through. When she finished her business with Mandos he simply sent her soul back through," the wizard said.

"Simply…" Gil-Galad croaked.

Ro came suddenly into the common area from the hallway, a tired look on her face.

"The babes are born and they and mother are resting," she said.

"How is Cerena? We felt…" Elladan said, but did not know quite how to describe what he'd felt.

"There was a bit of a scare, but she's breathing. She's weak, but the elf-lady feels certain she'll be right with a little rest," Ro said.

"Come, brother. Let us go update Arwen and Edledhia," Elrohir said.

"They are in court today," Boromir said, giving them both stern looks.

"It is important. Cerena has had the girls, and Arwen wanted to know when it happened," Elladan said. Boromir's face brightened a bit.

"It is good to hear she has fared well. I know she was very nervous," he said. The twins did not mention Cerena's sojourn into the great beyond. They did not need to, it was a moot point so long as she stayed firmly within the circles of life. "And the babes? Are they healthy?"

"Aye, they are all resting. One of the babes was breech and grandmother had to be called on, but the delivery went well enough," Elrohir said. Boromir nodded.

"Hmm. Again, I say, they are in court. There's not much to be done about that. However, if you have a little bit to wait, I am sure they will allow you to join them for supper," Boromir said. The twins looked at each other, and Boromir saw them appear to have an entire conversation using only their eyebrows.

"Very well, we will grace them with our presence," Elladan finally said. Boromir grinned at them.

Arwen hugged them both when she and Aragorn came into the dining room.

"How is Cerena?" she asked immediately.

"She and the babes are resting," Elrohir said. Arwen sighed in relief.

"Where is Edledhia?" Elladan asked. Arwen smiled.

"She is with the are discussing her return with him," Arwen said. The twins were surprised. "She is returning with him because she is expecting his child," Arwen added. Elrohir frowned.

"He did not…pressure her, did he?" he asked. Arwen touched her brother's face.

"No. They shared a bed before he left to fight for Gondor, and they were blessed. Edledhia knew well what she was doing, and chose to do it in the orc way of things. She is entitled to do that, it is part of her heritage as much as her elf blood is," Arwen said gently. It seemed to sooth them, to know that their sister hadn't suffered like their mother had.

They sat and ate with those that ate with the King and Queen. Boromir sat at this meal, as well as a few of the Lords that had been called into court. It was a silent meal, none of the Lords comfortable enough with the other elves to speak, and the twins not willing to lead the conversation.

When the meal was over they returned to the birthing hall. They had two new sisters to meet, after all.

Cerena was moved back to their home when she was able to stand on her own. Her muscles and entire body ached like sh had been beaten with a tree, but she was finally able to move her arms and legs more than a few inches. Elrond had helped her with everything, and it had made her so embarrassed and ashamed that she'd cried the second time he'd helped her with her bedpan. But Elrond, ever her rock and support, dried her tears and told her that he'd pledged to support her in joy and sorrow, in the worst times of their life and the best.

It had been nice to get back home. Nijah had gotten new stuffing for their mattress, and washed the outer covering. There was a bouquet of fresh flowers in their room, and the cots for the babies had been set up and furnished with their own soft linens.

Elladan and Elrohir, each holding a babe, laid the little ones onto their soft, plush cot, as Elrond was helping Cerena into the bed. The girls had been fed and changed before the move, and would be good for a bit longer until they fed again. Cerena was finding breastfeeding to be a most interesting affair. What was amazing was how close she felt to them, giving them nourishment of her own body and allowing them to thrive. What was not so great, was the nubs that were going to be fangs soon and were bruising very sensitive bits. Elrond had saved the day with a salve made specifically for that problem, and Cerena promised herself she was going to do something nice for him, when she could stand for more than two seconds without toppling over.

"You should rest," Elrond said softly, stroking his hand over her hair.

"I've been resting for days," Cerena rumbled, showing the tip of a fang.

"And for days more you will rest. Your body has gone through much trauma. Rest is the single greatest remedy you have," he told her firmly.

"Why can't you make me a magical elf potion that will perk me up like a pecker in a bath house?" she asked. Elrond narrowed his eyes at her.

"You," he said, pointing his finger in her face. "Have a foul mouth," he added, before gently tapping her nose and withdrawing his hand. "Besides…nothing like that exists, despite what the legends of men say,"

She huffed petulantly, and he laughed softly. He stood from the bed, approaching the cot where his daughters rested peacefully. He touched Aranell's cheek, and then Avalaer's. Their skin was so soft and tender, their cheeks warm to the touch and their breaths light as a spring rain.

"My girls…" he murmured, before turning and giving Cerena one last glance. Despite her protests, she was already asleep, curled up in her own bed, and looking more relaxed than she had the past few days. He could not help but stay put a few more moments, watching the gentle movements of her breath and being grateful that she was still taking them.

It was hard to believe. She had died and returned to him, with a promise to never leave again. It was…it was almost unreal. He was relieved, and yet still anxious for some reason, as if it would all collapse like a house of cards. With a sigh he walked from the room, intent on getting something to eat. He had not eaten a good, full meal in several days and he was looking forward to a full belly.

Mîrlen was already at the table, eating a buttered roll and an apple Nijah had sliced for him. He looked every bit an unassuming child, and not the powerful creature that had held open the portal between life and death for his wife to return through. Elrond sat at the head of the table, and Mîrlen looked up, sucking a drop of honey from his apple.

"Hello, Lord Elrond," he said politely. Elrond did not speak for several moments. He could not think of the proper words. So, instead, he stood from his seat again. Mîrlen looked up at the tall figure of the elf Lord, looking a little nervous. Elrond dropped to a knee beside Mîrlen's seat and reached forward, wrapping his arms around the small vessel and pulling him into a tight, desperate hug.

"Thank you," Elrond whispered after a few moments, before releasing him. Mîrlen's face was red with embarrassment.

"I wasn't…alone…" he stammered.

"I know. But I know you were the first to act, and were already there, meditating on her behalf. So thank you," Elrond said. Mîrlen smiled.

"I said I'd do anything in my power. I never thought I'd have to try something not in my power," he said.

"All of my authority, every amenity of my house, from here to Imladris, is yours to enjoy until the world is unmade," Elrond said. Mîrlen flushed deeper.

"I thank you, Lord Elrond…in some years…I may ask you to extend that to Arinrossë," he said boldly. Elrond gave him a wide, generous smile.

"Whenever Arinrossë of Valinor decides to come to this land, she is most welcome in my home as well," Elrond added. Mîrlen looked incredibly relieved and excited.

The two were spared any further words as Nijah re-merged with a plate of steaming food for her Lord.

Cerena woke in the night, both to the sounds of crying babes and her own ravenous appetite. Elrond was already shifting from the bed as she sat up blearily.

"I will clean them," he said simply, and Cerena was grateful for a mate who was able to function on fumes of sleep.

He changed Aranell first, depositing her into her mother's waiting arms. Cerena shifted her nightgown to reveal her breast, and helped the little one latch. Elrond went about cleaning Avalaer next, before placing her in Cerena's other hand, for her to feed.

"I'll make some tea," he said, kissing Cerena on the head and disappearing from the room. It was one of the few times she had been alone with the girls since they were born, simply of the necessity that she was weak and they were needy. She looked down at their faces, the greedy little things suckling to ease the emptiness of their bellies. The line of their faces were identical, and their scents were nearly so as well, but there was a subtle difference that allowed her to see them differently. Nelly was bolder, not afraid to latch and drink hungrily. Ava latched slower and was more steady in her feeding, finishing slower but being no less satisfied.

Elrond returned as they were beginning to slow their suckling. He was holding a tea tray with two cups, and a small plate of finger foods.

"I hope that food is for me," she growled low. Elrond raised a delicate brow at her.

"Of course. I know when to make offerings of peace," he teased. She grinned broadly, showing white fangs.

He held the plate for her while the little ones finished feeding. Cerena stuffed bits of cheese and bread into her mouth, as well as the little piece of cake Elrond had brought her. She washed it down with the tea he had blended for her, which she was told promoted milk flow and a good mood for her.

Elrond took Aranell to burp while Cerena shifted Avalaer onto her shoulder, gently tapping her between her shoulder blades. The blunt, wet burp was both hilarious and rewarding.

"God they make a lot of noise for such small things," Cerena commented when Aranell also burped soundly. Elrond smiled, removing the burping cloth from his shoulder to gently wipe a bit of milk and saliva from his daughter's lips. It had been so long since he'd dealt with an infant. Estel had come to Imladris as a small child, and Arwen had been the last elven infant in his home. Legolas had only visited when he was an adolescent, as it was not common to travel with infants, because they were so tender and susceptible to sickness. He was interested to see how his daughters' orc heritage affected their development.

"It is not so bad," Elrond smiled. Cerena laid Avalaer on the bed in front of her, watching the baby with curiosity. She'd not had this relaxed freedom with Lissenya, as they'd been travelling hard to get back home and she'd been bound to her nearly the entire time.

"They don't really do much, do they?" Cerena said. Elrond tried to hold in a laugh, which turned into a snort of amusement.

"No, not for a while," he agreed. Cerena reached forward, touching one of Avalaer's little feet, encased in knitted socks beneath her soft gown.

Beneath the socks were ten little toes, tipped in little black claws. Ten little fingers with the same, wrapped in soft mittens. Their eyes were still the strange, muddy color of newborns, but Cerena did not think they were getting her yellow eyes. They would be lucky to have their father's stormy gaze. It would help them be able to meld among the elves better, as opposed to if their gaze was visually orcish.

Elrond lifted Aranell from the bed, moving her to her cot. Cerena watched, feeling suddenly bereft of her daughter's presence. As Elrond moved to take up the other baby, Cerena felt tears in her eyes, and could not hide a whimper when her daughter was taken. Elrond paused, startled, and looked up at her.

"What is the matter, my love?" he asked gently. Cerena looked at Avalaer, safe in her father's arms, and sniffled.

"I…miss them already.." she said, as two tears escaped her eyes. Elrond blinked.

"My love…by all means, they can stay with us," he said softly, carefully moving the tender bodies beside their mother. Both of them squirmed, full and satisfied. Cerena settled down, looking at them with a pleased look on her face.

"We made these, you know…" she said, wiping the remnants of her tears. Elrond smiled at her exuberance.

"We did. Our family," he said. Cerena looked up from them, grinning at him. He returned the smile and for a moment there was nothing between them. They were one, a single unit of deepest love and affection. Cerena blinked and the moment was past, but its warmth remained. She said nothing; words were unnecessary. She closed her eyes and drifted off to the sound of his breaths mingled with the soft breaths of their daughters.

A/N: Whew. I know there are those who are going to be pissed that I didn't just keep Cerena dead, or not kill her at all. There will be those who snort and say 'Ew that's super Mary Sue that she came back from the dead and gets to be immortal'

Well, here's the thing: she was born a mortal and then dragged through time and space. She suffered physically, emotionally, and accomplished everything the Valar set before her and more. Some could argue that there have been others who did more and got less than they deserved, and my argument would be, yea, but they weren't pulled through the fabric of time and space were they? No. So at the end of the day Cerena basically was offered the same choice that Elrond made: live an extended life to its completion and die, to be counted among the mortals in death, or live and everlasting life and be counted among the immortal. Of course his comes with an invitation to Valinor. She'll be the only orc on the mainland there. When/if she goes.

I have never given birth. Every single thing I did some amount of research on, and tried to research ancient birthing tehcniques. Birthing feet first is not advised, but can be done if the legs are not folded up or

Aranell - Noble Bell

Avalaer - Quiet Song

I changed their names three times, because they just didn't….roll. I like these names, now, plus their little nicknames. Nelly and Ava. :) I really hope anyone who's stuck around this long lets me know how they feel. I still love to hear from you guys.