Hi All! This is a story based on the June challenge at HH. The idea for this story comes from Kristi4liason. The prompt is: "June is the month for Weddings but What kind of Weddings?" There will be Weddings for different characters with Liason being the ''End game" But during these WEDDINGS something disastrous will happen. It can be "Animals Gone Wild" or "Wild Wicked Weather" . You have to pick one person or several people to suffer during or after the wedding. Remember Liason will be together at the end of each disastrous WEDDING, leaving the haters to suffer. This is what I came up with, I hope you enjoy it!

Elizabeth came to PC for college, so there is no Tom Baker in her past.

Jason was never married to anyone else. He also hasn't had any serious relationships since his accident.

Courtney is not Sonny's sister.

ABC/DISNEY owns GH, no copyright infringement is intended.

Thanks to Liason102 for being my most awesomest beta!

Chapter 1

"I cannot believe we are in Las Vegas for your wedding!" Elizabeth turned to her best friend and smiled. "Did I thank you for getting married here?"

"You are very welcome. I picked this venue just for you." Emily said laughing. Actually she was getting married in Las Vegas because that was where her fiancee's family lived. The Cassadines had made Nevada their home while in the country normally they spent most of the time on their private island off the coast of Greece. "And since you are now over twenty-one you can go out drinking with me."

"Is that all you think of partying?" Came a voice from behind them.

"You're here!" Both Emily and Elizabeth said at the same time, got up and hugged the other member of the three musketeers.

"Yup and since I had a nap on the plane, I'm ready to party!" Carly said smiling wide.

"I don't think so." Sonny said coming up and giving all three women a look. "The last time the three of you partied I had to come bail you out."

"It was Elizabeth's birthday." Emily told her friend.

"Emily flew in from Paris." Carly pointed out.

"And we are here to see Emily marry her prince." Elizabeth said making moon eyes at her friend. Both she and Carly broke into laughs.

"Laugh it up." Emily said giving them attitude before laughing too. "Just because my mister right actually is a prince there is no need to be jealous." Yes after the I do's Emily Quartermaine, internationally known supermodel, was going to be a real live princess.

The whirlwind romance had been in all he papers around the globe. In fact that was how Emily's family learned of their engagement. To say they weren't happy was an understatement. It wasn't Nicholas they objected to. It was the fact that Emily had only known him for three months before getting engaged. Both Carly and Elizabeth had grilled their friend and when Em said she was happy they backed off and offered her their unconditional support.

"Where is the rest of the crew?" Emily asked Sonny. Her brother Jason was supposed to be flying out with them.

"They are coming now." Sonny tilted his head toward the door.

"Yes. Jason and Johnny drew quite the fan club." Carly said with a bit of snark to her tone. She was not always Jason Morgan's biggest fan. He was her husband's best friend and she did like him, but sometimes he drove her up the wall. The man seemed to be constantly over her house and he had the worst taste in women. At least they tended to not be around for long.

Although this last one, Courtney was too dumb to get the hint that she was getting the brush off. Sonny had to tell the guards not to let her in the Towers because she was constantly hanging around waiting for Jason. The bottle blonde didn't like Carly and the feeling was mutual. Now that Carly was pregnant with their first child Sonny did not want her stressed. Jason said he understood.

Still Carly had to admit that Jason wasn't all bad. He always had Sonny's back and he was fiercely loyal to his friends. He also had the hots for Elizabeth, which showed his taste was improving, but he wouldn't ever admit it, which showed he was a dumbass. What made it funny was that Liz had the hots for Jason but was too chicken to do anything about it. Good thing for them Carly was on the scene. She and Emily had something planned for the couple they had dubbed 'Liason.'

"Here they come." Emily stood up so that Jason could give her a big hug. "I missed you Jase." The last time she had come home he'd been in South America.

"I missed you too Em." Jason was not touchy feely with many folks but he always let his little sister hug him. "So where is he?" Jason asked looking around the lobby of the hotel they were staying in.

"At work. You won't meet him until the reception to formally introduce the families tomorrow after everyone else arrives." Today was just for them. Or it was supposed to be. Emily glared over her brother's shoulder and everyone turned to look.

"Really?" Elizabeth said under her breath. She had been enjoying getting a chance to ogle Jason. "I thought you said you didn't invite him."

"I didn't. But I did invite the person with him." Emily crossed her arms over her chest and tried to figure out if she could get away with killing her childhood friend.

"Elizabeth." Lucky Spencer walked right up to her and had the nerve to be smiling. When he tried to give her a hug she stepped to the side putting her right next to Jason.

Now the men of the Corinthos Morgan business, or organization if you'd rather, were very protective of women in general. You didn't hit them, you didn't disrespect them, and you didn't cheat on them if you were in a committed relationship. They were extremely protective of four woman in particular. Carly Corinthos, Emily Quartermaine, Lila Quartermaine, and Elizabeth Webber. To hurt one of these women could get you a trip to the woods.

Up until a month ago Elizabeth had been dating Lucky, and then one night she showed up at Jason's door asking if she could sleep on his couch. Jason of course told her no, but that she could sleep upstairs in the guest bedroom. He didn't ask why he just let her in. That was the basis of their relationship they were always there for each other. For some reason when Emily brought Elizabeth around during their freshman year in college after they got paired up as roommates Liz and Jason hit it right off. Which was a bit odd because Jason was not a people person. And he didn't have female friends. Everyone waited to see if it would move past friendship but it hadn't. Jason said at seventeen she was too young, and he was right.

But they stayed close. If she needed anything she could come to anyone of them but it was usually Jason she went to. If she couldn't reach him it was Sonny. Johnny and Francis were close behind. If he needed something all he had to do was ask. Mostly what he wanted was for her to go on bike rides and listen to him when he needed to talk. Which was more often than people thought. She was the one who sat and held his hand when Lila got sick last year.

"What do you want Lucky?" Elizabeth asked in a voice completely devoid of warmth.

"Zander can I speak to you please?" Emily looked at her oldest friend.

"Uh sure." He said following her away from the crowd.

"I was wondering if we could talk in private?" Lucky asked trying to follow Emily's example.

"No." Elizabeth said trying to figure out why he would even think that was going to happen. After what he did, she didn't think so.

"No?" Lucky said looking at his girlfriend. Despite what she said they weren't over. He reached for her to pull her closer.

"If you let that hand touch me, I'm going to ask Johnny to beat the crap out of you." Elizabeth said in a low whisper.

That was enough to make the hair on all the guys necks stand up. Elizabeth did not flaunt the fact that she was good friends with some of the most feared men in the country. She rarely spoke the names Jason Morgan and Sonny Corinthos. Although she did mention Carly a lot. That wasn't unusual since Elizabeth worked part time for Carly at Deception before graduating.

"You didn't let me explain." Lucky whined.

"I'll tell you what. Carly and I are going to go look at my room." Which hopefully was not anywhere near Zander's. "And you can explain to Jason." The petite brunette took her best friends hand and the two women walked away.

"So." Jason said to the younger man. He never liked Lucky and was very happy when Elizabeth broke up with him. Jason would be happier if Elizabeth told him why she broke up with Lucky. He'd love the chance to pound on him.

"I don't have to explain myself to you." Lucky was too stupid to back down.

Francis placed a large hand on the smaller man's shoulder and grinned when he jumped. "Why don't you take a walk?" He suggested. He too wanted to know why Liz abruptly ended the relationship.

"Fine. I'll talk to Liz later." Lucky said turning and heading toward the casino.

"He's going to cause problems." Sonny said. "Call Cody and have him come out. I want Lucky watched."

Johnny pulled out his phone and did as instructed.

"What were you thinking?" Emily asked her friend. "Why would you bring him here?"

"He's my friend, and yours too the last I checked." Zander looked at the woman he'd been in love with his whole life. He'd known Emily since kindergarten. His mom worked at the private school she attended as a nurse so he went for free. They became instant buddies. She never looked down on him because her family had money and his didn't.

"He was my friend until he hurt Elizabeth." Emily glared at her friend. She'd always thought he was hot, but he never gave any indication that he saw her as a woman. She was always his buddy never anything more. It was ironic that she wanted him to see she was pretty while she wanted the rest of the world to stop judging her on how she looked.

"They had a fight." Zander said trying to figure out what the big deal was. "He said that she won't let him explain. I didn't think it would hurt anything."

"They had a fight?" Emily looked at Zander like he was orange with yellow polka dots. "That's how you are choosing to describe it?"

"Lucky told me he said some things he shouldn't have, but he was just angry." Zander was trying to be a good friend. His loyalty was with Lucky because he didn't know Liz that well. She seemed nice, but Lucky was like a brother.

Emily started to speak but stopped when she realized that Lucky had probably lied to Zander. They did not have a few angry words. Carly and Emily were the only people aside from Liz and Lucky who knew what really happened. Liz had managed to hide it from Jason because she only stayed the one night and left before he got up.

If her brother ever knew what really happened Lucky would be dead.

"You are responsible for him Zander. If he screws up and hurts Liz again I will not stop my brother from setting him straight. So make sure he doesn't step out of line even once." Emily warned her friend. She would have to make sure that Jason knew that Zander had been lied to. Jason was going to find out what happened before the week was up. She was going to see to it. Lucky Spencer had it coming.

"Where are Liz and Carly?" Emily asked the guys.

"They went to Elizabeth's room." Jason told his sister.

"Have you guys checked in yet?" She asked them.

"No." Sonny said. "We got distracted by trying to plan on how to keep the three of you out of jail."

"We are going out tonight and partying." Emily gave him a sassy grin. "Send some guards if you are worried."

"We don't have any guards brave enough to take that job." Jason teased his sister.

"Go check in. I want to make sure everyone is happy with their rooms." She gave her brother a small push. He and Sonny walked over to the desk to get their room keys. Francis followed. When Johnny moved Emily grabbed the back of his jacket.

"What's up?" Johnny liked Emily, she was everyone's kid sister like Liz.

"I want to tell you what Lucky did to make Elizabeth break up with him. You need to make sure the information gets back to Sonny and he will tell Jason." Emily said in a low whisper.

"Why me?" Johnny wanted to know.

"Because you will make sure no one knows how Sonny got the information. Francis will just kill Lucky the next time he sees him." Emily told the Irish guard.

"And I won't?" Johnny wondered why she felt that way.

"You will want him to suffer." Emily knew her brother's friends very well.

"What did he do?" Johnny asked the younger woman.

"Ask Dr. Ford. Tell him Emily told you to call." With that the younger brunette walked over to the elevator to go check in with her friends. She had promised not to tell and she hadn't broken her word.

Johnny walked over to the desk to get his keys not liking that Emily wanted him to call Sonny's personal physician.

Thanks for the reviews!